It's funny how things happen

It Started with a Glance


eorkdfgxcbv this one is much less scary than the last one!

actually it makes up for the last one by the end XD ...well sort of..i mean if you like that sort of thing

it's  a tad bit short too but it will have to do! 

OMG and i edited like half of it :D yayayay.





I heard a solid thud not long after they had entered the bedroom.

Is everything ok in there?” I called out cautiously through the emptiness of living room. “Manager-ssi what-”

My voice was drowned out by one of the worst sounds as Aimee's strangled scream rang through the apartment, accompanied but another loud thud. I moved faster towards the door to the bedroom, my breathing fast and my pulse racing.

Yah!” I screamed. My hand reaching for the door knob but finding it locked tight. I jiggled it roughly, still yelling into the door.

By now the rest of the hyungs had come rushing into the main room, all with worried and confused faces.

Taemin-ah why'd she scream?” Onew demanded, his voice firm and concerned at the same time.

I don't know, I don't know!” I said with a shaky voice, still struggling with the knob. Key came running up to the door and pounded on it, which at any other time would seem odd to me seeing as the two had never had a pleasant relationship, but in the heat of the moment I didn't care.

There was a chorus of more crashing and the girl's shrill voice, only now I could hear the crying, heavy, labored sobs. Manager was shouting things about the pictures and there was the sound of breaking glass.

I have to get in there!

I pounded on the door relentlessly. So many things where happening at once. Key and I malling the door, Minho and Jjong searching wildly for the spare room key. Over all the commotion I could hear Onew phoning the police in a panic.

Aimee's voice was gravely in the screams now, begging him to stop, promising she would never do it again. The voice broke me, I couldn't bare to hear that much pain in her cries.

Finally Minho pushed me out of the way, mumbling something about finding the key and inserting it into the lock with shaking hands. We forced the door it opened just a crack before being stopped by another chain lock.

If we could only push a little more...

As one huge body the five of us into it, unbolting the lock and tumbling into the destroyed room. I looked around frantically trying to find Aimee. My eyes grazed over a whole in the wall and the closet, shattered glass from a lamp and a picture frame, a ripped woman's t-shirt tossed in the corner. Finally I caught sight of the scene behind the bed. Aimee was sprawled on the floor in jeans and a bra, screeching and writhing like nothing else while our manager made deep and long cuts into the skin on her right shoulder blade.

The older boys pushed passed me in my paralyzed state and forcefully dragged a protesting manager off of the poor girl. I took this as my chance, running over and dropping down at her side. The tense expression that had controlled her face eased a little and her clenched fists loosened. I tried to be as gentle as possible as I rolled her gathered her into my arms. Tears continued to roll down her bloody, bruised cheeks but she didn't make a sound. Her eyes opened slightly at my touch and she feebly held the fabric of my shirt.



This wasn't real. Things like this just didn't happen. Manager's didn't beat their employees. Things like this just didn't happen.

But yet here I was witnessing this entire ordeal. Our manager was making bloody gashes into the foreign girls smooth skin. Finally Onew, Minho, and Jjong managed to pry him off and drag him into the living room.

I watched, still recovering from the shock, as Taemin, the best friend, was on his knees at her side immediately, comforting and holding her tenderly. I wanted to go over and help but something held me back, something so rare I almost didn't believe it was happening.

Taemin, the boy who never cried, sat with silent tears pouring from his wide eyes.

I don't know whether it was seeing her in such a helpless and broken state, or me finally coming to terms with reality, but I had a change of heart that day, and the Almighty Key never has a change of heart. But this was different. If Aimee was important enough to Taemin to make him rack with sobs then she must be something pretty damn special.


After a few minutes filled with the soft crying of Lee Taemin, the door slowly swung open and two police officer's made their way in, followed closely by an in-home-doctor and the other three members.

What's happened to manager?” I whispered to Jjong. He glanced over his shoulder.

They took him away...he wont be coming back.”

Good riddance.

I mean, he was an okay manager, we were always on top of our schedules and never missed a beat. But he was just an unlikable person in general, an obviously had a temper and a knack for violence.

One of the officers pulled Onew aside to question him, and I felt a twang of pity for the leader. He looked like an absolute wreck, always side glancing at Aimee, who was now being taken from Taemin's limp arms and laid on the bed by the doctor. The second officer was inspecting the room and taking diligent notes on his pad.

I went over to Taemin and put a soothing hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze before leading him out of the room.

We went into the kitchen and I left him by the counter while I went to get him a banana milk to try and calm him some. He took the drink but didn't sip it, looking blankly ahead, soundless tears streaking his face.

I heaved a sigh before patting his head and returning to the 'crime' room.


December 4, 2011

7:20 PM

Shinee dorm



I slowly became vaguely aware of my surroundings; a fluffy duvet all around me, a cool cloth laid across my forehead, and a warm hand clutching mine. I forced my eyes open but they felt heavy, like lead. Once I had hit full consciousness I could feel everything. The throbbing of my head and the soreness of a cheek that felt swollen. I tightened my eyes shut, flipping towards the hand but then groaning at the deep pain that action caused in my right shoulder and back. Oddly enough though, as quickly as the pain had come, it disappeared, leaving me with a dazed and dream-like feeling.

Oh boy, I'm on drugs..

It's funny that I don't remember exactly what had happened, only the intense pain and shouting, and then something about being man handled and written on with glass.

Huh. Petty details.

I opened one eye to peek at the visitor holding my hand. It was Taemin, curled up awkwardly in a folding chair that was placed between my bed and the small machine administering the pain killers thought an IV in my arm. His hair was disheveled and his face looked taught with distress, eyebrows furrowed even in sleep.

I gave his hand a small squeeze and tugged on it.

Taeminnie,” I called weakly. “Taeminnie wake up.”

His eyes fluttered open and he grumbled something about not wanting to leave, making me giggle. My laugh caught him off guard and he looked at me, startled.

Omo, Aimee-ah you're awake now!” He was immediately at the edge of the bed. “Do you need anything? Water? Food? Are the pain relievers working? You feeling comfortable?”

No, I'm fine, thanks.” I assured him quietly. “Where is everyone else?”

He checked his watch before answering. “Judging by the time they should still be at the studio rehearsing. I've been home all know...just in case you woke up. And here you are! Awake! Good thing I was here, huh?” he added a radiant smile at the end but it didn't seem genuine.

You don't have to pretend to be in a good mood for my sake.” I told him in full seriousness. It made his smile vanish on the spot and replaced it with a grim worried look.

I'm so sorry.” His words were barely audible but they still tugged at my heart.

No, don't say he blames himself...

I...its' all my fault. If I had just gone in with you. O-or...” he trailed off, not able to come up with any other solution. I gripped his hand tighter and shook my head.

Stop it, its not your fault, you wouldn't have been able to do anything.” I said.

He didn't seem convinced but he also didn't push it any farther.

All I wanted to do right now was get out of this room and out of this bed.

Take me onto the deck.” I ordered with a sly smile. He thought at first, but then realized what I was getting at, smiling back for real this time.


The night air was frigged and heavy, but it felt good on my aches and pains. We sat in our usual position, facing each other on the bench with an over sized blanket wrapped around us. I felt a stinging on my back when the blanket touched it and remembered the letters being formed.

Taemin. What does it say?” I asked out of curiosity. He gave me a suspicious look.

What does what say?” he asked back.

On my shoulder. What did he write.” I said plainly, reaching back and running my fingers over the still slightly open wounds.

He hesitated for a few moments, as if recalling a painful memory that he didn't want to think about.

Aimee let's not do this now..”

Just tell me.” I demanded.

Taemin looked away from my, turning his head to view the bright city I front of us.

Stranger. It says stranger.” he sniffed before continuing. “In English and then in Korean below that.”

I scoffed at the manager's insolence. He probably thought it was clever...

Without my noticing a tear fell from my eye, slowly traveling down my cold cheek. Taemin noticed and wiped it away with his thumb. I held his hand in the same place against my face when he tried to pull back, and he didn't resist.

Does it hurt?” He asked meekly. I just nodded a another tear ran down.

He leaned forward, pulling my face in too as he did, until our faces where only inches apart. Slowly, he grazed his had down my face and held underneath my chin.

Wait. No what are you doing?!

My mind was screaming for me to stop, pull away, do anything but what I was doing right now. But I ignored it. My heart pounded in my chest and my breathing quickened.

Taemin...” I whispered breathlessly.

But he didn't let me say whatever I was going to. He pulled my face in those last few inches, closing the space between us and pressing his plump lips onto mine softly.

What are you doing?! This is not ok.

But it feels so right!

I let my eyes drift closed and he tilted his head to one side so he could actually kiss me properly. It took a few seconds, but I finally came to my senses and kissed him back, and that gave him a confidence boost. The hand on my chin traveled to behind my neck and he pulled me in closer to him. Now I was on my knees, leaning into him, one of my hands on the back of the bench for support and the other resting on his shoulder.

Pull away. Now.

Make me.

However as if reading my mind, Taemin gently released my lips, breathing deeply. But I wasn't finished. I pouted at him before going in for more. He was taken a back by my boldness but reciprocated with just as much, tracing my lips with his tongue, asking for entrance. I hesitated at first, but then granted it. He slipped his tongue in smoothly, slowly exploring every foreign corner. I moaned airily into the kiss and started to press my tongue softly against his. His fingers ran though my hair, and I was all the more glad for the lack of curls.

It wasn't at all a sloppy kiss, filled with lust or desire. It was slow and romantic, the way a first kiss should be, but filled with mixed feelings.

When we finally broke apart for much needed air, we were both wide eyed and confused, neither of us speaking for  a few long minutes.

Want some dinner?” I asked, awkwardly getting up and fixing my disheveled hair.

Uh, y-yeah. Dinner sounds good.” Taemin said, getting up just as awkwardly as I had walking into the apartment.

I followed him slowly, walking in a daze.

Well that was...interesting. 

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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now" gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />