chapter 13

My Love Playboys
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As usual Seohyun woke early to go work and as usual also she has to woke Luhan up too but today is different. Seohyun was shocked when she want to go to Luhan room, she saw Luhan already waiting her at outside. She look at him with weird expression. ‘Am I dreaming?’

Luhan- Why u look at me like that?

Seohyun- Err...U suprised me Luhan sshi..

Luhan- Ha? Wae?

Seohyun- Are u wake up early than me?

Luhan- Yup..

Seohyun- Hmm..something strange about u Luhan sshi..

Luhan- What?

Seohyun- Ermm..Just forget about it..lets go now.

Luhan POV

She must be weird why I wake up first than her. I don’t know why my brain told me to wake up early. I don’t understand. Aih...there’s something has change me into somebody else.

Seohyun POV

Hmm..I don’t understand him. It’s really strange about him since yesterday. But..ahh, just forget about it..

Then, they two walk go to the market and start doing a work. About an hour, Seohyun Appa came with three box of fish that he catch this morning. Seohyun and Luhan help her appa carry the box inside the market. While she was carry the box inside but her legs suddenly tripped over a stone and caused her body  unbalanced and about to fall. Luhan saw her as if to fall, quickly run and holding the body from falling. The fish has scattered out ofthe box. Now the body is already in his arms and their eyes met. The distance was so close. They were like that for a long time. Luhan seems was hypnotized by Seohyun eyes. ‘Wow..her eyes..’ and Seohyun too. She’s like dazzled by Luhan big eyes.

“Seohyun ah..Have u finished?” suddenly her appa voice make them suprised and quickly make distanced itself. Seohyun quickly correcting her hair and pick up the fish that fall and Luhan help her.

SeoAppa- Eh? What happen?

Seohyun- Emm..Nothing appa, I tripped something.

SeoAppa- Aigoo..Seohyun ahh. Be careful next time ok....?

Seohyun- Dae appa..

Then, Seo appa get inside and the two continue pick up the fish. Seohyun look at Luhan and theie eyes met again and they Seohyun wuickly turns away.

Seohyun- Ehem..emm. Thanks..

Luhan heard what Seohyun said but he didn’t reply it but he gets up and get inside too.

‘Boya..I thanks him but he just go like that? Boya?’

After finishing pick up the fish, Seohyun also get inside and arrange the fish for sale. While Seohyun was busy set the fish up then come a one man that she really know.

“Anyeong Seohyun ah..” Seohyun look at the man.

Seohyun- Oh..Kyuhyun oppa..why u here?

Kyuhyun- Nothing, I wanna help u can I?

Seohyun- Oh..err..

Seohyun look at Luhan who was sitting on the chair. Luhan look away when Seohyun looking at him. ‘Boya? He said that he gonna help me..haishh!?’ Then, she turns her head look at Kyuhyun.

Seohyun- Emm..Dae Oppa. U can..

Kyuhyun smiled and start help Seohyun. They seems so happy when doing the work while joking and laughing. But, they don’t know there’s someone spy them with a very sharp eyes.

Luhan POV

Haihh..I can’t even say anything after I saw her sparkle eyes. It’s so attracted my heart. Attract? No no no..I hate this feelings!

 I saw her was busy with her works, I wanna help her but I don’t know why I felt I shouldn’t go near to her. What I was doing is just watching her from back. She has a very nice figure too. While I was into it, suddenly a one man come to her and greet her. There’s something burn I felt inside. Who is he? Her boyfriend? I can’t hear what are they saying but I know they know each other. Then, suddenly she look at me and I quickly look away.  Argh..that man was help her. Why I feel I should go to her now? Why? The longer I look at them, the longer I feel burn inside. They laughing? What are they laughing to? Ahhhh! I can’t hold it anymore!

End of POV

Then Luhan stand up and walk to them.

Luhan- Ehem ehem!!!

The two got shocked at look at him. Kyuhyun was strange becuz he never saw that guy yet in this place.

Luhan- Emm..Hi, I’m Luhan..Seohyun cousin.

Kyuhyun was shocked and look at Seohyun.

Kyuhyun- C

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njhmusfirah #1
Chapter 44: Daebak
milkysuho #2
Chapter 44: Hahahahaha happy and funny ending. Idk why I laugh at lay line. "Where's the flowers?" Hahahah btw, your story is soooooo daebak (Y)
Chapter 44: Ok finished u made me proud
Chapter 16: New comer loving you're story but even tough it's finished I hope it's seohan I'm in chap16
shaymo #5
I wished I could read it...but the font you used, gave me headache as i started to read~~I'm really sorry (。-_-。)
Hyeri0406 #6
Chapter 44: woah, finally ending !! ^^ I love this story and LuSeo together kkkk nice ending author-nim
MeiiMeii0510 #7
Chapter 44: Hahaha daebak :)
iceevang1 #8
Chapter 17: i love this story soo much !!
ChunjiLover #9
I wonder why I didn't read this sooner this is amazing!!!!!!! :D