Chapter 11

It's Fate that Playing with us
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~ It’s Fate that Playing with us ~ Chapter 11~

“Ahh,” a girl shouted and immediately bowed to apologizes, “I’m sorry.” She then squats down to gathers the files on floor.

The guy she bumped into too helps her, “GM Jin, it’s you?”

Sunday stands up, bows, “Oh, you’re Director Kim’s assistant; Ahn Chil Hyun?”

“You really have to stop having your head down while walking,” Chil Hyun chuckles.

Sunday turns away shyly, “Are you looking for Director Jang? You’re a minute late. Director Jang and Director Kim just headed down for lunch.”

Chil Hyun sighed, “They are going out together a lot lately and I always been abandoned by my master.”

Sunday chuckled. Looking down to her, Chil Hyun suggested, “Why don’t we have lunch together?”

She was in daze a moment. “Okay…I don’t mind.”


“Woah…” Ri In stretched out her hands and let the soft and cooling wind blows on her face. “It’s been so long since I last came here.” Seeing no respond was given by Junsu, she asked, “What are you doing?”

He stepped hard on the wooden floor, “It’s this thing safe? If it breaks, we’ll fall into the sea and I won’t be able to safe you as I really hated water.”

Ri In laughs out loudly and pointing at Junsu, “You don’t know how to swim!”

“What’s the matter with me don’t know how to swim? Seriously, will this break?” Junsu doubted. “Of so many place, why must you choose a restaurant facing the ocean.” He sighed agitatedly.

“No worries, it’s very safe here.” Ri In assures. “This restaurant had opened for over 10 years, nothing happened, so don’t scare.” She reassures.

“Ten years?” Junsu widened his eyes. “Did they ever change this platform?”

Ri In looked away innocently and thought for a moment, turning back to Junsu, she shook her head “I think they have not done so.”

Upon hearing so, Junsu hugged on the light pole near by his side with his eyes closed, “I have a strong feeling that this wooden thing will break in any second and that we are so close from drowning in the ocean.”

“Yah, nothing will happen,” Ri In pulls his hands from hugging the pole. “Our meals have arrived.”

Junsu released the pole and urged, “Faster eat and leave this place.”


Walking into a park, Ri In was smiling happily as she sees there were children that playing so happily in groups while their parents sweetly chatting at the corner. Taking a seat at the swing, Junsu too followed next to her.

“Kids really good,” Ri In gazed at the children who are playing hide and seek. “They have nothing to frets about and just live their life happily. I wish I could be like them.”

Junsu slightly move the swing a little, “Every kid will grow up and soon they’ll also face problems and obstacles. Something which is unavoidable, this is life.”

“Yeah, but I really wish sometimes I could be like them for just one day,” Ri In turned to Junsu. “Do you know, last week I just finished one huge load project and now comes another one…” she was continues complaining how tired she was. “There’s not even a small space that I could slides in and rest for a moment.”

Got up from his swing, Junsu walked to the back of Ri In. Realized he was standing behind him, she turns a little to face him “What are you attempting to do?”

Junsu both hands place side by side of her face and turned her around, “Didn’t you said wanted to be back into childhood days? I’ll bring you back then.” He places his hands on her back and starts pushing her, getting harder.

“Ahh…enough,” Ri In shouts. She gasps for air.

Squatted in front of her, Junsu asks, “Found your childhood sweetness?”

Ri In let out a heavy sigh, looks up to Junsu, “You’re so going to d

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
its cute <3
I love it ^^
kpoints #2
Whatever you do is great, okay.
SUYIN!!!! <3
ann_iiie #3
this reminds me of music video from timeless ...<br />
very similar<br />