
Fix You

“Yeah, so that’s how we met...” Hyuna’s voice slowly trailed away.
Hyunseung nodded his head slightly, taking a sip from his soju.
He cleared his throat and looked over at Hyuna.
She was looking down, playing with her fingers again. That is a habit of hers whenever she was feeling nervous or troubled.

He looked up from her fingers to her face again.
“You okay?” he gently asked.
“Yeah.” She bluntly replied but soon looked up from her fingers and gave Hyunseung a smile.
He studied her expression, trying to find out if she was speaking the truth or not.
Hyuna broke the gaze and lightly slap him on his shoulders.
“I am alright. Really.” She said, trying to assure him.

The two were sitting alone in the quiet club since it was still afternoon.
“Yah, come one! Lets go somewhere fun!” Hyunseung said as he pulled her along.

After awhile, both of them reached an amusement park.
The last time they visiting this theme park was when they were 9.
Hyuna started getting excited and ran in, towards to the ticket counter.
Hyunseung chuckled silently as he slowly walked over to her.

The duo spent at least 3 hours in the amusement park. They sat on rides like the rollercoaster (with Hyuna squeezing on Hyunseung’s hand as they reach the ), Ferris wheel and many other rides.

“Hyuna, lets go over there.” He said while pointing towards the slow boat ride.
She agreed and as they were making their way there, Hyuna happen to notice that many of the people waiting in line for the ride were mostly couples.
She looked down, sighing louder than she expected.
Hyunseung looked over to her, he knew that she felt lonely at this moment.
The last relationship she had was 3 years ago.

He slyly slide his arms under hers’, linking arms together.
Hyuna was stunned at his sudden action, causing him to smirk. But she didn’t slide away from him and instead, walked even closer to him.

The both of them were on the ride, looking around at their childhood place.
Hyunseung’s arms were slung over on Hyuna but she did not seem to mind.
Her face lit up when she heard IU’s Peach playing through the loudspeaker.
This song reminded her of her first love, Junhyung.

“Oppa... we always talk about me. What about you?”
He looked puzzled, “what about me?”
“Who’s your first love?”

He laughed almost immediately at her question, making her frown.
He leaned in closer to her and whispered into her ears, “oh, don’t you know me well enough, Kim Hyuna?”
The way he spoke, which sounded extremely seductive, made Hyuna felt a shiver down her spine. 
Hyunseung pulled back to his original place and continued.
“Don’t you notice that i don’t date?” he smirked.
She paused for awhile, thinking. It was true, although Hyunseung had has many flings before, he never seem to settle down on just one girl.
He didn’t expect an answer from her as he knew exactly what she was thinking.

“So you don’t love?” she asked, glancing at him.
He shook his head.
“I don’t see why i should. I’d rather than love you know.” He answered.
She was shocked at his answer. Hyuna has never known this about him. But instead of probing him with questions, she just looked away at the background.

Hyunseung was driving Hyuna back to her apartment.
“Thanks for the ride. And also for today.” She said then smiled at him genuinely.
He returned the smile.

Before Hyuna wanted to get out from the car, Hyunseung called out to her.
She turned away from the car door and looked over at him.
“Hyuna-ah... I’m not going to lie. You’re the only girl who has ever made my heart race, made me think crazy and not act like myself...” he paused and chuckled silently at the thought of how he acted in the past, “Now, i don’t even know why i am telling you this, see what you do to me?”

Hyuna was surprised at the sudden confession but after awhile, she giggled.
“Honestly Hyunseung, i am kinda attracted to you. I mean, its no lie that you are one attractive lad... but... mmm...” she paused, thinking through her words but soon gave up on trying. She waved him goodbye and ran back to her apartment, like literally ran.

‘I don’t know if i am in love with you or not. But even if i am, i would never admit it... well not to you at least. You’ve been hurt and i don’t want to hurt you. I am just another jerk who doesn’t know how to love...’ Hyunseung thought to himself and eventually drove away.


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p.s: i do check out my subscribers’ stories. Keke.

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this story isn't being given up.... just hardly have any ideas


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Chapter 29: Ohmaigawd.. im dying to know what happen next..
Why hara n gyuri need to be here? =..=
Chapter 29: Awwww.... its last chapter????? >\\\< but nice story, u make me cry... hehehe
Chapter 29: Me me me!!! >< I'M not a fan of Kara but I don't want to see Hara as a bad girl :((
I think she has it enough~ she didn't do anything wrong anyway ==
I'm waiting for your update~
Chapter 28: Hmmmm. I cant help but get excited when she is around junhyung.
justsomebody #5
Chapter 27: Just finished read this story and amazing, actually I'm junah shipper >.< But its alright I love it, update soon authornim ;)
Chapter 27: I don't like that Gyuri!!! Don't let her stick with Hyunseung ok?
Chapter 26: Wow what a jerk!
LumosStorm #8
Chapter 26: I feel like kicking hyunseung's dad.....
can I?
Chapter 25: Good job junhyung knock some sense into him! I wonder what itll be like if she goes to the party!
Chapter 25: Yes, Hyuna need to know about Junhyung~~