Eleven: Preparations

Fall for you Again


The Present

“Ahh.. Who thought those booths are going to fall huh,” I said, leaning back on the couch relieving the memory. Almost half of the booths we set up fell because I did not secure them with glue. Some did not since the things placed on top of it was not really heavy. I glanced over at Hyuna.

“Come on.. It’s a good memory right?” I said.

“No,” she said with a straight face. I cleared my throat and looked away. Of course its not a good memory for her. It’s the first time she got punished. But not as bad as me. The teachers know I was at fault but Hyuna have to take responsible too since I was her partner. She only got 2 days of detention while I got 1 week. And on top of that, I had to clean the assembly ground and canteen area. But I’m used to all these.

“So are you still joining the BTS Community?” she asked after another set of awkward silence.

“Yup! I don’t want to be doing work during the carnival. That’s so boring,” I said. I can almost hear her cuss in her heart.

“Believe me when I say I’ve changed. But who am I to change your impression of me right?” I said.

“I almost believe that when I saw you as the discipline master. But I don’t anymore eversince you fooled me in your office,” she said looking at her phone.

I nodded silently. “Well that is acceptable. I guess some things can’t be changed.”


The weekend passed quite fast since I was busy doing work, thinking of how to make the discipline in Cube High better. I got a few calls from Junhyung asking if I wanted to have lunch or breakfast together. I was kind of expecting Hyuna to be there but she wasn’t. To think that she was still mad at me, I doubt it. Maybe she’s busy grading artworks and bonding with her students since she’s the most likeable teacher in school.

When Monday comes, teachers are starting to get busy with the carnival plannings. Assigning out tasks to different teachers and students, preparing coupons and all the other nessecities. Since I chose to be in the the BTS Community, I was given the task for security. The carnival is a public one to raise funds for the needy. People from the public are going to be entering our school compund and that would require a tighter security during the carnival. Not to forget that the troublemakers in the school itself might do something stupid during the event. Been there done that.

In the midst of assisting the workers that are installing some new cameras and alarms in the school, I spotted Hyuna with some other students decorating the field with colourful balloons and streamers. The students look so happy with her, all smiles and laughter. I guess she really loves being a teacher in this school. Its been a long time since I last saw her smile and its very heartwarming to see it again.

“Mr Yoon, should we do the next part of the school now? Mr Yoon?” one of the workers knocked me out of my daze.

“Huh? Oh yeah. Let’s go then,” I said walking first.

I was looking at the floorplan of the school when someone bumped onto my shoulder as he ran passed. Thinking that it was a student, I turned.

“Hey watch where you’re going!” I said sternly. My frown faded when I saw that it was actually Hyuna.

“Oh I’m very sorry Mr Yoon. I’m really in a rush,” she apologised quickly with a bow and ran off.

why did I just shout? Damn damn damn. I tried to let it go and continued walking to the main gate.

I instructed the workers what they are supposed to do and excuse myself for a moment. I went around, looking at the teachers and students working together. Some of the troublemakers-or just plain lazy students- were lazying around and doing the works halfheartedly but when I walked passed they quickly sat up or stand and did ther work with full interest. I just chuckled inside while my face remained serious.

Then I saw Hyuna by the corridors, hands full with rolls of papers and other decorations. One of the rolls was about to fall and I was about to step forward and help when another guy cut in and helped her instead. Both of them laughed about something the guy said while he took some more things from Hyuna to lessen her burden. I pouted slightly feeling a slight ache in my heart.

The ache vanished immediately when I saw the guy. Its was none other than my own bestfriend. Of course. Who else would come to Hyuna’s rescue on time if not Junhyung? I smiled to myself and walked towards them while they were chatting to each other and walking at the same time.

Junhyung looked forward and saw me coming towards them.

“Oh Dooj- I mean Mr Yoon! What brings you here?” he asked with a wide smile.

“Um.. My work? I work here if you don’t remember Mr Yong,” I said.

Junhyung laughed. “Of course of course. How can I forgot. What a stupid question right? Are the security doing okay?” he asked as we stopped infront of each other.

“Yeah its doing good. You must be free now right Mr Yong? Since you’re in the On-Show Community,” I said.

He chuckled. “Not really. You know I don’t like to be free always. I’m helping out with my students booth for the carnival.”

“Erm.. Sorry to interrupt but I have to continue with the decorations now. You two have fun talking yeah?” she said and tried to take her things back from Junhyung.

“Oh I almost forgot! Its okay I’ll help you to the field,” Junhyung said to Hyuna.

“I’ll see around Mr Yoon,” Junhyung turned to me.

“Oh why not I’ll help you guys out too? Those decorations looked heavy,” I said, taking the decorations from Hyuna.

“No. Its not that-“

“Its okay. Take it as my apology for accidentally shouting at you just now. I thought you were a student,” I said taking the things in hand.

“Oh its okay Mr Yoon. I shouldn’t bump into you in the first place,” she said.

“No no. You were in a hurry so its okay. I wasn’t looking where I was going too,” I said.

“And here I thought I forgot you were in ahurry to get back to do your decorations Ms Kim,” Junhyung in. Hyuna pursed her lips and blushed lightly.

“Yes I am in a hurry Mr Yong. So can you please hurry up?” she said, walking away leaving both of us behind. Junhyung just laughed and nudged me.

I turned to him and he raised an eyebrow, smirking at me.

“Are you trying to flirt with me Mr Yong? I’m sorry but I’m straight,” I said, purposely not trying to understand why he did that.

“And please hurry up. Ms Kim needs her things,” I said formally and walked first, following Hyuna from behind. I could hear Junhyung chuckling softly behind me as I walked.


Btw I'm going away on the 15th March so I'll try my best to give as many updates as possible before it. So comment alot kays? ;)



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Chapter 26: I know that you said that is discontinued, but one day i really hope you look back at this, its a really good story, the only doonah that i know. You shouldnt give up on this. I realy loved!
It's so sad that it's discontinued. I really loved this story and when I checked on this story, I found out that it's discontinued :c
This is one of my favorite fanfic ever.
Hyunajs #3
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Hyunajs #4
Chapter 26: I'm so sorry for not leaving comment in your story before..
I really really like your story, i know you dissapointed of me i'm so sorry..
Chapter 26: -discontinued. kinda explained(?) in my blog post if u want to read-
Please update soon!! I love this story
Chapter 26: Update soon author-nim. This is a good story xx have a nice day
Chapter 3: Im actually confuse here. Is it a Doojoon x Hyuna or Jun x Hyuna? But anw, Its a good story. Good job! xx
4niahyun #9
Chapter 26: i keep reading this again and againTT.TT
and to think that actually i ship hyuna with doojoonTT.TT
please update soon okay~???^^
Chapter 7: Re-Read this again. Oh my gosh, I love this story <3 thanks for writing this!! :D