Chapter 8: I notice something fishy...

Marrying The Enemy (New Version)
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 Chapter 8: I notice something fishy...

    {Before the scandal}

Lu Han's POV:

                I wake up to a big kick to the stomach. *Is she always this grumpy?* She starts yelling at me asking me why we were in the same bed. *I can't tell her it was because I was comforting her...because I care!* "Err... You looked cold...And sharing is caring!" I say trying not to sound nervous. She's starts yelling at me some more and then heads downstairs for breakfast. But we haven't gone food shopping yet. *I know I'll take her on a "date" just like the director suggested!* She's reluctant at first but the. Finally she gives in after I say I'll pay.

              "Remember the plan?" I ask Yun. *We have to pretend to be a lovey dovey couple. I decide to have some fun.*  "Well we're supposed to look like a couple...So we have to act like a couple. Do couple things." I says. "What kind of couple things?" she says. I can tell she's hoping I'm not going to say kissing. *How innocent!* "Oh you know...The usual hand holding, cuddling, smiling, acting like we don't hate each other..." I say pausing a little. "Well if that's all...and you don't try any funny business then it's fine...I guess." she says. "oh" I  say calmly "and we may have to kiss once in a while..." I adds nonchalantly. She stares at me eyes wide. "W-What!? Kiss?" * Its her first kiss isn't it?* I smirks and then laugh. "What is this gonna be your first kiss!?" I laugh hysterically. "What are you 16? And you havent even had your first kiss yet!? Pathetic!" i laugh. She slaps me  "s-shut up! I'm 19! And I've kissed before!" she says. *Total lie!* "Really?" I ask smirking. "So you won't have a problem kissing me then." "B-but--" She starts to say. "No buts!" I say. "I'm glad you've kissed before because kissing someone who is inexperienced is SUCH a pain!" I say laughing *Just to get her nervous* "Wait Lu Han we don't really have to--" she says nervously but I cut you off. "Nonsense!" I says. "Its fine anyway enough talk about this. We're here!" i say getting put of the car.

          In the resturant I order a salad and she orders a hamburger. *Wowzer! Man can she eat! But it's ok, I always hated those girls who were obsessed with their weight. But Yun she's different...that's what I like about her...Wait what?* I shake my head *stop thinking like that!* Then after that I take her out for ice cream because she wouldn't shut up. *Such a little kid*

           While standing in line a little boy bumps into me. *Ack! My shirt!* I look at Yun who looks like she's gonna laugh. *Watch this Yun, I'm a nicer guy than you think!* the boy looks at me teary. *poor kid* S-Sorry!" says the boy. "It's okay, let me buy you another. What flavor?" I ask him. I see Yun look shocked. *Haha I can be nice when I want!*  When I got his ice cream the boy smiled. "Thank you!" said the little boy then he turned to Yun. "You have a nice boyfriend Noona!" he said. *I thought she was going to deny our relationship but she didn't...Loves me that much huh?* "Yes I know, he is very kind isn't he?" she says smiling at the little boy. *Nice?* The little boy nodded and then his mom pulled him away. I smili

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I really need to edit this...


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OneIsOneEXOIsOne #1
Chapter 28: it's not sasang's sasaeng fan...
Chapter 16: nope you wrote ceci right :)
jessi828 #3
Chapter 28: awesome plot
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 24: Oh okie dokie
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 23: God damn!!
Kayla_infinite123 #6
YAY ! great ! I don't know what to say ! ^u^
Chapter 27: Off to the sequel!
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 23: is lu han the little boy who saved yun on her attempt suicide>?? or minwoo? chanhee? :)
Chapter 23: OMO OMO OMO MY HEART IS LIKE DEUGEUN, DEUGEUN :D THIS IS AWESOME :D Time to read the next chappie~