Everything fell into silence

It Started with a Glance




Ierkgjdfv so remember when I said I wouldn't be posting very often?

LOL I lied..

I do have a bad sprain

I am wearing a cast

But this medicine the doctor gave me is AWESOME

omg. I don't even know what is. Like vicodin or some but its not...


whatever it is its boss at relieving pain [for like an hour or two]

and my dance teacher..won't let me dance OTL

she says i'm too valuable and if I get further injured in class its not ok.

She doesn't make sense.


with all this free time now and my amazing drugs I have been updating so much!

Kjdxbfmncv and I keep getting these new ideas like in the shower [what?!] so I like run out and write them down xD

omg what am I doing right now

ignore me no jks don't :D




Bold text indicates English :)




my life.



I looked from Aimee's face to Taemin's as Minho documented the event, trying his best to hold back the laughter.

So they were in what position when you found them?” I questioned him.

Here I have a-” He paused and glanced down at the two still sitting in the wake of the closet. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aimee shoot him scared pleading look. A guilty expression surfaced onto Minho's face.

Ah..it-it doesn’t really matter..”

I eyed him suspiciously, ready to pry the truth out of all three of them, before Onew, probably noticing my intensions, intervened.

Well nothing to see here then.” He said to break the awkward silence before turning to the youngest on the floor. “Solution: don't use Minho's games when he's gone..and, yeah. Aimee..why don't we go..uh, make an early dinner?”

Her soft curls bounced as she swiftly jumped up, relieved to have an escape from the situation. “Ok Jinki oppa lets go,” she grabbed his hand and pulled him to out of the hall, obviously not wanting to spend anymore time then was necessary as the center of my disapproval.

Tch, she's really good at getting out of things, isn't she.

Will Aimee gone, all the attention focused onto the blonde boy still sitting on the floor with a towel on his lap.

Taeminnie,” I heard Jonghyun say, “whats with the towel..?”

Minho bit his lip to suppress his giggles and the old maknae's face, which had been recovering from the previous round of blushes, instantly turned back to the bright red color it was before.

Its nothing hyung.” he mumbled. He stood up but kept the towel on himself.

It didn't take me long to put two and two together and soon my lips curled up in an unintentional smile and I was laughing quietly.

It seemed Jonghyun had came to the same conclusions and he clapped Taemin on the back.

Taemin-ah, you're a man now!”

The boy never brought his eyes to meet any of ours, and instead kept his head down and shuffled away into the privacy of his bedroom. Jonghyun waited a minute before going in after him, shaking his head and smirking.

It was just Minho and me alone in the hallway. So, naturally, I took the opportunity to do a little snooping.



I could feel Key's eyes looking into my soul, shifting uncomfortably under his gaze.

how do I get myself outta this one..?

Thinking fast I pretended I heard something from another room.

What's that Onew hyung?” I called out and attempted to push past Key to get to the kitchen.

He didn't fall for it. The older boy grabbed my wrist just as I walked by, just when I thought I had made it out. He pulled me back into the corner, his expression scarily calm.

Now. You're going to finish telling me what you had started before taking pity on our little American maknae.”

As much as I tried to muster all my will power to ignore him, Kim Kibum was scary as hell when he wanted something. I caved in, whipping out my phone and opening up a certain picture of two teens on the floor of a closet.



Oh my God oppa you are a life saver!” I praised the leader when we had made it safely into the kitchen. I regretted abandoning Taemin to fend for himself..but he was a big boy..he could handle himself.

It was still a thing to do, .

Shut up! He'll be fine..probably doesn't even care...

Oh come on. Would you wanna be under the gaze of those boys with a you-know-what in your pants?

I took a quick look over my shoulder in the direction of the towel closet and bit my lip subconsciously.

Something wrong?” Onew asked, opening the fridge and getting out all the ingredients for supper. Normally, it would be Key cooking. But since the eldest boy's brilliant escape was through making dinner, now we were stuck with the task.

I tried my best to shake the guilt away. It's not like I had an obligation to protect him. I mean, its not like we were dating.

I suddenly felt sad at the thought, but pushed it away and smiled up at Onew.

No..everythings fine. But they wont be too hard on him.. right?” I reached up in the food closet and took out the rice.

Oh Jjong never let him hear the end of it and Key will probably give him the talk..” He chuckled softly. “You'll probably get it too.”

I groaned. “Aah no not from him! Couldn't you just tell him my parents already gave it too me, when I was like.. 7?” I put on my best pout and blinked up at him.

He pinched my cheek. “As cute as you are...No.”

My cute face was replaced by a scowl and I turned away from the older boy, beginning to wash the rice in the sink.

Some oppa you are.” I said in annoyance.

The birds and the bee's with Key.



15 minutes later


I sat on the counter in the middle of the spacious kitchen, munching on a carrot stick while Onew continued his attempted at making Kimchi Stew..or at least I thought thats what it was.

Onew oppa you can't put in packadged seasoning!” I exclaimed and watched him bit open a pack. “You have to do it your self, from scratch.”

He looked up at me, all of his patience clearly taken by the making of dinner.

I will make it however I want!” He retorted. “And you be quiet you're not even Korean.” I stuck out his tongue and I hopped off the counter, chucking lightly.

Thats when I saw something that peeked my interest. Taemin exited his room, no longer with the towel, a pleased looking Jonghyun following him. The younger of the two looked thoroughly upset and opened the sliding glass door that lead out onto the deck, while the older one grabbed the remote and flopped on the coach.

I glanced at Onew who had looked up from his work.

I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my lip.

Go ahead.” He said grudgingly. “I'll get Key to help me.”

I flashed him a big smile before snatching the largest blanket from the coach and running out to the deck.

Looked like our nighttime traditions would be continuing.



The cold December night air was refreshing on my heated skin. I tried to block everything out of my mind.

It had gone so smoothly! Even after we broke the game and were stuck in the closet...

I sat down on our bench and looked down at my lap in distaste.

You better control your self next time!” I scolded my crotch.

Wow.” I heard from behind me. “You are actually talking to your .”

I spun my head around to see the brunette girl the voice belonged to walking towards me, blanket in hand. I didn't say anything, not knowing whether I was happy or annoyed that she was here.

Sorry Tae, but no hot coco tonight.” I tried to force my lips to stay in a frown, but there was something about her presence that made it impossibly for me to be in a bad mood.

I muttered something like “S'okay” before turning back to face the city view.

Aimee throw the blanket on my me before she sat next to me and wrapping around both of us, securing it closed with the usual giant safety pin.

Neither of us talked for a long while.

Look, I'm sorry.” She broke the silence turning to face me. I did the same so we were both sitting side ways on the bench.

For what. You did nothing wrong.” I said bluntly. She smiled faintly.

For basically feeding you to the dogs so that I could wash some rice.” She told me, tucking hair behind her ear.

She's so cute when she does that..

I scoffed slightly. “Yeah what was with that?” I asked with mock anger. She didn't respond.

I sighed, feeling guilty for using more sarcasm than was appropriate for the situation.

And I'm sorry for the..you know...” I trailed off and she blushed lightly remembering what had happened.

Uh..T-tamin oppa..what was with that..?” She inquired, finally making eye contact with me that I immediately broke by turning away from her.

Ugh Aimee I don't know! When things like that happen what do you expect? I'm a growing hormonal boy with needs!”

WTF did I just say that to her?!

I quickly turned myself back towards her shocked face.

NO not like that I swear!” I said, completely flustered, eyes wide.

Oh come on what other meaning does that have?”

I bit down on the inside of my cheeks hard and not daring to utter a word.

Just don't talk you'll mess everything up.

Taemin its not that big of a deal. I was just...surprised, thats all.” She said in all honesty.

Another silence followed and the wind blew a bit, pushing her hair into her face. When she reached up to fix it I acted on pure impulse, grabbing her hand in my right and fixing her hair for her with my left hand. The acts gained a shy smile from her and slightly red cheeks.


I continued to star into her eyes even after pulling my left hand way, it grazed her warm cheek ever so gently on the way and my hand tingled at the contact.

Oppa?” she said quietly, leaning towards me slightly. My heart quickened pace and I leaned forward as well.

Yes?” My voice was a barely audible whisper.

Uh...you're still holding my hand.”

I let go of the breath I had been holding and straightened up, disappointed, but quickly letting go of her hand.

Oh. Sorry.”

We sat there in yet another silence until the door opened and someone walked onto the deck with us.

Please tell me they didn't just see that.

The words I heard next from our visitor gave me chills, and not the kind I got from Aimee.

Kids. Welcome to your first day of Key's Special Home-Schooling. Our topic? Controlling those ual urges.”



There was that silence again. I pulled the blanket tighter around us as the wind blew slightly, messing my curls in my face.

But this time when I reached up to push my it away my hand was caught in his and I felt warm fingers brush away my hair. And when the fingers trailed over my cheek softly while pulling back, chills ran down my spine, and I was sure they were not from the cold.

More silence. I looked down at my left hand curiously. It was still in the left hand of Taemin. Strangely enough, it felt so...right.

Oppa?” I said quietly, leaning towards him slightly, my head yelling stop but my heart pushing me onward.

Yes?” His voice was a barely audible whisper as he leaned in as well, out faces only inches apart.

I froze there, not knowing what to do now.

Oh god what are you doing?!

I thought fast for something to say and glanced down at our hands.

Uh...you're still holding my hand.” I closed my eyes slowly and pulled back.

That was close.

Oh. Sorry.” He said sounding disappointed. I didn't have a change to ask why though because the sliding door opened and Minho's deep voiced called us in for dinner.


11:30 PM

Onew's Kimchi stew turned out surprisingly well after all, although I suspected Key's help has something to do with it. Either that or the secret ingredient was prepackaged ramen spices.

But dinner and the rest of the evening dragged on in silence. No body wanting to resurface the days events but no body having anything else to say.

Eventually we all ended up in our respective rooms. I was in the middle of changing for bed when the door slowly opened and someone slipped in. Taemin I assumed.

I turned around to find a shirt, since I was only wearing my sweat pants and a bra. But when I looked up to great the person I jumped up and gave a squeak.

Sure, it was Taemin. But it was a half Taemin, clad in only his boxer shorts.

WEAR ARE YOUR CLOTHS?!” I demanded, careful not to raise my voice too loud. I didn't was anyone else coming in while we were both shirtless.

He looked down at what he was wearing.

What? I always sleep like this!” He said sounding slightly offended. “ It's hot in my room its the only way I'm comfortable.”

I just blinked at him and slowly turned my attention back to finding a shirt.

Ok relax, I just wasn't expecting it.”

Casually he sprawled out on my bed and started fiddling with the fringe of a pillow.

Just so you know,” he began, “Jjong hyung is taking us tomorrow to get out hair done. And according to him yours is gonna be completely different.”
I sat on my bed next to him, having pulled on a tank top.

Good thing.” He looked at me confused.

But why? Don't you like your hair?” he asked.

I gave a small laugh. “You kidding? I hate it.”

He looked away from me at the opposite wall. “I think its pretty.”

The words were almost a whisper and I had to tell reassure myself that I had heard correctly.

You do?”

A shy smile crept onto his face and he pulled at the pillow fringe, hugging it to his stomach.

Well, yeah..I mean I really like curls.”

Before I could thank him Jonghyun pounded on the wall that the two rooms shared, a signal for Taemin to go back.

Ah I better go..8:00AM we have to be there, k?” He reassured, hopping off my bed and towards the door.

Yep, 8:00.” I said before bidding him goodnight, pounding on the wall to Jonghyun and crawling under the covers.


sorta long chapter...

ok so i wanted to write more cause i know exactly whats going to happen in the next parts [haha i had a long shower to plan in XD] 

but its 2:00AM and i need sleep...and my wrist hurts

tomorrow i'll update when i've had my meds and i'm not tired!

^^ok i sound like a druggie but i swear i'm not OTL



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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now"...like gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />