Chapter 12: EXPLAIN.

What If Kpop Idols Had Super Powers: INFINITE [ON HOLD]



WIKIHSP:Chapter 12

hai guise.

anddd alsoooooo. This may be an odd chapter… I write weird stuff when I don’t have any good ideas… *sigh* I also have a habit of changing POV’s for no reason…

also like of they are communicating through the mind link it will be in between two of ** those star things. Ohkaaiii???


Katie: So lets start chapter 12!
*Infinite walks in*
Katie: OMFG! ITS INFINITE! *thinking: Keep your cool Katie keep your cool*
Dongwoo: Hey Katie! Do you mind making some changes to the story?
Katie: You read my story?!

:L leggo? 

Chapter 12


Hoya POV

So now we are planning on pranking Sunggyu. Well then this will turn out great! Hopefully?

I let out a sigh.       

**You can go through solid objects?** I heard Sungjongie's voice, but, obviously he was directing the message to Dongwoo.

**I guess so?** Dongwoo replied.

**Lets test it out later when Sunggyu hyung isn't around** Sungyeollie said.

We all looked towards Sunggyu who was innocently unaware of what we are talking about.

"Oh hyung. If only you knew..." Woohyun .

Sunggyu looked directly at Woohyun with a confused face.

"Knew what?" He questioned. "Did I miss something?"

We all chuckled at the totally confused leader.

"Oh its nothing," Woohyun laughed.

Sunggyu hyung just went to take another nibble of his pizza slice.

L had finished eating and he stood up and walked to the two crates of fan mail that we completely forgot about.

"Should we organise our fan mail?" He asked grabbing a box and inspecting it for some random reason.

"Sure," Sungyeol said taking one last bite of his slice and getting up to walk to the fan mail.

Sunggyu looked up. "Why do we have fan mail? Did I miss a concert when I was passed out?"

We laughed.

"No. Fans gave it to us when we got in the accident," I replied. "Its more like 'get well soon' presents."

"Oh..." Sunggyu nodded.

All of a sudden Myungsoo sneezed... Again. One of the empty pizza boxes literally flew through Dongwoo but it didn't do any damage to him at all.

Sunggyu looked at Dongwoo pointing at him with his mouth wide open.

"The- The pizza. The pizza box. I-I-It flew through Dongwoo-ssi!" He stuttered. "Did you just see that!?"

**Guys, pretend like nothing happened,** Sungyeol laughed.

**Ahaha. Okay!** We all replied in unison.

"See what?" Myungsoo began acting.

"Yeah hyung. You just grabbed the pizza box and threw it across the room," Sungjong joined in.

Sunggyu shook his head.

"What!?" He exclaimed. "Why would I randomly throw that?"

Sungjongie shrugged. "I don't know?"


Sunggyu POV

I swear that when L-ssi sneezed it somehow made the pizza box fly through Dongwoo...

I let out a sigh. Maybe I was just hallucinating... Or maybe I'm going crazy! I must be insane! This must be all one big huge crazy dream! BWAHAHA!

At that moment other members began chuckling and laughing for no reason.


Woohyun POV

**Maybe I was hallucinating...** We all heard Sunggyu's thoughts. ** Or maybe I'm going crazy! I must be insane! This must be all one bug huge crazy dream! BWAHAHA!**

The other members and I began laughing the moment we heard that. Sunggyu hyung looked at us back and forth with pretty much confused thoughts rushing through his mind.

**Ah. Hyung's thoughts are funny!** Sungjongie said whilst blocking out Sunggyu hyung.

“Um. Why don’t we go and organize the fan mail!” I said breaking the awkward silence and stood up to walk towards the two large crates.

The others stood up and walked to the crates as well, except for Sunggyu…  He was going crazy… Well the rest of today is going to be an interesting!

**How long are we going to keep this up?** Dongwoo asked. **I’m pretty sure we’re going to get busted soon.**

But before anyone could reply to what Dongwoo asked, a knock came upon our front door.

“Who is it?!” Sunggyu yelled out and began walking to the door.

It was silent, no one answered.

“Eh? Who is it!?” Sunggyu repeated before opening the door.

There was no reply but hyung was stupid enough to open the door anyway.


Sunggyu POV

Hmm… No reply? Eh… it can’t be anything bad, can it? I decided to open the door anyway. I placed my hand on the door knob and twisted it open. I looked out and…



Myungsoo POV

“WHAT! WOOHYUN!” Sunggyu exclaimed.

“Heh. It appears your powers have gone out of whack too,” I nudged Woohyun.

Sunggyu turned around.

“Powers?” He asked.

**Yep. Powers hyung. Powers!** Hoya cackled.

Sunggyu put both his hands on his head.

“AGH! I’m hearing voices which sound like yours in my head!”

We all exchanged glances as Sunggyu began having a panic attack and fainted.

“Uh. What do we do now?” Sungyeol said as we all looked down at Sunggyu who was passed out on the floor.



=Thirty Minutes Later=

Sunggyu POV

I opened my eyes and I noticed I was in my bed.

“Phew! It was all just a dream!” I chuckled.

**It wasn’t**I heard a voice in my head which sounded strangely like Woohyun’s.

Oh no. I really am crazy?


Dongwoo POV

We were in the living room discussing what to do next and Woohyun began snickering.

“Ah. Don’t tell me… You said something through the mind link to Sunggyu hyung?” Hoya assumed.

“Mind link?!” We heard and exclamation from Sunggyu’s room.

Sunggyu stomped out of his room into the living room.

“What mind link!” He questioned. “What is going on here? Explain?” He shook his head whilst widening his eyes.

We exchanged glances.

“Dongwoo hyung will explain!” Sungjongie said hastily as the others push me forward.


Sungyeol POV

**Who is going to explain?** Woohyun asked.

**Dongwoo hyung!** Sungjongie giggled.

**Ahaha, okay!** We responded together blocking Dongwoo out.

We all pushed Dongwoo forward.

“Dongwoo hyung will explain!” Sungjongie immediately said.

“But, I barely even know the situation!” He mumbled.


Sorry for the short chapter guys!!!! schoo is starting again tomorrow and shizzz and like yeah i wanted to get a chapter out.

also my bestfriend was begging for the next chapter.... so yeah... the next one will be out in a week maybe or the weekend?

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Inspiritwer_11 #1
Chapter 19: Well it is a good story but i don't know how the girls help with your story ..anyway it is a good story update soon....
Inspiritwer_11 #2
Why it was dedicated for me????
Omo! I finally got to see this and I love it! :D
ZumitheKitty #4
Wait, this is is dedicated to this account?

Which one of us?

exoisthebest100 #5
I read this too on wattpad I loved it good thing I found it here I loved it
writerofthistory #6
Chapter 17: BOOM PREGNANT HAHAHA great story! ♡
lucky9606 #7
please update!
I really like this story
Ergo..who do you dedicate it for ?
Chapter 17: Love this story! SO funny! Keep updating author-nim hwaiting!
xyper_crash21 #10
Wait... This was the one I was reading in wattpad! Waaah~

Keep up the good work author-nim! :D