Chapter 15: My Life Changing Decision!

Marrying The Enemy (New Version)
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Chapter 15: My Life Changing Decision!

Yun’s POV:

“So what’s your answer?” the director asks.  I nod my head. “I’ll do it on one condition. That I can divorce him after 5 years, no more contract, no more threatening to take my job away.” “Deal.” The director says and picks up the phone. “Hello this is the director of Starship entertainment. She said yes!” says the director to the phone and then shoos me away saying I can leave. *What have I gotten myself into?*

Lu Han’s POV:

“She said yes!” SM’s director said to Lu Han enthusiastically. *What she did? Why would she agree to marry me? She hates me!* “Well of course it took some time…” “What do you mean?” I ask confused. “Well her director kinda had to threaten to fire her, for her to agree…” *Oh so that’s why she agreed…* I find myself feeling disappointed. “So Lu Han we just got an offer from highcut to do a wedding shoot with another group called Boyfriend. Make sure to tell her that when you get home.” “Home?” I ask. “Yeah she moved back to your place this morning. Make sure not to screw it up again ok?” he asks sternly. I nod. “ok.”

(Hi idk if Highcut does wedding shoots but I only know so many magazines in Korea…is CeCi one? Or is that Chinese? And I have a feeling I totally misspelled CeCi’s magazine name…Sorry!)

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I really need to edit this...


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OneIsOneEXOIsOne #1
Chapter 28: it's not sasang's sasaeng fan...
Chapter 16: nope you wrote ceci right :)
jessi828 #3
Chapter 28: awesome plot
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 24: Oh okie dokie
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 23: God damn!!
Kayla_infinite123 #6
YAY ! great ! I don't know what to say ! ^u^
Chapter 27: Off to the sequel!
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 23: is lu han the little boy who saved yun on her attempt suicide>?? or minwoo? chanhee? :)
Chapter 23: OMO OMO OMO MY HEART IS LIKE DEUGEUN, DEUGEUN :D THIS IS AWESOME :D Time to read the next chappie~