He's back.

Fix You

Both Hyuna and Hyunseung just lay on her bed in silence, watching her empty ceiling.
Rain slowly started pouring. Hyuna walked over to her window, silently observing the rain drops. Hyunseung sat up from the bed, looking at Hyuna’s back. He smiled to himself, feeling like the luckiest man on earth. He walked over to her, hugging her from the back.
“Oh my, you scared me...”  Hyuna giggled as she lay on his back.
He smirked and both of them started looking at the raindrops racing down the glass panel.

After a long silence, Hyunseung let go of her and held her hands, making Hyuna turn around.

“Hyuna... I want you to tell me the truth. And i’m just going to be straightforward okay?”
She nodded.
“Why me?” he asked.
“I don’t quite get your question. Why what?” she frowned.
“I mean, why of all men out there, did you choose to love me?” he replied.
After hearing his question, she gave a low laugh.
Hyunseung frowned at her reaction.

“Hyunseung, there’s no reason why i love you. I just do.” She said through her laughter.
He looked over her for a moment, staring at the wall.
Hyuna noticed his worried face, “Is something else bothering you?”
Hyunseung’s eyes met her eyes and then he nodded.
“Yes... Do you still love Junhyung?” he hesitatingly ask.

Hyuna pulled away from him, turning towards the window again.

“sorry... for making you think back...” Hyunseung slowly said, his voice trailing away.
She turned back and shook her head.
“No, don’t think that way. Yes, i once loved Junhyung but now, he is in the past...” she paused and walked over to him. “You’re the one i love now.”

Hyunseung couldn’t help but smile at that statement but instead of speaking, he did what came naturally. Moving closer to her before she could turn away, he kissed her gently, her lips soft against his.


It was a ten hours flight back to South Korea, Seoul. He adjusted himself comfortably in his seat and took out his laptop.
“Mr Yong Jun Hyung?” the air stewardess asked.
He nodded.
She smiled shyly after seeing him, “Would you like any drinks?”
He decided to get some soda.

The air stewardess came back with his drink. But something looked different about her, Jun Hyung noticed that she ed a few of her uniform.
She lowered her body towards him, “Here’s the drink, sir.”
Junhyung took the drink and turned away.
“button up, it’s chilly here.” He smirked at her and said.
The air stewardess made a face and quickly made her way to other passengers.

He looked at the window, witnessing a breathtaking view of the sunset.

“Hyuna-ah... how have you been doing? I hope you’re fine... “he thought to himself.

He focused back on to his laptop and started typing.

I’m sorry for hurting you
I’m sorry for all the things i’ve done wrong to you
But mainly, i’m sorry that i left you
But please know that my feelings are still true

I hope that one day when we see each other down the street,
you’ll see me in a different light
And maybe we can start all over again
making better decisions

He stopped typing and closed his eyes. His tears were threatening to fall out after thinking back on their memories.

‘I miss you Hyuna..’ and slowly with that thought, he drifted off to slumberland.


Any thoughts that came into your mind after reading this chapter? Feelings?
 Hehe, comment!!

p.s: So sorry for the slow update this week. Busy in school atm.


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this story isn't being given up.... just hardly have any ideas


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Chapter 29: Ohmaigawd.. im dying to know what happen next..
Why hara n gyuri need to be here? =..=
Chapter 29: Awwww.... its last chapter????? >\\\< but nice story, u make me cry... hehehe
Chapter 29: Me me me!!! >< I'M not a fan of Kara but I don't want to see Hara as a bad girl :((
I think she has it enough~ she didn't do anything wrong anyway ==
I'm waiting for your update~
Chapter 28: Hmmmm. I cant help but get excited when she is around junhyung.
justsomebody #5
Chapter 27: Just finished read this story and amazing, actually I'm junah shipper >.< But its alright I love it, update soon authornim ;)
Chapter 27: I don't like that Gyuri!!! Don't let her stick with Hyunseung ok?
Chapter 26: Wow what a jerk!
LumosStorm #8
Chapter 26: I feel like kicking hyunseung's dad.....
can I?
Chapter 25: Good job junhyung knock some sense into him! I wonder what itll be like if she goes to the party!
Chapter 25: Yes, Hyuna need to know about Junhyung~~