Chapter 6: We get banned from the ice cream shop

Marrying The Enemy (New Version)
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Hi readers! I just found out that boyfriend is in Starship entertainment...I was like banging my head on the table! Anyway she is now (changed again) in Starship entertainment. Haha sorry!


Chapter 6: We get banned from the ice cream shop

Yun's POV:

            "You don't have to be alone anymore...I'm here to protect you..."

someone whispers in your ear. *Who is that? What an angelic voice...I'll sleep peacefully knowing I have a guardian angel watching over me.*

          You wake up to warmth. *mmhh...this covers are really warm and nice.          You snuggle against the "pillow". You are about to fall asleep again when you notice something wrong about the pillow. *Is this pillow moving?* You open your eyes to see that the thing you thought was a pillow is actually Lu Han's chest and the covers are actually his arms. You eyes widen *How did I get in this position!?* You try to move his arms. But instead of loosening they become even tighter.

           "Wake up!" you yell at Lu Han trying to get his arms off you. "Mmhhh... 5 more minutes." he mumbles groggily."I said get up!" you yell at him kicking him off the bed. Lu Han lands on the ground with a loud thump. "Ow!" he yells rubbing his head. "What was that for?" You glare at him "Why were you hugging me? AND why were you in the same bed as me?!" you yell. "Because..." he starts to say rubbing his neck. "Err... You looked cold...And sharing is caring!" You chuck a pillow at him. "Is that a good reason to hug someone?" you say angrily. "Well do want to catch a cold? You can't sing with a cold! Or without for that matter!" he says back. *This guy! I can't believe I have to be his girlfriend!*

            "Whatever!" You say angrily and walk down the steps. "I'm hungry. Do you know how to cook?" you ask. He follows you down the steps. "You don't know how to cook?" he laughs. "No i know how I just wanted to see if you did!" you day glaring. "Fine then you cook." he says smirking. *Oh crap...what am I supposed to make? Peanut butter sandwiches!? No I can't even make that! The bread always breaks when I spread the peanut butter!* You open the fridge for food. Nothing, you open the cupboards, nothing again. You smile *Yes! Looks like I'm not making food!* you turn around to face Lu Han. "Well looks like there's no food. Guess I can't cook us anything!" you say happily. Lu Han smiles. *Uh oh why is he smiling?* "It's ok let's go on a date instead them!" he says smiling innocently. You stand there flabbergasted. "W-What!? A date!?" you yell at him. "Yes a date! Come on!" he says grabbing your arm and dragging you outside.

             "Hey!" you yell trying to stop him. "Why should I go o. A date with you!?" he turns around and faces you. "Do you think I want to go on a date with you either? But I'm hungry and I don't feel like cooking and I know you can't!"  You give him an offended look. "W-What I can cook!" you say. He gives you an unconvinced look. "Sure whatever! Anyway didn't your director tell you we had to go on a date? We an go get food later." he tells you. "I'm not even hungry!" you yell at him. But just then your stomach grumbles. *Darn you stomach! Why are you betraying me!?* He smirks at you. "I'll pay so chill... honey." You glare at him. "Don't call me honey!" you say angrily. "Oh ok, no problem babe!" he says. You let out a breath of air in exasperation. *Whatever! I give up!* "Fine...let's go." You walk to the car and hop in.

              "Ok you know the plan?" Lu Han says looking at you. "Eyes on the road!" you answer. "And what plan?" you ask him confused. "Well we're supposed to look like a couple...So we have to act like a couple. Do couple things." he says. "What kind of couple things?" you say hoping he wasn't going to say what you thought. "Oh you know...The usual hand holding, cuddling, smiling, acting like we don't hate each other..." he says. *oh good he didn't say it* You look at him "Well if that's all...and you don't try any funny business then it's fine...I guess." you say. *As long as it's not that* "oh" he says "and we may have to kiss once in a while..." he adds nonchalantly. You stare at him eyes wide. "W-What!? Kiss?" *My first kiss won't be lost to this guy!* he smirks and then laughs. "What is this gonna be your first kiss!?" he laughs hysterically. "What are you 16? An dyou havent even had your first kiss yet!? Pathetic!" he laughs. You slap him "s-shut up! I'm 19! And I've kissed before!" you lie. "Really?" he asks smirking. "So you won't have a problem kissing me then." "B-but--" You start to say. "No buts!" he says. "I'm glad you've kiss

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I really need to edit this...


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OneIsOneEXOIsOne #1
Chapter 28: it's not sasang's sasaeng fan...
Chapter 16: nope you wrote ceci right :)
jessi828 #3
Chapter 28: awesome plot
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 24: Oh okie dokie
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 23: God damn!!
Kayla_infinite123 #6
YAY ! great ! I don't know what to say ! ^u^
Chapter 27: Off to the sequel!
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 23: is lu han the little boy who saved yun on her attempt suicide>?? or minwoo? chanhee? :)
Chapter 23: OMO OMO OMO MY HEART IS LIKE DEUGEUN, DEUGEUN :D THIS IS AWESOME :D Time to read the next chappie~