Stuck here

Love after Marriage

A/N: Of course MyungSoo likes Ena but he always been mean to her remember ^^
plus this is a short update b/c my mood just got ruin -_- blame my friends

Chapter nine: Stuck here

I took a quick glance at MyungSoo and then turn back to the ceiling before he notice I was looking at him. This is actually the first time I came to bed and he was still up, usually by the time I get in bed he is already asleep. Or I’ll be asleep and he’ll come in really late from work. We don’t usually do this, both of us awake in bed together. I took another glance at him, he was wearing glasses (when did he start wear glasses), he was reading a book. Actually he had been on that same page for ten minutes now. Was he even reading the book? He turns and I quickly look away.

“What is it?” He asks.
“Why do you keep looking at me then?”
“Oh, you notice.”
“Yeah” He closes his book.
I point at his glasses “When did you start wearing glasses?”
“These?” He took them off “I always wore them. It’s just that after middle school I started wearing contacts. You don’t remember?”
“Huh? Remember? Did we go to middle school together?”
He rolls his eyes “Duh”
I thought about it “AH! You must be the mean looking nerd who was always messing with me. I remember you hang out with DongWoo them. I never knew that you were the mean one who always teased me.”
“Yeah figures you were always drooling over DongWoo to even notice me.”
“I did notice you it’s just that you were mean. I didn’t want to know you or even remember you. You changed after middle school. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you.”
“Do you regret it? I turn out handsome. You should have wasted your time looking at me.”
I chuckle “I see you gained some self confidence too.” I sulk down on my pillow “If you weren’t so mean to me I would have looked at you. Honestly I thought you were cute when I first met you but DongWoo was nice to me while you were mean. So I liked him more, your attitude made you ugly.”
We lay there in silence for a bit.
“Why…why did you leave without telling anyone?”
“…I was scared…I didn’t know what to do. I was scared you find out and knowing what kind of family you came from I was scared you will tell me to get an abortion. I don’t believe that a child being conceive is ever a mistake so I didn’t want to abort it. So I left.” I turn to my side to face him “How are DongWoo and SuMi? Are they still together?”
“Why? Are you still hoping to get together with DongWoo?”
I pout “No” I defended myself. “I was just asking. Plus I don’t think I fit DongWoo.”
“At least you know that you don’t fit with him.”
“I don’t think I fit with you either.”
“WAE? It’s too late we’re already married. Fit or not you’re stuck here.”
I roll on my back again and laugh “Honestly, you like me don’t you.”
“Ahh you talk too much. I’m going to sleep.” He turns to his side so that his back was facing me.
“Like me or not it’s too late, you’re stuck here too.”

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3