Era ?

Twisted Dreams

Walking down the hill, we were able to reach the outer skirt of the forest. the trees were decreasing each stepped we took and for the first time I am happy that the sunlight finally shones completely on my skin. we walked near the river and drank a handfull of water since we were exhausted and thirsty from all the walking. Jin Young seems really happy about it with his lips form a long upward curve that was almost joined both of his ears.

The sound of water being splash could be heard not far from us. The hope of finally finds someone for help was so thrilling that we were both stunned to think what to do? and what are we going to say to them?

We turned our head toward the end of the river and saw childrens were laughing and playing around, my eyes immediately averted towards the back of the scene and saw women in the 30's were talking to each other with graceful movement.

I sprinted my way towards them and stopped half way as I couldn't seem to walked forward as if there was an invisible barrier was stopping me from entering the place. I looked forward to get help but then I realise that the cloths they were wearing; high neck dress with fit-waist. I then looked back at the childrens and I was stupified. the cloths were exactly the same as the vision I had before. 

"Hyemi-ah, wae geurae?" Jin Young voice passes through my ears, I shook my head and shrugged off the thought.

Maybe they were just actors and this is a filming set but then again I don't see any cameras or the staff. Maybe they were resting, I don't like the feeling I had right now. I force myself to move forward and with some kind of  invisible force I was push through the 'barrier'.

I ran towards the women as soon as I get through with Jin Young behind me who wear the same weird expression that I had just now, the looked in their eyes showed that they're confuse as I was before.

"Please help us, we're lost" Jin Young limped forward and asked for help.

The women exchange look for a while before turning back to us, the woman in red dress and a fury red hat called out for someone and a boy who looked like in our age appear immediately from behind. The woman whisper some words to the servant boy. After a prolonged of silent finally the woman turn her attention back to us.

"Get going" is the only wors she said and the boy nodded,

"Yes mistress" he obey her,

"please come with me" the boy sais to us and walked ahead leading us into the town,

My hands were griping on Jin Young right arm as I was nervous to see that people were staring at us like we were some kind of new found spesies. Is it because of the clothes we're wearing or is it because we smell so bad from not taking any bath for 2 days. Maybe this wasn't a filming set at all, but I didn't know that Korea got places like this.

The houses that I've seen so far is not belong any of the designed of the local either, the houses looked more likely as the houses in the Elizebeth era. The boy then turn left towards and empty alley which is comfortable for me since I don't like standing in the crowd,

"Where are we" Jin Young asked the boy which didn't get any reply from him,

We continued walking until he turn left again revealing a big and amazing chavanage house, he opened the gate and led us in. The maids in the surrounding stopped what they were doing and looked at us. The boy called one of the maid and speaks something to her, she then quickly disappear into the house.

We waited in the garden for I don't know what, still getting the feeling that we were being watch until there is a loud voice that was piercing into my ears coming from the entrance of the house.

"Stop staring and get back to your work or you want to get punishment from the mistress for staring the guest"

A word from her gets all the maid scared and quickly went back to work, she looked like someone in the middle 40's and by the looked of her outfit, you could tell that she is not an ordinary maid in the house. The servant boy then went to her and whisper something to her. Why is the people here likes to whisper stuff??

"Sorry for the uncomfortable stare from our maids, it is rare to see guest visiting our mistress. By the way, I am the head of the maid and I will be in charge of you two" she smile warmly to us,

"Well without wasting our time, lets get you both into the tub and scrub off the dirt on your body and treated your leg as soon as possible before it gets infected." she then proceed into the house with both Jin Young and me following behind. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Author Note  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Finally I had update a new chapter... ^.^

Hope you will like it~

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I liked this :3
Rexist #2
Chapter 28: Awww~!!! Tell me what is next? Can't wait!!!
Update soon please!
khatz17 #4
Chapter 17: i love your story!!!
DeullieSa34 #5
Chapter 16: I love this story sooo muchhh:-*:-*:-* its so mysteryyyy:-*:-* n soo beautiful:-*:-*:-*
jennifer1801 #6
Chapter 15: Omg tnx for the update!
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 13: Tnx for the update....^_^
jennifer1801 #8
Chapter 12: Its ok...ill still wait for it!!!
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 11: Tnx for the update ^_^
jennifer1801 #10
Chapter 10: So sweet jinyoung.....