So this is the feeling

It Started with a Glance


December 4, 2011

6:30 AM

Shinee dorm



I exited my bedroom and went the next door down to Jonghyun and Taemin's shared room. I could hear our manager in the kitchen so I opened the door slowly as to not make any noise.

I stifled a yawn as I entered. Last night had not been restful. I had tossed restlessly for hours not finding sleep. I blamed it on my insomnia, but I knew that wasn't why. I kept replaying what had happened on the deck over and over in my head.

Would I have actually kissed him?

Would he have actually let me?

I shook the thoughts from my head.

No. We're just friends. Friends don't do that.

But what if..what if I don't want to be friends?

I stopped in the middle of the room when I thought of that, my eyes drifting over to the sleeping blonde just a few steps away, looking so serene and at peace.

Did I really just think about him as a friend?

I tried to think back to times any moments any anything that would make me think I wanted to be more.

I thought of last night on the deck, how he had fixed my hair and held my hand.

I thought of when we were in the closet and how he had held my face in his hands.

I thought about how he was the only member to have seen me in nothing but my undergarments.

I thought of the first time they took me around Seoul and how he let me use his shoulder for a pillow in the car.

Stop it you're being ridiculous. It's friends with benefits, not love.

No you stop it...I never said love...

But you thought it.

God things were so confusing.

I turned around and went to wake up Jonghyun first instead. Maybe I would get to talk with him before I woke up Taemin.

I sat slowly on the edge of his bed and poked his cheek roughly.

Yah, Jjong oppa.” I said. When he did nothing but stir I shook him.

Oppa wake up its 6:30. Come on you have to take Taeminnie and me to get our hair done!”

His almond eyes opened slowly and he rubbed them.

Isheawakeyet?” He asked in slurred sleepy speech.

No I got you up first....No wait not yet!” I whisper yelled when I saw him make a move to cross and wake the younger boy.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

I took a deep breath before starting. “ love Shin Se kyung. Right?”

A strange expression crossed his face. “Yeah of course I do.”

How did you know you loved her?” I inquired, looking absently at the sleeping Taemin.



I followed her gaze across the room towards Taemin and laughed in my head.

I knew it! I thought triumphantly. Although, it was all too obvious anyway. I had literally had the same conversation with the boy in question the night before.

They couldn't have...planned this. Right?

Its not a feeling you can..explain.” I told her in all honestly. “One day your just...know.”

I saw her smile lightly but didn’t say anything back.

Uh, do you want me to wake Tae so you can get ready?” I offered when enough silence had passed.

Still not looking at me she said, “Nah thats ok I can do it.” But she made no move to do so, only glancing at me and then the door.

I chuckled out loud, taking the hint.

I'll just, leave you too it then.” I said as I got up and left the room. It smelled like Key had made food for them before leaving for his schedule with Minho anyway.



I didn't like the answer he gave, it still didn't solve my problem.

One day you'll know...

I knew he knew who I was talking about without me even saying, but I didn't mind. I only hopped he wouldn't go telling the other members.

After a few minutes I got up and walked over to the other bed. I had woken Taemin up countless times before..but now I couldn't think of what to do. So I did the first thing that popped into my head.

I pulled back the sheets slightly and slipped in next to him.

Damn I forgot he was shirtless..I thought, blushing even though no one in the room was conscious and could see me.

I laid on my side facing him and tucked my arm under my head, admiring face. I subconsciously reached out my free hand and traced the perfect line of his nose and down and around his lips, my palm finally resting on his warm cheek. A familiar feeling filled my stomach, like a million butterflies, and I couldn't help but smile.

Was this what Jonghyun oppa was talking about?

It had to be.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that, naturally, when I noticed the before closed eyes of the boy were now looked straight into mine, I gasped and tried to pull my hand away as quickly as possible. Maybe he wouldn't notice I had touched him?

But when I tried to lift it he caught it in his own hand and brought it back up to his face, making me blush wildly.

All words escaped my and I just looked at him dumbly. Was he really not protesting? He had just woken up and I was in his bed...and he was ok with that?

My breath hitched again at his sudden movements and I didn't even know what happened. All of a sudden I was being pulled in and the space between us was closed. His arms wrapped around me and I felt his chin rest on the top of my head.

Did he always smell this good in the mornings?

Five more minutes...” he said groggily, never once loosening his grasp on my, keeping me pressed in a close embrace.

What is happening?!

I believe I a lying in a bed, with the person I am just friends with.

I was so frozen on the spot. I wanted to wrap arms around his waist and reciprocate the hug but my brian wouldn't comply.

Why is he doing this?

I tried to make sense of things in my head but at the same time I didn't want to.

