First impressions are most important 2/2

It Started with a Glance


August 12, 2011

6:30 PM


Aimee's POV

Taemin and I quickly made our way into the living room to join the others. I didn't want to keep them waiting and I sure as hell didn't want them to get any ideas. We arrived to find the other 4 members all curled up on the tan couch, and a big matching arm chair had been pushed out of its spot in the corner and into the center of the room facing the boys on the couch.

Once he got close enough to his hyungs I watched as Taemin went over to the couch.

Doesn't he realize its full-oh well that solves it..

As if this happened everyday they small blonde nonchalantly plopped himself on top of the other boys. Literally. I giggled, more to myself than anything else, and grabbed the pillow resting on the arm chair before I myself curled up and hugged the pillow to my chest and under my chin.

“Well..” I started and was met by 5 sets of eyes blinking at me with anticipation. “Ok then...uh my n-name is Aimee Parker. But uh you can call me Aimee.” I tried to use my best Korean and watched by formal speech. Being from American and specifically New York..honorifics and mannerisms were not exactly something I was accustomed to.

They all nodded their heads as a sign for me to continue. “Uh..w-hat do you want to know about me?” I asked, unsure of how else to go on.

Bad. Idea.

“Where are you from?”

“How old are you?”

“Why did you come to Korea?”

“Do you like shopping?”

“Do you dance or sing..?”

“Well hyung she could be good at both!”

I laughed at the amusing scene in front of me while the boys fired off question after question. Taemin, in the excitement of the moment, had been pushed off everyone and was now kneeling on the floor in front of me, eyes beaming and rattling off questions so fast I could barely understand. While the hyungs all sat of the very edge of the sofa, leaning in all with similar expressions to Taemin's and with questions of there own.

“What do you like to eat?”

“Do you like video games?”

“You ever played sports?”

“What's your family like?”

“Tell us about where you used to live!”

Geez it was like being interrogated for the crime of nothing! I simply looked back at them all. A bemused expression dancing on my face and the corners of my mouth turned up slightly into a smile. Luckily I was saved by Onew..or so I thought.

“Wait, wait, wait too many questions. Let's start with the most important one.” The chatter died done and Onew turned his attention back to me.

“Now this is really important.” He said in full seriousness.

“Do you like chicken?”

The room exploded in fits of laughter and I couldn't contain myself anymore, it was just to perfect. While we were all doubled over laughing, the leader sat there with a confused expression. “But..but guys! Hey guys whats so funny?”

This only fed our hilarity and we laughed harder and Onew continued to look around at us, completely befuddled. Simply to humor myself and the others I managed to answer him breathily between laughs. “Yes, yes of course I like chicken!” He let out a sigh of relif and sank back into the couch.

“Well I know what I wanted guys go ahead.” Choi Minho rolled his eyes and tried to compose himself and everyone else before speaking. “Ha, well ok so now lets get on with the real questions.”

“Yah dongsaeng what are you talking about?! That was a legitimate question!” Onew cried in protest.

“Psh whatever you say” Jonghyun scoffed back.

I sat back and giggled. This really was like a sitcom!

“Oh my God seriously guys chill out.” Key took charge this time and everyone obeyed. “Let's start simple, araso?” I nodded compliantly. “Good. Now, how old are you?”

the age question I was so bad at this one! I tried to do some quick “calculations” in my head.

Ok so I turned 17 internationally last month..

so 18 in Korea?

Well I was a '94 liner..yeah that worked.

“Um 17 years internationally...18 years Korean.” I stated, hoping my little math work had come out right.

“Oh my God really?! Cool we're a year apart!” The maknae enthused. Then his eyes got wide and so did his mouth. “GUYS I'M NOT THE YOUNGEST~! YES!” He was now standing up and punched his fist into the air. Obviously he was excited to no longer be the maknae. I swallowed hard, it better not be an aweful was mine now.

