its going to be a very merry christmas 3/3

It Started with a Glance


Right when we were ordering drinks I came up with this brilliant idea. It was simply, demonic, and cruel. It would set Aimee into a sour mood but be subtly enough for no one else but me to notice. Perfect.

I actually don't know why I had this sudden urge to get some sort of revenge on her, but out of no where I felt like being mean to someone. And she happened to be an easy target.

Onew hyung lets get a bottle of champagne.”



To Shinee!” we all toasted, raising our glasses and and clanking them together in the center.

Afterwards, Aimee looked down at her drink of sparkling water and pouted. I watched her turn to Jonghyun and tug on his sleeve while perfecting her 'sad face'.

Oppa its Christmas Day why do I  have to drink water?” She whined, scrunching her nose in distaste when the word 'water' rolled off her tongue.

When he didn't look at her but rather kept eye contact with me, I knew he was attempting to resist her usually so effective cute act. Eventually we were all falling for her aegyo acts, but he had always been a er, and Aimee, being smart and resourceful, made sure to take advantage of that.

Because you are the only one who is underaged.” He told her frankly, taking a sip of his own glass, his way of subtly rubbing it in.

As tacky as I knew it was, we were in fact drinking champagne. Well, all of us but Aimee who was still a year under the drinking age. But it had been by request of – I bet you can guess – Lee Taemin. He had only just turned of age over the summer and didn't have many opportunities to drink so he wanted to take advantage of a holiday. I secretly also believe this is strung into his little fight with Aimee.

I switched my attention back over to Jonghyun right has he made a fatal mistake.

Aw Jjong oppa~” she cooed, tugging more on his sleeve. “Pleeeaaasse?”

Thats when he did it. He turned his head ever so slightly and shifted his eyes over just a tad to look at her. She had the most pathetic, puppy eyes and a large pout on her pink-ish lips.

What. An. Idiot.

Just one itty, bitty, teensy, weensy, glass?” She begged.

The singer hesitated for a good five seconds, eyes going from the manipulating teenager to the bottle of champagne a few inches away.

Well...I guess...just one wouldn't hurt.”

He's so weak.



After successfully receiving my very own glass of champagne, I had a new outlook on the evening. So what if Taemin would talk to me about everything but our problems? He ordered the alcohol specifically to upset me and I had beat him at his own game.

Fine. He wants to play dirty? Then let's play dirty.

I took a small sip, sure to look directly the now disgruntled looking Taemin and finishing off with the sweetest smile I could muster.

Don't mess.” He mouthed to me from across the table.

Bring it on bi-

Aimee what are you doing?” I whipped my head around towards the head of the table to face a curious Onew.

I was....uh” I searched my head for a good excuse and even bothered a glance at Taemin, who was, of course, smirking quite smugly. “You see I was”

It looked like you were telling me – ouch! Yah what the hell?!” I kicked Taemin under table before he could say anything.

Oh. Was that your leg Taemin oppa?” I asked with mock innocence. “Sorry, I thought it was just the table.”

Don't. Worry. About it.” He said through gritted teeth.

I gave him a quick smile and threw a wink before purposely taking a long sip of my champagne.

Oh yeah. This would go just swimmingly.


By five o'clock and way to much champagne later, we had long finished eating, I was back to drinking water and I was pretty sure Key would have a hangover in the morning. Our fighting hadn't come close to stopping and I felt like I was going to throw up every time I insulted him.

Onew stood up abruptly and excused himself.



I have to...use the bathroom.” I announced, looking around the table.

Minho gave me a questioning look and I jerked my head towards the bickering couple at the other end of the table. The rapper mad a small 'oh' with his mouth, show he understood.

Uh, I have to...too.”

Then Key, despite his not entirely sober state caught on.

Oh boy is it stuffyinhere!” He exclaimed, overdoing it with fanning motions, standing up, and making me roll my eyes as I followed Minho out of the room. We didn't speak until we were infront of the bathroom.

Hyung,if we leave them alone they're only going to fight more.”

No I think this'll work.” I told him. “Remember when I stopped home to get Key's bag that night Taemin and Aimee stayed home alone after she know?”

Minho thought about if for a few seconds before nodding.

Well I got home. I went to the living room to get the bag right? And who do I see locking lips on the deck?”

Ok, I knew Minho wasn't a very animated person, but I still expected a little more of a reaction than I got from him.

Taemin and Aimee.”

I stared at him with anticipation. But nothing more came.

Oh come on! You cannot honestly say that you knew.” I accused him.

Knew what?” he asked innocently.

You know~.” I alluded but Minho still seemed lost as ever. “That they're like 'together'.” I made air quotes around 'together'.

Onew hyung!” The boy laughed. “You see the way they've been at each others throats every other day and you think they're going out?!”

Well....I mean...Shut up and get in the bathroom!” I demanded, pushing him through the door.

They could be together...



