Eighteen: This tradition never change

Fall for you Again


Double update!


Less than a week after Junhyung’s birthday it was already Christmas. The school os being decorated with christmas themed decorations by the art students, christmas carols playing through the hallways, and not to forget, the small activities planned for the students in celebrating the festive season.


I was walking passed the classes, looking at the students and also some of the teachers with my hands placed behind formally. I was still getting used to living as a discipline master. When I was a student, I get punished for walking down the hallways without a hall pass. Now, I can walk wherever I want. Feels good to be free.


I stopped by a class when I heard the teacher talking about a christmas activity.


“Okay so as you all know, Christmas is coming. So that means….” The teacher began.


“Holidays!!” the class shouted in unison. I just chuckled.


“And homework!!” she said in return, making the class whine.


“Ok ok quiet down. What I meant to say is, Secret Santas!” The class became more cheery and excited, talking to each other with all smiles. Hm.. Secret Santas. This tradition never change huh..



6 years ago

“Okay we will go row by row to take one name from this box. If you get your own name, put it back and take another name. You must show me that you really get your own name alright? I don’t want any of you to cheat in this. And you mustn’t tell the person that you have taken his or her name. That’s the whole point of being a secret santa…” the teacher explained.


Doojoon yawned tiredly and stretched his arms upwards, looking the most uninterested one among all of them.


“What do you plan to give?” Junhyung asked him.


Doojoon leaned back on his hair, putting on the bored look on his face. “Card? Or just lizards and cockroaches..”


Junhyung frowned. “Fake ones right?”


“If I can’t get the real one,” Doojoon said and chuckled sneakily. Junhyung just shook his head, knowing Doojoon too well to know that nothing can stop him.


Junhyung and Doojoon’s turn was up to take a name and they went back to their seats. Junhyung turned to Doojoon and nudged his head slightly, asking who did he get. Doojoon kept the slip of paper into his pocket and shrugged. Obviously he don’t intend to tell Junhyung. Yet. Junhyung knows Doojoon would eventually asked him for help about his gift and he would in return ask who’s name he had picked.


Hyuna at the front was just staring at the name on the slip of paper she had taken. She don’t even know what to feel. Should she give him a good present or a bad one? She know that she’s not as childish as Doojoon so as to give fake lizards and cockroaches. Yes, she did hear their small conversation since she was just right in front of them. But the name that she got….don’t deserve to be given a good present. Bad boys should have been listed in the naughty list right? And naughty boys don’t get any presents from Santa.




“Erm so.. I have some problem deciding which gift I should give the person I chose,” Doojoon said to Junhyung. Told you so.


Both of them were at their lockers, packing their things and getting ready to go home. Junhyung just smiled as his bestfriend leaned on the locker beside his.


“What, can’t decide between a lizard or a cockroach?” Junhyung chuckled.


“Aniya… I want to give a real present,” Doojoon replied.


“Wow who’s the lucky person. I bet it’s a girl, right?” Junhyung smirked as he put his books into his bag.


“Fine fine.. She’s Hyuna, okay?” he finally said.


Junhyung laughed out loud, holding on his locker for support. “What’s so funny??” Doojoon said, frowning but confused at the same time.


Junhyung’s laugh faded and took a deep breath to calm himself. “Nothing is funny actually. Its just me. I somehow expected it but I didn’t think I was right. But I am!” Junhyung said.


“You’re weird,” Doojoon commented.


“Well you’re asking helping from this weird person. Wow I still can’t believe you’re Hyuna’s secret santa..” Junhyung said.


“Yeah yeah… How unlucky,” Doojoon said in reply. Junhyung almost forgot about Doojoon’s initial question but when he wanted to ask again, Hyuna appeared beside them.


“So are you ready to go?” she asked, linking her arm with Junhyung’s.


“Yup! Let’s go!” Junhyung said cheerfully, dragging Doojoon by the arm with his free hand.



That night Hyuna sat on her bed, cross legged with a frown on her face. Her mind is filled with all sorts of conversations she had heard.


“I still can’t believe you’re Hyuna’s secret santa”


“Card? Or just lizards and cockroaches..”


"How unlucky"


So he’s going to give me those creepy crawlers huh! That’s it. I thought for a second that I wanted to give him a good present despite him being in the naughty list but now, hell no. Unlucky? We'll see who's the unlucky one later.


The day came where their teacher is supposed to give the presents to the respective students. The students had given all their presents as Santas to her and placed in a big red bag. Just like Santa’s. Part of the Secret Santa activity is that the students will never know who their secret Santa is. Well unless they found out or the Santa decided to reveal himself.


The teacher called out their names one by one and gave them their presents. Some just got an envelope which possibly be a card while some others got boxes of many different sizes and shapes. As soon as each of them got their presents, they are allowed to open it.


Hyuna held the box in hand, preparing herself for the worst. The good thing about knowing Doojoon is her Secret Santa is that she won’t be surprised of whatever insect or animal that might jump out of the box. The bad thing, well its Doojoon. What do you expect?


Hyuna slowly opened the lid of the light pink coloured box with glitters around it. She bit her lip slightly so that she won’t shout if something jumps out. When the lid was finally off, nothing jumped out or rather crawled out. Hyuna’s mouth was practically hanging opened and she was down right speechless when she saw the thing inside.


Her friend that was beside her got curious over Hyuna’s reaction and took a peek of what is inside the box. She gasped, covering with her hand and eeys widened as if not believing what she was seeing. She didn’t know who Hyuna’s secret santa was but no girl would not gasp looking at the present Hyuna got. Most of them came from average families just like Hyuna.


Hyuna heard Junhyung chuckling from behind. “Wow.. Who must have hated you this much to give you this huh?” he said.


“Hey, look on the brightside. The person might think you’re as sweet as honey which explains the drowned small card in a box filled with honey,” Junhyung added.


“Shut up..” Doojoon grumbled.


Hyuna bit her lower lip feeling extremely guilty. What’s more she was staring right at the latest pink Guess watch dazzled with the pure diamonds around the frame of the watch.



Poor Doojoon... I think? XD

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Chapter 26: I know that you said that is discontinued, but one day i really hope you look back at this, its a really good story, the only doonah that i know. You shouldnt give up on this. I realy loved!
It's so sad that it's discontinued. I really loved this story and when I checked on this story, I found out that it's discontinued :c
This is one of my favorite fanfic ever.
Hyunajs #3
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Hyunajs #4
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Chapter 26: -discontinued. kinda explained(?) in my blog post if u want to read-
Please update soon!! I love this story
Chapter 26: Update soon author-nim. This is a good story xx have a nice day
Chapter 3: Im actually confuse here. Is it a Doojoon x Hyuna or Jun x Hyuna? But anw, Its a good story. Good job! xx
4niahyun #9
Chapter 26: i keep reading this again and againTT.TT
and to think that actually i ship hyuna with doojoonTT.TT
please update soon okay~???^^
Chapter 7: Re-Read this again. Oh my gosh, I love this story <3 thanks for writing this!! :D