into Gold

Love after Marriage
Chapter Three: Sh*t into Gold

SungJong spun around in my computer chair then stop himself to face me.

"He called you dirty? Why the hell was he kissing you the other day then?"
"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders.
"Well he must like you then."
"HA HA HA funny. Why would he like me?"
"Well you know, when boys bother or tease you it's usually because they like you."
I thought about it for a while "I don't think that's the case here."
"Well I guess he just hates you then. Have you ever done anything to him?"
"No, at least I don't think so. I've never really notice him."
"I know you were always drooling over DongWoo, who will never like you."
"I know." I frown.
SungJong stood up "Well I'm going to sleep. Good night."

MyungSoo pov

I watch as Ena and SungJong walked into the campus, he must be telling her something funny. She was laughing. SungJong points over to me and she looked over, her smile faded as she saw me. I haven't seen her smile so much before, she should smile more.

DongWoo nudge me "Ey I knew you like her, can't keep your eyes off her can you."
"Shut up, I don't like her."
He laughs "Yeah right. I remember when we first saw her, you were so crushing on her."
I felt my face getting hot "No I wasn't."
DongWoo laughs again "Getting defensive here I see."
I roll my eyes "I'm going to class."
"So early, you're going to go stare at her some more aren't you?"
"What she's not even in our class."
"Yeah you would know." DongWoo started wiggling his eyebrows.
I picked up my backpack "You're so annoying I'm leaving."

I walked through the halls and saw her standing alone looking out of the window. She turns over and saw me but turns back. I walked over to her, I don’t know why but I walked over.

“What are you doing?” I look out to where she was looking at, DongWoo.
“Why do you care?”
“I don’t.”
“Then why did you ask?” She turns to go to her class but I grab her hand and stop her. “Don’t you know between me and sh*t there’s no difference? Why are you touching me?”
“DongWoo…he doesn’t like you and he will never like you. Don’t waste your time. And yes you are right between you and sh*t there is no difference but I can turn you into gold.”
“Gold? How can sh*t turn into gold?”
She pulls her hand away from my grip “There’s no such thing as magic.”


I walked into class and found SungGyu with WooHyun.

I walked over to them “Is it possible for sh*t to turn into gold?”
WooHyun looks at me confused “What?”
SungGyu nodded “Sure why not? The sh*t can like harden over time and it can collect minerals and those minerals can be gold.”
“WHAT?” WooHyun and I ask.
WooHyun turns to me “Why are you even asking this? Is it because of that girl?”
“What girl” I ask pretending not to know.
“You know the one you said between her and sh*t there’s no difference. What’s her name?” WooHyun ask.
“Ena” SungGyu answers.
WooHyun thought about the name “Hey isn’t she the girl you liked in middle school? Yeah, you were like so into her. You still like her?”
SungGyu nodded his head “Well obviously he does, he’s been mean to her just to get her attention but she likes DongWoo just like all them other girls.”
I put my hands down on the table “I don’t like her.”
“Whatever you say.” SungGyu shrugs his shoulders.
I sat down in my chair and lean back “I don’t”
SungGyu lift up his index finger “I know how sh*t can turn into gold! What if the gold was just cover with sh*t? You know just how real gold is cover up you need to dig it up and polish it.”
“Hey that’s right.” WooHyun agreed.

Ena pov

“Whoa he said he could turn you into gold?”
I nod “Yeah”
“Maybe he does like you.”
“I don’t think so. If he does then why is he such a meanie.”
“Like I said boys tease and make fun of girls because they like the girl.” He hits my head with a pillow. “What ever it is don’t get involve with them. We can never fit into their world. Even if we do get into their world we can never fully satisfied them.”
“I know.”

SungJong left my room and I walked after him to go close my door. I lock both small locks and went back to bed. For the pass couple of days YuHan had stop coming to knock on my door and just head to bed as soon as he gets home.

MyungSoo pov

Why do I keep staring at her? What’s so special about her? SungGyu nudge me.

“What?” I ask him.
“Nothing I was trying to get you to look away from her. It’s so obvious that you like her.”
“I don’t like her.” I deny him.
“Sure whatever keep telling yourself that.”
Hoya started pointing “Omg is DongWoo talking to her?”
“What?” I look over to where they were at.

He was handing her something and she was almost smiling. They thanked each other and she left. He walks over.

“Hey guys!”
“Hyung what were you doing with that girl?” SungYeol asks.
“Oh Ena, nothing I just invited her to my birthday bash tonight.” He playfully hits my arm “You can thank me MyungSoo.”
“Thank you for what?” I ask him.
“I invited her so you two can have some time together.”
Hoya laughs “But she don’t like him. I don’t blame her either, MyungSoo is so mean to her. Remember in middle school he used to flip up her skirt to embarrass her.”
SungYeol agrees “Yeah and during our graduation party in high school you pour your drink on her because she turned down your invitation to dance.”
WooHyun nodded “Yeah and the other day you called her dirty and compared her to sh*t.”
DongWoo put his hand on my shoulder “You know if you just be nice to her she might like you.”
I sigh “I don’t want to be nice to her nor do I like her.”

Ena pov

I showed SungJong the invitation.

“Wow he invited you, are you going then?”
“I don’t think so. I don’t have anything to wear and I’m kind of scared to go. What if it’s a prank that they are trying to pull on me?”
SungJong look through my closet. “Here you can wear this.” He pulls out a long white tunic and some skinny jeans.
I shook my head “I think that’s too casual.”
“Wear a head band, a big puffy one.”
“As much as I’m excited about DongWoo asking me to go I don’t want to go.”
“Just go. I know you will regret this tomorrow if you don’t go then you will end up nagging to me about how you should have went.” He hands me the clothes. “I’ll try to make you a ribbon or bow for your head. Now go change.”

He pulls me up from my bed and push me into the bathroom. After changing I went back into my room and saw SungJong fumbling with some ribbons and cloth. He shows me the ribbon he was working on.

“It doesn’t look like a bow. It looks like you just tied on a whole bunch of cloth together onto a ribbon.”

Frustrated he removes the cloth and ties a bow with the ribbon and glued it on to a plain head band that I had.

He hands it to me “There”

It was okay it would have been great if he had glued on the bow straight instead of it cricked. I pull on my sneakers but he stops me.

“Wait, what are you doing? You can’t wear these.”
“I don’t have any other shoes.”
He sighs “Well I guess you’re going like that then.” He pouts but quickly smiled. “Okay now off you go” SungJong starts pushing me out the apartment. “Have fun and come home before YuHan get’s back.”
I turn back to face him “I think I change my mind.”
“NO” He slams the door in front of my face.
“I have the keys.”
He started talking from inside “Yeah well I’m blocking the door so you can’t open it anyways.”
I hit the door “Fine I’m going.”

MyungSoo pov


I hate it when girls try to act all cute and fake like this. I push the unknown girl’s face with my index figure out of my face disgusted. You would think she gets the hint and go away but nope she stayed.

She pouts “MyungSoo OPPA! Why are you always so cold.”
I rose one of my eyebrows at her “When did I become your oppa? And don’t you get the hint OFF.”
Hoya took the seat next to her and put his arm around her shoulder “It’s okay babe I got you.”
“OMG” I stood up and left them alone.

DongWoo rush over to me with his girlfriend SuMi. SuMi she’s not his first girl friend but she is his first serious girl. They’ve been dating for about one year now. She is currently in Japan for designing.

SuMi greeted me “MyungSoo it’s been a while. How are you?”
I smiled at her “I’m fine. When did you get back noona?”
“Just this morning.”
DongWoo interrupted us. “Hey she’s here.”
“Who?” SuMi asks curious.
DongWoo pointed to the entrance “Ena, I told you about her.”
“Ahhh she’s pretty…but what’s on her head?”
I chuckle “Did you forget to mention the dress code?”
DongWoo let’s go of SuMi “That’s okay it's only us here, I’ll go welcome her.” He kisses SuMi’s hand “I’ll be right back.”

He walks over to her and she instantly smiles. Why is she always smiling at him, not fair. I chug down the drink in my hand.

“Whoa slow down there. You like her?” SuMi asks.
“No, why would I like her?” I put my cup down, maybe just a little too hard. The table shook.
She laughs “DongWoo told me. Plus seeing how you got jealous of DongWoo just now it’s obvious.”
“Noona I don’t like her. I mean I can do so much better then her. I can have anyone if I wanted. Well except you.”
SuMi nods “Okay, but why is she the only one you are looking at then?”

I was looking at her. Why am I looking at her again? I turn the other direction but my eyes came back to her. I close my eyes and took in a deep breath. When I open my eyes I won’t be looking at her. One…two…three. I open my eyes and saw her right in front of my face. I flinch. DongWoo had brought her over to meet SuMi. She gave me a confused look and turns her attention to SuMi, she shook SuMi’s hand.

“Okay then we will leave you two alone.” DongWoo winks at me and left.
“Leave us alone? Why?” She looks at me confused.
“I don’t know. I don’t want to be alone with you.”
“I don’t want to be alone with you either.”

She looks around and started walking away.

“W-w-where are you going?”
She turns back “Why do you care?”
Yeah why do I care? “I don’t.”

She continues walking away.

Ena pov

I thought this was going to be a big party but I guess not. It was just Infinite and some girls. Why did they even dress up? I took a seat at the bar.

“What will it be?” The bartender asks.
“Ummm water?”

He smiles and hands me a glass and a bottle of water. I was about to drink it when SungYeol and his date, a girl I don’t know came over.

“Ena you can’t just come to one of our party and drink water.”
“Oh I didn’t know.”
He held onto my hand “Come on.” He took my hand in one of his hands and he took his date’s hand in his other hand.

He leads me over to a table with SungGyu, WooHyun and Hoya, they were all with their dates. WooHyun calls over MyungSoo.

“Let’s play a game!” Hoya shouts.
“What?” MyungSoo asks not please.
SungYeol lightly push me over to MyungSoo’s side “Beer pong!”
I put up my hand “I don’t know how to play.”

They all started grinning, well except for MyungSoo because we were partners.

Hoya hands me a ping pong ball “It’s easy, the object is to bounce the ping pong ball into one of the cups on the opposite side but you must be behind your set of cups, each player rotates, you must stand behind your cups and u must release the ball behind the table, if the ball lands in a cup then 1 of the other players form the team must drink it.”
SungGyu starts laughing “Easy right?”
“Umm I guess.” I wasn’t confident in playing this game.
SungGyu put’s up his hands “Okay first up team MyungSoo versus team Hoya!”

Hoya and his date step over to the other side of the table.

“You’re good at this right?” I ask MyungSoo.
He looks at me “I hate this game.”
Hoya points at him “You only hate it because you’re not good at it.”
“Great…” I sarcastically said.
SungGyu points to me “Ena’s first.”
“Me? Why me?”
“You’re holding the ball you might as well go first.” SungGyu explains to me.

I guess so...I close my eyes and held up the ball. MyungSoo held onto my hand.

“What are you doing? You can’t close your eyes. How would you know where to aim?”
“I don’t want to look, I’m not good at this anyways.”
He lets go of my hand “Fine just hurry up and get this over with.”

Just as I expected I bounce the ball on the table and it fell off to the side. It was now Hoya’s turn. It was easy for him on his first throw he bounce the ball into one of our cups.

SungGyu hands me the cup. “Drink up Ena.”

I took a sip and gave them a sour, disgusted face. Everyone just laugh and Hoya continues. After four more rounds Hoya finally bounce the ball off the table. It was now MyungSoo’s turn. We each had already had two cups each. MyungSoo stumbles to the table and bounce the ball into one of the cups. I jump up and held on to his hand in excitement. He bounces the ball again and it flew into another cup.

I screamed “Ahhhh” and happily held onto his arm. It must be the alcohol kicking in.

The next round he bounce the ball and it missed.

“Aish!” I push him away.
“Yah!” He points at me and laughs. I guess he was getting tipsy too.

Hoya’s date missed and it was my turn again. This time I kept my eyes open but it wasn’t helping much. The room was spinning by it self. Even with the room spinning I made it. MyungSoo happily claps. I missed on my next turn and MyungSoo pushed me out of the way.

“Yah!” I point at him and walked back to him but in reality I was walking sideways away from him.

In the end we lost to them. All ten of our cups were empty and Hoya’s team still had three full cups. We crash onto the couch trying to make the room stop spinning.

MyungSoo looks over to me “It’s all your fault!”
I point to myself “Me? Why me? You’re the guy you’re suppose to be good at this.”
“You’re supposed to be good at this.” He points at me.
“Ughhh I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” I try my best and stood up.

I made my way outside and sat on the cold steps. Feeling the wind in my face felt good. It was getting so hot in there. I felt my insides coming up my throat and covered my mouth.

“Hey are you okay?” It was DongWoo. He rushes over to me with a small trash can. “Here use this. SuMi won’t be too happy if you threw up on her steps.”

I took the rash can and hurl in there. DongWoo starts rubbing my back. I took my head out of the trash can and took a deep breath.

“DongWoo-ah…you…are very lucky you have such a good girlfriend like SuMi. You two make such a good pair.”
He laughs “Thank you”
SuMi came out “Okay I have the room ready for her.”
“Come on Ena let’s get you to bed.”

He carried me inside and up to a room.

SuMi took off my shoes. “Sleep here until tomorrow okay.” She took out my awful head band and covers me with blankets. “Goodnight Ena.”

MyungSoo pov

I push WooHyun and SungYeol away from me. “I could go by myself.”
“Are you sure?” SungYeol asks.
I kept walking “Yeah yeah yeah third room right?”
“You just walked pass one room it’s the second door now”
I didn’t hear SungYeol so I walk back “What? Second door?”
“Ughh never mind third door again.”
“Okay” I walked back and counted “One..two. He said second door right?”

I walked in and took off my blazer and tie. I crash onto the bed. It felt nice finally sleeping. I rolled over and saw Ena. Why is she in my bed? I shook my head, ughhhh why is she every where? I look again and she was still there, I must be really drunk.

“Yah” I shove her.

She turns over to her side to face me.

“Yah-ah!” I shout.
She opens her eyes and rubs them. “I must be really drunk why are you here?”
“I’m wondering the same thing.”
“I don’t know” She closes her eyes again.
I watch her sleep for a moment “.....Wae…Why do you like DongWoo?”
She opens her eyes again and stared at me for a while. “…because…I like the way he smiles. I…want to know why he is always smiling. I want to smile too. I want to happy too…but he has a girlfriend now…I guess I won’t get to know…I guess I won’t be able to smile like him.”
I place my hand on her cheek “I…will make you smile…I will turn you into gold and make you smile.”
I move closer to her “Like this” I move down to her lips and kissed her. She didn’t move or hit me she stayed still. I kissed her again and again and again. “I will make you smile, I will turn you into gold…so stop looking at him. Look at me.”



hmmmmm was this chapter rushed?

anyways thanks for takeing the time to read this ^^ <3 u

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3