Fine divorce me then!

Love after Marriage
A/N: I change the point of view in this chapter i use to write in first person pov but i decided to change it to third person pov to see if it will make things more easy and clear ^^
Chapter ten: Fine divorce me then!

Ena stood on the balcony and watch as the back yard was transform into a beautiful white garden. Appa and Umma had plan a party for MyungSoo and Ena. Even though they were already married many of MyungSoo’s parent’s friends or business partners didn’t know Ena so they planed this to introduce her.

JooEun started crying again and Ena walk back to the nursery. JooEun had her hands up wanting Ena to pick her up. It has already been four months since they came. JooEun was growing very fast. Everyone has been getting use to having them around except MyungSoo. Ena wasn’t sure why he had been cold towards them but he did have his moments of being a sweet father and husband. May be he didn’t know how to change for Ena and JooEun. Everything happened so fast. Maybe MyungSoo still needed time to get use to having them here first.

Umma appeared at the doorway. “Are you two excited?”
Ena nodded and smile.
“Well I got dresses for you two to wear.”
“Yeah” Umma hands Ena two bags “JiHyun and I picked them out for you two. Wear it and come down so you can greet the guest.”


Ena and MyungSoo stood at the entrance welcoming the guest. Ena was in a strapless short white dress while MyungSoo was in an all white tux. People would have mistaken this for their wedding if they didn’t read the invitation. A familiar face appeared.

“So you two got married huh.”
MyungSoo and DongWoo shook/hug what ever that guy does when they meet. “You came, you didn’t bring SuMi?”
“She’s still talking to JiHyun.” DongWoo looks at me and smiled. Ena didn’t notice but her face turned a light shade of pink when DongWoo smiled at her. MyungSoo notice though. “Ena it’s been a while. You have gotten prettier.”
“…T-thank you, you too.” Ena covers in disbelief that she just said he got prettier. She started talking fast “Well not prettier but more handsome. Not that you weren’t handsome before because you were. You were really handsome.”
MyungSoo held onto her hand “That’s enough Ena.”
“Okay” Ena shyly hid behind MyungSoo.

SuMi ran over to them and hugged Ena. “Yah you bad girl.” She lets Ena go and started hitting her arm. “I should beat you, how could you run away from me. I was so worried.”
Ena stopped SuMi from hitting her arm “Unnie”
SuMi hugged Ena again pouting “At least you are okay and back now.”

After greeting everyone the sun had begun to set and people were leaving the party. Ena finally had time to her self. She really hope she had more time to talk to DongWoo. She’s been looking for the opportunity to talk to him today but didn’t get the chance. She stood in the middle of the bridge and looked into the dark pond. After meeting everyone and walking in heels the whole day she just wanted to jump in bed and sleep.

JiHyun and SuMi came over.

“Ena want to go over at my house for the after party?” JiHyun suggested.
SuMi pulled Ena along even though she didn’t respond yet. “Umm I guess.”

In the living room the guys were already drinking and laughing about something. JiHyun and SuMi joined their partners while Ena sat away from MyungSoo. DongWoo looks at them.

“Why are you two like this? Shouldn’t you two sit together?”
MyungSoo smirks “I think she rather sit next to you then me. You know how much she drools over you.”
Ena felt embrassed. How could he say that.
“Really?” SuMi ask surprised.
MyungSoo laughs “SuMi you should be careful she might just steal him from you.”
They laugh but Ena grew uncomfortable.
MyungSoo glares at her “Look she even wore heels today. She must think she looks really pretty with them on. Did you know DongWoo would be coming? Why did you dress up so pretty today? BUT no matter how pretty the clothes are when you wear them they become rags. You don’t fit to wear pretty clothes or heels. People like SuMi and JiHyun should only wear them.”

The whole room became uncomfortable. Ena grew angry and wanted to cry. She did get all dress up for him. How could he say those things?

DooJoon threw a pillow at him “Yah, you shouldn’t say that.”
Ena pull her self together and glare back at MyungSoo “So? I like him, what’s wrong with it? I’m pretty sure you like someone before me too. Honestly yes I would rather sit next to him then you, I rather be by his side. It wouldn’t feel like torture if I was by his side.”

The room got quiet. Ena stood up and left with MyungSoo following her.

