Setting Things Right-Part 2

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Already Taken

The drive there wasnt very far, but once i stopped outside her house i learnt something knew about her, she was rich, she came from a very wealthy family. Her house was HUGE! There was even a garden! I sighed, have to concentrate on getting HyeRim home first. I walked through the garden lit by tiny little fairy lights until i can to a wide varanda. The door was big and white with strange carvings around it. I pressed on the doorbell and waited. A young man came and opened the door, he was very handsome, he was around my height with an angular face, chisled nose and chin and wide clear eyes. They were the exact same eyes as HyeRim's, this must be her brother, Cho KyuHyun. 

"Hello, I am Shim Changmin"

"Nice to meet you, I am Cho KyuHyun"

"Your sister is in my car asleep, would you like to come and carry her?"

"Okay lead they way"

We walked back to my car to go pick up HyeRim. Kyuhyun then carrying HyeRim lead the way back into the house, up the staircase and into HyeRim's room.

girl room renovation ideas Girl Room Renovation Ideas

*HyeRim's Room*

It was huge! the room was also really clean and tidy. But it seemed like no one had lived in it for a really long time. I stood in the doorway as Kyuhyun gently put his sister into bed with such tenderness that shocked me. I never knew a full grown man could show so much care for his little sister.

We backed back into the hallway leaving HyeRim alone and went back downstairs to the living room. Kyuhyun gestured for me to sit down and went to get some beverages. I looked around the room and noticed a family portrait. I spotted HyeRim immiediately, even when she was a baby her eyes were still big and round. she was in her mothers arms, a quite young looking woman with the same eyes as HyeRim, a nice heart shaped face and short black hair. Next to her had to be HyeRim's father. He looked like a strict man, with square glasses and an angular face. But despite the whitening hair and faint wrinkle lines he was still very handsome. Behind her parents were her brother and sister. Her sister was quite pretty, with dark eyes and the same heart shaped face as her mother. She was petite in size and her long black hair made her seem even more smaller. Kyuhyun was next to her, even at a younger age he was tall and handsome. His clear round eyes and chisled face was handsome even in his teenager years. The whole family was beautiful and rich, everything anyone could want.

At that exact moment KyuHyun walked back into the room with 2 glasses of water. He set one down in front of me on the coffee table and sat down opposite me. He took a deep breath and said, "Now... what are we going to do?"

"I think we should ask the opinion of some of her closest friends" i said

"Her closest friends? Does she have any?"

"Yes, BoA noona, Seo JooHyun-ssi and SongQian-ssi"

"Hmm okay, i know who they are, how are we going to contact them?"

"We can go to the company building tommorrow to find them, they should all be there, because the camp groups come back tonight"

"Okay, we just have to make sure HyeRim doesnt go tommorrow"

"Yes, definetely"

We talked more and more into the night and learnt more and more about each other. KyuHyun told me about how both his parents were too bust to notice their 3 kids much. Him and his big sister Cho Ara are all big enough to take care of themselves, but HyeRim was not old enough yet. This is how she became so independent. With both parents working out and overseas all the time, and a big brother who was busy studying for final exams and a sister who is persueing her music career in France, she ws on her own.

HyeRim would get up the earliest in the morning, make her own breakfast and go wake up mother and father. Then mother would drop her off at the company building on her way to work. If mother and father were both overseas, which was often, she would have to take the bus. Then she would spend the whole day training and bus home at night. She would do this everyday, she would come home to this huge lonley house and sometimes not even cook dinner, but go straight to sleep because she was so tired. KyuHyun explained all of this guiltily as if this was all his fault.

"Its okay KyuHyun-ssi, we will set everything right for her"

"Thank You Changmin-ssi"

It was finally time for me to leave, i would meet KyuHyun tommorrow morning at S.M building at 7am. It was time to set everything right.



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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 43: Just finished re-reading this whole story and it's still super adorable <3
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 42: Omg this story is just wayyyy to cute and sweet xD wish it was longer. I love X2Y couple soooo much!!!!! Sequel please xD
Chapter 42: awwwww...awwwwwwwwwww i donno what to say but awwwww
Chapter 42: Amazing. I'm so sad it's over but of course, all good things must come to an end, huh? I'm so happy they're together...they ARE together right?
lovedrunker #5
Chapter 42: Awwwww~ super nice story!!
jessicalm145 #6
Chapter 42: Did SM give them permission to date?!!
Chapter 42: AWWWWWWWWWW~
They are the true LOVE!!!!

BTW, how old are they?
Chapter 41: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now kiss!!!!!!!!!
Muah muah~
jessicalm145 #9
Chapter 41: Awww yay!!! About time!!! But man that's a huge family!!! But Sooyoung cooking?!! I would expect Hyoyeon unnie, but Sooyoung?!! N haha!! Yoona jumped n go there first...daebak.
Chapter 41: AWWWW, SO ADORABLE!!!

I really want them to be together already. :3
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!