“Yeah, yeah that's great Tae no sit down we're not finished!”

“Next question. Uhh Where are you from and um why did you come here, I guess.” Key asked.

“Oh well I'm from New York. Not the city, but close. I mean like it takes 30 minutes to drive there.” This received a few ou's and ah's and longing looks.

But I had to think harder about the second half of that question. I had never really asked my self why. “Well to start off I've been a dancer all my life. Started ballet at age 3 and have danced ever since. So I always knew I wanted to be a dancer. But not in know, hip hop and popping.” I looked at Taemin who gave me the biggest smile, as if to say he approved. I grinned.

“But I just happened to audition on a whim,” I confessed. “I mean not that I didn't want it or anything..but I kinda sent in my audition by mail. Without telling my it's really just luck and persuasion that got me here.”

And with that I had their undivided attention. Like story time at a preschool, they sat quietly, eyes barely blinking. Even Key had but down his mysterious nail file to listen.

I told from when I had first broken the news to my parents to the day I boarded the plane. I told them how my mother wasn't going to let me go and my father thought I was plain crazy. I told them how I pushed and pushed before my family accepted it. But I left out the part where my sister stopped contacting me, they didn't need to know all that just yet.

“Wow. That's...tough.” Taemin said gazing up at me. I bobbed me head in reply.

Then I remembered what I had wanted to ask. “Ah well..w-what should I call you all..?”

He looked at me for a moment, thinking, then grinned. “Call me Onew....oppa?”

I giggled and bit my lip before repeating, “Onew oppa.”

“Yah call me that too!” I looked at Minho, “Minho oppa.”

“Hey call me oppa too!” Taemin said cutely. “No one ever calls me oppa..well except for Sulli and Crystal [a/n: refering to the F(x) members] but they don't count.”

“Yes Taemin oppa!”

“Wah so cool!” He was smiling broadly and it was contagious.

Once we had decided that I could call them all oppa and we had finished with the idle chatter, the clock read 8:30 PM and people started going there separate ways in the dorm.

I was told that Key liked to shower at precisly 8:45 PM when he had no schedule and would be out at 9:05 on the dot. While he went to prepare for that down the hall, Minho had to take a call from one of his Dream Team hyungs, and Onew and Jonghyun had wondered off into the kitchen to rummage through the fridge.

So I sat alone in the cozy room, absorbed in a magazine, with Lee Taemin now sitting on the sofa in front of me. I glanced at him over the top of the magazine. He was looking off to the side, his checks puffed out, blond curls falling perfectly around his face. His pink lips plump an-

Oh my God just STOP yourself! You can't think of him like that he's you're a member now.

I shook my head lightly, shaking the thoughts out of my mind.

He looked over at my sudden movement. “Anything wrong?”

“Oh, no I'm f-fine,” Great, my failing Korean chooses now to show up. I looked back down at the magazine but kept him in my peripheral. He didn't look away from me.

Oh no not an awkward silence..

“Ah so about earlier..” he started shyly, moving his focus to his feet. I closed the magazine and bit my lip.



Taemin's POV


“Ah so about earlier..” I began. Being unable to hold her strong gaze I focused down at my shoes.

“Just because I like some foreign girls doesn't mean I like all of them and I like Korean girls too I mean I guess I like girls. I mean I do like in general.” I paused and looked her in the eye. She was laughing quietly.

“Ok that all came out wrong...” She scratched her head and looked at me with the most amused expression and a smile.

God she had the best smile.

Aimee gently shook her head. “Oppa don't worry about it.” She said smoothly. And there was something about the way she said oppa that gave me tingles.

I let out the breath I realized I had been holding. “Yes..ok I wont.”




super long chapter!


omg don't judge me for my spelling and grammar mistakes~


I'll be with family tomorrow so I won't get a change to update.. [saturday]

but i'll try on sunday!


Happy easter if you celebrate it~~ :) 

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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now" gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />