
Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Already Taken

I looked in the mirror and saw my tear stricken face. "Damn" i started rubbing my face trying to rub the streaks away and also trying to rub all the pain from my heart. It seemed like something was digging into my heart. Why does it hurt so much? 

"HyeRim-ah, what are you doing here? What happened?" a voice from behind me suddenly said.

I turned around in shock to find SeoHyun unnie there. 

"Unnie! err... What are you doing here?" i furiously wiped away the last of my tears and looked at SeoHyun unnie plastering a fake smile on my face. 

"Are you okay HyeRim-ah?" she asked worridley.

"Yes unnie, I'm fine. No need to worry about me!" i smiled. "Well, i'll just be going first then" i turned around trying to walk out the room.

"Wait!" said SeoHyun and she grabbed onto my arm and spun me around. "Tell me, Dont lie to me HyeRim-ah."

I looked up and unnie and saw true concern in her eyes. Without thinking i suddenly burst into tears once again. Unnie pulled me into a tight hug and held me close. She brought me over to a cubicle and sat me on the toilet. She bent down and held my hands tightly, waiting patiently until i calmed down. Once i finally did i looked into her eyes. 

"Tell me what happened." said SeoHyun unnie.

So i told her everything that happened starting from that morning. 

Once i finished i saw SeoHyun smile. 

"What is it unnie?" i asked 

She shook her head.  "Its nothing"

"Unnie i dont know what is wrong with me" i sobbed.

"Dont worry HyeRim-ah, everything will work out sooner or later for the best" smiled SeoHyun unnie.

It was another 10 mins before the tears ended and i was able to go back to the recording room and face JunYoung and ajusshi. SeoHyun unnie walked me over to the room and opened the door for me. She waved to ajusshi and JunYoung before hugging me tightly and leaving me in the room. 

JunYoung walked over to me and bent down slightly to look me in the eye.

"HyeRim-ah, are you okay?" he asked worried as his hand went up to pat my head. I dropped my eyes to the ground and sighed. 

"I'm fine".

I walked over to the couch and sat down leaving JunYoung stunned at my cold reaction. 

"Ajusshi, are we finished with the recording?" i asked.

"Umm.. er... Yes we are, you 2 are free to leave now." said ajusshi a little flustered at me and JunYoung's little exchange.

"Thank You ajusshi for all your hard work" i looked up and smiled at him.

I grabbed my coat and was just about to turn the handle on the door when i heard ajusshi call my name again. 

"HyeRim-ah! JunYoung-ah!" 

"Yes?" i turned around.

"I almost forgot! What was the name that you wanted call yourself? the group name?"

"Ahh, the name we came up with is X2Y ajusshi. X for the female chromosone, Y for the male and 2 for the duo." i smiled at him and turned around to walk out the door again. 

I could feel JunYoung and ajusshi's stares digging into my back. Once i went around the corner i started running. I ran all the way downstairs and out the front door. It was really cold outside, it was going to snow soon. I pulled on my jacket and just ran. I didn't want to know where i was running. I just ran as hard as i could. I ran and ran... it felt like i ran 3 km before i finally stopped and flopped down on a bench. Tears were falling down my face as i sat there sniffing.

"Aish, another break up? Youngsters these days" 

i looked up stunned at the voice. I looked around and saw an old granny sitting on the bench next to me. 

"Break up?" i asked a little stunned.

"Yep, how could it not be a break up, just looking at your face i know" smiled the granny.


But i was interupted by her again, "Let me tell you something dear, true love only happens once in your life, if that one person is the one that you feel is the one, go for it, don't let him tear you down. Don't be afraid to love, don't be afraid to be broken hearted. Love is suppose to be something happy, not something painful and sad."

I was speechless. 

"Oh my, look at the time, i must get going. Be sure to remember what i said dear!" and the old granny got up and walked away. 

I sat there stunned. thinking over the old granny's words. It was getting quite cold and dark outside now. It is time to go home. 

I looked up and saw the street sign, i was only a few blocks away from home. It would take me about 30 mins top to get back to teh dorm. I didn't have my mobile or any money on me, I think i left them at S.M buidling. 

I pulled my coat tight around me and started trudging home. The whole way i was thinking how i should explain my behaviour to JunYoung. It was getting colder and colder as i walked, my fingers were frozen and my face pale. 


I looked up and saw JunYoung running towards me. He looked all tired and puffed out. He had worry and concern in his eyes. I stood there stunned, he ran to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I could feel his warmth through his thick jacket, without knowing i closed my eyes and dug my face into his warm chest. I breathed in his "JunYoung" scent and sighed. I miss him. 

"Its snowing" i heard JunYoung say in shock. I pulled away from him and looked upwards. There were indeed small white flakes falling down from the sky. There were bits falling in my hair and onto my face. I looked at JunYoung and smiled, he smiled back at me. Suddenly a snowflake landed on my nose. JunYoung laughed. He pulled me close and kissed me lightly on the nose. I was shocked, this was the first time he kissed me, normally it was the other oppas or unnies that kiss me. He laughed even more at my shocked reaction and pulled me back into his chest. I lay my head back onto his chest and sighed.

"Lets go home" he whispered in my ear. i nodded still leaning my head on his chest.

He let go and grabbed onto my hand and led me to our dorm. In the elevator it was awkard, both of us were embarrassed to ask about what happened before. But he didn't let go of my hand. His warm hand enclosed over mine and gave me a sense of protectivness.

We walked into the dorm taking off our shoes and coats and hanging them up. It was late and both of us were tired so we returned to our own rooms to wash. In the shower i kept on thinking about how to explain to him my actions but i just dont know what to say to him when i'm not even sure what happened myself.

I put on my t-shirt and sweatpants to get ready for bed. Just before i went to bed i creeped outside into the kitchen and poured myself and cup of water. It sounded like JunYoung had already gone to bed. I sighed. I guess i will have to tell him tommorrow. After i finished drinking i turned off the light and creeped back to my room to go to bed. I crawled into bed and snuggled under my duvet. It was somehow extremley cold that night and i crawled into a small ball slightly shivering. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind. 

I was too preoccupied that i didnt hear my door creak open and someone walk in. I only noticed that person when they suddenly put their hand on my shoulder. I was startled and my eyes flew open. I turned around and saw JunYoung standing sitting on the edge of my bed. i grabbed onto his warm hand with both of mine. 

"Wow, HyeRim-ah your so cold," he put his hand on my face and felt my cold cheeks. "I'll go get you another blanket" . He let go off my hand and left the room. 

JunYoung came back into the room carrying another thick blanket and covered it over my body. 

"Thank You.." i whispered. 

JunYoung sat back on the edge of my bed, i grabbed onto his hand again and held it agaisnt my face. I closed my eyes.

I didn't want him to leave. Its too cold to be alone....

I felt him begin to get up and slowly move him hand away, i grabbed onto his hand tighter. "Please don't go, I don't want to be alone" i whispered agaisnt his hand. 

"...Okay then." i heard him sigh.

I opened my eyes again and saw him lay back down on the bed and come under the covers with me. I stayed close to him and didnt let go of his hand all night. 

I didnt' feel cold again that night. 

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 43: Just finished re-reading this whole story and it's still super adorable <3
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 42: Omg this story is just wayyyy to cute and sweet xD wish it was longer. I love X2Y couple soooo much!!!!! Sequel please xD
Chapter 42: awwwww...awwwwwwwwwww i donno what to say but awwwww
Chapter 42: Amazing. I'm so sad it's over but of course, all good things must come to an end, huh? I'm so happy they're together...they ARE together right?
lovedrunker #5
Chapter 42: Awwwww~ super nice story!!
jessicalm145 #6
Chapter 42: Did SM give them permission to date?!!
Chapter 42: AWWWWWWWWWW~
They are the true LOVE!!!!

BTW, how old are they?
Chapter 41: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now kiss!!!!!!!!!
Muah muah~
jessicalm145 #9
Chapter 41: Awww yay!!! About time!!! But man that's a huge family!!! But Sooyoung cooking?!! I would expect Hyoyeon unnie, but Sooyoung?!! N haha!! Yoona jumped n go there first...daebak.
Chapter 41: AWWWW, SO ADORABLE!!!

I really want them to be together already. :3
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!