Twenty-Three: Why do you care about me

Fall for you Again

Its been 2 days since Hyuna started living under the same roof as me but everything seemed to be the same. We ate together, watch tv at times and both of us went to do our own work. Nothing changed. Its as if I’m still living alone except that there is someone else in the house.

Morning came again and I was at the dining table, eating my breakfast alone. I was in my sweats, preparing to go for a jog. I glanced at the clock and its already 8.30. Hyuna never woke up more than 5 minutes after 8. I recalled whether she had slept late the previous night but it was all the usual. There wasn’t even a single sound that came out from her room.

I finished up my last bite of bread and went to her room. The door was closed and I knocked, waiting for a response. But no reply.

“Hyuna, I’m coming in okay,” I said from outside and opened the door slowly.

I saw her sleeping figure on the bed, her whole body wrapped up with the comforter. I walked nearer to her as her back was facing me.

“Hyuna?” I called out. She didn’t even move.

I walked around the bed and tried to look at her face. She held the comforter up to her chin, almost covering . It wasn’t obvious but the longer I stared at her, I noticed that she was actually shivering. The frown on my forehead ceased as worry filled my face.

“Hyuna?? Are you okay?” I asked as I placed my hand over her forehead.

“You’re burning up! Can you wake up? Yah Kim Hyuna answer me,” I said, tapping her arm. She opened her eyes slowly as if she just woke up.

“I-its c-cold..” she stuttered. The room was not cold at all.

“You’re having a really high fever. Can you get up?” I asked. She just nodded briefly and tried to get up with the comforter still wrapped tightly around her. Finally she sat up on her bed, holding the comforter close to her body.

“Do you want to go to the doctor? Or should I call a doctor?” She frowned as she looked up at me and shook her head.

“Do you have any medicine at home?” she asked, her voice soft.

“Um I don’t think so. Its okay I’ll go and buy some. Do you want porridge? I’ll buy that too. Stay here okay. Call me if anything happens,” I said quickly and ran out of the room.


I came back with some food and medicines that I got from the nearby pharmacy. I didn’t know very well which one to take and the pharmacist there gave me various choices so I just bought them all. I hurried to her room and saw her lying on her side, curling up like a ball with the comforter.

“You have to eat a little bit. Eat your medicine and then you can sleep again,” I said, helping her to sit up, leaning against the headboard. She just nodded.

I brought the bowl of porridge along with a glass of water to the room and placed it at the side table.

“Thanks. You can go now,” she said weakly.

“I’m not leaving you! You can barely walk. Sorry but I’m feeding you whether you like it or not,” I said, sitting at the edge of the bed and taking the bowl.

“Eat!” I said, putting a spoonful of porridge near . She frowned at me but ate the porridge anyway.

“If you expect this is going to be like some kind of romantic drama where the male lead takes care of the sick female lead, think again. I hate sick people okay. They are very troublesome,” I said, taking another spoon of porridge.

“You? Romantic? It wouldn’t even cross my mind Yoon Doojoon. And if its so troublesome, why are you even taking care of me now?” she said. Great. Even when she’s sick and weak she still can have the energy to argue with me.

“Can you save your energy instead of using it to argue with me?” I said as I feed her.

“You said I’m troublesome. Don’t take care of me then,” she sulked.

“You are troublesome. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care,” I said. She kept quiet after I said that and ate the porridge diligently.

I was giving her the medicine I bought when she finally spoke. “Why do you care about me?” she asked, looking down at the pill on her hand.

“Why? Isn’t it normal for you to care about someone you like?” I said casually. As I was answering, she just swallowed her pill and her hand froze for a moment while holding the glass of water.

“Done?” I asked and she nodded. I took the glass away and put it on the tray along with the empty bowl. I got up and told her to sleep well as I went out of the room with the tray. As I went out, I couldn’t help but smile to myself. It was so hard keeping a straight face while saying what I said to her just now. But I know I had to ‘man up’ sooner or later. And I’d rather do it now when she’s too weak to hit me or anything.

Who knows maybe what I said could make her feel much better. Or worse.


After washing the dishes in the kitchen, I went back to her room and found that she was asleep. I went over and placed a cool pack over her forehead. I looked at her sleeping face for awhile, just…thinking. After awhile I let out a soft sigh and went out of the room, closing the door behind me.

As I sat down in the living room, spacing out, I really wonder what was her answer back then. Everyone wishes they could go back in time at some point in life. To re-do things, to know something they don’t, to make things right. Although its common in movies to switch bodies or to go back in time to make the main leads understand each other, it doesn’t happen in real life. In real life you have to ask in order to understand the other party. And you wouldn’t know if they are lying or not. All you could do is trust that they were telling the truth.

I sighed yet again and closed my eyes, leaning back on the couch. Sometimes I wish I’m still that immature childish me that only thinks about playing and having fun. Heavy things like feelings don’t even come to my mind.

2 hours passed and I went into her room again to replace the cool pack with a new one. I was about to leave when she suddenly opened her eyes.

“Oh sorry. Did I wake you? I put the cool pack really gently though,” I said softly.

She just shook her head. She was looking at me for so long without saying anything that it made me feel very uneasy and I didn’t want to look at her anymore.

“Then go back to sleep. If you need anything, I’ll be in the next room arasso? Sleep sleep!” I said after that long silence. I quickly left the room without waiting for her answer and closed the door.

Since I’m not a subject teacher, I don’t really have much things to do like grading papers or preparing lesson activities. My job is quite relaxing if there weren’t any delinquents and troublemakers. But that’s what discipline masters are for. I would be jobless if those troublemakers don’t exist. My discipline teachers should be grateful that I always give them trouble.


The day passed quite smoothly with me just taking care of the sick Hyuna; giving her medicine after meals and changing the cool pack. Now that I thought about it, I’ve never actually taken care of anyone before. Not even Junhyung because Hyuna would always do a better job than me so I just let her do it. I would just wait for him to get better so I could play with him.

It was already night and I just sat down at the dining table when Hyuna walked out of her room.

“Are you eating dinner alone? And let me starve?” she grumbled.

“I was going to take dinner to you after I ate! Gosh are you that hungry already…” I said.

“Forget it. I’ll take my own dinner,” she said and went to the kitchen. She seemed a lot better than she was in the morning.

“But its my cooking you know. Can you eat it?” I said.

“Well beggars can’t be choosers,” she said while scooping out some rice into her bowl. I just smiled and started eating.

She joined me at the dining table and started eating too. “Are you feeling better?” I asked. She simply nodded.

“Eyy.. you should exercise more so you won’t fall sick easily..” I said, shaking my head.

She scoffed in disbelief. “I do exercise okay!”

“When? 3 months ago? 3 years ago?” I provoked her.

“Every week!”

I made a face. “I exercise everyday you know.. That’s why I’m always healthy.”

She rolled her eyes but said nothing. I snickered at her response and earned a kick on my shin under the table.


Awww Doojoon taking care of the sick Hyuna~


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Chapter 26: I know that you said that is discontinued, but one day i really hope you look back at this, its a really good story, the only doonah that i know. You shouldnt give up on this. I realy loved!
It's so sad that it's discontinued. I really loved this story and when I checked on this story, I found out that it's discontinued :c
This is one of my favorite fanfic ever.
Hyunajs #3
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Hyunajs #4
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Chapter 26: -discontinued. kinda explained(?) in my blog post if u want to read-
Please update soon!! I love this story
Chapter 26: Update soon author-nim. This is a good story xx have a nice day
Chapter 3: Im actually confuse here. Is it a Doojoon x Hyuna or Jun x Hyuna? But anw, Its a good story. Good job! xx
4niahyun #9
Chapter 26: i keep reading this again and againTT.TT
and to think that actually i ship hyuna with doojoonTT.TT
please update soon okay~???^^
Chapter 7: Re-Read this again. Oh my gosh, I love this story <3 thanks for writing this!! :D