Give me more time

Love after Marriage


“Always take someone with you if you’re stepping out of the house.” MyungSoo finish buttoning his shirt and looks over at Ena who was sitting on the bed with JooEun. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours, I’m just going to go for a meeting and come right back.”

“You don’t have to come back so early.” Ena picks JooEun up and carried her over to MyungSoo.

MyungSoo kiss them each on the cheek. “I want to.”

Ena smiles. “Fine but you be careful too.”

“I will.” MyungSoo’s cell started ringing. “Hello? I’m coming right now.” He hangs up. “I have to go now or I’ll be late.” MyungSoo kiss them on the cheeks again and exit.


Ena came down from her room and saw Mr. Kim in his usual spot at the table. The babysitter maid came and took JooEun from Ena. Mr. Kim smiles at her and signals for her to come join him.


“How was last night?” Ena asks sitting down.

“We had a good time. We talked and I realize how much I don’t know about my wife.”

“But you two been married for so long.”

“Yeah, but for the past nine years we been drifting apart and so much has happen in those nine years that I didn’t know about.”

“You must have been so busy with the company. But at least now you have two sons to help you so you can rest and spend time with your wife.”

Mr. Kim looks at Ena. “I guess you’re right.” He finishes his last sip of coffee and stands up. “MyungSoo also told me what happen with you two. Don’t worry about it, I’m sure it’s just someone trying to start up problems for the company. I have people looking into it.”

Ena wasn’t sure how to feel. Of course she was grateful but she was also scared. What if they found out YuHan was related to her? How would they look at her from then on? “Thank you” Ena try her best to look grateful without looking scared.

Mrs. Kim came out of her room. “You haven’t left yet?” She asks Mr. Kim.

“I thought we take one car today.” He signals the maid at the coffee machine and she came over with a cup. “I got your coffee ready too.”

Mrs. Kim kept her cool and accepted without showing signs of happiness. “Fine.”

Ena was sitting at the table practically squealing at them. “Have a good day you two.”

Mrs. Kim points to Ena. “You, I rather have you stay in today after what happen yesterday. No going out.”

“Yes.” Ena waves bye to them.


After breakfast Ena went to her room and saw five miss calls. It was all from the guy she wanted to speak too. She quickly dials his number.


“Hello my pretty.”

“I’m going to warn you now so you better listen up YuHan. Do not, I repeat DO NOT touch her again. If you do I swear YuHan I swear I will kill you with my own hands..”

“Well hello to you too.”

“What do you want?”

“Giving you my last offer. I’m getting tired of waiting for you and I want to spend all the time I have left with you. Won’t you come to me now?”

“You can keep dreaming YuHan, I won’t ever come to you.”

“I guess I will just have to make you come then.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Would you like to know? Remember last time we met? Come there again and you will see.”


YuHan hung up. Ena thought about it, how can she go met him without the driver or the maid going with her.  The babysitter came into the room with JooEun.


“Can you watch her for a little longer? I have to run out for a moment.” Ena asks.

“Sure, should I call someone to go with you?”

“No, I’ll b right back I won’t be long.”

“But Miss.”

“It’s okay.” Ena ran off.


Ena sat inside the café this time to wait for YuHan. She was sipping on her tea waiting for YuHan when she saw MyungSoo across the busy street. He was on his phone talking and looking around for something. Ena turn around in case he notices her. She wasn’t supposed to go out by herself. Her phone started ringing.


It was YuHan. “Do you see your husband? I wonder why he’s here?”

“I didn’t tell him.”

“I know you didn’t. I did.”

“What? Why?”

“Look closer at him Ena.”

Ena quickly turns and see’s him waiting for the cross walk light to turn green. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m not sure yet. I was thinking about hitting him as soon as he starts to cross the street with a car or maybe grab him from behind and finish him off in secret. Or should I just have the guy behind him finish him off right now with a bullet through his head?”

“DON”T” Ena scream causing people in the café to stare. “Where are you?”

YuHan starts laughing like a mad person. “I’m everywhere.”

“Stop it YuHan! I’ll do anything just don’t hurt him. Come out…we’ll talk.”

“Now you wanna talk?” YuHan chuckles.

“Please…don’t hurt him.”

“He really means a lot to you huh…maybe I should just kill him. Even if you’re with me he will be the one always in your heart.”

“Please don’t… let’s talk first. Please.”



Ena watch as MyungSoo cross the street and got into his car which was park not too far from where Ena was. The man behind him looked over at Ena and smile secretly showing her his gun under his jacket. YuHan wasn’t bluffing about killing MyungSoo. A pair of hands landed on her shoulders.


“Guess who?” YuHan whispers into her ear before pushing her down to sit.


Ena didn’t dare to look at him. She was scared. She now knows he’s not in this alone. He could hurt her family without him being there.


“Aww what’s with that look of yours? I’m here now. Everything will be okay.”


He brought his hand over to touch her face but she move.


“I need time.” Ena stutter out. “I can’t leave them yet…” She shook her head.

“I’ve given you time already. I’m getting impatient here. I should of killed him a few minutes ago.”

“If I leave them, you won’t hurt them right?”

“Of course.” YuHan leans over the table to Ena and smile. “I promise.”

“Give me a month.”

He shook his head. “That’s too long.”

“But I can’t just leave!”

“Yes you can.”

“No, one month that’s all I need. I just want to spend more time with JooEun.”

He laughs. “Yeah right like I believe you. More like spend more time with MyungSoo.”

“One month and then I’m all yours. Please.” Ena pleaded.

YuHan leans back and sighs. “Fine but you will do as I say after the month is over.”

Ena swallow and agree.

YuHan stands up from his seat and smile at Ena. “I can’t wait for us to be together. It’ll be perfect.”




“I told you not to go out and you went against me.” MyungSoo was furious with Ena.

“I said I was sorry.” Ena pouts sitting on the bed. “Nothing happen.”

“But what if something did?” MyungSoo covers his face with his hands in frustration.

Ena walks up behind him and back hug him. “I’m sorry.”

“I was so worried. I don’t like being worried.”

“It won’t happen again.” Ena squeeze him tighter.

“Yah, I can’t breathe.” MyungSoo got out of her hug and face her. He place his forehead on hers and hands on her hips. “Don’t do it again.”

“I already said I won’t.”


JiHyun came into the room with JooEun. “Mom said we’re having guests so she wanted you two to get ready.” She hands JooEun to Ena. “She really missed you today.”

“Thank you for taking care of her.” Ena took JooEun.

“It’s no problem, I see her as mine. I’ll treat her as if she was mine.”


Ena was happy to hear that. Maybe when she leaves she can leave JooEun with JiHyun. She’ll know she put JooEun in good hands. She looks at MyungSoo, but what about MyungSoo? How can she just leave him after he told her he loves her?

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3