Kim Kibum's Class of ual Education

It Started with a Glance


super short update...but more tomorrow i promissseee

finally i get to write the ed chapterrrrrr!!!

krdgfm i'm more excited for this then i should be OTL

heeehee enjoy itt!



I slammed the door shut and stood there for a few minutes, my palms harshly pushing up against an already closed door. Was he serious? This had to be some sort of joke...I mean, he couldn't actually be mad at me. Right?

The dull pains in my face started to grow sharper as the medications wore off. Soon I realized how sore my entire body was, everywhere ached. Slowly, I dragged myself out to the kitchen, moving as little as possible to avoid more pain, and fished the extra strength Tylenol I knew Key kept in the cabinet. I dry swallowed the small white pills, not wanting to be bothered pouring water.

It would be sooooo much extra work, and I'm so tired and hurting!

. It. Up.

Tch whatever just go back to bed...

I stumbled my way out of the kitchen when I heard the front door open gently and some one crept into the foier, there was the sound of suit case wheels rolling to a stop.

Having no idea who it was, put not having the energy to find out I simply flipped the switch to turn on the lights and continued to pull myself back to my bed...Ah it seemed so soft and inviting.

Yah! What the hell is this?!” The sudden screech made jump and a small yelp escaped me. I traveled as fast as my aching legs would carry me until I was in the door way of the foier, stating dumbly at the slightly plump woman's figure, now completely flooded with light.

M-Min Jee unni?” I gaped at my ex manager walking towards me.

She walked by me with an aloof attidude I knew she was faking.

Thats manager Min Jee to you.” She said, tossing her jacket on a hook and taking off her shoes. I gave her a short laugh, all at once in a much better mood.

You can't be serious...” I breathed, still in the same spot.

Where's my room?” She ignored me and filtered through one of her bags.

OH MY GOD no way unni!” I shrieked, bounding over to her and jumping into her arms, unable to contain my excitement. “EEHH Min Jee unni this is going to be so much fun! You haven't visited in like forever! What have you been doing? How's Hyun Jae?” I bombarded her with loud obnoxious questions, my arms and legs wrapped around her, squeezing tight.

Yah what is this?!” She asked trying to pry me off of her. “Aimee go bother someone else!”

I thought about that for a moment. “No.”

Min Jee laughed and patted my back, which was supposed to be a gesture of friendship. But I involuntarily winced at when her hand pounded down on the fabric on my shoulder blade, rubbing it very uncomfortablely agaisnt the ruined skin. My grip on her losened and I dropped to my feet.

The older woman's happy mood dropped instantly. Iguess the company must have told her what had happened before she replaced the old manager.

Aish, Aimee, I forgot. Sorry.” she stepped back and examined me, her face morphing into a glum expression. “Do you have anything on those bruises? How about the stiches, ah its all swollen!” Her long fingers gingerly grazed over the sensitive skin.

A heavy sigh was released from her lips. “Is that all?”

I shifted from foot to foot, not really wanting to show her...


Aimee-ah why don't you take off your hoodie and show her.” Both mine and Min Jee's head turned to acknowledge the new presents in the room. Taemin, of course, was walking towards us, looking slightly ticked off.

When did he come in? This would make the second time tonight he had snuck up on me. Had he always been

I simply blinked at him stupidly, still trying to deduce how he could have entered so quietly.

My mind focused back when he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

Well excuuuuse me Lee Taemin but were did this sass come from.

Ah, really, where did this bad mood come from. You're really odd today...” I muttered more to myself then the other two in the room while gradually pulling the sweatshirt up over my head and then tossing it onto the recliner.

Despite his bitter mood, Taemin still cringed at the sight of all the newly exposed bruises on my neck and collar area. Min Jee remained silent and motioned for me to turn around.

Oh no oh no oh no not this!

I didn't know why I was so embarrassed by the words etched into my skin...oh wait, maybe it was because I would always have words on my shoulder, marking me, marking this day. Even when the cuts healed, they were so deep that the scars woud last a lifetime.

,” I heard our new manager swear under her breath. I bit my lip and stayed facing away from them, feeling my eyes grow hot with fresh tears. I don't really know why I had the sudden urge to cry, but for some reason there was a wave of sadness that settled on me.

No one said anything for a long time, and eventually, one by one, tears slowly slid down my face. Min Jee nudged me and held out the hoodie for me to take. I snatched it up and pulled it on before turning back to face them, bleary eyed.

I tried my best not to make eye contact with either of them, but when I did happen a glance at Taemin, his face had softened from the cold, annoyed expression it had been wearing. Now he looked, sympathetic and something else...guitly?

Min Jee broke the silence finally.

I wont be moving in just yet. Right now I'm just moving a few things. But by the end of January I'll be here for good.” She then turned to the dark haired boy, “Hello, I'm Han Min Jee, I believe we met a few months ago.” He nodded and bowed quietly, then shook her hand.

Well, I'll be back in a few days to check in with you Aimee. Take care.” And with that she picked up her coat and was gone.


Same night

10:00 PM

Shinee Dorm



Hey, we're home!” Onew's voice rang though the dark dorm as we arrived home. I walked into the living room, ready to throw myself onto the couch in complete exhastion, but it was otherwise occupied. The television was playing some movie I had never seen, and Aimee was spralwed the long way on the couch, sound asleep with an ice back lopped over her poor face. I had half expected Taemin to be with her, or at least sitting on the same piece of furniture, but to my surprise he was on the opposite side of the room, curled up on the reliner, staring off at nothing and not payin a bit of attention to the movie.

I call first shower!” Minho called from somewhere in the apartment.

Now way!” Jjong argued, “I should get to shower first!”

Fine, you're smellier anyway..” Minho teased.

What is this, dongsaeng?! Yah! You get back here!”

Their shouting continued, but in far away parts of the dorm. A genious plan crossed my mind.

This is my chance...

I went to my room and returned to the same scene with two thick books. I flipped the lights on a turned off the TV. No reaction from either of the teens.

Sighing, I tossed a book into Taemin's lap and shook the sleeping maknae, giving her a book too.

She groaned loudly. “Whats this for?!” She demanded, eyes still looking heavy with sleep, and her bangs strewn in all directions.

Read it and find out.” I instructed the two.

I saw Taemin take one look at the cover and he looked like he might be sick.

No way Key hyung!” He said surly, shaking his head. “We are never going to have this conversation."

By now Aimee had caugh on as well and she seemed just as defient.

Oppaaa~ come on!” she whined.

Resist the aegyo. Resist the aegyo.

I stood my ground. “Well since I was inturrupted last time by Minho and dinner...we have an entire lesson to make up!” I said, smiling evily.

They both glared up at me, Aimee now fully awake, their eyes burning holes into me.

Now. Our first lesson will be...” I gave time for a dramatic pause. “Chapter One: Our 'Changing' Bodies.”

OH MY GOD this is not happening.” Aimee said, running her fingers through her layered black hair. While Taemin, was trying to get over the fact that this was actually happeing.

Oh yes. I warned you both.

Let the fun begin.

Oh and here.” Remembering instructions I had received from one of the other company managers, I tossed Aimee a small package. “I talked to some people, you should start taking these.”

Her face reddened and dropped. “Birth control pills?!” She asked heavily, raising an eyebrow. “Oh now you really must be joking.”

SM thinks it's a smart idea. I guess they're under the impression we'll all be you.” I said ever so nonchalantly. “You know, they all think now that Shinee is co-ed it's gonna be like one giant fest.”

WHAT THE HELL! Stop. Oh my god, do you hear yourself right now?!” she yelled.

I smirked. “Just take the pills.” I instructed. “Once a day, everyday!”

Its not gonna make you all wanna get it on with me now will it?” She questioned.

Tch, no way.” I assured her, “Thats called ...sort of...more or less.” She rolled her eyes before popping out one of the round, white pills and dry swallowing it.

Spread the news, I'm up for grabs..."



I looked over the book that had been so carelessly tossed into my lap. It was thick and white, with a title written in large and bubbly yellow text: Let's Discover our Bodies! And subscripted with: a teenager's guide to ual growth and development.

Is he ing with us right now? There is no way, no way, I am going to read a book about bodies and with Aimee and Key. Heck, I wouldn't even read it with just one of them.

No way Key hyung! We are never going to have this conversation."


Oppaaa~ come on!” 

“Well since I was inturrupted last time by Minho and dinner...we have an entire lesson to make up!” Key said, smiling evily.

Now. Our first lesson will be...” He paused, most likely for dramatic effect. “Chapter One: Our 'Changing' Bodies.”

OH MY GOD this is not happening.

But things only got worse when Aimee was also given a white box that clattered with the sound of...pills? 

"Birth control pills?!" she asked in disbelief. But like the bad kind of disbelief, not the i-got-a-puppy-for-christmas kind.

ohmygod what is going on.

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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now" gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />