It's going to be a very merry christmas 1/3

It Started with a Glance




AAHHHH ok i know its been a long time!

I have exams coming up so its gonna be another week or so before the next update...but heres one now~!

ksrjfbx,nv THEN ITS SUMMER and i can just go on tumblr and write ALL DAY


and i've basically gotten the whole ending written ... along with the really dramatic scenes and the

skrafg,vnbsjrdfgmx i'm so excited to post them .... but some of them wont come for a while :(

PS my microsoft word was being really annoying and it changed every Jonghyun to Jonathon. I tried to fix them but IDK if it if you see Jonathon ... its really Jonghyun XD

lol ok enjoy~!



There are only a select few things that I would not wish anyone to have to deal with, not even my greatest enemies.

This was one of those things, without a doubt: a ed class taught be the Almighty Key of Shinee. I don't know what is was about it...OH wait I do.

It was the frank way he said things.

The pictures he “accidentally” implanted in our minds.

And did I mention the complete awkwardness of every single word that come from his mouth?

If there was one part of the “class” that was worst, like if you could even say that one part was worse than the others, it was when he legitimately gave us the talk.

Key. I got this from my parents in like fourth grade! I don't need it again!” I yelled, pressing my hands to my ears.

Oh please, Aimee.” He said with a judgmental tone. “Grow up I was only telling you both more a about Taemin's erec-”

What the ! I do not want you to tell me about that! Oh my god!” I pressed me hands harder and squeezed my eyes shut.

What did I do to deserve this cruel and unusual punishment?!

HYUNG!” Taemin's exasperated shouts where muffled by my hands, but still audible. I peeped on eye open to look at him. I couldn't tell if the redness of his face was anger or embarrassment but I didn't want to find out.

Key on the other hand was relishing in our chaos, and pushed it further each chance he got, a twisted smile never leaving his face.

Honestly. How do you ever expect to get anywhere in life if you don't let me tell you about erec-”

But did you have to use me as an example?!”

Well who do you want me to use? Onew?”

I don't want you to use anyone! Holy crap just stop making me think of the other members...stuff!”

Why don't we ask the girl to decide then...” Key's malicious tone was evident. I guess this is what happens when you hide in a closet and get a little too...excited?

Both pairs of eyes bore down on me. But I was too busy trying to wipe my mind of the image of a leader. Sure, dubulge is a wonderful thing when your a fangirl...but now imagine someone telling you to think of your older brother's . Ew.

If you make me think about anyone I know with out pants on, bad things will happen to you.” I warned the diva. I saw him hide a chuckle before getting up.

OK I guess this will have to be enough for the first class then. Study those books!” He dismissed himself and left Taemin and me, still in a state of shock and trauma, sitting in the living room.

Burn them is more like it...” I mumbled under my breath.





Oh no, this was way to good to miss. I crept out of the bathroom after hearing raised voices coming from the kid's “ class” and lurked in the hallway before the livingroom, every so often poking my head out to see their faces. It was priceless.

Eventually Key came towards me, a completely satisfied look on him. I followed him into the bed room he shared with Taemin.

You're brilliant.” I complimented. Key looked back at me and gave me one of those I-know-aren't-I looks.

I just figured after whats been happening then should be...'prepared'.” He said, now beginning to fold some stray clothing. I chuckled, walking away.

Just go easy on them!” I shouted over my shoulder.




December 5, 2011

12:00 PM.noon.

SM practice room, cafe, city



Key! Which shirt looks better?” I held up in my right hand a simple blue v-neck with a pocket and burn out look, and in my left, a white long sleeve shirt with thumb holes and a rounded neck line.

When our lunch break had been called after hours of rehearsing, I ran to my dressing room, separate from the others. I mean, this wasn't a hot date, but I sure as hell wasn't going to go to lunch with Dongho in my leggings and t-shirt.

Key eyed each selection carefully.

What pants?”

Uh these..” I said, doping the shirts and holding out a pair of dark wash ripped up skinny jeans.


Right over there.” I pointed to a pair of tan leather ankle boots.

Key switched his focus from each article of clothing. “The white one, definitely.”

I let out a breath of relief for the decision being done. “Thank you so much oppa!”

But he stopped me before I could bound of and change.

Yah why do you need to look good? Its only going to be the six of us at lunch.” He asked.

Oh right...i guess I didn’t tell them.

Well, you see..” I started cautiously “I agreed to meet Dongo-ssi for lunch today...sooo I wont be going with you.”

He arched on of his thin eyebrows and gave me a half smirk. “Like...a date?”

I flushed a deep red. “N-no its not like that!” I defended myself. “Really we just met the other day, we're just friends.”

But I thought you liked Taemin? Why not go on a date with him?”

Was he being serious right now?

  1. This was not, I repeat not a date

  2. Who said anything about liking Taemin?

  3. Damn it I bet it was Jonghyun..

Yah~ah!” I whined “I don't like either of them like that!” I lied.

Then say it: I don't like Taemin.”

I took his challenge, swallowing hard. “I do not like Taemin....or Dongho.” I added for good measure. I had pulled it off more smoothly then I had thought, but on the inside I was going crazy.

Geez make up your mind!

What do you mean? I don't like Dongho in a romantic way...

Your just lied to Key. People don't just lie to that guy. Thats not how things work.

But I can't tell him I like Taemin … I would never hear the end of it! Besides he's mad at for some reason....

Hmm do you like it could have to do with the lunch date you scheduled with some one other than him?

Hehe … maybe?

*face palm* Will you ever learn?!

Aimee-ah! Yah!” I was pulled from my trance by Key, yelling and waving a hand in front of my face.

Oh-yeah?” I responded.

Tch. Just go change.” He ordered, walking away. “And be back here by 2:00. Oh and behave yourself on this … non-date.” He said with a smirk.

Aish these people.



I met her outside of the SM building, wearing the biggest smile I could. And it wasn't at all fake. I had been anticipating our lunch for the past day. Even ask the Ukiss hyungs, it had been the topic of conversation for the past twenty-four hours.

From there we walked in the city for a bit, every once in a while she would grab my arm and point to something; a shop she liked or something that reminded her of New York.

Finally we chose a small ramen shop I knew the owners of and settled in for lunch.

Ah! Dongie its been such a long time since you've visited!” The old couple greeted us, or me rather.

Yes hello, how have you been?” Both Aimee and I bowed to them.

You know, winter is a busy, busy time for ramen.” The man said, shaking his head. Each of them had whisping grey hair, and forever smiling eyes.

And who might this be?” he asked, grinning and gesturing towards Aimee.

Oh of course.” I had completely forgotten to introduce them. “This is Aimee …” I paused and glanced at her, realizing I didn't even know her last name. Luckily,she caught on.

Just Aimee is fine”

Yes, ok. This is Aimee. She's a friend of mine and new to the entertainment industry.” I told the elderly couple. Aimee bowed and shook their hands politely.

Nice to meet you both.” She said with a genuine expression.

Soon the older people had shuffled us to an empty booth and run off to make our soups. We sat in silence for some time.
“They seem very kind.” Aimee said, I assumed referring to the owners of the shop.

They are. I've known them since my childhood … old family friends.” I told her.

She fiddled with a paper napkin, looking distracted; something else was on her mind.

Dongho we're just friends?” The words came out so suddenly and quickly I was taken aback.

Uh yeah, of course.” I said, still slightly flustered.

She said something else under her breath to herself but I didn't catch it. But she looked less preoccupied and more relaxed, so I ignored it.

But I didn't know then that the very question would become a repeating question on the majority of our outings together.

Every time she would askAnd every time she would ask, “We're only friends, right?”

And every time, I would find it harder and harder to say, “Yes”.




Ever since my first lunch with Dongho, things had become rocky and unpredictable between Taemin and I. At first there were just awkward silences that we would remedy by sitting on the deck like we used to and forgetting about everything that was happening in our lives.

And some days it was exactly like it used to be. We laughed together like the best of friends, I would fall asleep with my head on his shoulder or lap during late night trips in the van returning from our schedules.

Things would only turn somewhat faulty when I received a call from the Ukiss maknae, or said I was going out to meet him. Taemin seemed distracted and off beat when I mentioned him. I couldn't help but feel like he was cold towards my friendship, maybe even...jealous? If I mentioned him in casual conversation, the mood was automatically switched and became filled with tension.

I tried to push it out of my mind. All friendships have rough patches. But I kept thinking about everything that had happened that one week.

The closet.

The beating.

The ice cream.

The pictures.

The kiss(es).



December 25, 2011 – Christmas day

(two days before the comeback)

12:00 PM

Shinee dorm



We had gotten to sleep in today. After such a late schedule on Christmas Eve, we got to sleep late on Christmas Day. By the time I had rolled myself out of bed, the other members, besides Taemin and Minho had already been up and eating breakfast...or lunch rather seeing the time.

I stumbled into the kitchen, ready to chug some orange juice, straight from the carton, like I did every morning.

Key was the only one in the room.

Merry Christmas oppa!” I said cheerily, capping the juice.

Aimee-ah, go wake up Taemin he'll sleep the day away.” Key said, not taking his eye off the pancakes he was preparing.

I groaned, letting the refrigerator door fall shut with a padded bang.

Ugh, oppa can't Jjong do it?” I complained. Most other occasions I would have been fine getting him up, but we had had a small quarrel last night, and I still needed my space. Obviously Key didn't catch on.

He could...except no I want you too.” I said, flashing me an overly sweet smile.

It was times like these when I actually didn't know why I liked Key...he made me do everything I didn't want to do. Like this.

Grudgingly, I stalked off to wake the boy,grumbling complaints in English.

Fine. But if I end up punching your precious Minnie in the face, it's all your fault...

He ignored my comment. “Oh and Merry Christmas to you too. Don't make any plans today. We're going out.”


I opened the door without bothering to try and be quiet and let myself into the room. Jonghyun's bed was empty, but Taemin's was clearly occupied by a sleeping bundle.

Yah~Taeminnie wake up!” I said, prodding his shoulder. He groaned some incoherent sentences before turning away from me and going back to sleep.

This kid never gives up!

I sighed and decided I'd need to use more energy than I had wanted, climbing over him to the other side of the bed so he was facing me again. Only I wasn't careful when I climbed over, I literally climbed over him. I was met by a tired glare coming from two eyes only barley peeking out over the sheets.

Up.” I said sternly, ripping the blankets down in one swift movement.

Arrgh!” he cried. “It's coooold Aimee don't!” I saw him shiver and rolled my eyes after noticing his attire.

Maybe if you slept with some cloths on you wouldn't be so cold.” He was dressed in a pair of navy blue boxer's and nothing else.

I can't help it. It's how I sleep.” he defended himself, crossing his arms like a five year old.

OK whatever. But we're going out today so you should shower and what not.” I told him, making my way off the bed and standing.

He perked up at that but then seemed to get a funny feeling. “We as in the we when the six of us go out but you just happen to run into someone else you know and leave us?”

I gave him a what-the-hell look. “Um no. The we like the we when the six of us go out and have some fun before coming back here to sleep …” I clarified, probably with a bit too much attitude...but hey he was asking for it with that question.

Well last week we were supposed to go out. But then you saw Dongho at the arcade and ...”

I actually laughed out loud at this. “And as expected you bring Dongho into this, of course.”

No! You're the one who is always talking about him!” Taemin's voice raised a little and now he was on his feet. “You see each other every week!”

DUH! We're friends! Thats what friends do; they see each other during the week.” I 'explained' to him. Sometimes he was so dense...

You don't have to lie any more Aimee whats the point!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. I paused for a moment or two, genuinely confused.

Wait, what?”

He rolled his eyes dramatically but then wouldn't look at me. “I said you don't have to lie. I know you like him!”

Oh now this was too much.

Is everything alright in there?” Key asked from the kitchen.

YES!” We both called back, not breaking the glares with each other.

Just because we hang out doesn't mean-” I started but was cut off by his yelling.

No don't pull that crap with me! You blew off plans with me twice last week so that you could be with him! Stop acting like I don't see whats going on, I'm not stupid!”

I opened my mouth to protest but closed it almost immediately. He was right on some level. I guess I hadn't been so good at keeping plans with him. When I didn't answer he scoffed and pushed by me to get out of the room.

Merry Christmas.” I muttered as he passed. He paused for a second before leaving.

Yeah, same.”

And he was gone.

And I was alone.

Until my phone buzzed and showed an incoming call. I picked it up and examined the contact.


Call from ~~ Dongho


Without hesitation I pressed the reject button and threw the phone against Taemin's bed.



I looked up from my cooking to the hallway, hearing loud voices coming from Taemin's room.

Is everything alright in there?” I yelled to them.

YES!” Their voices sounded at the same time, but they each sounded distressed.

My gosh really guys? Fighting on Christmas? Great.

The next thing I knew Taemin was storming into the kitchen, his face clouded with anger, and grabbed a bottle of banana milk. The young boy, who has not bothered putting on cloths, stood next to the refrigerator, ferociously drinking the milk.

Whats-whats going on?” I asked, wearily. I didn't want to press the wrong buttons to worsen his mood, but I kinda needed to know if I wanted it to be a good Christmas.

I didn't get any response, only a cold star from the younger boy.

Not long after Taemin was on his third bottle – man that kid could drink that stuff like water – Aimee joined us, wearing a similar expression, only she looked deep in thought. They didn't say a word to each other so I didn't say anything either. We sat and ate our pancakes in angry silence.

Any other time I would have been excited for the upcoming day. I mean, I love Christmas.

But today, right now, I just wanted it to be over already, because I had a sneaking suspicion that the sour mood would carry on.

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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now" gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />