Welcome to the Family

Love after Marriage
Chapter seven: Welcome to the Family

8 months later

I sat up and wipe the drool hanging on the corner of my mouth. “What?”
“What do you mean what? We’re in the middle of a MEETING!” My dad stood up and threw his note book at me.
I dodge it “Are we done yet?”
“I guess not.” I put my head back on the table.


After getting lecture by my dad I walked out of the office pulling off my tie.

“Yah you brat.”
I turn around and saw DooJoon, my older brother, running towards me. “Hyung”
He put me in a head lock “How many time do I have to tell you, don’t sleep during a meeting. Gosh you’re going to end up killing dad with that attitude of yours.”
“okay” I struggle out of his head lock “I…can’t…br…bre..breathe.”
DooJoon lets go of me “Pull your self together. You need to grow up.”
“I don’t want to.”
DooJoon hits the back of my head “Well too bad, you’re not getting any younger and so is dad so you need to grow up so dad can rest.” His phone starts ringing “JiHyun is calling, I’ll see you at home.” He ran away but quickly ran back “Mom wants you to go pick her up. She’s visiting her friend in CheongJu.” He ran away again.
“Why me?”
He yelled back to me “Se requested it.”


I park outside of my mother’s friend’s store. She lived on the upper level of the store. I came a little early hoping my mom would hurry once she saw me but nope she stayed longer. I walked around the street and came back to see bird poop on my car.

“Ughh stupid birds.” I walk to my car and wipe it off with some wet wipes.
“Ahjuma I’ll be going now.” I turn around and saw the back of a girl.
My mother’s friend came out “Be careful on your way home.”
“Ne” The girl turns and I caught a glimpse of her.

I look at her again but she was walking away so I only saw her back. Something about her was familiar. I followed her to the bus stop down the street. She suddenly stops walking.

“Ahh, yah don’t kick too hard. You MyungSoo jr don’t be mean to me.”
MyungSoo? Me? I tap her shoulder “Excuse me.”
“Huh?” She turns around with a popsicle in .

We looked at each other with wide open eyes for a moment then she quickly turns away. Am I seeing right? She was pregnant.

“Ena” I held on to her hand.
“Please…just leave.”
“What?” I walk in front of her. “Ena…” I point to her stomach “Is that…mine?”
She drops her popsicle and covers her stomach with a worried face. “MyungSoo-”
“Why didn’t you tell me!”
“Ahh” She leans forward holding on to her stomach.
“Are you okay?”
We heard something spilling. “OMG, why now?”
I look at the ground. “OMG, what do we do?”
“AHH” She instantly grabs onto my hands.
My mother appeared behind me. “MyungSoo what are you doing here? I’m ready to go.”
I look at my mom “UMMA help, what do we do?”
She looked at Ena and saw what happened. “Oh gosh, MyungSoo quickly we have to get to the hospital.”
Ena screamed again “AHHH MYUNGSOO HURRY!”

At the hospital some nurses took Ena to a room while my mom and I waited out in the waiting area. What am I going to tell my mom? That the baby’s mine? Is it even mine?

A nurse walked up to us. “While you guys wait can you fill out this form?”
My mom deny the form “We-”
I cut my mom off “I’ll fill it out.” The nurse hands me the forms and walked away.
“Why are you filling out the forms? We don’t even know her, we just met her. Why is a single girl having a baby? You kids these days popping out babies without getting married or having a partner.”
“I…” I sigh “Umma…it’s mine.”
She laughs “HAHAHA MyungSoo what are you saying. This is not something to joke about.”
“I’m serious mom. We went to the same college.”
“You slept with her?”
“Only once, it was on accident.”
She starts hitting me with her bag. “You IDIOT! How can you do this? How come you didn’t tell us? You just left her on her own for the past eight months?”
I grab her bag “STOP UMMA! It hurts. What do you carry in your bag?”
A nurse came over “She’s about to push. Will one of you guys be in the room with her?”
My mom push me forward “You go. When you come out you better explain yourself.”

I nodded and followed the nurse into the room. I knocked on the door and enter. A pillow came flying towards me.

“What are you doing in here?” Ena threw another one “AHHHH”
The doctor looked at me “You’re the father?”
I answered “Yes” and Ena answered “No”
The doctor and nurse looked at the both of us confused. “Ooookay”
I walk over to Ena “I’m the father, I should be in here.”
“I won’t let you take AHHH”
The nurse looks at me “If you can please comfort her.”
I push the hair in her face back and grab the side of her face to look at me “Don’t worry, I won’t take it away from you. I can never do that.”
Ena’s breathing slowed down. “Promise me. You won’t take her from me.”
“I prom- we’re having a girl?”
“Yes it’s a girl.”
“Okay let’s see if you are ready to push.” He lifts up the end of the blanket covering her.
I point at him “YAH! What are you doing?”
She grabs my hand “He’s suppose to do thATTTTT AHHH”
“Okay you’re ready to push.”
“AHHHH” Ena grabs a chunk of my hair.
“AHHHH” She continues to push and scream. Every time she push her grip on my hair became tighter.
“One last big push Ena”
Both her hands where on my head “AHHH” She push and then crying filled the room.

She finally let’s go of my hair. I thought I would be bald after this.

“Can you see her?”
“Huh?” I look over to the nurses cleaning the baby. “They’re cleaning her.” Ena lay back in her bed “Are you okay?”
“Tired” She turns to me “Sorry about your hair.”
The nurse came over with the baby all cleaned up and wrap in a blanket. “Congratulations you two are parents to a cute little girl.” She places the baby in Ena’s arms.
Ena starts crying “My baby…she kind of looks like you.”
I sat down on the bed next to her. “I think she looks like you” I must be watching too much dramas, I unintentionally press my lips onto her forehead. “She’s beautiful”


“What are you going to do MyungSoo?”
“I don’t know. What should I do?”
“That child, you just can’t let it go. She’s your daughter.”
“I know, I promise Ena I wouldn’t take the baby away from her.”
“Why? Why can’t you take the baby? It’s yours.”
“I know but”
“But what? MyungSoo you know how hard it is for our family to conceive. You just can’t let the child go.”
“What am I going to do with a baby mom? I know nothing about babies. I can’t take care of it.”
“You can’t but there is someone who can. Your sister in law. DooJoon and JiHyun have been trying for years. They can adopt her.”
“Ena won’t let you mom. She won’t let the baby go.”
“She won’t let the baby go but she can’t afford to keep the baby either. If we talk some sense into her we can-”
“NO mom. No.”
“I want that child MyungSoo. She has the family blood in her, I can’t let her go.”

Ena pov

“Ena how are you going to work if JooEun keeps crying?”
“Ahjuma sorry. I’ll make sure to work extra hard.”

I ran over to JooEun and fed her her bottle. She instantly stops crying. Ahjuma looked over my shoulder.

“She such a cute baby. When am I going to get a grandchild?” She looks over to her son “When are you going to give me one?” She looks back at me “But who is the father? How can you just have a baby by your self? You young kids these days. You shouldn’t have kids if you’re not married or at least have a boyfriend. Don’t just go sleeping around.”

I didn’t answer her. I know, people have been telling me that for the past month. Even though I heard it a lot it still bothers me. So what if I have a child. I can take care of her. It’s really none of their business. It’s not like I’m hurting society am I?

I ran up the steps to my apartment. JooEun fell asleep during the bus ride home. She must be very tired, she was stuck in her baby seat all day in a smelly store. I place the baby seat down to search for my keys.

“You should give her a thicker blanket.”
I look around and saw the lady from last time. “Annyeonghase-yo”
She bows back “I came to talk to you.”
“Sure come in.”

I quickly ran in and made room for her to sit on the ground. I’ve been too messy lately.

“Please sit. I’ll go make some tea.”
She stops me “That’s okay. I just want to talk.”
“Okay.” I sat across from her and place JooEun next to me.
“I.. want to talk to you about your baby.”
“So you named her JooEun.”
“Why are you here to talk about JooEun? Who are you?”
“Maybe you were in too much pain last time we met to remember. I’m MyungSoo’s mother.”
My body froze. Did she come to take JooEun?
“I can’t let that baby go. I want the baby. I’ll give you anything. Any price.”
“What? I’m sorry but my baby is not for sale.”
“Fine but you can’t just keep the baby away from MyungSoo. He’s the father he has the right to the baby too.”
“So what if he’s the father? I gave birth to the baby.”
“It takes two to make a baby.”
“I don’t care I’m not letting MyungSoo have the baby.”
She sighs “Fine. I knew you would do this. Marry him then.”
“WHAT? No.”
“Do you want to go to court then?”
“Court? No. But I don’t want to marry MyungSoo.”
“If you don’t want me to take this to court and don’t want to give the baby up then marry him. I’m not letting that baby go. That baby could be the only next generation.” She pulled out her phone. “Okay come in”
“What?” I picked JooEun up and held her. “What are you doing?”
“I’ve already missed the first month of the baby’s life I don’t want to waste anymore time. Pack your things.”

My door bust open and two guys came in.

“I’ll hold her while you pack.”
“Yes now.” She took JooEun from my arms. “Don’t worry I won’t run off with her. I’ll sit here while you pack.”
What was happening? “O..okay”
“Just pack your clothes and some for JooEun. I’ve already got every thing waiting for you two.”
“Did you tell MyungSoo?”
“He’ll find out once we get home.”
“I guess you didn’t tell him then.”

One of the guys in suit walked over to me and offer to carry my bag. MyungSoo’s mother got JooEun in her car seat and ready to leave. How can all of this happen so fast?

“It will be better if you call me omunni or umma if you want, I don’t mind.”
“Omunni…it feels weird saying it.”
She walks over to me “Get use to it. Welcome to the family.”

A/N: So i just skipped the whole 8 months and kinda rushed her into their family. Sorry for the boring chapter.

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3