Oh boy is it stuffyinhere!” Key exclaimed while standing up. I had a sneaking suspicion that they were all evacuating the room because of the two of us. But I pretended not to notice.

Come on Jjong. We're goingoutside for some freshair.” Key slurred grabbing hold of Jonghyun's arm and pulling him up.

But I'm fine! Maybe a bit chilly...” he protested.

You're coming withmehyung”

I wantocometoo!” Taemin said ecstatically, jumping form his seat.

Key laughed and made towards the exit.

Oops onlyfourpeople allowed outoftheroom!” He said quickly, simultaneously shoving a resisting Jonghyun out the door.

So then we were alone.



Right before I was forced into the restroom by Onew, I took a glance inside, expecting to see several stalls lined up and a row of sinks on the other end, you know, like a multi-person bathroom. But no, it was single person. And we were both walking in at the same time.

Gee this probably looks great to all of the people watching.

Onew, however, didn't seem to notice, that is, until the restaurant manager came.

Oh brilliant.



..Shut up and get in the bathroom!” I said, rolling my eyes at my dongsaeng and pushing him in.

I was about to step in after him when … –

Yah, young man. You can't go into the bathroom with that other boy. Not in my restaurant.” said a plumb balding man who wore a name tag stating: Manager.

What the hell does he want? Can't we just hide out in the bathroom without being questioned?

Ah, I'm sorry, but me and my friend just wanted” I said awkwardly. “What seems to be the problem?”

He looked at me with stern crinkled eyes. “Don't think I don't know what you two are up to. Its unsanitary! Save that for the bedroom!”

My eyes bulged and I gasped. “What?!

He wants us to save our peeing for the bedroom?! Aish, people these days...

Excuse me but I don't usually do my buisness in my bedroom, and neither –”

Hyu-Hyung..” Minho whispered to me. “Hyung, I he thinks we're gonna do it in the bathroom...”

I choked on my air. “What the fu-”

Its a single person.”

A look of realization swept over my face. “Oh. Uh, I'm sorry again ajussi. I-I thought it had more than one stall.”

I guess we could still hide in there..

What?! No people really will get the wrong idea.

He gave me a distrusting look and stood his ground.

Well then,” I said embarrassed. “I'll just....I'll just, go find Jjong and Key.” I gave Minho a shoulda-told-me-sooner death glare. “Have fun, peeing.” I told him, fully aware he didn't actually have too.

Thanks, hyung.” He said, mocking me. “I will.”



Aimee your stitches stilllookhorrible.” Taemin mumbled. “Do you wantabandaid?”

You're drunk.” I told him, ignoring what he said.

I gave me a quizzical look. “Iamnotdrunk.” he insisted. “I wannatalkabout...Dongho-aahhhhh.”

Your drunk. We're not talking about this while you're drunk. Now sit down and stop drinking.” I said but he wouldn't let go.

No.” he said defiantly. “Iam your elder and Isay we're talkingaboutthis!”

Fine!” I said, giving in. “But don't be sore at me when you overreact because your drunk!”

You start.”

I directed my eyes to the ceiling, not knowing where to begin with this. “Taeminnie-”

I get jealous realleasily.” He said out of no where. But I shut up anyway and let him speak. “I'm justnotgood at … expressing my feelings.” His nose crinkling up in distaste. I nodded and let him go on.

I dance. I'm a dancer. What I do is dancing. I'm good at dancing. I don't talk. I'm not a talker-er....speecher? Speaker. No. I am not a speaker. Wordsandme, we don'relly get along.” Now he seemed to be impressing himself with some philosophic ideas that I wasn't getting, but then again I was in the sane state of mind.

So....why~ don't out your problems?” I suggested, not really sure why any of this mattered anyway.

He started laughing at me. “AimeeAimeeAimee. I can't 'danceout myproblems! Silly girl!”

Why not...?”

Because” he said, looking at me like I was the dumbest thing in the world. “I can't possibly dance as three different people. Imonly oneperson!”

At least he says something that makes sense tonight..wait never mind I don't get it.

So you're saying...” I pieced together, trying my best to make any kind of coherency out of his 'insightful' words. “You can't dance out this problem because you would have to be dancing as three different the same time.”

He nodded enthusiastically and reached for one of the bottles of alcohol.

Oh no you don't.” I scolded, snatching the bottle before he could pour anymore. “You just....explain the three people in your problem to me.”

His face resembled that of a child whom got candy stolen from him. But then he let out a hiccup and it was back to the drunken 19 year old boy.

Well Imean firsoff there's ME.” he started, hitting himself in the chest. “I feel...happy a lot ofsatime. But thasaneasy one. Then there's Dongho-aaaaahhh....Dongho-aaahhhhh....Dongho-aahh-”

Oh god just, finish the sentence?!”

Tch, so pushy.” he grumbled. “He's sucha good friend of yours and....youjusflirt. So. Much. Like, Aimee, lesget real here. I'm pretty sureif you tuck that piece-a hair behind yourear one more time isgonna fall out.”

Yah! I do that with other people too.” I said in my own defense.

See thasthe thing!” He said as if I had just came to a great realization. “You always like do that with like erry single guy so I don'tknow when its real!”

I do not!”

Do to!”

Do. Not.”

Alright whatever do you wantme to finish ornot?” I just crossed myams and looked sourly away.

I do not flirt with every guy I meet...

Oh boy then I would hate to see you when you are flirting.

And whats that supposed to mean?

It means you don't have to flash teeth and small giggle for everyone.

Tch. I'm just being friendly.

Ooooooor~ you just wanna get some

Oh god. Just shut up.

He took my silence as a cue to start.

Not gonna lie. I like they guy he's nice andall. Bunow he makes me soooo stressedout anlike..jealous. Anthen Igettreally mad'n'sad.”

Finally Igotta” I kept my head down but perked up my ears at the mention of myself. But he didn't say anything else. In fact he had started drinking water. Now, I know its not very nice to take advantage of someone when they're drunk, but I had to know. And I knew he wouldn't be saying any of this if he hadn't been intoxicated. So I did what I had to before he came to his senses.

Taeminnie how would you dance me?” I inquired, gently.

I dunno.”

Damn it thats not how this works Lee Taemin. I ask you something, and you spill your soul into the palm of my hand.

But you gave the rest of them feelings. Dongho made you feel a certain way. H-how would it be with me?”

You, make me feel … reaaaaaaa~lly really … confused.” he said, looking like he was racking his brain for an answer.

I mean you makesmefeel light and these passt fourmonths avebeen, like, sogood. I don't think i'v everbeen thathappy before. But thentheresthis partofme that … hurts when I'm aroud you.”

Because of Dongho?” I assumed and finally looked up at him, surprised to see he had gotten up from his seat and was facing away from me, leaning on the wall, shaking his head 'no'.

Because … you make me hurt. Because … it hurts to be your friend.” He spoke his words slowly, making sure not to slur.

I watched as he let himself slide down the wall and flop onto the floor and without thinking twice I crossed the room and sat next to him.

I don't want to make you hurt, oppa.” I whispered.

Itstoolate.” he said, curling up and laying his head in my lap.

I knew that at this time, and probably only ever this time, it was my turn to do the comforting. I played with his dark hair, it lovingly before finally deciding to braid some and a few minutes later Taemin drifted off to sleep.

Merry Christmas Taeminnie.” I murmured.


I felt my phone buzz on the floor next to me; call from – Jjong oppa. I picked it up and spoke in a hushed tone.


Aimee, it's me. Are you guys done or …”

I hesitated and glanced at the sleeping boy in my lap. “Yeah more or less.”

Aimeee~ I don't want to come back to more fighting.” the singer complained on the other end.

Oh don't worry its done.” I assured him.

If you say so, but you better not be lying to me girl.”

Yeah whatever, oppa. I'm hanging up now.”



If that girl's lying I swear to – what the ?!

The four of us opened the door to the private room and our eyes fell upon the empty table.

Taemin's seat, empty; Aimee's seat, empty.

Key was the one to spot them. They were both sitting, no, Aimee was sitting and Taemin was lying on the flood, seemingly asleep, with his head on her lap. She was humming something I didn't recognize and … was she braiding his hair?

Yah, whatsallthis?” Key, of course, begun his Aimee interrogation right away.

Being totally honest here, I don't know.” She said, looking genuinely baffled.

What'shedoing?” Key asked again, like it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world, but then again, the guy was pretty wasted.

Geez what does he think he's doing? Bowling?

Um … sleeping?”

Why the hellishe asleep?!”

I don't know Key, gosh!”

I could tell the diva had a hole list of more questions and arguments he was ready to shoot but thankfully, Onew interjected before Key had the chance.

Why don't we just get the check and go back home.” he suggested, although, I don't know who would fight against it.

Lemme jushave afewmoooore!” Key insisted stumbling forward towards the table. But I reached out and grabbed his shoulders, directing him toward the door instead.

No way, Key! You'll have a bad enough headache tomorrow as it is.”


haha i wanted to post this earlier...but my flight was delayed. June just doenst seem to be my month!

things are still gloomy. but no worries i've written some stuff in to make up for it :D

i'll update very soon ~ !! enjoy this chapter


oh my god. its like 100 degrees here. i cant do it. hot weather and senile old people do not mix well >.<


@aldeadenisa : krjdfgcjdsfgxvjhdsrgfm no you are great i love you <3 i wish more of my subscribers where like you XD
                          *cough cough everyone else should comment cough cough*
                           i seem to collect all the "silent readers" LOLL
                           GUYS DON'T BE SHY~! i promise i don't bite ;)

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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now" gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />