Party - 1

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Already Taken

*HyeRim's POV*

"Where are you taking us?!?!?!" i screamed.

"Anita, Sharon! would you please tell us what is going on??" asked JunYoung.

We were both being hauled down the hallway by 2 tiny little girls, who were 'supposedly' our closest friends. Sharon had grabbed onto my arm and my bag with all my change of clothes and was dragging me down the hallway towards the elevator. Anita was doing the same, but since JunYoung was much bigger than her, she decided to sling his bag over her shoulder and half jump onto his back, half push him towards the same direction. 

I looked back at JunYoung and Anita as they scrabbled all over each other, one trying to free themselves from the other, but at the same time hold on as tight as possible. It looked a little like a bull trying to buck off its passenger. Suddenly, anita grabbed both his ears and pulled, it was amazing, his ears were like reins for a horse. He immiedietly stopped trying to buck her off and pulled his face into a tight grimace. Anita smiled and climbed onto his back piggy back style sniling gleefully. JunYoung huffed and grabbed onto her legs before she could fall and walked silently forward following me and Sharon. I smiled, Anita and Sharon still hadn't lost their touch for getting the things they wanted. 

We all clambered into the elevator, as Sharon pressed the button for the basement. I wondered where we were going but didnt question anything. I didnt want sharon also climbing on my back.

We walked out of the elevator, Sharon dragging my along by the hand. Anita was still clutching onto JunYoung's back, pulling on both his ears. It was quite a sight. 

It was then that i realised that we had come to the carpark for where all the company cars and vans were parked. Sharon led the way through the carpark, until we came to a black van near the ramp entrance. The lights inside were on, but i couldn't see the driver's face. Sharon slid open the door, dumped my bag inside and urged me into the very back seat, she also climbed in and sat next to me. 

I saw JunYoung and Anita arguing outside the door of the car. 

"You can get off me now" growled JunYoung.

"No! Then you might run away!" said Anita in an equally scary but playful tone, she pulled on his ears harder.

"Then how am i suppose to get in the van?" asked JunYoung, "Do you want me to sit on you? Just a word of caution, im a lot heavier than i used to be" he said seirously.

"Fine, Don't run away then... chubbybunny.." Anita mumbled, pulling his ears one more time before jumping off his back. She landed awkwardly on the ground, but JunYoung was fast and quickly grabbed her arm before she fell over. A wave of heat washed over me, as my eyes zoomed in on their skinship, i didnt know what this feeling was but i didnt like it. I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat. Sharon saw me, put her hand on mine and squeezed reasuringly.

"you should be more careful!" scoled JunYoung, as he helped Anita into the van, picking her up and dumping her into the seat on the other end, carrying her from under the armpits. All the heat from my body vanished and it was replaced with a uncontrolable roll of laughter. Anita looked just like a little baby getting carried and then dumped into the car seat! 

JunYoung saw me laugh and smiled at me. My heart fluttered. He climbed into the car and sat infront of me, pulling the door closed behind him. 


We drove out of the carpark and into the afternoon light of Seoul city. It was only after 5 mins of driving before i realised who the driver was. It was Manager Appa! I could tell from the hat and sunglasses he wore, they were sooo old fashioned! It was definetely him! 

"Appa! What are you doing here?" i asked stunned.

Anita, Sharon and JunYoung all turned their heads toward the driver with stunned expressions. Anita and Sharon were only looking because they were shocked that i called him appa (father).

"Appa? What are you doing? What is going on? Where are we going?" Junyoung rumbled on with questions, leaning forward towards the driver seat. 

Anita and Sharon looked even more stunned with JunYoung calling the same man appa aswell. They gave each other stunned looks and then both turned to me. 

"Don't take it the wrong way! Hes not really our dad, hes just our manager, and we call him our dad" i smiled and explained to them.

They looked far more relaxed after i told them.

Appa pulled down his sunglasses in defeat as his 2 manageries (ppl that managers mangage XD just made it up!) saw through his terrible disguise. 

"Im sorry JunYoung-ah, can't tell you. Strictly prohibited!" said Appa.

"Awww!! Appa come on! I think ive suffered enough! This young gorrilla here almost pulled my ears out of my head already! I bet they will be purple tomorrow!" complained JunYoung.

The whole van burst into laughter except Anita and JunYoung. 

"Who are you calling a GORILLA?!?!" screamed Anita, and launched her hands back onto his left ear and pulled. 

"OWWWWWWWW!!!! Okay!!! I take it back!!! Just pleasssee let go of my earss!!! It hurtsss" yelped JunYoung.

"Tell me I'm not a gorilla, but a little fairy princess" Grinned Anita Evily. JunYoung was one to never call Anita anything other than bad names. He grimaced, but he still treasured his pride and shook his head.

"Are you sure you want to disagree?" threatened Anita, pulling harder on his ear.

JunYoung scrunched up his face, he was turning redder by the second! Finally after a dreadful 30sec he gave in and muttered. "Fine..... your... a fairy princess Anita.."

"I didn't hear you!" teased Anita.

JunYoung grumbed, then he cleared his throat and lifted his head slightly higher, "Anita Adachi is a lovely little fairy princess from fairytopia, where she plays with puffballs and and dances with unicorns under a rainbow. However, this little fairy has a secret, she just cannot get over her daily leaks when she goes to bed!" laughed JunYoung gleefully. 

The whole van went silent. 

Then at the exact same moment Appa turned up the radio to full blast, Anita launched herself at JunYoung and Me and Sharon jumped inbetween them. It was a whole 2 mins of scrabbling frantically in the back seat while the driver sang his head off to BoA's Only One in the front seat horribly out of tune. 

We were finally be able to push Anita back into her seat and strap her down with her seat belt before someone cause a major medical injury. Junyoung was still smiling to himself gleefully. Me and Sharon sat back in our seats and kept our eyes ou before one of them tried to kill each other again. 

It happens everytime We get together. Anita and JunYoung start clawing at each others throats, and Me and Sharon have to break it up. But somehow we know that its just them expressing their lover and concern fro each other. Junyoung has always cared for both Sharon and Anita. For Anita his love was masked by a outer layer of fighting and argueing, whereas with Sharon he was much more brotherly. 

We drove to the destination in silence. As soon as we got there, me and JunYoung realised something was wrong. Why are we at the Airport?

Anita and Sharon pulled us towards the entrance of the airport and straight towards security check. Me and JunYoung knew better than to argue and just followed silently. We boarded a plane straight after security check, and Sharon and Anita didnt even let us see the destination! We could be flying to America for all we knew!

I ended up sitting next to Anita and Sharon next to JunYoung. I was so tired, and lay my head on Anita's shoulder and soon enough dozed off. It seemed like only a few minuted later that i was woken up by Anita, saying that we had arrived. Anita stood up to grab her bag from the overhead locker, signalling for me to wake up JunYoung and Sharon. I peeked behind us and found that JunYoung and Sharon had also fallen asleep. Sharon had slept in JunYoung's lap and his head was lolled back in the chair. I smiled at the sight and quickly got out my phone and took a snap shot of it. They looked just like brother and sister!


I quickly shook them awake as be begun our decent down to earth. Where could we be? i looked out the window and saw the blue ocean. We were by the sea! I stuck my face up agaisnt the window and in the vast view with my 2 eyes. It was beautiful!!! I've never seen the ocean so blue before! We quickly touched down in the airport. Just then then an announcement came over the loud speaker. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope that you have enjoyed your flight with us today, we hope you can fly with us again, Korea Air. Please enjoy your stay in Jeju."

I whipped my head around to look at Anita and Sharon. JunYoung did the same.

"JEJU!?!?!?!!?!?!?!" we both asked stunned.


We clambered out of the airport and through the gates and into JeJu Airport. We stood there for a minute waiting for our eyes to adjust to the bright light of JeJu island. 

"Anita! Sharon! HyeRim! JunYoung! Over here!" 

We all turned our heads to look at who was calling us. It was EunHyuk oppa who had called us. Standing next to him was DongHae oppa and behind them were Taemin and Minho oppas. 

We all ran to them. 

"Oppa!!!" i squealed so happy to see them.

Taemin dodged infront of Donghae and EunHyuk and ran to me and pulled me up into an almightly bear hug. he picked me up and spun me around like a little kid. He brought me over to the other oppas as the others followed behind and set me down on the ground. I hugged the other oppas gratefully. Anita and Sharon even hugged them.

After we settled down, EunHyuk and Donghae oppa lead the way to the car park walking infront with Sharon and Anita. MinHo and Taemin oppas walked behind with me and JunYoung, questioning us about how we have been doing lately. SHINee has been in Japan for quite a while now, promoting their new Japanese album, so we havent seen SHINee oppas since our debut. 

It turned out Eunhyuk oppa had hired a van, just like the ones back in Seoul, to transport us within JeJu. We all clambered into the van, EunHyuk and Donghae in the front, Sharon and Anita in the middle and the rest of us 4 squeazed into the back. Me and JunYoung sort of had to sit on oppas legs to make room for all of us, but we didnt mind. 

Sharona and Anita were talking fast and quietly to Donghae and Eunhyuk in the front, while Minho and Taemin oppas tried to keep us entertained for the ride. Something was up, i knew it..

We arrived after 20mins of, Eunhyuk oppa's freakishly scary driving, and had arrived at a HUGE beach house. EunHyuk oppa had pulled into the driveway and we had all climbed out. MinHo and Taemin oppas led me and JunYoung up to the front door while Sharon and Anita stayed back to continue talking to EUnHyuk and Donghae oppas. 

*Beach House*

The beach house was amazingggg!!!! We walked through the door and were greated by a whole crowd of shoes. I smiled, i recognized more than half of the shoes there.. so they are here.

TaeMin and Minho lead us through the house. The house was huge! There were 5 corridors each with at least 5 bedrooms in each, 3 lounge rooms, 1 humungous kitched 3 studies, and countless bathrooms! It was all made white and amazingly beautiful with roof to floor windows. We walked to the main lounge room and onto a balcony. The balcony had stairs in the corner leading right to the beach. The balcony was as big as my room back home, even bigger! We walked to the edge of the balcony and looked out towards the beach. 

On the beach there was a large crowd of people, they were all dancing around, playing ball games, swimming and sun baking. Minho oppa, Put his fingers in his mouth and blew a high pitched whistle. I was worried that he had disturbed someone elses party, when everyone turned to look at us. I wanted to apologize for him, when every on the beach yelled, "SURPRISEEE!!!!!"

It was only then i realised it was the rest of my family. SMTOWN family has come. 


HEYYY!!! i hope you guys like the chapter!! sorry i couldn't put many pics into it :(

I hope the link for the beach house works! 

What do you think of the chap? Anita and Sharon sure are a handful right? XD (they are actually based on my real firends*wink wink*)



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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 43: Just finished re-reading this whole story and it's still super adorable <3
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 42: Omg this story is just wayyyy to cute and sweet xD wish it was longer. I love X2Y couple soooo much!!!!! Sequel please xD
Chapter 42: awwwww...awwwwwwwwwww i donno what to say but awwwww
Chapter 42: Amazing. I'm so sad it's over but of course, all good things must come to an end, huh? I'm so happy they're together...they ARE together right?
lovedrunker #5
Chapter 42: Awwwww~ super nice story!!
jessicalm145 #6
Chapter 42: Did SM give them permission to date?!!
Chapter 42: AWWWWWWWWWW~
They are the true LOVE!!!!

BTW, how old are they?
Chapter 41: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now kiss!!!!!!!!!
Muah muah~
jessicalm145 #9
Chapter 41: Awww yay!!! About time!!! But man that's a huge family!!! But Sooyoung cooking?!! I would expect Hyoyeon unnie, but Sooyoung?!! N haha!! Yoona jumped n go there first...daebak.
Chapter 41: AWWWW, SO ADORABLE!!!

I really want them to be together already. :3
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!