The Over Due EPILOG!!

Love after Marriage


Ena laughs at a stupid pick up line MinSoo use on her and walks out the door shaking her head. MinSoo pouts walking out after Ena and stops walking at the bottom of the stairs. Ena was still cracking up at him and didn't see the person MinSoo saw glaring their way. MinSoo hands Ena her book bag and steps away.
"It's not that funny. How was I supposed to know you're married?" MinSoo points to MyungSoo. "I'm guessing that's your husband, he's giving me death glares. Should I be scared?"
Ena turns around and spots MyungSoo standing against his car with his arms cross. His shades hide his eyes but Ena knew him, under those sunglasses were death glares. Yes MinSoo should run and fast but Ena don't tell him so. He just found out she was married and a mother of one today which crush his sweet soul since he's been trying really hard to impress her for months now and now her husband was here trying his best not to march over and pound his face in. MinSoo was a nice boy too bad she was older and taken.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Ena took her bag and slip it over one of her shoulders making the first move to leave so MyungSoo wouldn't walk over and make a scene.
MyungSoo watch as Ena walked away from MinSoo a boy he didn't know but knew he didn't like. There was something about the way he look at his wife that he didn't like. Ena drops her bag on the concrete next to him and slips her arms around MyungSoo's neck.
"Who are you glaring at and why are you doing it?" Ena ask pulling him lower to kiss him and maybe get him to relax.
"Who's that punk?" MyungSoo was not relaxing and his eyes went right back to MinSoo who was walking away.
Ena laughs. "His name is MinSoo, he's in my English class. He was just helping me carry my bag." She takes her arms away from him and steps back.
"Why do you need help carrying your bag?" MyungSoo ask even angrier still not looking at her.
"My lower back has been aching all day and he offered his assistance."
"Are you okay?" MyungSoo was finally concentrating on her and not MinSoo.
This was one of the many reason Ena loved him, he cared for her and he drop anything to take care of her.
Ena wraps her arms around his waist and rest her head on his chest. "I'm okay now." She squeeze him. "I miss you." It's been four days since MyungSoo left for Taiwan on business. She didn't expect him to be here waiting for her at all but it made her happy to see him.
He place a kiss on her head. "I miss you too."
"How was your trip?"
"Tiring, I'm happy to be home."
"I'm glad you're home." Ena looks up at him and pouts her lips for him.
MyungSoo dips down and pecks her lips but miss kissing the corner for her lips instead. Ena giggles at his missed kiss attempt.
"Have you gone home yet?" Ena asks pulling away.
MyungSoo picks up her bag and opens the door for her to get in the car. "No I came straight from the airport. I'm dying to see JooEun."
Ena sat in her seat and buckles her seat belt. MyungSoo came around the other side and did the same before staring up the engine. 
"I'm sure she misses you too. She's been running around the house looking for you. Did I tell you she said mama the other day?"
MyungSoo looks at Ena excited. "Can she say dada?"
Ena shakes her head. "No. She doesn't know what to call you yet so she just runs around looking for you."
MyungSoo sighs. "Why can't she say it yet?"
"She doesn't see you often. I'm sure she'll say it once she sees you."
MyungSoo sat in the tiny pink chair across from JooEun as she place her pink tea set on the table and starts baby talking and pointing. She has been trying to speak but the only words she could say so far was mama. MyungSoo wanted to hear her say dada or papa but no hope. JooEun either pouted or look at MyungSoo with confuse eyes when he tells her to repeat after him.
JooEun picks up a cup and walks over to him with it. She starts blabbing and nodding her head.
MyungSoo takes the cup and kisses her chubby cheeks. "Want dada to drink tea with you?"
JooEun nods waiting for him to drink his tea. JooEun runs over to her toy chest and pulls out a brown teddy bear and a pink unicorn. She runs back to him and place them on the pink table in front of MyungSoo. JooEun points to them and starts talking again as if MyungSoo could understand her. She laughs and he laughs with her even though he was unsure why she was laughing. He picks her up and places her on his lap.
"JooEun-ah" Ena came into the play room with a box of juice and crackers.
"MAMA!" JooEun pointed to Ena and smiled at MyungSoo. 
"Yeah, there goes mama." MyungSoo kiss her chubby cheek before letting her run to Ena.
JooEun ran and wobble her way to Ena and hug her leg. Ena laughs at her and held her hand instead of picking her up. Ena's back was still aching and she didn't know why. They walk over to MyungSoo and sat down at the little pink table.
"You should see a doctor." MyungSoo looks at her concern.
"I'm sure it'll go away tomorrow."
JooEun whines in Ena's arms because she wanted her crackers and juice. MyungSoo reach over and help Ena put the crackers and Juice on the table for JooEun. JooEun happily claps and picks up a cracker.
"Please go see a doctor Ena."
Ena didn't want MyungSoo to worry so she agree. "I'll call to make an appointment tomorrow."
"Thank you."
"I have to go finish making dinner before your parents get here." Ena lifts JooEun off her lap and puts her in the chair next to her.
JooEun looks up at Ena and starts talking and pouting. Ena kiss her two chubby cheeks telling her to be good. JooEun starts shaking her head and knocks over her juice box. JooEun starts crying and reaching out for Ena. MyungSoo stood there helpless as Ena kneels down besides JooEun and hugs her.
"It's okay baby, mama will get you another one okay?" Ena spoke to JooEun soothing her.
JooEun held on tighter to Ena when Ena try to pull away, she wanted to be picked up. Ena looks at MyungSoo for help. She wanted to pick her up but her back was hurting.
"Come to dada baby." MyungSoo reach for her but she refuse and cried louder.
Ena hands MyungSoo some crackers from the table. "Look baby dada got something for you."
JooEun turns to look at MyungSoo and saw the crackers. A smile spread across her face and she starting wiggling out of Ena's hold to go to MyungSoo. MyungSoo picks her up giving her the crackers. Ena stands up with MyungSoo and JooEun in his arms.
"You're so good with her." MyungSoo watch as JooEun happily ate her crackers.
"So are you. You're a great father MyungSoo."
"But you know so much."
"No I don't. I learn along the way. I don't think anyone is an expert on babies. Every baby is different." Ena tiptoe up to kiss MyungSoo. "You're doing the best you can and that's all JooEun and I ask of you.
By six dinner was set and JooEun was dress in her pink princess dress. Every other week the family would gather at someone’s house to have a family dinner. The three couple rotated every other week to be fair and this week it was MyungSoo and Ena’s turn to host. They started this tradition after Ena and MyungSoo moved out of his parent’s house. MyungSoo bought the house as a present for Ena since she never got a place to call home before and he wanted more kids. His parents didn’t want them to move but their house was only a five minute drive from his parents so they agreed. 
MyungSoo held JooEun’s hand as they walk down the stairs to Ena. