Chapter Seven

His Voice


There was a question burning in his mind and it was about Zelo.

Lately, that's all that Yongguk had been thinking about it.

Zelo, his friend.

The questions never left him. That's all he was left with- questions. He wanted to ask Zelo, of course he wanted to, but...could he? Zelo was so closed off from him, and it hasn't been long since he had met the man. The last thing he wanted to do was scare him off. Was it really any of his business? He was sure that Zelo was old enough to care for himself anyways. However old that was....

He should just continue waiting like this then. Just until Zelo decides to talk. It's not like Yongguk was going anywhere.

He'd be here like always.


The days continued on like this.

Yongguk and Zelo were inseperable. 

Whenever Zelo was busy, Yongguk was bored.

They became close, very close. Yongguk began to love listening to Zelo's voice. 

Himchan and Youngjae grew tired of the constant talk of this "Zelo kid", they kept on guessing who he was since they never got to meet him before.


Yongguk POV

"Yongguk Hyung, here. I bought you this." Zelo put something flat and square in my hand. Over these few weeks, I began to grow accustomed to the loss of my eyesight. It was very hard to live still, but with Zelo around- it was tolerable. He kept my mind off of it. I wasn't lonely anymore.

"What is it?" I asked chuckling softly, running my hand over the plastic surface I could tell it was a cd of some sort.

"It's a CD, Remember when you told me that you liked Jepp Blackman? Well, here, I bought you his album!"  He rambled on excitedly, I grinned happily, accepting the present from him. It made my heart accelerate knowing he was always listening to the things I was saying.

"Thanks Zelo, whats it for though?" I opened up the album and felt the CD inside, a warm feeling filled my chest.

"Just a thank you gift for helping me." He lowered his voice a little, a shy tone taking over his usual casual voice.

"Helping you with what?" I asked amused, ruffling his soft hair.

Zelo didn't reply, "Let's go back to your apartment and listen to it." He said, pulling me off the bench we sat on. I agreed, and we walked back to the apartment.



A month had passed and things couldn't have been better. Yongguk had a strong attachment to his best friend, the person he called Zelo. His skin felt familiar to him now. His voice was never unrecognizable, he could hear every bit of emotion that came out of his mouth. If Zelo felt sad or troubled, Yongguk immediately knew. Even if Zelo was like a book with blank pages, he learned to never forced answers out of Zelo.

They both preferred it this way. Yongguk was always warm hearted and gentle around Zelo. he never yelled or cursed. He was more caring towards Youngjae and Himchan also, he wasn't easily irritated. Yongguk seemed to have changed. 

The only problem was the feelings he seemed to have gained for his friend. He felt almost obsessed, yet he'd hate to call it that. Obsessed wasn't the right word, he was very fond of his friend, that was for sure. But what could he call this sort of attatchment he had? Could it be over protectiveness? It sure felt that way, but he never felt more compelled to hold someone before. He didn't know what it was called, but he was sure of one thing.

He had never felt happier in his life. He knew Zelo was the source of this happiness and he never wanted to leave him. 



Yongguk POV

After a month of meeting Zelo I was confused, very confused. I wasn't sure of what these feelings were for Zelo before but now I understand. I'm sure of it, I know what this is.

It's Love, a strong attachment such as this, and if it isn't love then what is it. I haven't seen him. I can only hear him. I can only touch him. Yet I fell for him.

I fell for someone who knows more about me than I do about him. I fell for someone that I have never seen before. It's so frustrating, and I have spent every night thinking about it.

His voice, his personality. That's all it took. 

Love appears in weird ways, sometimes you can't see it. 

I'm glad that I can accept it. But will he accept me?

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Man i'm sad this never finished. i always looked forward to updates OTL. I always think about this fic every once in a while. More than most. I'm sad this seems that it will never have an ending. </3
i miss this story its one of my fav
I always think about how much I love this story. Even now being on the page I just remembered a song I hadn't heard in years because I was listening to it while reading this story :'D
bornbigbang1 #4
Chapter 22: I check this story 1st when I log in, I so hope you feel better so that I no longer have to be on the edge of my seat! I have re-read this story at least 20 times! Lol
I want to start this but i dont want to suffer and i see that it's been soooo long since the last update so i'll just save it for when i'm in the mood to suffer
Baekstarr #6
Chapter 22: Please update soon!! This story is really good and I wanna know what happens