its going to be a very merry christmas 2/3

It Started with a Glance


reeeaaaalllly short update :)

LOLL i wrote it in between exams and i wanted to get it up a soon as i could!


so i'll be updating much more frequently

more will be added onto this chapter over the weekend. oh yeah. and i'll title it ... eventually?!



I could remember one year, when I was eight or nine, my mother made us travel to Florida to see my grandparents early on Christmas morning, so we has opened some presents the day before.

That was the Christmas I learned I was allergic to the perfume of the elderly lady next to me on the plane and got sick.

The flight went horribly.

We landed in the southern state, hoping to see sunny skies and leave the cold of New York behind us. But no, we arrived to miserable humidity, thickening clouds, and torrential rain.

It had probably been the worst Christmas in my memory. That is, until this year. I was sure that December 25, 2012 would prove to hold the new record for worst Christmas.

Taemin being so y about everything. Could I help it if I had other friends? I mean he's friends with the F(x) girls, and the SNSD unnis are always after him. Why couldn't I have good friends who just happen to be guys? He wasn't like this when I met the Super Junior sunbaemins...

Yeah but they're also quite a bit older than you.

Barely! Henry is, what, 21? That's like three years difference … four at the max.

Look Dongho is the same age as you … maybe its just me but I would think you would be more likely to get with a fellow teenager than with an older man.

Ugh, I'm not “getting with” anybody.

This was all just too confusing. I must have thought over millions of times in my head if I should confess to Taemin. I mean we had pretty much already established that we had some sort of feelings for each other. Or at least I thought we had. Unless it was just apart of his noona killer image to act like a baby e, what with the hand holding, getting, flirting and kissing.

But lately he had been extra annoying about everything that happened, and it made me rethink confessing. If he was already cold and so against my relationships with other boys than that would just get worse if we started dating, right?

Then there was the ordeal of my parents. I hadn't told any of them this, but my mother and father didn't exactly know I was living in a dorm of five men. And my father, always having been over protective and sheltering, made it very clear that I was not to run off with some famous boo and that he would not be paying child support. If we ended up dating word would eventually get to my parents that not only were Aimee Parker and Lee Taemin dating, but also living together as band members. I could guarantee when word got out I would be on the next flight back to New York, bags in hand, and not on my own will.

Come on you can't let them control you like that. Its not like you and Taemin being in love means the automatic reproduction of mini dancing babies.

Oh if only you were the voice in my father's head too …

Besides, right now I just wanted to make it through my debut with Shinee. As much as I wanted him, all of the recent publicity from our scandals this month had made me stop and rethink things.

So I had a plan: he stops acting like a protective mother – I confess.


After a long and awkward breakfast with Key and Taemin. It was well after 1:00, and we were to meet Minho, Onew, and Jonghyun at a local garden park.

Honestly you two, its Christmas.” Key complained. I had been forcing him to walk in between Taemin and me, and I was pretty sure our bad moods where creating a scene. Not to mention the two of us bickered about pretty much everything.

Ah its so cold today.”

What. Was it not like this in New York?” Taemin asked with a particular sass.

I made an arm jerk in his direction people do when they are faking punching someone. Only I'm pretty sure Key's hand was the reason it came of as fake.

Hyung! She was going to hit me!” He yelled in what I was positive was false fear, so I rolled my eyes.

Drop it Tae.” Key said. “Unless you are really afraid of being hit by a girl …”

I laughed hard and stuck my tongue out at the younger of the two.

Oh please not you too.” Taemin huffed and pouted, moving to walk a little farther in front of us.

I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach. Yeah he was pissing me off, and I had to admit I was pushing his buttons a little on purpose, but in truth I hated fighting with him.

My expression became sad and thoughtful.

You know, you could just get along. I'm sure you'd feel better.” Key said, probably sensing my change in mood.

I crossed my arms and shook my head roughly, he sighed.

Gosh your both so thick.”

Oppa its not that easy!” I whined. “I mean when we are getting along only the smallest things set us off.”

He only nodded and I took that as permission to vent.

It feels like he doesn't like me being friends with Dongho but thats not fair! I really like Dongho and I have fun when we hang out but on those days I never want to come home and its not because I want to spend more time with him its because whenever I come home Taemin is in an off mood and then I can't hang out with him that night and you know how much we used to do at night before but now its all ruined and I don't know what to do I mean I thought that we …”

I felt like crying but I couldn't find the tears. But I figured it was best. Shinee's mystery girl shouldn't cry in public on Christmas anyway.

You thought you were … what.” Key asked in an attempt to get me to finish my sentence.

I looked at the side walk under my walking feet and then up at Taemins hunched figure a few yards away, a small group of fans had collected around him.

I thought we …” I scoffed slightly. “I don't know what I thought, but I was wrong.”


I don't want to talk about this anymore.” I refused him.

-do you-”

Stop it Key.”

-like him?”

I stopped short. Jonghyun was supposed to be the only one who knew that. When Key kept walking I reluctantly followed.

I took a deep breath out, watching my my breath making smoke in the freezing winter air.

Thats got nothing to do with it.” I made up to avoid the subject.

He let our an 'all knowing' laugh. “Girl – its got everything to do with it. Personally I think you too would be adorable together, stop fighting and just-”

KEY.” I yelled with enough force to attract some weird stares. “We are not talking about this right now. Just stop. I appreciate you trying to help but you really don't know whats happened.” I admitted

Finally we reached the park, in silence, and Taemin had already arrived, along with Minho, Onew, and Jonghyun.

Then at least try to fix things so that the rest of us don't have to drown in your broken relationship on a holiday.” Key whispered to me as we approached the group.

Fine. But its just for the good of the group.

I went around them all when Key started to rely the plan for the day that none of us had known and came up behind Taemin. I leaned in to whisper into his ear, leaning against his shoulder.

Taemin, can we talk please?”

I felt his body tense under my breath and he tried to pull away but I caught him and pulled him out of the circle.

No I don't want to talk to you Aimee.” he groaned, scooting past me. Out of annoyance I let out a frustrated noise and pushed him further away from me, looking up to see four pairs of eyes looking at us questioningly.

What?! Taemin was being a !” I cried in defense.

Aimee he's your elder be respectful.” Onew said calmly. He was always the one to point out my faulty mannerisms.

Yeah show me some-”

Oh my god will you shut up with the attitude?!” Key cut off Taemin's snarky comment. The younger's eyes widened, obviously shocked that his umma hyung had not backed him up.

You two have been going at it all morning.” The oldest rapper complained, rubbing his temples.

Fine. Taemin-ssi sunbaenim, was being a .” I retorted smartly. Then I turned to Key. “Key oppa I was trying to talk to him but he wont listen.” I whispered to him.

Alright whatever,” Minho interjected. “They can solve their problems later. Can we just go to lunch now?”

We all agreed and made our way to the restaurant a few blocks away. Taemin tried to go up to the front of the group and I followed him, pulling him slightly ahead of everyone else.

Taeminnie,” I tried a more endearing approach. “I hate when we're like this.” I could sense him soften a bit and stop struggling against my grasp on his arm, so I released him.

Sorry.” He mumbled. “Its not like I enjoy fighting any more than you do...”

This may be easier than I thought …

There was a pause of silence before I started laughing.

Why are we like this?” I breathed between laughs. Luckily, Taemin smiled with me.

Cause we're both stubborn as hell!”

I didn't want to kill the cheerier mood, but I didn't feel like prolonging anything anymore.

But, um, we really should … you know, talk.” His smile faded and I braced myself for another fight.

There's nothing to talk about.”

Are you kidding?!”

We'll deal with it after the holidays.” he insisted.

We'll deal with it now!”

No! Oh my god can't this just be a nice Christmas?!” he whisper-yelled. “It started off bad enough don't make it worse, Aimee.”

I raised my eyebrows in awe. “Oh I'm the one making it worse?! Well excuse me for wanting to solve our problems!”

Who said anything about us having problems?!” He asked with a harsh tone.

Oh how silly of me, of course we don't have any. We're obviously just the perfect pair.” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

This would have all been over if you had left it at 'we're both stubborn'.”

I opened my mouth to argue back but we had reached the restaurant. So I had to settle for the simple, but effective, death glare.

Jonghyun pulled Taemin and me aside before hand while everyone else went into our reserved back room.

Look. I don't know what the hell happened this morning, but if you two keep acting the way you are now, bad things are going to happen.”

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I hope you are able to resolve things soon, and that you get better <3<br />
We'll be here waiting <3
I love your story so much~~ XD please update soon :)
damn it key- why cant you just approve and make their lives easier by meddling and bringing them together/ BE A GOOD GUY... great update! =)
OMG the teasers are awesome,<br />
I'm so excited, i can't wait!<br />
good luck with your computer program thing!<br />
looking forward to whenever the next update may be ^^
...please update soon!<br />
i love this story =)
Hanniex #7
i love this story so much <br />
its really funny <br />
Wahhhhh i want them to be together<br />
update soon ^^
lol;<br />
this chapter.... AWEEEEEEEEEE!<br />
key drunk is just adorable lol, i wish i could se that in person lol<br />
and the whole minho/onew 'peeing' incident- oh gosh, i giggled like a little girl; i love how onew didnt get it at first lol " minho get in here now" gee what could that mean :P<br />
and im glad taemin kinda opened up(kinda/sorta)...even if he had to be drunk to do it; he's the most adorable drunk ever though- you could actually tell in your writing that he was soooo sure what he was saying made perfect sense lol <3... cant wait for the next update =)<br />
...and aweee im jelous! i wanna be there; i love hot weather <3
i just noticed the last 6(plus this one) comments are all from me lol<br />
but im still gonna comment-<br />
that ...especially how all those things came like one after the other; hopefully there's not too much damage done to your basement.<br />
=S<br />
Have fun in florida with your grandparents! =D<br />
oh! and looking forward to the next chapter <3<br />
=)<br />