
It Started with a Glance


bold text indicates English :)

December 4, 2011

7:30 AM

Shinee dorm/various locations



I opened my eyes wearily and a white ceiling with pictures of a family came into focus above me.

Wait thats isn't my family...thats not even my ceiling!

I was fully awake now, lying on my back, with an arm that didn't belong to me draped over me, my fingers interlaced with the ones at the end of it. I could feel the warm breath from the figure gently on my neck, their face inches from mine.

I let out a sigh remembering what happened earlier.

Its probably been 5 minutes already...but hell I feel like I've been asleep for hours!

Don't be silly Jjong would have woken you up if you needed to go...

I glanced up at the clock on the nightstand, expecting it to read 6:40. But it didn't. It read 7:45.

!” I swore loudly, bolting up right and knocking the Taemin off of me as I scrambled out of the bed.

Ah what the heck!” He groaned, sounding annoyed. He rubbed his eyes and pouted up at me, not moving to get up.

Get up. You wanted five more minutes? You got an hour.” As informed the tired boy. “Now come on we're gonna be late!” I yelled over my shoulder and awkwardly left the room.

If I make a dash for it no one will see me leaving his room..

As soon as I opened the door I was face to face with Onew, his fist in mid air about to knock on the door.

I gave a small yelp, not expecting to see him and he jumped back, obviously not expecting to see me coming out of the room.

Uh...morning oppa! I was just...w-waking up Taemin.” I tried to say as casually as possible while slowly inching my way sideways down the hallway towards my own room.

The leader only looked at me with the same speechless face, his hand still suspended in the air.

Well..I'll be” I said and slipped into my own room, slamming the door.


After ten minutes and a mediocre make-up job later, I met Jonghyun and Taemin at the front door and we all left together, unfortunately for all three of us, Jonghyun's car was parked at the furthest end of the lot and we made the walk in complete silence.

From the corner of my eye I caught side glances from the oldest boy, an amused grin plastered on his face.

When we got to the car I assumed my regular seat in the back, expecting Taemin to sit in the passenger seat. I slid in and slammed the door sliding all the way across, leaning my head on the cold, frosted window.

Hey hyung how long with this take?” I turned puzzled as Taemin opened the door and sat next to me.

I don't know...a few hours?” Jonghyun answered.

He groaned and caught my star. “Why are you looking at me funny?” He asked me, but I just shook mumbled a 'nothing' and turned back to the window.

The car ride, much like the walk to the car was quiet and uneventful



It was a ten minute drive to the studio where their hair would be redone. All the while I kept and eye on the couple, using every spare second to spy with the rearview mirror.

They didn't talk, let alone look at each other the entire trip. I could see the blond trying to catch her eye, but right when she was about to look his focus shifted and he stared back out the window.

I shook my head.

Kids these days.



Yes thank you very much unni.” I thanked the stylist and made my way to the private back room they had set up specifically for Taemin and me. I sat myself in the heating chair on the far side of the room and set the timer for 30 minutes.

Ah what will my hair look like now?

Anticipation was eating away at me. When the stylists had gone to work, and yes multiple of them attacked, my chair was turned away from any mirrors. One of the unni's claimed if I didn't know what was happening it would turn out better...


So for almost an hour and a half I sat there letting them pull and prod my hair, constantly moving from the chair to the sink, having my hair washed and then more mystery things being put in it.

At one point I heard the crackled of tin foil and could feel them folding a small chunk of hair into the metal.

So I'm getting highlights?

But then they did nothing more that that one chunk.

WTF is this? Only dying one piece?

Relax they know what they're doing. They are the professionals not you.

Taemin had gotten his hair dyed and cut within and hour and, seeing as he was always hungary, left early to get food.

Note to self: Ignore him when he comes back for leaving you alone.

I on the other hand was now sitting alone, waiting for my hair to dry. To save myself from death by boredom, I took to counting the tiles on the floor.

25, 26, 27....

76, 77, 7..

Ugh not again..” I complained after losing count.

You should really teach me more English, you know.”

I shot my head upward at the sound of the voice. With my concentration being so very well kept by the tiles, I hadn't noticed Taemin enter the room, or I thought it was Taemin.

But the boy before me no longer had the golden locks hanging by his shoulders and sweeping into his face. Instead he had chestnut colored hair, cut in short layers and gentle, sweeping bangs.

I had to admit, despite my bad mood, the look suited him really well. Like I'd-fangirl-over-it-if-I-wasn't-a-member well.

Well look who decided to show up.” I said sourly.

I didn't say anything I return so he sauntered over to a chair a few over from mine and slumped down in it. He flicked his wrist and a small, warm container landed in my lap.


Why yes I am hungry, famished actually, so glad you took the time to ditch me and then bribe me with food.

I gingerly opened the parcel and found it to be filled with duk boki, my favorite.

This kid really knows how to play..

Maybe just a little...” Just then my stomach growled.


He laughed and moved to the chair next to mine, holding a pair of chopsticks. I reached out for them but he pulled them just beyond my grasp, causing my to bump my head on the dryer.

Ow! Oppaa~” He made a face of mock sympathy.

Aw did my dongsaeng get hurt?” He went to pat my forehead by I swatted his hand away, crinkling my nose.

Ah so cute!” He praised.

His fingers picked up the chopsticks and he took the dok boki from my lap, picking up a piece and then extending it out towards me, his other hand suspended below it to catch any drip.

I obediently opened my mouth and accepted the spicy food, covering my lips while I chewed.

Oh come on you never eat this daintily..

I let out a groan of protest when he then fed himself some.

Yah Taeminnie you had your food! This is mine.” I scolded him.

He sat up defensively, “I go and get us food and this is how you treat me?” I could hear the hurt in his voice, but whether fake or true I couldn't perceive.

I waited to eat so we could eat together...” Taemin's face shifted from defense to sincerity and I melted under his gaze.

I twisted my lips trying not to smile.

In that case..” I opened my mouth for more food. “AH”


By 10:30 we had finished our snack and my hair had finally dried.

Close you're eyes and no peaking!” He lead me over to a mirror near the door.

Ok now open.” he commanded, but when I opened I was only looking at my hair still pinned up in a plastic bag and Taemin's contemplating face.

I think...” he thought out loud. “I think I want to see first.”

With that he spun me around to face him and gently pulled the the plastic off my head. I felt my hair fall lightly onto my shoulders and end there, but my vision was temporarily fuzzy for some reason. I used my hands to rub my eyes and thats when I felt them.

They gave me

A full frontal fringe.

I ran my fingers through the short hair on my forehead and gasped, quickly looking up at Taemin's face to read his reaction.

His mouth was partially open with a crooked grin and I could feel his eyes traveling all over my face and head.

..Well?” I asked impatiently.

His grin grew. “You look so...badass.” he reached out and the end of my hair.

It's kinda hot.” He admitted, making my blush wildly.

Slowly I turned myself around, head down, to face the mirror. When I looked up I thought my jaw was going to hit the floor.

Badass is right!

My once brunette curls where now gone, replaced now with silky jet black hair in one layer that ended at my shoulders, and, like I had thought, a full front fringe. I ran my fingers through it, noticing it was softer then before, and my curls were literally gone.

They must have relaxed it...that means no curls till they grow back?

Yes finally!

Then I looked closer realizing I was missing something. The chunk of hair they died. There was one strip of strawberry blond hair in the back underneath the rest.

Totally cool.


We exited the back room a few minutes later, Taemin's hands never leaving my new hair, and muttering things like, 'so pretty', 'I'm gonna miss the curls', and 'can we get you a matching leather jacket?'

I ignored him and we were just about to leave the studio entirely and meet Jonghyun at a cafe a few blocks down when one of the stylists stopped us.

News got out pretty fast,” she said in a pittiful tone. “You're gonna want these.”

She handed us both hospital masks to cover parts of our face and we knew immediately what she meant.


I sighed. Great. I wasn't supposed to be disclosed to the public until December 27th, so of course this was going to be so much fun trying to get back to Jjong.

I put on the mask, my aviator sunglasses and one of Minho's old baseball hats. Taemin did the same.

When we got to the door I could see small clusters of girls lurking in the parking lot.

You ready?” His voice was muffled by the mask and he clutched my arm. I nodded.

Let's go.



I think..we can..stop now..” Taemin panted as we started to slow our run on some random street.

It had been hell.

I mean, things went pretty well in the beginning. We made it out of the lot with only a few girls following, gossiping about whether or not it was Taemin.

But the mistake he made was taking off the mask when he sneezed, they all recognized him immediately. So then of course came all of these...

Ah Oppa~who is that girl you are with?!”

Taeminnie is this your girlfriend?!”

He let go of my arm and put some space in between us, probably thinking if we didn't share any skinships or look close then the fans wouldn't think much of it, but it made my heart drop slightly.

Did he not want people to think he would date me?

Am I an embarrassment?

Surely not after this morning...unless, he was just tired and just wanted five more minutes.

We walked like that for a while, heads down, while the girls screamed questions and snapped pictures.

I don't know when he nudged me to start running but we ended up sprinting down past the meeting spot and wildly turning corners to try and avoid the fans.

Some how we ended up here. No fans, few shops.

I pulled off my mask and stuffed it in my pocket, breathing heavily.

Never...again...” I managed to say.

He just nodded, understandingly.

We walked aimlessly for several minutes, talking about stupid things like the weather.

We passes an ice cream shop and I noticed him eyeing it, but why he would want ice cream in this freezing weather was beyond me.

You want some don't you?” I stopped short right outside of the entrance. I could tell he was trying to act like he didn't care.

Oh you want ice cream? I'll treat you!” I rolled my eyes.

Smooth Taemin, real smooth..



There was only one person working there today and to our luck he seemed middle aged and probably not all that interested in idols.

Wait here.” I instructed Aimee to wait just inside the shop so I could order for us.

Hello, sir.” I greeted him before ordering. “Um I'd like two scoops of chocolate please.” I flashed my cutest smile and he retrieved the ice cream.

Will that be all..?” He asked, glancing back at a clueless Aimee, who was admiring the mock ice cream display by the door.

I smirked, a plan formulating in my head, thinking about my girlfriend daydreams the night before.

No that'll be all.” I payed and thanked him, taking the single cone.

Share ice cream with Aimee: in progress

Ok now I just have to give a reason for not having two..

I approached her cautiously.

Aimee-ah, they only had enough for one cone...but you can have it.” I offered her, if I planned it correctly, with her sweet disposition she would insist we share.

Her eye brows furrowed, “No way oppa...” she paused, looking deep in thought.

I know, we can share! Yeah?” She beamed at me as we made our way down the street, oblivious to the fact that it was now more crowded than before.

I bit my tongue so I didn't smile. “Oh, uh, sure thing!”

Holding it up to her face I offered her the first , to which she obliged.

Good?” I asked. Her face light up.

Mmhmm its good.”

This time she took the cone from my hands and told me it was my turn.

Share ice cream with Aimee: check :)

I eagerly went in for a bit, being sure to place my hands over hers on the cone.

When she removed one of her hands from it I kept my hand on her hand and laced our fingers together.

Perfect fit.

She looked down at our hands and blushed.

Is something the matter?” I asked, pretending nothing was out of the ordinary. She simply smiled and shook her head.

I just really, really like this ice cream.”

My heart fluttered at the hidden meaning in her words.

I really like this ice cream too.” Our fingers wrapped tighter around each other and we continued on down the street.

Eventually our meandering landed us in a park, almost completely empty because of the cold winter season, but beautiful none the less. The pond in the middle was frozen over and we watched couples skate on it.

Taeminnie shouldn't we call Jonghyun?” She inquired suddenly. In all honesty I was so caught up in the moments I hadn't thought to call him, and I didn't really care to.

So I dismissed it. “If he's worried he'll call himself.”

But she still didn't seem satisfied, bitting her lip and knitting her brow.

Thats when an idea came to me, and a damn good idea at that.

Hey, Aimee what that over there?” I asked in a fake quizzical tone, pointing to absolutely nothing at all.

Where....I don't see anything.” she said, turning her head in the direction of my finger. When she did I pulled her in and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

Right at that same moment, I heard the squeals and a thousand camera flashes went off in front of us.



lol i was writing this chapter during history class and i forgot to update XD but here it is now!!

ekdjbjhjhlkjmbhv the next chapters are going to introduce various other idols...


/sighs/ i don't want to give any spoilers buuutt... angst in the future? 

hhmmmm we shall see :P

not edited

but enjoy :D

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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now" gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />