Chapter 11: I get advice from a middle-aged man

Marrying The Enemy (New Version)
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Chapter 11: I get advice from a middle-aged man

                                 (NEXT DAY)

Lu Han's POV:

            I wake up to find Yun staring into space and blushing. "What are you thinking about?" I ask her. She screams and falls off the bed. "Don't scare me like that!" she says hitting me with a pillow. After we had our daily argument I headed down for breakfast with her following at my heels. “What do you want to make?” I ask her as I see her. “Eggs!” she yells happily. *Wow that excited?* I start to cook and see her watching. *Let's have a little fun here.* “Amazed by my beauty?” I laugh. “N-No of course not! What beauty?” she says obviously lying. “You’re U-G-L-Y!” She yells at me. “Oh really?” I say “Well this ugly guy is making eggs for himself and NO ONE else!” *Haha Yun!* “W-what! Wait Lu Han!” she whines. “I’m hungry!” she says, I hear her stomach grumble. *Let the fun begin* “Well…” I say “If you admit I, Lu Han am the smartest, handsomest, most talented and perfect person in the world!” dropped “And…” I add “That EXO is waaayyy better than Reincarnation is!" “Forget it!” She yells. She picks out cereal and pours it into a bowl. “Your loss.” I say say smiling. “MMMmm!!!!!” I say extra loudly so Yun hears. “This sure is YUMMY! How is your cereal?” I ask smirking. “Shut up.” She says putting her dishes into the sink. As she heads upstairs and then leaves I start to make her a snack. *She's probably still hungry...I know cereal won't fill her up. I'll surprise her during training.*

               *I forgot to give her back her phone...* I think as I slip it in my pocket and grab her lunch. I head out the door only to see paparazzi everywhere. *What the heck?* I shield my eyes from the constant flashing of cameras. “Lu Han! You were caught cheating on Melody. How are you going to fix this?” asks a reporter shoving a microphone at him. *Oh shiz...* I look at Yun, but she looks away. *Does she know?*  “Fix what?” I say trying to sound confused and innocent. A reporter throws a newspaper at me. My eyes widen as he see the cover page. *How did they get this!? I checked there was no one around!* “Aish!” I gumble running my hands threw my hair. “This is…It’s nothing…” I

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I really need to edit this...


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OneIsOneEXOIsOne #1
Chapter 28: it's not sasang's sasaeng fan...
Chapter 16: nope you wrote ceci right :)
jessi828 #3
Chapter 28: awesome plot
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 24: Oh okie dokie
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 23: God damn!!
Kayla_infinite123 #6
YAY ! great ! I don't know what to say ! ^u^
Chapter 27: Off to the sequel!
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 23: is lu han the little boy who saved yun on her attempt suicide>?? or minwoo? chanhee? :)
Chapter 23: OMO OMO OMO MY HEART IS LIKE DEUGEUN, DEUGEUN :D THIS IS AWESOME :D Time to read the next chappie~