Nine: Sick Baby

Fall for you Again


We finally reached Junhyung’s house after an awkward silent journey. Junhyung’s house is not a house. It’s a mansion. I’m not exageratting. It really is a mansion. There are guards outside protecting the surveilance of the place and we have to get through a big metal gate before getting to his mansion. Even though his family is very rich, they are humble. This house is inherited by his father. If they were given a choice, they would much prefer a smaller apartment.

Doojoon stopped near the security camera and wind down the window.

“Who are you here for?” the voice of the guard sounded through the speaker.

“We’re here for Junhyung,” he said.

“Do you have an appointment?” Doojoon looked at me cluelessly. He clearly had forgotten hoe to enter Junhyung’s mansion. I can’t blame him though. Its been six years. The guard probably doesn’t recognise him either. I went out of the car and waved at the camera.

“Its me, Hyuna!” I said smiling. There was a short moment of silence and followed by the gates opening, allowing us to enter. I smiled widely and got back into the car.

“You’ve been here before?” Doojoon asked, driving pass the gates.

“Of course. I’m his bestfriend,” I said proudly.

“So am I..” Doojoon mumbled softly but I could still hear him. I could see him pouting slightly. I think he doesn’t know if he can still call himself that since he’s been away for six years. But I know Junhyung would still acknowledge him as his bestfriend.

“Where do I park?”

“Anywhere where there’s no car,” I state the obvious. He drove into a parking lot and we got out. Doojoon was looking around as if he had never been there before. His mouth hanged open slightly and he looked exactly like he was 6 years ago; blur and innocent. I smiled slightly. I can’t believe I remembered how he acted when we went here the first time.

“Are you coming or not?” I asked as I was about to walk to the door and realised he wasn’t following. He spun his head towards me and nodded like a child. As he rushed towards me as if afraid that I would leave him, I had to purse my lips to prevent myself from laughing. If the students see this side of him.. I wonder what will happen.

Doojoon was about to knock the door when I took out the keys to Junhyung’s front door and unlocked it. I just ignored Doojoon’s shocked face and went inside. He followed me obediently and closed the door.

“Yah how come you have the keys?” he asked as we went upstairs.

“Junhyung gave me one. Besides, he’s sick. Do you think he would have the energy to open the door?” Suddenly it felt like highschool all over again. Doojoon asking me stupid questions and always tagging behind me whenever he doesn’t know where to go and Junhyung is not around. I felt like the know-it-all but only to him. All respect and fear for him as the discipline master gone. Now he’s just like one of us. Like highschoolers.

I opened the door to Junhyung’s room after knocking. As expected, Junhyung was sitting on his bed, cross legged typing on his laptop. I shook my head.

“You never know the definition of rest right?” I said, walking in. He looked up and smiled.

“There’s no such word in my dictionary,” he said is a hoarse voice. His lips was quite pale and he looked weak. And he still does work from home.

I walked to him and tried to snatched his laptop from him when he hugged it close to his chest. “Hyuna andwae!!!” he protested.

“Yong Junhyung you need to rest!” I said.

“Ok ok one last sentence. Just one. Please?” he pleaded. I narrowed my eyes at him and let go of the MacBook. He grinned widely and continued typing.

“Just one sentence!” I warned him. He just nodded, smiling away. I sat on his bed, facing him while waiting for him to finish his work. Suddenly I heard an audilble cough behind me.


Doojoon’s POV

Seeing them being so close until she forgot that I was in the same room is really something to be jealous about. I missed 6 years with them. I don’t know if I’m still considered their close friend or just a person they once knew. The thought saddens me. I let out a cough purposely when I saw their little argument ended.

Hyuna turned around slowly. The look on her face tells me that she forgotten for a second that I was there. As for Junhyung, he was shocked as he looked up. He didn’t know I was there. When Hyuna walked in, I was behind her. As soon as I stepped in, they were already caught up in their argument.

“Bro! You’re here too!” Junhyung exclaimed in his hoarse voice and coughed afterwards. I just smiled and walked towards him. Its nice to see that he’s actually happy to see me.

“Of course. How are you man?” I said, patting his back lightly. I was about to sit beside him when he stopped me.

“No no. Sit further away. I can’t risk the both of you getting sick. Sit next to Hyuna or something,” he said, pointing somewhere away from him. I just sighed and sat on the other side of the bed. Same old Junhyung.

“Oh and yeah I’m fine. Just a slight fever. Did you two come here.. together?” he smirked. Hyuna didn’t answer so I guess its up to me.

“Yeah. We’re both from school,” I said and my eyebrows creased to the middle when I realised what I said.

Junhyung laughed happily. “Sounds like 6 years ago,” he said. His attention was back to his work and acted as if we weren’t there.

“I thought you said one sentence? How can one sentence be so long??” Hyuna said.

“My sentence is long!” Junhyung defended. This guy has to be stopped.

“Junhyung-ah.. what is that for?” I asked.

“It’s a proposal for the school to allow me to bring my students to one of the top schools for Arts,” he said while typing on his laptop.

“Yah! Its not even for yourself! Give me the laptop now! Give it to me!” I shouted going over to him, attempting to take his precious work.

“Doojoon andwae!! Whatever for my students is for me too…” he whined.

“Save it right now and give me the damn laptop Junhyung. Now I said.” Junhyung pouted but I could tell he was quite scared with my tone. He saved his work and I snatched it from him.

“Aish.. It doesn’t even have a dateline and you’re working as if the world would end if you don’t finish,” I grumbled, putting his laptop on his desk. I heard him coughing and Hyuna sighed after that. Would it kill him to rest for one day? I turned and saw Hyuna trying to push him to lie down on the bed but he refuse. Since when is he such a child? I thought it was me and Hyuna.

“Sleep big baby! Sleep!” Hyuna said, pushing his shoulders on the bed. He struggled to get off but was smiling widely. Seems that he thought it was fun and amusing to be the baby for the day. I just shook my head as I walked up to them.

I pried Hyuna’s hands off his shoulders and Junhyung sat up immediately. “Wae?” he asked.

“Junhyung, you know I went to the so called military school right? Do you know what they do to kids who refuse to sleep?” I said dangerously. His smile disappeared and and fear was all over his face.

“They would tie us up on the big tree trunk and we had to stay outside the whole night. And, they don’t let us sleep since we refuse. They make us stand inside a box full of red ants and the ants would bite your skin because they wanted to get out,” I said. Junhyung’s eyes widened as I talked and he gulped as I finished.

“I think I see some big trees outside you know..” I added.

“I’ll sleep! I’ll sleep!” he said hurriedly and lay down on the bed, pulling the blanket up to his chin like an innocent boy. I chuckled and patted his head.

I turned around and saw Hyuna smiling slightly. We went out of the room to get Junhyung something to eat so that he can take his medicine.

“I didn’t know Junhyung changed into a pampared boy after 6 years of not seeing him,” I said as we got down the stairs.

“He didn’t. He was just like that because you’re around. Of course, its hard to get him to rest but he won’t be such a baby if it was only me,” she said.

“Huh? I don’t get it..”

“He misses you. He miss playing around with you. And when you’re finally back, both of you are already adults. I guess this was his only way.” I remained silent. I guess I got my answer. I’m still his bestfriend.

“I’m sorry,” Hyuna said softly.

“Eh?” Now why is she sorry? Gosh all this are confusing me.

“For… splitting both of you,” she mumbled.

“What are you saying? You didn’t split us up..”

“I did. Because of me you got…” she trailed off.

“Expelled?” She kept silent. We were in the kitchen now but not facing each other.

“As  much as I want to tease you further, you didn’t get me expelled Hyuna. You really didn’t,” I said sighing.

“But-“ she turned and tried to say her part when I stopped her.

“The school got me expelled. My father is the one who sent me to Japan. They are the ones who split us up. Not you. I know.. because of what happened at the rooftop, I got expelled. But I got thrown out of the school because of the school’s bad impression on me,” I said. Hyuna bit her lower lip slightly, not knowing what to say.

“You don’t have to say anything. Just stop blaming yourself. Now we better get that big baby some food or he’ll go back to his toy,” I said.

“Toy?” she looked up at me.

“His laptop. What else?”


Hi hi! I just thought of writing this chapter coz JUNHYUNG LOOKED SO CUTE WITH THAT NEW BOYISH HAIRSTYLE!!! I seriously cant stop looking at his pictures. He's just too cute!!! Well anyway, there are some more clues so try to figure out maybe? ;)



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Chapter 26: I know that you said that is discontinued, but one day i really hope you look back at this, its a really good story, the only doonah that i know. You shouldnt give up on this. I realy loved!
It's so sad that it's discontinued. I really loved this story and when I checked on this story, I found out that it's discontinued :c
This is one of my favorite fanfic ever.
Hyunajs #3
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Hyunajs #4
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Chapter 26: -discontinued. kinda explained(?) in my blog post if u want to read-
Please update soon!! I love this story
Chapter 26: Update soon author-nim. This is a good story xx have a nice day
Chapter 3: Im actually confuse here. Is it a Doojoon x Hyuna or Jun x Hyuna? But anw, Its a good story. Good job! xx
4niahyun #9
Chapter 26: i keep reading this again and againTT.TT
and to think that actually i ship hyuna with doojoonTT.TT
please update soon okay~???^^
Chapter 7: Re-Read this again. Oh my gosh, I love this story <3 thanks for writing this!! :D