
Love after Marriage
Chapter eight: Family

The ride to MyungSoo’s house seemed quick. I think I was too nervous so that made the ride seem quicker then it really was. His mom held onto my hand.

“You’re shaking too much calm down.”

I took a deep breath and try to calm down. The car suddenly stops. The driver rolls down the window and the gates open. We were here. I was now even more nervous. I look out the window and saw a huge fountain in the middle making the drive way into a loop. In the front there were maids line up ready to welcome us.

MyungSoo’s mother lean forward to get a better look at the man coming out of the car in front of us. “He’s home early. I guess he’s in a rush to see his grandchild too.”

Was she talking about MyungSoo’s father? The car stops and she looks over at me.

“Welcome home, should I carry JooEun?”
“Umm okay.”

She picks JooEun up from her car seat and got out of the car. I follow behind her into the house with the maids following behind us with my bag. She leads me into the living room where her husband was sitting. He stood up and smiled at me.

“So you’re Ena.”
I bow to him “Yes”
“This must be my grandson.”
“Umm it’s a girl.”
“Girl? Really?” He laughs “Even better then my granddaughter.”
A pretty girl came in with drinks and a bottle for JooEun. “Everyone must be thirsty. Have a drink.” She hands me a cup. “I’m JiHyun, DooJoon’s wife.”
“Hi, nice to meet you. But who’s DooJoon?”
She giggles “MyungSoo’s older brother.”
“MyungSoo has a older brother? I didn’t know that, sorry.”
“It’s okay you must be Ena.”
I nod my head.
MyungSoo’s father looks at me “MyungSoo will be coming in a bit you should go get settle in your room.”
“I will show you to your room.” JiHyun offers.

I followed JiHyun up the stair case and then down a long hall way. The halls eventually ended up meeting at the half way mark making it a circle. All the doors were closed except for one, which was our room.

“Who else lives here?”
“No one, MyungSoo is usually up here by himself. Umma and Appa has the master suit downstairs. The maids and butlers live in the servant house.”
“Where do you and DooJoon live?”
“We live in the smaller house on the other side of the pound.”
“Where’s the pond?”
“Behind the house. The back yards face each other. The servant house is the left side while the smaller house is on the left. Come I’ll show you.”

I follow her back out to the hall way. There was a double door facing the entrance and another facing the backyard. She opens the door and we step out to the balcony. In the middle of all the houses was a huge pond. A bridge was built across it for easy access.

“You live in that house by yourseif? I thought you said it was a small house. That doesn’t look small.”
“Well compare to this one it is. That’s why it’s call the smaller house. Appa built it for DooJoon and I couple years back.”
“You should visit soon.”
JiHyun looks at her watch “You should go back and get settle in. DooJoon and MyungSoo will get home soon.”

I nodded and she left me alone in my room. I look around the room. I wonder if MyungSoo was lonely living here alone. Being in this room felt lonely already. I quickly put my clothes into a draw and step back into the living room where Umma and Appa were. JooEun had fallen asleep in JiHyun’s arms.

Someone tap my shoulder and I turned. “HI! You must be Ena. I’m DooJoon.”
“Hi…yeah that’s me.” He gave me a quick hug. “Welcome to the family.”
It still felt weird when they say that “Thanks”
He enter the living room “That must be my little niece awww she so cute. Hey MyungSoo she kind of looks like you.”

MyungSoo didn’t say anything to me and enter the living room.

He bows to his parents and excuse himself “I’m tired. I’ll go rest a bit before dinner.”
“Ena why don’t you go with MyungSoo.” Umma suggested.
JiHyun stood up and handed me JooEun. “You should put her in her crib too.”
DooJoon stood up “We’ll comeback later for dinner.” He bows good bye to his parents and the happy couple exit out holding hands. I feel bad, they should be the one with a child not MyungSoo and I. They love each other so much and can’t have kids.

I carried JooEun to her nursery, which was next to our room but there was a door connecting the two rooms inside. After laying her down I walk into our room. MyungSoo was lying down with his eyes closed. I stood by the door way and watch him, I was kind of scared to walk in.

“Do you want something?” He ask without opening his eyes.
“Nothing…so…did you agree to marry me before your mother came to get me?”
“Agree? I had no other choice.”
One of the servants appears. “Dinner is ready. I’ll stay up here incase JooEun wakes up.”

MyungSoo stood up and walked out. I trail behind him to the kitchen. After dinner JooEun woke up. I use that as an excuse to be alone. I wasn’t use to having a family and eating with other people. I stayed in the nursery and took care of her there.


The next morning I woke up in the rocking chair I was sitting in yesterday. I had fallen asleep in the nursery. I look at the clock, it was seven in the morning. I peek into our room and saw MyungSoo still sleeping. I quietly walk to the kitchen and saw the maids getting breakfast ready.

“Oh miss why are you up already? Are you hungry?”
“I usually wake up at this time. I can wait to eat with the rest of the family.”
They look at me “They usually don’t eat breakfast together. Everyone is busy. The Master eats at the table though. If you like I can set your plate there too.”
“Umm okay.”

Appa looked through the news paper while I just sat there in silence. It was very awkward. DooJoon and JiHyun ate at their house, Umma was getting ready to go to her art studio and MyungSoo wasn’t wake yet. Appa was the only one at the table with me, he didn’t talk much. The most he said this morning was ‘Good morning’. I clear my plate and brought it over to the sink. I was going to wash it but the maids insist on leaving it for them.

“Oh gosh I’m late again.” Umma walked into the kitchen trying to put on her earrings. She quickly drink her orange juice and kissed Appa good bye before she left.

MyungSoo followed in mothers foot step except he didn’t kiss Appa good bye. Appa put down his news paper and looked at me.

“I will be leaving now, have a good day.”
“Thank you, you too have a good day.”

He smiles at me and left.

One of the maids carried JooEun down. “JooEun has awoken.”
I took JooEun “Thank you.”


It has been a month since JooEun and I moved in. Everyday the same thing happened. Everyone left for work or other things while I stayed home and took care of JooEun. It was lonely. Sometimes they wouldn’t even come home for dinner leaving me to eat alone. I was use to being alone but being here it felt lonelier. There were people living here but I never really saw them. MyungSoo was home more then Umma and Appa but he usually locks himself in his office. Sunday’s were the only day where everyone was home. Even if we were all home we were all spread out in this big house.

I finish washing the plates from breakfast and wipe my hands dry.

One of the maids look at me “Miss you don’t have to worry about kitchen duties we could handle it.”
“I know but I’m bored. I have to do something.” I look at what they were doing. “Do you guys need help?”
“It’s okay miss you shouldn’t be doing this.”
I pout “Okay”

I walk to the library and saw Umma in there.

“What are you doing?”
“Nothing, Umma what are you doing?”
“Last minute researching. You know I was waiting to take you shopping but I don’t have time. I need to get you out of those clothes.”

I look at my clothing. Plain white shirt and jeans.

She pulled out her cell phone “MyungSoo come to the library.” Did she just call MyungSoo, he was upstairs.
He appeared couple minutes later “What is it Umma?”
“Sine you don’t have anything to do why don’t you take Ena shopping. I haven’t seen you two talk or have time to yourselves yet. I’ll ask someone to watch JooEun.”
“Why don’t you take her?”
“Umma I can go by myself.”
“I don’t want to send you by yourself.”
“I’ll go ask JiHyun to go with me.”
She looks at me then MyungSoo “Fine, but then MyungSoo babysits.”
“WHAT? I don’t even know the first thing about babies.”
Umma smiles “Okay you take Ena then.”

MyungSoo pov

Ena came out of the dressing room with a red shirt and black pants on. The sales lady and I shook our head and she went back in. We been doing this for about an hour. Ena came out next with a white flowing white blouse with white shorts. The shirt was long so it looked like she didn’t have on pants, my face started to get hot. I shook my head no and the sales lady gave her a thumb up.

“You are not wearing that in public.”
The sales lady walks over to her “You look pretty.” She looks at me “Why don’t we add a cardigan that will cover her up a little.” She handed Ena a red cardigan. “Perfect! Now for shoes.” She led Ena to the shoes section and started handing her heels.
Ena look at the shoes terrified. “I can’t walk in these.”
“Okay” She took them back from Ena.
“Wait, I like this one.” Ena pull out a white open toe shoe. “Do you have sneakers?”
The sales lady handed her a pair of white low sneakers. “You have a different taste of style from your Umma and JiHyun.”

As soon as we step outside people instantly look. She was attracting too many eyes, especially guys so I stop her and pulled her into an ally. I started pulling on her shorts to see if they can go lower so it look like she had on shorts.

She push my hands away “Yah, what are you doing?”
“You need longer shorts”
“Did you see all those people looking at you? You look like you don’t have pants on.”
“But I do.”

I pull her out of the ally and into the nearest store. We found longer shorts, they weren’t that long but it did show that she had on shorts instead of looking like she had on nothing.


A/N: Promise next chapter will be more intresting

i'm too tired to keep on typeing good night ^^

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3