Chapter 13: WTF?!

What If Kpop Idols Had Super Powers: INFINITE [ON HOLD]


Chapter 13

new chapter (:
hope you enjoying it!


Katie: *speaking korean* You read my story?!
Infinite: *speaking Korean* Yeah! 
Dongwoo: *
speaking Korean*Could you please make a small change?
Katie: *Korean* Like what?
Dongwoo:*Korean* Well…
*Laura rushes in*
*English* KATIE! I FOUND… Is that Dongwoo?
Dongwoo: *Korean* is she speaking informally?
Laura: *English* oppa. There is that formal enough?
*Infinite laughs*
*Korean* I have no idea what she is saying but its funny.
Laura: *Korean* oh right. ‘THINKING: ah babo! Why did I assume they speak English!’



WIKIHSP:Chapter 13

Myungsoo POV

"Have we all gone crazy here?" Sunggyu raised an eyebrow.

"Nope. No, we haven't," Sungyeol smiled whilst shaking his head.

A pale yellow note fell out of thin air and Sunggyu caught it.

"See." Sungyeol said pointing to the note, smiling like an idiot. "We haven't gone crazy!"

"What the heck! Where'd this come from?!" Sunggyu shouted with a confused face while looking up to the ceiling.

Woohyun walked up to Sunggyu. "What does it say?" He asked.

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun and back at the note.

"Firstly, I want to know where this note came from." Sunggyu said and hid the note in his pocket. "And explain the situation right now!"

**Ah... What do we do now? Do we explain?** Sungyeollie asked.

**Yeah. Let's explain. We won't be able to keep this prank going anyway,** Hoya replied.

We looked at each other before we began to explain to Sunggyu hyung.

"What's with the awkward silence?" Sunggyu raised an eyebrow.

"We're talking through the mind link," Hoya answered.

Sunggyu shook his head. "What? What's with all this mind link stuff? Huh?"


Sunggyu POV

Aish. These kids... They always want to play pranks on their hyung.

But then I heard a voice. **Hello? Kyakyakya!**

It somewhat sounded like Dongwoo, so I immediately glared towards him. He was giving me a huge grin and began laughing.

**Hey hyung! Can you hear me?** This time it sounded like Sungyeol.

I KNEW IT! I am going crazy!

All of a sudden they bursted out laughing.

"HAHAHA! No, hyung you're not going crazy," Woohyun swung his arm around my neck.

Wha? What!?

"How? Uh. Uh..." I stuttered. How did they know!?

"It's the mind link." L said.

"M-m-mind link?! Aish! Are you serious?" I exclaimed.

They all face palmed.

"I give up..." Dongwoo said and slumped down onto the floor.

"I got it!" Sungyeol shouted out and put his right hand pointer finger up as if he got an idea.


Sungyeol POV

An idea hatched in my mind, just like we convinced Woohyun, we just need to use our powers. But... Sunggyu might faint again.

A note fell again but landed in Dongwoo's hands. He immediately stood up off the floor and read it out.

"It says... Do you guys need help?"

Sunggyu looked weirdly at all of us and he threw his hands by his side and stomped.

"What is going on here!?" He exclaimed.

We ignored Sunggyu hyung, which we know is quite rude but... We continued talking about the note.

"Help for what?" Sungjongie shrugged and crossed his arms.

Another note fell and landed into my hands this time.

I read it out loud. "This one says, Your powers of course!"

"Uh. Sure!" Woohyun smiled.

Sunggyu shook his head and he had a disappointed look on his face. But then a knock came upon the door.

"Let me guess? This supposed 'Woohyun Clone' is there again. And Woohyun's 'Powers' are playing up?" Sunggyu laughed sarcastically as he began to walk to the door.

As Sunggyu began to one the door someone stopped him.

"Wait!" Myungsoo shouted and placed his right hand out, using his telekenetic powers to hold the door close.


Myungsoo POV

I sensed something bad on the other side of the door. I don't know how, but I just got this odd feeling or vision which told me something bad was out there.

Sunggyu tried to barge the door open but turned around instead. He pointed at me as I had my hand out towards the door.

"Why are you sticking your hand out? And why is the door stuck?" He asked and narrowed his already narrow eyes.

"Myungsoo has telekenisis," Hoya said.

"Telekenisis? That stuff doesn't exsist!" Sunggyu cackled.

I put my hand down and the door swung open. One of our managers walked in, it was Youngjun hyung. Wait... The thing that gave a bad aura was manager Youngjun? What!?

**He was the bad aura?** Dongwoo asked.

**Oh... I forgot to block you guys out of my thoughts...** I anime sweat dropped.

"Hey guys!" Manager Youngjun said. "This is your schedule for tomorrow!" He passed us two pieces of A5 sized paper. "Bye." He then left.

"Great! Our mini holiday is now over..." Woohyun shrugged.

Sunggyu was still frustrated and we decided to sort of play with his thoughts.

**Sunggyu hyung! Sunggyu hyung!** Sungjongie chortled.

**Leader, do you hear me? Do you hear me?** Sungyeol .

"Gah! Okay I believe you guys!" Leader Gyu gave in to our multiple attempts and sat down on the floor. "Explain?"


"Well, we assume the bolt of lightning that struck our car had an effect on our bodies... Somehow?" Hoya said as he sat down on the floor.

"And that gave us superpowers?" Sunggyu asked making a WTF sort of expression.

We all sat on the floor in a wonky circle.

"I guess so?" Sungyeol replied.

Another knock came upon the door. Who could it be now?

**Oh whoa. I can communicate with you guys through my mind!** Sunggyu sounded so surprised as he got up and went to answer the door but before he got to the door it swung open.

“Kim Jinli and Shin Sungmi at your service!” These two female voices yelled out.

We turned around to two very pretty girls one with long pitch black hair and the other with long wavy light brown hair. They looked around Sungjongie’s age and were quite pretty.

“Who the hell are you?!” Sunggyu shouted.





Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ^.^ and i didnt get to reach my 8 page goal cause my bestfriend was nagging at me to upload. thanks alot laura eonni -.-

maybe comment who you think those two girls are? and what could they be doing just barging into infinite's apartment?


see ya next time (:

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Inspiritwer_11 #1
Chapter 19: Well it is a good story but i don't know how the girls help with your story ..anyway it is a good story update soon....
Inspiritwer_11 #2
Why it was dedicated for me????
Omo! I finally got to see this and I love it! :D
ZumitheKitty #4
Wait, this is is dedicated to this account?

Which one of us?

exoisthebest100 #5
I read this too on wattpad I loved it good thing I found it here I loved it
writerofthistory #6
Chapter 17: BOOM PREGNANT HAHAHA great story! ♡
lucky9606 #7
please update!
I really like this story
Ergo..who do you dedicate it for ?
Chapter 17: Love this story! SO funny! Keep updating author-nim hwaiting!
xyper_crash21 #10
Wait... This was the one I was reading in wattpad! Waaah~

Keep up the good work author-nim! :D