WooTae's Confession

Destiny's Combination

~ Yoona's POV ~

After KhunRi confessed to eachother, it seems like the wall of whether of confessing to the other person within SNSD and 2PM had fallen into pieces.

Everyday, there just so happens to be another confession awaiting for a different couple. As a result, in a week, there were already 7 couples inside our group.

To tell you the truth, I was both surprised and not surprised. I knew that there were couples going to made within these two groups already, but I never knew it would have taken such little time for them to date right away.

By the time the 7 couples were made, there were only four people who were still single: Wooyoung, Taeyeon, Taecyeon, and me.

I knew Wooyoung was going to confess to Taeyeon soon because... well, have you SEEN them together? Man, every time they are together, their conversation can already be counted as flirting. -_-

Like I had predicted, when we met at the garden, I saw Wooyoung, sitting down, looking a little more nervous than usual. Taeyeon was just smiling with the other girls, but I can tell that she knows what might happen today.

After everyone had come in, Wooyoung finally got up and headed towards the girl's side. "Hey, Taeyeon!"

"Oh, hey Wooyoung!" Taeyeon smiled.

"I would like to say something to you.." Wooyoung stated but paused.

"What is it?" Taeyeon asked while the girls just nudged her on her arms numerous times. Meanwhile, I sat down, enjoying the small show going on.

"W-well, I will tell it to you after this..." Wooyoung continued to stated as he took out a microphone behind his back. After seeing that, I looked around the garden. Without seeing the first time, I finally realized that Wooyoung prepared medium/small speakers that were connected to his microphone through a wire. I also realized he really thought this through... and this is one of the good points a guy SHOULD have when it comes to thinking about his girl.

(A/N: I don't know about you, but I think this since if the girl is important to the guy, he should do something special for the girl from time to time and thinking through what he was going to do might lead to the perfect plan. c: )

Soon, Wooyoung started singing, "Can't Let You Go Even If I Die," by 2AM. The boys were.. amused seeing this while the girls were just wooed by it. They couldn't stop staring at Wooyoung (while nudging Taeyeon on the arm still and whispering some comments to her in her ear.


(A/N: This was only part of the song Wooyoung sung. Sorry, I couldn't find the full version... :3 )

By the time the song finished, Taeyeon was just... blown away. She expected a confession today, but she never knew he would actually sing for her! While he sung, he kept looking straight into Taeyeon's eyes with sincereness, ignoring the feeling of embarrassment, performing in front of his friends about this kind of song.

Wooyoung stood there, still with the microphone near his mouth, and finally stated that everyone had been expecting he would FINALLY say, "Please date me, Kim Taeyeon!"

"OF COURSE, YOU IDIOT~!!!" Taeyeon beamed before jumping into Wooyoung's arms with all her might.

Wooyoung balance himself (barely) and whispered, "Saranghaeyo, my little Taengoo~!"

"Saranghaeyo, my Mandu Cheeks~!!" Taeyeon whispered back. Both of them laughed a little and recieved a small applause from the group.

"Now, there's only one more pair that is still single in our group now~!!" Sooyoung exclaimed, purposely pointing with her head at Taecyeon and I.

Taecyeon and I looked at eachother but he soon answered, "Nah~! It's already a miracle that we're friends so we shouldn't push it to the limit!"

"Y-yeah," I agreed, with both relief and-just a small bit-of disappointment.

Yuri came closer to me and whispered something. "Yeah right, your face has a look of disappointment..."

I glared at Yuri, remembering what happened at the amusement park, and whispered something back to her. "Aigoo, give me a break, Yul."

She smirked. She knew I had nothing to say back. Nichkhun and Yuri are already dating so what else do I hae against her? Aish, sometimes, she just outsmarts me in arguing... However, that was one of the reasons we're the close friends we are now! :p

After the meeting ended, I walked back to the girl's side with all of SNSD. It was a little awkward since all of them were saying goodbye to their boyfriends while I stood there, still a single woman. I sighed. I guess this is how it feels when you are the only person who was not taken.

When we started walking, Yuri put her arm on my shoulder and started to have a small conversation with me. We were in the back of the group so it was no problem talking normally, even if it was a huge secret since all of them kind of make large noises when they are all together.

"So... Yoong, what are you going to do tomorrow? Someone might confess to you," she stated with a huge grin while wiggling her eyebrows and looking at me.

I stared back. "Didn't you hear what Taecyeon said? He was fine with just being friends and so am I."

Yuri was still grinning, like she discoverd a huge secret from how I replied. "Yeah... RIGHT, I will take your word for it... However, don't blame me once you start to realize your feelings once he is taken."

I scoffed, "No girl can meet up with the boys in our school in any way, REMEMBER? We are just an EXCEPTION."

Yuri calculated it in her head. "Oh yeah, huh?"

By that one reply, I burst out laughing. Her face was priceless.

Taeyeon turned around. "What? What's so funny?"

I smiled. "Nothing~!"


Hey~ :)

I hope you enjoyed reading!!! I am working on 3 stories right now so it MIGHT take a while for me to update once in a while. In addition to that, school started again and I have to keep up with my studies so bear with me... >~<

I would like to give a special thanks to my FIRST up voter for this story~!!! The story might not be over yet, but I am so happy that you up voted nevertheless!! These kinds of readers make me feel so BLESSED that I actually made the story and didn't quit on it up until now... Thank you so very much~!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! XD

Well, I got to go now!!


Thanks for reading~!!! :3

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Chapter 28: Please update soon really love this story
Warsonic9620 #2
Chapter 28: Oooo now she is grounded but want to meet the rest.
Please update soon
Chapter 27: pleaseeee update soon author-nim! thanks alot
Warsonic9620 #4
Chapter 27: You finally update haha . Please update the story soon.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update author nim~~
soshisone27 #6
Chapter 27: Yes, It's been a long time~~~~
btw, thanks for the update, keep update and soon... :)
soshisone27 #7
Chapter 27: Yes, It's been a long time~~~~
btw, thanks for the update, keep update and soon... :)
soshisone27 #8
Chapter 27: Yes, It's been a long time~~~~
btw, thanks for the update, keep update and soon... :)
tinyblueberry #9
Chapter 26: Hey~ so i was reading this chapter and i thought, why is it so short? can't you please make a longer one next time.. any ways thanks for the update... update sooon!