Chapter 16: We Put On A Little Show

Marrying The Enemy (New Version)
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Chapter 16: We Put On A Show

Yun’s POV:

I wake up to find myself in bed. *Was I here before?* I get out of bed a hear clanging from downstairs. *Is that a robber!?* but then I remember Lu Han lives here too. *Right, I have a husband…*I walk downstairs to find a table of delicious looking food, my mouth waters. “Oh you’re awake. If you’re hungry  I made some food for us.” Lu Han says noticing me. I sit down and start putting food on my plate and eating. *Mmm! This is good! But I’m not going to tell Lu Han that. Stupid idiot, I don’t want his head to get any bigger!* “Is it good?” Lu Han asks watching me eat. “It’s okay.” I say and he chuckles. “What’s so funny?” I ask. “Oh nothing.” He says and sits down to eat too.

“The directors called.” Lu Han says after we’re done eating. “Oh and what did they want?” I ask. *Stupid directors what more do they want us to do!?* “Well they want us to put on a show tomorrow…” “What?” I ask putting my dishes in the dishwasher. “They want us to go on a talkshow and then I’ll propose.” *Of course…They want us to make headline news.* “Look at least try to act happy please.” Lu Han says. I scoff. *That’s gonna be hard to do.* “And Yun we really need to talk about the incident. It---“ I cut him off. “We have NOTHING to talk about.” I say and go.

 Lu Han’s POV:


“Is it good?” I ask her. But judging from her smiling face I know she likes it. “It’s okay.” She lies. I laugh. *Really? Just because she’s mad she’s going to lie about liking my food? How childish!* “What?” she says. “Oh nothing…” I mumble. *When should I explain to her about the incident? How about when she’s in a good mood?*

After dinner I tell her about what the directors what us to do. I glance at her to see how she feels about this. *She does

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I really need to edit this...


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OneIsOneEXOIsOne #1
Chapter 28: it's not sasang's sasaeng fan...
Chapter 16: nope you wrote ceci right :)
jessi828 #3
Chapter 28: awesome plot
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 24: Oh okie dokie
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 23: God damn!!
Kayla_infinite123 #6
YAY ! great ! I don't know what to say ! ^u^
Chapter 27: Off to the sequel!
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 23: is lu han the little boy who saved yun on her attempt suicide>?? or minwoo? chanhee? :)
Chapter 23: OMO OMO OMO MY HEART IS LIKE DEUGEUN, DEUGEUN :D THIS IS AWESOME :D Time to read the next chappie~