Chapter 22

Hating Kwon Jiyong - By Ghikai


“Unnie!” Minji ran towards me as Mina and I entered the practice room. She was looking more upbeat than usual, a total contrast from what I’ve been feeling these days. 

But they didn’t know what just happened (aside from Mina who knew some details) so I pretended to at least mirror her enthusiasm. I gave her a small smile in return. “Minji-ah, nice to see you again! Are we already late for practice?” I let Minji guide me towards the other trainees while Mina trailed behind. Bom and Chae-rin smiled at me, while Aera just glanced and pretended to be focusing on fixing her ponytail. Does she know already?

“Where’s Hye-won unnie?” Mina asked to no one in particular as her eyes scanned the room. “We do have practice today, right? She was here when I went out to look for Dara.”

“Mr. Kim called her to his office.” Aera replied. I tensed at her emotionless voice, but Mina just regarded her coolly. “From what I heard, YGE already has plans on finalizing the girl group they were conceptualizing since last year.”

“Really?” Bom asked Aera. “So, I guess…” She smiled playfully at us as she tried to draw all of us closer. “We made it?” Chae-rin and Minji smiled wider and gave each other high-fives. Mina just smirked, while I forced myself to let out a small chuckle of excitement.

Aera on the other hand sighed, looked away and kicked an imaginary pebble in front of her. “Beats me. Heard they were just taking five. Female Big Bang and all, that’s what they’re aiming at.”

Silence. There’s six of us girls currently training here. YGE is planning to take five. Who will be that one unlucky trainee not to be included in the final group? I had a sinking feeling who it would be, actually. 

Female Big Bang, and I know for a fact that Big Bang relied heavily on stage presence, charisma…and immense musical talent.

Park Bom would be lead vocals and Mina could be easily on her wing because her singing is something that you wouldn’t be able to overlook. Chae-rin has good vocals and being the “female” Big Bang, she would be a shoo-in because she has impressive rapping skills. Minji would be too, since she could rap just as good. No, she would definitely be included because she’s the best dancer among the six of us, and we acknowledged it very well among ourselves since day one. Aera, while she would often joke before that she doesn’t have stand-out skills is obviously better than I could ever be. 

“Well, they’ll be kicking somebody out sooner or later…” I looked up to See Aera staring at me, her eyes wide and blank. She was already implying that I didn’t stand a chance of joining the group at all.

Mina cleared and looked pointedly at Aera’s expressionless face. “Well, yeah. But I guess they’re looking at group chemistry, too. I mean, the girls in the final group should gel together well, right? They’re gonna make sure that the group would be balanced enough.”

“But we’re six,” Chae-rin officially stated the obvious. “I’m excited that we’re almost there, but it’s going to so bad if one of us would be left behind.”

“Maybe the other one would do a solo,” Minji supplied helpfully. She smiled as she tried to stay optimistic for the rest of us. “Like, solo singer or solo actress? Ji-Eun unnie debuted a few years ago like that, yes? So all is not lost!”

“Omo, but that’s gonna be a little bit sad. We trained together. We had the same programme, had the same sacrifices. Sang together a lot of songs, did the same choreography in every dance we practiced.” Bom frowned a little. “Okay, I know debuting is a big thing, and I guess I’m being selfish. But couldn’t YGE include the six of us in a group?”

“Maybe you could be the solo artist.” Aera replied bluntly. “You have outstanding vocals anyway. I bet they’re just gonna put you in the main chorus or something if ever you joined the group.”

Bom didn’t answer back, but her face became unreadable after hearing Aera’s airy comments. Chae-rin and Minji just looked at her incredulously.

“I was just saying,” Aera continued with expressing her opinions. “No offense unnie, but would you really mind just doing that part? You auditioned the most among the six of us, trained almost the longest.”

“B1tch please,” Mina muttered angrily. Aera just smirked and crossed her arms. “What? I just think Bom Unnie deserves to debut as a solo artist.”

Bom smiled and was about to say something but Aera again managed to open first. “Or are you saying she doesn’t have enough substance to handle things all by herself?”

Mina’s cheeks became beet red as she glared angrily at Aera. “You know what, why don’t you be the solo artist? We don’t need two-faced b1tches in the group AT ALL.”

“Tch. So you showed your true colors, unnie. I always knew that you didn’t like me.”

Tension filled the room. Mina’s fists balled in anger, twitching – she was trying to stop herself from completely lashing out at Aera. “What…what is wrong with you?”

“Nothing.” Aera replied softly. She smiled and looked like an angel, but her eyes were finally hardening with disgust as she looked at our shocked faces. “I’m going out.”

She left the room as if nothing happened, and I followed suit. Much to Bom, Chae-rin and Minji’s surprise, and much to Mina’s dismay.

“Aera,” I called after her as both of us were walking at the empty halls. “Aera,”

Aera walked faster, ignoring me.

“Jiang Aera. Jiang Aera!” 

She continued to pretend that she didn’t hear me.

I walked faster until I could almost catch up with her. When she was a few inches away from me, I forcefully grabbed her shoulder to get her attention.

“Yah, Jiang Aera!” She slapped my hand away as she took a sharp turn to face me. Her face was calm, but as always, her eyes were giving everything away.

“What the hell do you want, unnie?”

“Tell me the truth.”

“Tch.” She crossed her arms and looked away.

“Tell me the truth. Tell me everything that you know.”

“Oh, the truth that you weren’t included on the final list? I heard them two days ago. They were debating on your inclusion to the group.”

Her words pained me more than I expected, but we both know what we were actually talking about. I willed myself not to cry in desperation in front of her. I have to mask my hurt, no matter what it takes. I can’t lose to Jiang Aera.
“I don’t in care, Jiang. Tell me the ing truth about who you really are. Why are you ruining my life?”

“Hah,” Aera clicked her tongue in disbelief. “I’m ruining you? You brought this upon yourself, Dara. It was you who messed things up. Would it be my fault if Jiyong doesn’t even want to see you anymore?”

I was dumbfounded with the way she addressed me. The real Jiang Aera was unfolding right before my very eyes. It was an ugly transformation, and as much as I was angry at her right now, I couldn’t help but feel sad for those times we used to be friends.

“But yes, I did take that notebook of yours. Conniving little thing, aren’t we? You tried to be sickeningly sweet while your notebook says otherwise. I disliked you the moment we met. At first I thought it was normal, because we couldn’t really love everyone, see?”

I was taken to that very first day we met. She smiled at me, she jumped along with me when everything was finalized, danced with me when we were about to start as trainees. We were together from the start. What happened to us?

“I had my eyes on Jiyong oppa, too. I wanted to enter YGE because I wanted to be an idol, but I wanted Jiyong oppa more than everything else.” She gritted her teeth and forced herself to continue. “He was the most important thing. He really was.”

How many times would I be hurt because of him? I cried to myself. If I knew that Aera had the same feelings I would have…

“But you just have to enter the moment I did. I don’t in care if it was just one big fat coincidence. Frankly I wouldn’t have cared at all, but Jiyong oppa noticed you the most. If you didn’t enter, I wouldn’t have hated you because you’re a worthless person to begin with, but you in did. You in took his attention away from me.”


“What, feeling remorseful now? He loved you, and I was so angry when I learned about it. I was so angry when I saw it in his eyes. I was so angry when I saw how everyone seemed happy and content on seeing the two of you being so happy together. I was so angry.” 

“Aera, I…”

“But I guess God was still rooting for me, no? Being an idiot that you are, you let your notebook exposed. Don’t blame me for all of this; you single-handedly gave me your notebook on a silver platter. I read it and at first I didn’t know if I would cry for Jiyong oppa because the notebook showed how much you hated him while you were all to him during that time.”

“I’m so…Aera..I…”

“But then that’s the time I started to really hate you. You, who only wished for his destruction got something from him the best. I deserved his affection more than you do. I hated you for making him fall so blindly for you. I hated you like no other person in this world. I promised, no…I vowed to myself that I will destroy you. It doesn’t matter if Jiyong oppa would get hurt, because I can make him realize what a mistake you are. But you,” She angrily pointed a finger at me as she grinned like a mad maniac, her face twisted into something almost unreadable. “You will fall hard. You are now, right? But I wanted more.”

I cried and tried to reach for her hands. I have nothing to lose, and I would have to beg, I would do it right now. “Aera, I…Aera…Jiang Aera…”

“You lost Jiyong. You’re gonna lose you’re chances of becoming somebody, too. I’ll make sure of that.”

“Please don’t do that…” I fell down on my knees and started to cry harder. “Please don’t…”

“You’re such a failure. You’re best friend thinks so, too. She thinks that you’re a failure..and a liar.”

I looked up, my face becoming pale. Ji-Eun. Does it mean…?

“Yes. She knows. If I were you I would go back crawling to her now because before you know it, you won’t have a best friend anymore, too.” She laughed like a crazy b1tch, and to add salt to my injury, she spat on the floor and gave me a slight kick on the side.

“*Jook-uh, bbasooni.”

She left me crying to myself, looking helpless and at the same time pathetic. I stayed there for a few more minutes, trying to calm myself down. I wouldn’t want to go back and face the other trainees like trash. I wouldn’t want them any ideas about what really happened between Aera and I.

But I felt a soft tap on my back.

I turned around and was surprised to see Mina…and the rest of the trainees. They’re faces registered shock, but there was also sadness reflected in their eyes.

“Mina…I’m not ready for this--”

“Shh,” Mina crouched down beside me as she tried calming myself down. “I’ve told them all I could say about what really happened. They understand.”

I looked up once again and I was met by understanding looks from Minzy, Chae-rin and Bom. 

It was Bom’s turn to speak. “We were able to see half of your confrontation, Dara.”

“Yes, it’s okay unnie. Everything will be fine.” Minzy added, smiling warmly at me.

I smiled at the both of them gratefully, until my eyes rested on Chae-rin. She was very quiet, but she was looking at me, almost expectantly; as if she was waiting for something from me.

“Chae-rin…” I started to call her name. If she wouldn’t understand, it’s okay. I wanted her to know that. “If there’s one thing…”

“No, unnie. I know you’re being true to yourself this time. But I guess I, no…we still wanted an explanation from you.” We stared at each other for a few more seconds before her face broke out into a warm smile. “And from there, we’ll definitely work things out.”[/color]


Preview: Chapter 23


It was almost 10 PM, but I was being dragged towards YGE building entrance by no other than Han Mina, YG’s very own ice-princess trainee. I know how obsessed she was with sleeping early but why the hell was she was throwing tiny stones at my window almost two hours ago, like some sort of Korean super spy? Why did she freakishly climb at who-knows-where just so she can ‘secretly’ enter my room? Why did she ask for some black clothes, demanded that I wear it like, right now, while she rummaged for flashlights and batteries inside my drawer? 

What is in up with the world tonight?

“Yah, Han Mina!” I was tired and depressed these past few weeks, I have absolutely not time for this.

“Will you shush?!” Mina whispered irritably. “We’re almost there. We’ll explain it later, okay? Now shut your trap!” 

I clamped my mouth shut as I watch her skilfully fumble the locks near the entrance. It gave a soft swoosh as the gates opened silently for us. Mina pushed me inside. I would have protested, but her eyes warned me to save it for later. She entered the building stealthily after me, lightly pushing the buttons of the big and intimidating YG second gate so it could close behind us. As if nothing happened.

I knew Han Mina used to live in America. Which made me think of our situation now.

Is Han Mina a part of the CIA?

“Han Mina, are you part of the CIA?”

Han Mina’s grip tightened on my hands as she laughed. “What?! No, silly. You’ll know later.”

We walked urgently towards the main entrance, not talking to each other. I was about to ask her what is actually up with this until I saw…

Wait. Bom? Chae-rin? 

Waiting near the entrance gates?

Mina and I walked faster as Bom and Chae-rin waved frantically at us. They were wearing head-to-toe black, too.

“OMGosh, I thought you wouldn’t succeed!” Bom whispered excitedly when we finally arrived at the main entrance.

“Bomtaro, I don’t fail.” Hand Mina stated simply.

“Ehem. We’re complete, so let’s get this thing on!” Chae-rin whispered urgently as Bom and Mina exchanged squeals of delight.

“Um, What is this all about?”

“Unnie, we’re helping you.” 

I looked at Chae-rin hoping that she was just joking, but her face was serious. Although there was a slight glint of amusement in her eyes.

“Yes, bb. We’re helping you. It was Bom’s idea. A genius one, if I might add, however, my heels are killing me! God.”

“I did say wear black sneakers,” Bom murmured sheepishly. Mina just shrugged as she looked down at her 3-inch high-heeled boots.

What the is up with my dear co-trainees.

“Anyway, anyway, anyway! Did you bring the supplies?” Mina motioned at Bom’s black backpack lying on the ground.

“Yep, bb.” She took the bag and opened it while Chae-rin opened her flashlight so we could see the contents inside.

“Extra flashlights?” Mina asked.




“Mosquito repellent?”


“Pepper spray?”


“Baby wipes?”

“What the hell are baby wipes for?” Chae-rin inquired.

“For whatever.” Mina replied dismissively. “Gloves?”


“Swiss knife?”

“Four swiss knives, check!”

“Leftover meat for dogs?”

“We’re gonna stay that long?” it was Bom’s turn to ask.

“Maybe. Anyway, Leftover meat for dogs?”

“Check anyway!” Bom answered.


“Check, all in good condition!”


“Check! We have corn!”

“Ugh, Agent Bomtaro, why corn? The trainer said it’s not really good for our health if – “

“Agent Mina, I asked umma to cook fish sticks, too!”

“Oh my god! Fish sticks! Haven’t eaten it in a while!”

“Aren’t fish sticks deep fried?” Chae-rin asked incredulously. I nodded in agreement.

“Still good, regardless. Last but not the least, cellphones fully charged with speed-dial to Minji’s phone?”

“Check!” Bom said gleefully. She closed the backpack and hoisted it up so she could carry it. 

“Where’s Minji, anyway?” I asked as they were handing some “spy essentials” to me.

“Minji’s our agent inside, somewhere else. It’s kinda dangerous for her to go outside on a mission.” Mina replied without looking at me. She was busy putting Chae-rin’s hair up in a pony-tail.

“Yes, unnie. Don’t worry about it. She’s still helping us!”

“Um, guys?” I asked slowly. “Why are suddenly called agents? What is up?”

“Oh, Dara. Seunghyun called me this morning. About Jiyong and Aera. Said it was something serious. They’re inside, at the top most floor, probably talking.”

I looked at Bom in shock. “So, this…”

“We’re acting spies for you, agent Dara. Smash that hater’s face before you know it.”

“Oh, Han Mina, you guys…you don’t have to do this---”

“Code red! Code red!” Whispered Chae-rin urgently, and all of us crouched and huddled together on one side, just so we wouldn’t be seen. “Target spotted! Target spotted!”

My heart was beating fast as the four of us watched Jiyong and Aera go outside using the leftmost door, oblivious to our presence as they walked through the dark, hollow night.

I can’t believe Jiyong and Aera are together. I can’t believe the girls took me on our first “mission”, without me knowing before hand.
I felt a slight push at my back the moment Jiyong and Aera disappeared in the darkness. “Go on,” Mina hissed at me. “Let’s get started!”

I smiled at her and she did the same to me. Chae-rin and Bom giggled in excitement.

“Agent” Dara, “Agent” Bom, “Agent” Mina, “Agent” Che-rin…NOLJA!




A/N: No Jiyong POV on this one. zz-num-02.gif I decided to focus on the Dara first since erm, she has a lot of explaining to do. But Ji's POV will be back next time, most def! ;)[/color]



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leikha #1
Chapter 51: Oh. ComOn authornim... Finnish it palli juseyow~ T.T
Chapter 50: How long has it been, Oct `13? Im still reading this fic, and I stayed upon till 5am because it as so good.I hope you find inspiration to update an early gift to us for Dara's bday
Chapter 51: Please update... please don't consider abandoning this fic
Chapter 6: ive seen this before and i was waiting for this to be completed before reading this but i cant help myself but take a peek on first chap and i got hooked.
Chapter 51: Please update this and don't leave us! =(( we're willing to wait how long just don't leave us. thanks for the wonderful story! i love it. gonna read it again. it's been awhile since I last read this. mmaybe by the time i finish reading this you have updated alread. anyway. it will really take me some TIME so yeah! have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!! ^__________^
imaikomercado #6
please don't abandon this's so good..please update soon..:)
Chapter 51: so good! Please update soon!
bora911 #8
don't abandon this fic..T_T
budi007 #9
when will you update the story? TT.TT
OMONA. please update this story TT-TT
i loooove it so muuuch.
please unnie! don't abandon this story. IT HUUUUURTS huhuhuuu