
Fix You

The fiery ball of light was shining ever so brightly, and the cloudless sky was as blue as the sea below it. Hyuna and Hyunseung were seated under the shade of a big tree. They decided to have a picnic as the weather was definitely not to be wasted indoors.

Hyuna laughed heartily when she saw how Hyunseung choked at the sandwich.
“Yah! What did you put in here?” he yelled out, still choking.
“Wasabi!” she spat out through her laughter.
Hyunseung’s eyes widened and quickly gulped down the bottled water. His face was flushed red.
“Fool!” she laughed out once more after seeing his face.
“Come here you little!” he cried out as he started chasing after Hyuna.

It has been so long since they truely had fun with each other. The drama happening in their life at the moment seems to be all forgotten today.

Hyunseung caught Hyuna by the waist and pulled her close to him.
“Don’t you run away from me ever again.” He whispered to her. Hyuna shuddered at how his warm breath touched her bare skin. Oh, how she missed this.

She released herself from him and pulled him back to their picnic mat. She took out a new sandwich and handed it to him. Hyunseung looked at the sandwich suspiciously, making Hyuna giggle out.
“I didn’t poison that, I swear!” she said.

The duo spent the next half hour lying on the soft grass, eyes closed due to the bright sun ray.

Hyunseung pulled out his phone as it continuously buzzed.
It was a message from Gyuri.

Oppa, please come now. I need you. Quick.

All the negative thoughts came rushing into his head and he quickly sat up.
Hyuna noticed the movement and opened her eyes to see Hyunseung panicking.
“What’s up?” she asked as she sat up next to him.
He quickly locked his phone.
“My mum needs me now. I need to go. Sorry babe.” He quickly lied and gave a quick kiss.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Hyuna asked out of concern. She treated Hyunseung’s mum just like her own mum.
He shook his head, “I’ll make it up to you soon.” He said as he rushed off to his car.

Gyuri opened the door to see a sweaty Hyunseung.
Hyunseung eyed her, noticing how calm and... normal she was.
“I thought you...” “You came?” Gyuri interrupted him.
“Well duh? I thought something happened to you.” He said, confused at the current situation.
She let out a low laugh, “You still care for me, huh?” She pulled Hyunseung in her house.
Hyunseung, who was dazed at what was happening, went in. He looked around her house and sat down on the couch.
“What’s happening? What’s with the text?” he asked.
Gyuri grabbed some wine and two glasses before approaching him. “I just wanted your company.” She said as she poured the liquid.
Hyunseung just realised how Gyuri was only wearing a bathrobe but chose to ignore.
“If you’re fine and my presence here is not required, I would have to go now.” He said as he stood up.
Gyuri quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him from opening the door. She wrapped her arms along his waist and held him tightly.
“Don’t go.” She half-whispered.
Hyunseung tried to shake her off but she persistently held on.
“Yah, let go. I have no time for this.” He said.
“Please, don’t leave. Stay for awhile more.” She pleaded as she rested her head on his shoulder.
Hyunseung used all his might to push her away, he shot her a dirty look and turned away, ready to step out of the house.
Taking him by surprise, Gyuri crashed her lips against Hyunseung’s. Once again, Hyunseung couldn’t pull away. Gyuri was kissing him really hard, hoping he would respond back. But Hyunseung never did.
She pulled away after seeing how he wasn’t going to react.
“What happened to you, Hyunseung?” she asked. She was in tears.
Hyunseung looked at her coldly and shook her hands away.
“Love happened. Maybe you should try it someday.” He said bluntly.
Gyuri gave him a confused look. “But you said you loved me?”
He scoffed at her. “That was before I knew what love was.” He said before opening the door.
He turned around, looking at Gyuri one last time. “Don’t look for me again.”
Gyuri stared ahead as she watched the door close. Her gaze was hard and she smirked.
“You wish I was that easy to shake off, Jang Hyunseung.”

Hyunseung was in Hyuna’s house, watching tv. He rested his feet on the coffee table.
“Yah! Put your feet down!” Hyuna nagged as she came towards him with some tea.
He let out a chuckle before putting his feet down.
“So...” she started off while sipping on her drink, “How’s your mum?”
Hyunseung was still concentrating on the screen, “Mum? Oh... she’s fine.”
Hyuna stared at him, wanting him to look back but his eyes were glued to the screen.
She went closer to him, “What happened anyway? Was it serious?”
He finally looked back at her and saw how concern she was. He cleared his throat.
“It was a minor thing. Really, don’t worry about it.” He said. He really didn’t like to lie to Hyuna.
She nodded and snuggled even closer, lying on his shoulder.

“Someone is little touchy today huh?” he smirked at Hyuna, noticing how she kept coming closer.
She flashed him an innocent smile. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Hyunseung laughed and shook his head, rustling her hair.
After awhile, Hyuna spook up.
“Do you know who I met few days back?” she asked.
“Tell me.”
Hyuna looked at her tea, “Junhyung.”
This time round, it was Hyunseung who was staring at her, trying to get her attention.
He sat up straight after noticing how she wasn’t going to look back.
Hyuna felt him staring at her in silence and she knew that he wanted more information.
She looked up and saw curiosity growing in his eyes. He gave a short laugh.
“Well?” he pushed on.
“We just had a coffee but we bearly exchanged a word. Just the basic “how are you” talk, you know.” She said, attention back to her empty cup again.
He nodded, “So I assume you guys are fine now?”
Hyuna shot him a look, “We’re still awkward as hell.” She said before going to the kitchen.
“You guys will be fine after a few more meeting. Trust me.” Hyunseung said as he looked at her back view.
She stopped washing the dishes and glared back at him. “I’m still not going to the party, Hyunseung.”
Hyuna knew that Hyunseung wished that she and Junhyung would get over the awkward situation and just continue being friends but she was fine with... well being awkward with him.

“Hyun-ahhhhh” he dragged on before approaching her. “You’re going to face him sooner or later you know.”
She dried her hands on the towel and looked straight in his eyes. “Then i choose later.”
He rolled his eyes playfully and pulled her back to the living room.
Hyuna laughed at his reaction while letting herself get dragged.

“I’m happy with the way things are now.” She thought with a smile on her face.

But what she didn’t ever imagine was what was happening at the other side of the town, a certain person,  wanting to break that little happiness of hers.


Thanks for reading~
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this story isn't being given up.... just hardly have any ideas


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Chapter 29: Ohmaigawd.. im dying to know what happen next..
Why hara n gyuri need to be here? =..=
Chapter 29: Awwww.... its last chapter????? >\\\< but nice story, u make me cry... hehehe
Chapter 29: Me me me!!! >< I'M not a fan of Kara but I don't want to see Hara as a bad girl :((
I think she has it enough~ she didn't do anything wrong anyway ==
I'm waiting for your update~
Chapter 28: Hmmmm. I cant help but get excited when she is around junhyung.
justsomebody #5
Chapter 27: Just finished read this story and amazing, actually I'm junah shipper >.< But its alright I love it, update soon authornim ;)
Chapter 27: I don't like that Gyuri!!! Don't let her stick with Hyunseung ok?
Chapter 26: Wow what a jerk!
LumosStorm #8
Chapter 26: I feel like kicking hyunseung's dad.....
can I?
Chapter 25: Good job junhyung knock some sense into him! I wonder what itll be like if she goes to the party!
Chapter 25: Yes, Hyuna need to know about Junhyung~~