
Love after Marriage

I push him away and ran out of the room covering my mouth. Why did I just let him do that to me? MiCha ran over to me.

“Did he take it?”
“It..it..it wasn’t him. I have to go.”
“What’s wrong? You look like you just got frighten.”
“I’m okay, I have to go.”

MyungSoo pov

She ran out of the room. I picked the letter she had intended for DongWoo up and threw it in the trash. How could she like him? I went back to packing my books. DongWoo came in.

“Hey, I just saw that Ena girl come out of here. What was she doing here?”
I put on my backpack “Nothing, why do you care, you don’t like her do you?”
“No, but she’s pretty though. Do you like her?” DongWoo asks.
“Why would I like her? She’s dirty.”
DongWoo laughs “You can always clean her up. You never know after she’s all polish up you might just fall for her.”
“Yeah right.”
DongWoo put his arm around my shoulders “Let’s go eat I’m hungry.” He put his other hand on his belly and gave me a puppy face.

Ena pov

After classes were done SungJong and I worked at a flower shop. It wasn’t easy since we have to water and move the plants around all the time. It didn’t pay much either but we did what we can to get money. By the time we got home YuHan would already be gone for his job. He was a bouncer for a club so he worked from seven to two in the morning. He made good money but most of the time he would be drunk when he got home.

SungJong came into my room after showering “What’s wrong with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“After school you weren’t yourself. You kept staring off to space and kept forgetting things. Did something happen?”
I pout “Maybe”
He came over to me and sat down on my bed with me. “What?”
“You can’t tell anyone.”
“Who am I going to tell? I only talk to you.”
“Good point. Well MiCha you know that rich girl that thinks being friends with me counts as community service.”
SungJong nodded his head “The dumb one yeah.”
“Well she ask me to hand DongWoo her love letter.”
“Wait! Why? DongWoo doesn’t know you and why would he even accept your letter he only dates rich girls.”
“Well in the morning on my way to class DongWoo said hi to me in the hall way and asked if I was Ena.”
SungJong gasp “OH MY GOSHHHHHH really?”
I nodded “So then MiCha thought that if he talked to me he would accept her letter if I gave it to him. When I went to give her letter to him, I thought it was him in the classroom so I went ahead and ask if he would accept the letter. The good thing was he took it, the bad thing was it wasn’t DongWoo it was MyungSoo.”
“OMG then what?”
“I apologize to him but he wasn’t really happy about it…so he kissed me.”

SungJong took a pillow and hit my head.

“AHH what?” I ask him holding on to my head.
“I can’t believe it he kissed you? YOU?”
“Yeah I know right I was just as surprised.”
“Out of all the boys in Infinite you got kissed by the weird one. He’s so quiet and I don’t know I just get this weird dark vibe from him. At least get kiss by SungYeol, he’s not the most popular but at least he isn’t so weird.”
“I rather not get kiss by any of them. Fan girls are scary.”
SungJong got up “Well stay away from them then.” Before he walked out from my room he turns back “Make sure to lock your door, I’ll wake you up tomorrow. Good night Ena.”
“Good night SungJong.”

I stood up and went over to my door. I lock the door knob but YuHan had a spear key to my door so I installed some extra little locks inside my room just incase.

That night YuHan came home drunk again. He unlocks my door knob but the other two locks I installed kept the door close. He started to bang on my door.

“Ena…open up.” He bangs on my door again. “Why are you so scared? I..I’m not even your real brother, it’s okay.”
I clutch onto my blanket and tightly close my eyes. “This is just a dream…this is just a dream” I chanted that to myself.
“ENA! Open up right now.” He bangs on my door again.
I cover my ears and chanted again. “This is just a dream…it’s just a dream…when I wake up it will all be over.”
“Hyung” I heard SungJong. “What are you doing? Why are you drunk again? Come on hurry let’s go to bed.”

He finally left. I sat up in my bed and took a deep breath. As much as I want this to be all a bad dream it was real. I hated here, I hate living in fear, I hate myself for getting into this situation. As much as I want to run away there’s still SungJong. I can’t just leave him. Thinking about SungJong I calmed down and finally went back to sleep. I was awaken by SungJong an hour later. Time to get the day started again.

Classes went unusually fast today. It was already the time of day I hate the most during school hours, LUNCH. I just hate sitting by myself and watching people around me happily smiling to each other. What were they so happy about? I walked towards an empty table in the back.

MyungSoo pov

I look up and saw Ena walking towards us, was she trying to confess to DongWoo again? I stuck out my feet in front of her and she trip over. Her tray flew up and landed on the ground, the food splatter around her and every one laugh. She got on her knees and started cleaning the floor.

“Why are you putting the dirty food back onto your plate? You don’t plan on eating it still do you? Oh wait does it really matter anyways I’m pretty sure you eat food from the ground and garbage all the time.”
DongWoo stood up “Enough MyungSoo.” He walked over to her and helped her up. “Don’t worry about it, the janitors will clean it up.” He brought his hand to her face to try and wipe off the food on her face but she pulls back. He smiles “It’s okay I won’t hurt you.”

She stood still and let him wipe the food off of her face. She smiled back at him. I can’t believe it she smiled at him. All these years I known her she never smiled before how was he able to make her smile?

I stood up and remove DongWoo’s hand from her face “Hyung did you know what you just touched? Between her face and sh*t there’s no difference. Go wash your hand, you just touched poop. How can you touch such a dirty thing?”
DongWoo turns to me “MyungSoo don’t you think that’s a little too much.” He turns to Ena “Sorry, I apologize for him.”
She looks over to me with piercing eyes “Don’t be sorry…he’s right, between me and sh*t there is no difference. So don’t do this again, I can take care of my self.”

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3