MyungSoo ran after her outside and stop her. “Torture? Is that how you feel? You rather be with him? Is that why you have been looking at him the whole day? You don’t match him, it’ll be better if he was alone by himself.”
Ena push him away “If you don’t have anything nice to say to me then don’t say anything at all. I’m tired of you always talking to me like that. You keep saying I want to get with DongWoo FINE! I will! Divorce me then.” Ena took off her heels and threw them at MyungSoo “And I know I don’t fit the image of wearing these feet killers. I know I’m not pretty, I know that I don’t fit or match you. I’m not rich I didn’t grow up with parents and good education. I know that no matter how hard I try I’ll just end up looking like dirty rags. You don’t need to remind me.” She puff and took off running.
Ena ran off to the servant house and hid there while MyungSoo walked home thinking she would be there.

Ena sat up on the couch with fits in the air “I’m gonna run away!”
Mary one of the maids sat up in her bed. “Miss how will you run off without JooEun are you willing to let her go?”
“Ah right” Ena lay on the couch and close her eyes. “WAIT” She sat up again. “If we are all here, who’s with JooEun?”
“I asked you that already, weren’t you listening?”
“Obviously not.” Ena look at the clock it was already one in the morning. “It should be time for her to get up to eat.” Ena ran out and into the main house.

MyungSoo was in the middle of drinking when he heard JooEun crying. He dismisses the cries thinking Ena will take care of it but the cries keep on going. He sat his cup down and walked to the nursery to find JooEun alone in her crib. He never had experience with babies before so he was confused at what he should do. JooEun was crying and reaching for him but he didn’t know how to pick her up. He didn’t want to hurt her. He put his arms out to pick her up but retreat. What should he do? He didn’t know.

MyungSoo put his index figure on his lips “shhhhh”

Just then Ena came running in but slip right in the door way of their room and the nursery. Embarrassed she turned away from MyungSoo and cursed quietly at herself. “Oh crap, so embarrassing.” She gathers what’s left of her pride and got up.

“Why are you just looking at her? She’s crying and wants you to pick her up. Pick her up.”
MyungSoo looks at JooEun and sighs “I would but what if I hurt her? I don’t know how to hold her or pick her up.”
Ena sat the bottle in her hand down and walked over to MyungSoo. “Use one hand to support her head and neck. Use the other hand to support her bottom and pick her up.”

Following Ena’s instructions MyungSoo picked JooEun up and she stop crying. She was so small he was worried he might hurt her but he felt happy to be finally holding her. He’s been wanting too but was scared. A smile formed on his face, he was actually holding his daughter. Seeing the smile on his face Ena walks over to them.

“This is a first. Maybe because her father is actually holding her she’s being a good girl and immediately stops crying.” She fetches the bottle and hand it to MyungSoo. “Can you please feed her? I need to take a shower. I’m still in my party dress.”
He shook his head “I don’t know how.”
“Then learn. Sit down on the rocking chair and just hold her bottle for her. It’s not hard.”

Ena hands MyungSoo the bottle and left them alone to go enjoy the shower she been dying to take. After showering Ena came into the nursery and found MyungSoo asleep with JooEun in his arms. JooEun was still on her now empty bottle. Ena walk over and took JooEun from MyungSoo and lays her back in the crib.

“MyungSoo” Ena poke him.
“Huh?” MyungSoo opened his eyes.
“Go sleep in the bed. Your neck will hurt tomorrow if you sleep here.”

Ena follow him out of the nursery and turned off the lights. MyungSoo went into the bathroom and Ena slip under the covers trying to sleep before MyungSoo came back. She didn’t feel like talking to him. She was still mad at him about earlier.

MyungSoo got in bed and looked at Ena. Her back was facing him.

“Yah” He lightly pokes her. “Are you asleep?”
“I want to be.” She change her position, she was now sleeping on her back. “What?”
“I…why do you have to like him? I don’t like it when you’re always looking at him. That DongWoo.”
Ena change her position again, she was now looking at him and he was trying not to look at her. “You…were jealous?” She was surprised and confused but she was happy. No wonder he’s so mean to her. She poke him “Am I right? Am I?”
“If you don’t say anything that means I’m right.” Ena starts laughing.

MyungSoo change his sleeping position to his side away from her. Good thing the lights were off his face was burning from embarrassment.

“Don’t worry, like you told me I’m stuck here. I won’t leave. We’re already married…unless you divorce me.”
“You can keep dreaming about that divorce.”
Ena chuckles “I’m not even thinking of it.”

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3