Thought Wrong?

A Nerd In Love With A Kingka.


-Chunji's POV-
*I really thought L.Joe had feelings for Sunny.. I guess not.*
"I know what you're thinking, I was thinking the same." Changjo nodded, without looking at you.
*Damn his mysterious smartness.*
"Yes, I do have mysterious smartness." he said crossing his legs, still not looking at you.
You rolled your eyes. 
"Aish, Maknae; I was sure L.Joe liked her. He even bought her stuff! He only buys us stuff!" I exclaimed.
"I know, he bought her two pairs of clothes. Well, I only saw two; maybe he bought more." Changjo shrugged.
"I only saw one! It was the black sweater with a white Teen Top logo, white pants with black paint splatters; and 2 pairs of black shoes."
"Ah." Changjo nodded. "I saw that one too. But I saw another one a couple of days ago; it had a red varsity jacket with a white hood and white sleeves. And there was dark blue skinny jeans, and some high tops." he added.
You nod. "That does sound like L.Joe's style. He really does have a big fashion sense. I mean he goes out every week to buy each of us a new outfit, of course we give hin money sometimes. We're obviously not gonna let him spend all his money on us, even though we're all pretty wealthy; we just don't have L.Joe's fashion sense, though." I say.
"I feel like you'd know him the most; you're the closest to him." Changjo shrugs.
"Me too.. I seriously thought he ha feelings for her! Bwo-ya! What is this? I'm soooo confuuuusseeed~." I itch my head. 
"Me too.. but honestly, he'd be upset if he had feelings for her. Maybe she's an exception, cause she's like us to him." Changjo replies, still not making eye contact this whole conversation.
"Yah, maknae." I start.
"What?" he replies.
"You never talk to me; we don't talk that much. But you don't really talk that much in general." I reply
He just nods.
"Seeeeee, now you're being all mysterious again." I groan and he rolls his eyes.
I go to the door and open it.
"Sunny-ah..what are you doing here..? L.Joe's not home right now..I'll tell him that you came, though; if you want me to." 
"Ani. Thanks though, I wanted to see you and Changjo." she replied.
"A-Ah.. we're the only ones home."
"Oh, I guess I have perfect timing." she smiles.
"Come In." you say to her.
She nods and bows.
She sits down on the couch next to Changjo.
"Look, I know what you guys are thinking." She says giving a small half-smile.
"You do..?" I ask her.
"Mhm." she nods her head.
"You guys are probably like, Why is L.Joe happy? I thought he liked Sunny, and stuff." she continues.
"And how did you know that exactly..?" Changjo asks.
"Because I just do. And I'll just explain everything to you." she says.
"Explain..?" I ask.
"Yeah." she replies then goes on.
"It honestly started with the first outfit he gave me one night when we were doing a partner project. I saw that he was really sweet, kind, caring, and funny; not that I didn't before. I told him that I think I liked him more than a friend and he said he did too.
We went out for a couple weeks or so, but it was just plain out awkward. One day when we were out on a date, We just bursted out laughing, and said that a relationship isn't really meant between us, and before we tried it out, we promised not to let it ruin our friendship.
We still remain closest of friends, and he told me he is probably the #1 biggest shipper of MyungNy/SungSoo. He said he won't ever get jealous, and I should try it out again.
I was unsure about it.. but L.Joe assured me about it multiple times. He said that he was friends with MyungSoo in Elementary School; before he was a 'kingka'. He said that he knows that MyungSoo isn't lying.
He said that if he is lying, I can blame it all on him. And he said he'll always be there no matter what, and he hopes you guys will too."
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chanita223 #1
what happen to minho?
Chapter 29: What happen to minho and shinee
Tomboy84 #3
Chapter 29: I hope u update tomorrow! Well, just soon!
Tomboy84 #4
Chapter 27: Is it over? I w as hoping more of Min Ho, but it's still nice! :)
Tomboy84 #5
Chapter 2: I like this but how is chapter one rated M? Still good! ;)
Chapter 23: Wtf happened to Minho O_o
Chapter 23: Wtf happened to Minho O_o