Even if he didn't like me back, why not take advantage of this skinship while I could? I smiled into his chest and snuggled in to get more comfortable.

Ok, five more minutes.” I murmured.

Then I closed my eyes and let the his slow, melodic breathing lull my to sleep.

There was no way this wasn't the feeling Jonghyun was talking about. I just hopped it was mutual.



I woke up when the door creaked slightly. I opened my eyes just enough to see who it was but still look asleep.

Aimee stood there in the threshold unmoving. If my eyes had been fully open she would have been staring right into them.

Her face swam with different emotions and it was difficult for me to read them, but I thought I saw a mix of longing and confusion.

Thats odd..why is she looking at me like that.

Before long she had woken up Jonghyun and they began to whisper. As much as I strained my ears to hear, the only thing I could make out was the older boys husky voice.

You just know.”

Just know what?

Frustrated, I tried to fall back asleep when Jonghyun left the room.

She'll be coming for me next...

Minutes passed yet I did not here her stir. Finally, when I was right on the edge of sleep once more, I felt a draft, like the sheets were being lifted away. It was immediately replaces with warmth though, and the bed shifted slightly with the presence of another.

Oh my god. She's lying next to bed.

I resisted the urge to drag her into me and instead tried to ignore her, I was asleep after all, right?

I felt her soft fingers trail down the bridge of my nose and then trace over the lines of my lips.

I prayed to God she couldn't feel my heart's quickened irregular pace.

Then her palm pressed lightly against my cheek and I thought back to the conversation I had had with Jonghyun last night.




I came into my room after my visit with Aimee. Jonghyun was texting someone I assumed to be his long time girlfriend Shine Se Kyung.

Wow has it been over a year already?

I had to give him credit for a relationship lasting that long and being an idol, and even more so because they were still going strong.

It got me thinking what it would be like to have a a real girlfriend, not just some pairing that SM had created for fan services. At that I thought of F(x)'s Sulli and crinkled my nose.

No way! I would never go out with Sulli! Fan services with her are bad enough.

So I pictured myself with a real girlfriend.

Holding hands in the park.

Sharing ice cream at night.

Cuddling by a warm fire.

Each of the daydreams was with the same girl, Aimee.

I laced my finger's through Aimee's small hands and we strolled in the park.

I held the dripping cone of ice cream up for Aimee to .

I held Aimee in my arms, head resting on her chin by a crackling fire.

The ideas made me smile, and I must have looked dumb because Jonghyun glanced at me awkwardly.

Whaaaat are you thinking about?” He asked in a suspicious tone.

I was quiet for a second, contemplating whether or not to lie or tell the truth. I went with, truth evasion. love Shin Se kyung. Right?”

Yeah of course I do.” he stated matter-of-factly.

How did you know you loved her?” I asked, desperate for an answer.

Well I guess one day I when we were together it just, hit me.” he responded, looking deep in thought.

I nodded in reply and got into my bed.

He eyed my curiously.

Taemin-ah does this have anything to do with..” He trailed off but his eyes went in the direction of the wall we shared with the maknae.

I smiled. “Maybe one day I'll know.”




This was the day. This was the feeling. This was it.

Jonghyun had been right, you just...know.

But just because you feel like this doesn't mean she does.

My mood dropped at this realization. However she was in my bed on her own doing, and she did just caress my face.

To bad if she thought we were just friends, maybe we were. But for right now, for this moment, I could pretend she was mine.

I opened my eyes and curled my lips into a small smile. Shocked, she gasped and pulled her hand back away from my face.


My mind screamed in protest. I instinctively grabbed her wrist and in one swift motion pulled her into my chest, engulfing her in a warm hug, my arms gently wrapped around her. I took a deep breath and rested my chin on her head.

Now the only thing missing is the crackling fire.

Five more minutes” I grumbled into her hair. It smelled like vanilla and a hint of lemon and I took another deep breath, letting the smell fill my nose.

For a few dreadful moments she was stiff and still, I hoped it was just late reflexes or something and I hadn't actually crossed the personal space line.

Finally she melted into my arms and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Ok five more minutes.” She murmured, her thin arms snaking around my waist. I smiled into her hair before allowing myself to drift back asleep, finally at peace.

Yeah, this had to be the feeling.



When I had had my fill of the pancakes Key had prepared for us and the other two still hadn't emerged from the room, I decided I should investigate.

I reached the door to our room, which was slightly ajar and peeked in, almost choking on the air at the site in Taemin's bed.

I couldn't help but grin broadly to myself.

What could I say? I was the match maker.


new chapter :D

i kinda feel like the storied going slowly...but it'll quicken up don't worry :P

not edited yet but i will...eventually? lol


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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now" gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />