You're my star

Fix You


Listen to (Kang Minhyuk – Star) as you read! It matches the story well :)

It was lunch time for the students in Hanyang High and bunch of them rush to their usual seats. Hyuna made her way to their clique’s seat but only saw Hyunseung sitting there alone. She huffed angrily, still mad at what happened in the morning. Hyunseung spotted her in the corner and shouted her name. His voice was so loud that the whole school stopped to look at him. “AHHH OPPA!! Always trying to embarrass me!!” Hyuna thought to herself.  She turned away, ready to run away but Hyunseung didn’t stop there, he continued shouting her name loudly. Embarrass, Hyuna quickly went to him, “AH WAE!! You always treat me so bad! I hate you!” she whined. “Ah Kim Hyuna, will you stop whining, even just for a day?” he pleaded with her.
And before Hyuna could continue her whining, Doojoon and Kikwang came to Hyunseung’s rescue. “Ya, prince Jang. You were so loud just now...” he paused and took a glance at an angry-looking Hyuna, “....what happened?” Hyuna started complaining to him, about how Hyunseung tricked her in the morning and how he embarrassed her but all Doojoon did was laugh. She frowned and turn away, she knew it was going to be a bad day. Doojoon noticed how she was frowning and tried to comfort her. “Hyuna, don’t mind Hyunseung. He’s just a little crazy today. Don’t be sad, I will treat you to ice cream after school?” he asked with his most sincere smile. Hyuna immediately brightened up and started jumping around. Ice cream is her favourite food and everyone in the clique knew that.

(After school)
Doojoon’s POV

Ahh... finally. It has been so long since i went out with Hyuna alone. Whenever we went out, the rest of the clique will follow. Not that I mind their presence but sometimes, i just want to have some alone time with her. I checked the time, it was 3pm and i was going to pick her up in about half an hour... i can’t wait to see her.

(End of Doojoon’s POV)

Just when Doojoon was going to watch some tv, his doorbell rang. He went to open the door and there was the beautiful and petite girl standing in front of him. The girl that had always been with him since young... the girl who he always had a crush on.

He couldn’t help but stare and smile at her. He wanted to greet her but somehow, no words seem to be able to escape from him. The fact that she was dressing so casual with light makeup made him even more smitten. This was the Hyuna that he fell for, the cute and cheerful girl.
Hyuna giggled at how Doojoon reacted and finally broke the silence. “ya Yoon Doojoon! Are you okay?” she asked. Doojoon finally came back to reality and went to grab his car keys. “Why are you here so early?” he asked Hyuna while they make their way to his car. “I was tired of waiting... i want my ice cream now!!” she jumped around Doojoon. He smiled and opened the car doors for her, like how he always would.  Hyuna was humming some nursery rhyme and doing weird poses while looking at his car mirror.

“Kim Hyuna... how i wish you will be like this everyday... how i wish you were mine.”


Hey guys!! Oh my! Did Doojoon finally decide to confess his feelings to Hyuna? Hehe, you would need to read chapter 5 to find out! I love this song “Star”, it kinda matches the setting of Doodoo and Hyuna’s date don’t you think? This song will be put up at the beginning of chapter 5 since I find that it suits the setting. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this chapter as much as i enjoy writing it. And when i wrote the part on Doojoon and Hyuna, i can’t help but smile!
SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT AS USUAL! Really love to read all your comments! Do know that i really appreciate you guys for commenting <3
 Silent readers, do comment! :)

Oh, and thank you YulHyun for telling me why the previous chapter was rated M! 

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this story isn't being given up.... just hardly have any ideas


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Chapter 29: Ohmaigawd.. im dying to know what happen next..
Why hara n gyuri need to be here? =..=
Chapter 29: Awwww.... its last chapter????? >\\\< but nice story, u make me cry... hehehe
Chapter 29: Me me me!!! >< I'M not a fan of Kara but I don't want to see Hara as a bad girl :((
I think she has it enough~ she didn't do anything wrong anyway ==
I'm waiting for your update~
Chapter 28: Hmmmm. I cant help but get excited when she is around junhyung.
justsomebody #5
Chapter 27: Just finished read this story and amazing, actually I'm junah shipper >.< But its alright I love it, update soon authornim ;)
Chapter 27: I don't like that Gyuri!!! Don't let her stick with Hyunseung ok?
Chapter 26: Wow what a jerk!
LumosStorm #8
Chapter 26: I feel like kicking hyunseung's dad.....
can I?
Chapter 25: Good job junhyung knock some sense into him! I wonder what itll be like if she goes to the party!
Chapter 25: Yes, Hyuna need to know about Junhyung~~