Jealous? ME?

Love after Marriage

Chapter five: Jealous? ME?

“Please…don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t.”

I reach to open the door but he locks it.

“Where are you planning to go?”
“I don’t know. I’ll find a place to go.”
“I’m not letting you get out of this car unless I know where you’re going.”
“Why? Why do you care? Just let me go and go home go back to your every day life. Don’t worry about me.”

I open the door but it was stuck.

“I child proof that door you can only open it from the outside. Look lets go back to SuMi’s place okay?”
“I don’t want to.”
“I know you might not like her because she’s DongWoo’s girlfriend but she can help you.”
“I don’t hate her. She’s very nice. I just…she’s so perfect for him. I envy her.”

His phone started going off.

“Hello…I found her…but something happened. Okay.” He turns on his engine “DongWoo wants to see you.”

I follow him up the stairs to the front door.

SuMi open the door smiling “Hey you two.” Her smile faded as she saw me. I was a mess. My shirt was stretched out my hair looks like I just got up. “OMG what happen to you two.” She reaches for MyungSoo’s face. “Your lip what happen?”

I looked at his face. He had a cut on the corner of his lip. I didn’t even notice he got hurt.

“Noona I’m okay. Do you think you could find something for Ena to wear?”
“Yeah. Come in.”

She treated his cut and handed me a pair of her skinny jeans along with a long white flowing shirt.

MyungSoo pov

“Noona…do you think Ena can stay with you?”
She stops aiding me. “Why is some thing wrong?”
“Well she can’t go back home.” I took a deep breath “Her brother and her got into a big fight and she can’t go back.”
“That’s fine with me. I live alone anyways. It will be great to have someone else here with me in this mansion.” She smiles and place a band-aid on my cut.
“Thanks Noona.”

Ena pov

I look out the window. I was in the guest room from this morning. I wanted to get out of here. I hated here. I didn’t want to be reminded about what happened yesterday.

“I can make it if I jump down…is it too high?” I open the window and stuck my head out. “I need a rope.”

I search the room for a rope or for something to get down.

“What are you doing?” DongWoo came in and saw me tying the bed sheets together. He snatch the sheets away “Trying to escape?” He chuckles “Don’t worry we don’t bite. I know there must be lots of rumors about us at school but trust me we aren’t that mean and conceded. You don’t have to feel threaten by us.”

He place his hands my shoulders and push me down to sit on the chair behind me.

“I just want to be alone. I don’t want you guys to get involve with my problems.”
He sat down across from me. “Well I think it’s too late now. MyungSoo got involved. He told me what happen.”
I mumble to myself “That idiot.”
“If he gets involve so does Infinite. We can’t let him get in trouble by himself. Don’t worry we won’t tell the whole school what happened. We just want you to be safe.” DongWoo pats my head before standing up to leave.
“Why…why are you guys doing this? What did I do to deserve this fro you guys.”
He turns around “I told you what ever you heard about us in school is not the truth. Plus MyungSoo is kind of interested in you.” He smiles at me. “Even though he denies it.”

He is interested in me? ME? Of all people he is interested in me? I can’t believe it. DongWoo opens the door to fine SuMi standing out there.

“Did you tell her?” SuMi ask DongWoo.
“Tell me what?”
SuMi walks in pushing DongWoo out. “MyungSoo-”
I cut her off “He told you what happen didn’t he?” I pout.
SuMi giggles “Yeah, but I’m glad he told me. I like you and I don’t want you to be in any danger. So I thought what if you stay here with me? I live in this house alone and it will be great if you stay here with me.”
“You live in this big house alone, why?”
“My parents left it for me in their will. They passed away when I was in high school. So I live alone.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your parents.”
“It’s okay. So what do you say? Want to stay?” She turn on her sad puppy face with sparkly eyes. “Pretty please.”
“Okay…fine I’ll stay.”
“Great, I always wanted a younger sister.” She pulls me up from my seat “Let’s go get you something to eat I’m pretty sure you haven’t had anything yet.”


I painfully walk through the halls. Why did SuMi make me wear these stupid shoes. She likes dressing me up so she made me wear heels to school today. I walked over to my seat and sat down in relief. I made it to my class without falling. MiCha came in skipping towards me.

“HI Ena!”
I wave to her “Hey”
“WOW nice shoes.” She looks closer. “OH MY GOODNESS where did you get those! They don’t even sell that brand here. The only way you can get them is to order them.”
“These aren’t mine. My unnie made me wear them.”
“Wow…are they rip-offs?” She grabs my leg and took my right heel. “WOW there the real deal.”
I snatch back the shoe “Of course”

After class I waited until everyone left to leave. I didn’t want to fall in front of everyone. I painfully walked to the main lobby and spotted SungJong. He spotted me too and ran over to me. I threw my arms around him.

“Noona are you okay? Gosh I’m so sorry I should have waited until you got home to head out to work. I thought you weren’t coming home so I just left. I’m so sorry.”
“I miss you. I’m sorry I just ran away and left you. I’m truly sorry.”
“Noona it’s okay. I know you been through so much with YuHan. It’s good you were able to run away. I’m okay. YuHan doesn’t hurt me or really care what I do so I’m okay.” He looks at the clock on the wall. “Noona I have to go. I still have one more class.”
“Aww you’re going already.”
“Yeah sorry Noona. At least we still get to meet each other at school. I’m happy to know you are okay. Bye I will be late if I don’t hurry.”

I wave to him as I watch him run off to class.

I turn around and “AHHH” I slip and fell. Every one stared and laughed. “Ahhh my shoe” The heel part was broken. Stupid heel!

Hoya picks me up from behind. “Are you okay?”

MyungSoo pov

Hoya and I walked through the main lobby and heard a girl scream. Hoya stops and looked around.

“Hey isn’t that Ena.”
I look over and laugh “Yeah”
“You’re just going to laugh?” He walks over to her and helps her up.

Ena smiled at the site of Hoya and showed him her broken shoe. Hoya took it and try to fix it but it didn’t work so he told her to hand him the other one. He broke the heel on the other pair to match the broken pair.

I look over at the school store and saw a pair of chucks. Should I buy her the shoe?

Ena pov

Hoya took me outside to where they were eating. The shoe was now even more uncomfortable to walk in.

DongWoo saw my shoes. “What happen to your shoe?”
“I slip and fell. It broke. SuMi will be so mad when I get home.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll get her a new one.”
“No I’ll get her a new pair. I broke this one.” I look around “Does our school store have shoes?”
DongWoo stood up “I don’t know, you want to go check it out?” He offer me his hand.

I took his hand and we walked back inside. In the school store they had everything. It was like a little shopping mall. I grab a yellow pointed heel.

“Whao so pretty…”
DongWoo snatch it away “You want it?”
“Will SuMi like it?”
“I think so.”
“Okay this one then.”
“Really? Can I see it real quick I just want to make sure it fits her style.” I hand him the shoe and he ran off with it to the register.
“No! I will pay!” I ran over to him but he quickly swipe his credit card and done.
“Since it’s for my girlfriend I will pay for it.”

The girl at the register hands over a bag.

“Let’s go.”

I try to keep up with DongWoo as he walked back out. I should have bought a pair for me. It was better then walking in these. I kept looking at my shoes to make sure I don’t trip and forgot to look up. I bump into DongWoo’s back.

“Ahh why did you stop?”
“Who else?”
He sat me down and took off my shoes. “Wear these.”
“No buts, I’ll go pick out another one for SuMi.”
“I just remember she already have a yellow shoe. I’ll go get her something else later okay so wear these.” He slips on the yellow heels that he just bought. “It fits you well.” He looks up at me. “Don’t trip or fall okay.” He gave me his signature smile and stood up. “I have a class soon so I’ll be going. Bye.”

I watch as he walks away. I can’t believe I just TOUCHED his back! I start giggling to myself. I lift up my feet and stared at the shoes. They’re really pretty.

“How ugly. You should cover your feet, giant feet.”
Aish I hate him, always ruining my mood. “What do you want MyungSoo!”
“I’m just bring you back to reality.” He sat down next to me. “Doesn’t your feet hurt?”
“No, do you know why?”
He looks at me “Why?”
“DongWoo bought them…” I start kicking my feet laughing.

MyungSoo pov

Is she crazy? She would take the pain just because DongWoo bought the shoe? I grab her left foot and pull off the shoe.

“YAH! Give me back my shoe!” She yells.
“Why? It doesn’t fit you. It only fit girls like SuMi. You shouldn’t be wearing these.”

She reaches for it but I yank it back. She does it again and I yank it back again.

“Argh” She does it again.
I yank it back and it flew out of my hand into the pound behind us. “Oops”
“OMG YAH! My shoe!” She ran over to the pond. “What are you going to do?”
“Me? I’m not going to do anything.”
“YOU! You threw it in you go pick it out.” She pushes me towards the pound. “Hurry!”
“I’ll buy you another pair.” I say nonchalant.
“I only want this pair.”
“DongWoo bought it.”
“So? I will buy you the same pair. There will be no difference.”
“I don’t want yours!”

She took off her other shoe and start making her way in the pond.

“Yah, it’s dirty in there.”
She looks back “It’s no difference. You said it your self I’m dirty. Since I’m already dirty I might as well go in and get it.” She went in further and fetches the shoe back. She came out smiling “AHHHHH I got it.”
My heart start beating. Does she like him that much? “How precious is that shoe to you that you will go in there just to get it back?”
“Very. I told you it’s from DongWoo, it’s very precious.”
“Really?” I grab her other pair and threw it in the pond. “I told you you don’t have a chance with him.”
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, so what if I don’t I can still dream can’t I?”

I watch her go back in to fetch the other shoe. Why why am I getting so worked up over this? Watching her go in that dirty pond just to fetch the shoe DongWoo bought her, am I jealous? I can’t be…

I step into the pond after her. I turn her over to face me. “You shouldn’t dream an un-achievable dream.” I grab the side of her face and pull her towards me. I forcefully and roughly kiss her.
She struggles and slaps me when she got out of my kiss. “YAH-” She quickly covers like she was going to puke.
“Wae? What’s wrong? Are you sick?” I grab her shoulders “Are you okay?”
She removes her hands from . “I’m fine.” The shoe she was trying to get float over and she grab it.
“Maybe you should see a doctor.”
“No I’m fine.”

I held onto her arm and we walked out of the pound. She sat down on the grass and slip back on her shoes.

“Are you still going to wear those?” I pull out the chucks I saw earlier and hand them over. “Wear these, they won’t hurt your feet.” She ignores me but I quickly took off her yellow heels and place them in the bag that contain the chucks and put the chucks on her feet. “Just wear these for now so your feet won’t hurt, you can throw them away later. I know how much you hate me.”



omg 2300 words im tired -_- will upadte soon leave a comment ^^

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3