Another good escape...but not quite good enough.

It Started with a Glance


longish chapter i've been working on for a while now XD

hope you like it~!!

sorry its unedited [i edit on the weekend..hence how nothing is ever edited when i post] OTL


December 4, 2011

11:30 AM

Cafe parking lot, Park, Dorm, Store 



Ah what the hell? They should have been out of the studio an hour ago! Whats taking them so long...

I tapped my foot impatiently and checked my watch for the hundredth time, leaning back against the hood of the car.

If one more minute passes before I get a call I'm sending Key after them...” I muttered to myself. He was better at discipline then I was.

As if on command my cellphone buzzed in my pocket, a text message.


From: Taemin


Hyung pick us up at the park across from that CD shop you like..

Come quickly!


To: Jjong


What the hell are they doing at that park? Its almost a mile out of the way!

I got into the car and closed the door harder was necessary, shoving the key in and taking off down the street.

They better have a good reason for making me wait an hour and go pick them up.



Where...I don't see anything..” While I was busy looking for whatever it was he was pointing out, something else caught my eye. I noticed a reasonably sized group had formed near us, pointing and whispering. Before I could warn him, however, his long arm wrapped around my wait, pulling me side ways closer to him, and I felt his lips press gently to my cheek. I wanted to life in the moment, savor the feeling, but that of course could not happen.

Everything from then on was a blur, a flash before my eyes.

I remember seeing people whip camera's out from no where, the click of the shutters going off like gunfire, flashes everywhere.

I remember reaching to my face and realizing I didn't have my sunglasses or my mask and getting the sudden feeling of being completely exposed.

I remember Taemin tensing next to me, gripping my waist but jolting his lips away from my cheek.

I remember the feeling of a jacket being thrown over my head and someone pulling me very quickly away.

I could only see my feet and the ground beneath me as Taemin hustled us through the park, swearing the whole way. The screaming fans where still behind us from what I could hear and the sight of Lee Taemin with a 'headless' figure was probably attracting even more attention.

At one point he shoved his phone at me and whispered what I guessed was 'text Jonghyun hyung'.

So I did, telling him to come to the park and fast.

Out of no where I felt the slender fingers of a girl grasp my wrist and jerk me backward. I stumbled back with her and into the crowd not expecting the sudden new force.

Then I could no longer feel Taemin's secure hold on me, but only the girls hand and several others on my arms.

Taemin-ssi!!” I screamed, blind and scared under the cover of the jacket. But then it was ripped from my head and tossed somewhere by one of the girls. They gasped and more and more piled round me.

I yelled desperately for Taemin. I finally saw him on the other side of the sea of fans, pushing his way through.

My hear was pounding in my chest as I tried to get free.

Oh no you don't we're gonna find out who you are.” One of the girls pulling my back said while I attempted escape.

Yah let go of me!” I said harshly trying my hardest to shake her off of my arm. But she wasn't giving up so easily.

Finally Taemin made it next to me and he clutched onto my free hand. I looked up at him with panic stricken eyes, but he seemed just as idealess as I was on how to get free.

Aish if only they had a distraction...Thats it! I thought, an idea popping into my head.

I stopped struggling and looked behind Taemin.

Oh Minho oppa you're here!” I shouted with false excitement. They bought it.

Every single girl turned to look and their grip slackened on my arm.

Without waisting a minute I made a run for it, pulling the brown haired boy with me.

After running for what seemed like ages I saw the car and heard Jonghyun's distinct voice, hurriedly getting into the vehicle. The cries and squeals were now muffled but camera flashes still going strong.

Taemin was holding me firmly by the waits even in the safety of the car.

Oh my god..” was all I would whisper before he pulled me into his chest, murmuring a million I'm sorry's.


I had really screwed up this time.

How could I have used such poor judgement? We were in public, I should have known better.

God your so stupid.

What happened? Why were you so exposed?” I ignored Jonhyun's questions and continued to star straight ahead, shifting my arms more comfortably around Aimee.

Yah Taemin-ah, Aimee-ah!” I could tell he was getting annoyed but all I could think about was the pictures that were going to be spread all over the internet by the time we got back to the dorm.

When will Minho and Key hyung be home?” I asked, even though it wasn't Minho I was worried about confronting.

They should already be there.” He said, after letting out an exasperated sigh. “Taemin if you would just tell me what happened then I could help you deal with Key.”

I knew his offer was sincere but I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I rested my head on Aimee's, “You'll find out soon enough.”



I stayed in his arms the entire car ride, not caring that Jonghyun was probably jumping to conclusions. All I could think about was what would happen back at the dorm, when all those pictures where up on the web.

Minho would be silently annoyed, but try his best to hide it.

Onew would be understanding, I hoped and try to be a good leader with the situation.

Jonghyun would have a temper but eventually feel sorry about losing it.

Key. Key would be pissed.

What are we going to tell manager?” I reached up and whispered into Taemin's ear, pulling back slightly to look at him.

His face contorted into worry, although he tried to hide it.

No idea..”

Well at least he was honest.


We made it to the dorm in record time.

Great, of course on the day I would rather not be home we're there in no time at all.

Jonghyun left the car first, not bothering to wait for us and heading straight into the building. When Taemin and I finally got out he reached out to hold my hand but I pulled away, wary.

Maybe it's not he best idea...” I said quietly. He just pursed his lips and took my hand anyway.

Truthfully, I was glad he did. It was a comfort to me.

By the time we had arrived at the front door of the apartment I was nervous to no end. It was like when my ex manager Min Jee had first brought me here, only worse.

He punched the password in and gave my hand a tight squeeze before opening the door and leading us in.

We were met immediately by Onew, Minho, and Key all gathered around Jonghyun's computer. They each took one look at our interlocked hands and thats when the dorm lost all sanity.

Yah whats this?!” Onew questioned, pointing to our hands and taking a step towards us.

Donsaengs explain yourselves!” Demanded Key with a look that could kill.

I ignored them and a earned a small protest from Taemin when I disconnected our hands and pushed through to look at the computer screen.

Ugh you have got to be kidding me!” I groaned upon seeing the pictures.

The first on was the worst, my face was not visible but Taemin's was. It was quite clear of the lip to cheek contact and his arms around my small waist. Next it showed us leaving, with my head covered, and then there were even more pictures from when we were engulfed by the mob, my face right there for everyone to see.

All the attention in the room turned to Taemin, who was still standing awkwardly in the door way.

Any time now..” Minho said impatiently. The youngest boy shifted uncomfortably under the attention.

Um...would you believe I was whispering in her ear?” He offered nervously, his voice going up a few octaves.

Taemin-ah, how could you be so careless?” Onew scolded, the younger boy dropping his gaze.

Key spoke up, “I don't even care about that!” His piercing eyes shifted over to me. “Would you like to tell me who long that has been going on?” He demanded, jabbing his finger towards the first picture on the computer.

Taemin opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it.

What do you mean?” I asked innocently. “He was whispering. Nothing going on.” I couldn't tell if Taemin was hurt or simply surprised by my forward statement, but luckily he went along with it.

Y-yeah. Its just a weird camera angle.” He said.

I peered over at him, trying to read his emotions. His head was down, eyes studying his shoes.

But why weren't -”

Ah hyung can we not talk about this!” Taemin interrupted, turning to go to the kitchen.

Oh no you don't..” Onew grabbed him by the shoulders and steered him back towards the group of us.

But Onew oppa there's nothing to talk about.” I whined, slumping into the recliner next to me.

He rolled his eyes. “Well to start, there are pictures of you online! You were supposed to be a secret to the public remember?”

I knew he was right, but I still looked away defiantly.

You should have has something on; like sunglasses and a hat or something.”

But Onew hyung we did have them on!” Taemin voiced. “The stylist noona even gave us surgical masks before we left.”

I shot him a warning look. All this information was not exactly helping our argument. He dismissed me and continued anyway.

When we got far enough away there was literally no one we took them off.”

See thats the kind of thing you can't do!” Jonghyun said. I stood up, ready to leave and not wanting any part in the conversation.

Ok it wont happen again.” I said holding up three fingers. “Scout's Honor.”

All I got in return were five confused stars. Finally, Minho, who had been quietly observing the entire time spoke up.

What is that even supposed to mean?”

It was times like these that I wished they spoke English...or at least spoke it well.

Scouts Honor? Like the Boy Scouts of America?” I tried. “Oh come on you guys don't know what a boy scout is?”

They all just shook their heads like it was obvious they didn't.

I sighed, aggravated by everything now. “You know what? It doesn't even matter!”

The other members just continued to give be blank stares.

Well this is awkward...

Fine. Well. I'm just gonna..uh...make cookies or something. Right.” I said more to myself then to anyone else.

I walked through them, surprised that nobody stopped me, and straight into the kitchen.

What are you really going to bake cookies? I thought.

Why not.” I muttered under my breath, opening the pantry and pulling out everything I needed.

Flour, chocolate chips, butter, milk, sugar, eggs.....eggs.....we need more eggs.



What the hell is a boy scout?



And a boy scout would beeee....?



Note to self: google this boy scout thing she speaks of



At this point I could do one of two things. I could A) tell them that I know what a boy scout is and then explain it to them, or B) silently watch them all be stupid.

Eh, why work so hard, option B it is.



With Aimee gone off two, and I quote, “bake some cookies”, all the attention was directed towards me. I made a mental note note to be caught in bad situations with that girl would only lead to me being left alone to weasel myself out of it.

Huh, well then I guess that settles it.” I broke the silence, slowly inching my way to the other side of the living room towards the bedrooms. And I was so close to making it there too when I noticed Jonghyun was right behind me.

Taemin-ah, the others might believe you, but I know whats really going on here.” He whispered in my ear before going back to the living room. I stood in the same spot, frozen with my hand on the door nob.

I'm going to meet Se Kyung, be back for dinner!” Was the last thing I heard Jonghyun yell out before I finally pushed through the bedroom door, slamming it shut behind me. I leaned up against it and slid down to the floor, my head in my hands.

Everything was going so well this morning, when did it all screw over on me?Oh right. When you decided it would be a good idea to play couples with Aimee in the middle of Seoul.



I ran though the living room, grabbing my pull over and scarf from the recliner and bounding towards the door.

I've gotta get more eggs, I'll be back in a minute!” I yelled over my shoulder.

You want someone to come with you?” A voice yelled from somewhere within the dorm.

I paused at the front door, thinking.

Actually, yeah I would love Taemin to come with me.

Nah. After whats already happened today I probably shouldn't be seen with anymore known Shinee members.” I yelled back, swinging open the door and moving across to punch in the elevator buttons.



Damn I really need to brush up on my Korean reading skills.

I stood in the middle of the store, looking dumbly up at the hanging signs.

I think that one says eggs..

I picked the sign at the far end of the store and began to make my way over to the aisle, not really paying attention to what I was doing. My mind was still in the park from earlier in the morning. Why did fans have to ruin such an amazing moment?

I turned the corner absent mindlessly and collided with something taller and stronger than I was, knocking me over onto my and sending groceries flying in every direction.

Omo, are you ok?” The figure asked in a worried tone. The voice was sweet and light, but sounded like it belonged to a boy.

Oh, yes of course. I'm so sorry.” I apologized, coming to my knees to help pick up the food that had fallen. Hair disheveled and swept over half my face I stood and handed the items back. He couldn't have been any older than me, with a youthful face and short natural colored hair.

I studied his face for a minute, knitting my brow.

I know this kid...from somewhere.

Ah, I'm Dongho, by the way.” The boy introduced himself, pulling me from my thoughts.

Oh yes! My name is Aimee.” I held out my hand and he shook.

Dongho. Dongho. Dongho. The name and the face are so familiar!

He gave a me a curious look. “Hey, do I know you from somewhere?” I swallowed hard. Him know me? But..that wasn't possible...the only way he could know me is if he was a...

how could I be so stupid?!

You got me on this one.

My mouth opened but no words came out and Donho shifted.

Finally I came to my senses. “Um I, uh, maybe?” I said doubtfully. “But you're from Ukiss right?”

His face light up at being recognized, an smile spreading across his face.

Yeah! Thats me.” He nodded assuringly.

Waah I'm such a fan!” I squealed. It had been a while since I had let my 'inner fangirl' come out.

This pleased him even more. “Are you really? But you don't even look Korean.. Wow internationals really do like us!”

I laughed with him. “No, I'm from New York. But...” I hesitated, contemplating whether I could tell him.

Oh what the hell its not like he's gonna post things on the internet.

But I'm under SM. Just finished training about four months ago actually.” I confessed.

I started to see a bit of recognition creep up onto his face. “Then were you at the charity performances last weekend? Like back stage or something?”

Mhm. I was backstage the whole time.” I said, thinking back to the day in question. We hadn't met there had we?

I think I saw you at some point...” He told me, “Oh my God are you the girl that joined Shinee?!” Dongho's eyes grew wide and he looked incredulous.

I blushed, it was weird that people outside of the company knew..

Yeah thats me. I'm just buying some eggs for us now, we ran out.” I said, “But I can't really read the signs to well so...”

He took me by the arm and started pulling me out of the aisle we were in and down another. Sitting in one of the glass refrigerators was stacks of egg cartons.

Here are the eggs you need.” he said, dropping my arm.

Ah thanks so much Dongho...” The thought crossed my mind that I didn't actually know how old he was and had no idea what to call him.

Luckily he caught on to the small problem.

I'm a '94 liner!” He said proudly, “June.” So I had been right, we were the same age, off by literally one month.

How cool I'm July '94!” I said excitedly. “Let's speak informally?” He nodded eagerly in agreement.


Even though I had my eggs and could have gone back to the dorm, I stayed, helping Dongho get his groceries before leaving. Just before I exited the store I heard him call me back.

Yah, Aimee-ah, would you...uh..want to exchange numbers?” He asked me shyly, looking into his paper bag. I giggled and handed him my phone.

Yeah totally.”

I took his phone and added my number to the contacts. 

But you're not stressed anymore. So no need to bake cookies.

Well I've got the eggs, might as well make the cookies!

I had left the store with a much better mood then before. That mood however didn't last long when my cell phone buzzed with a text from Taemin.

To: Aimeeeeeee

Hurry back, manager came home....

From Taeminnie 

Well , there goes my good mood.

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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now" gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />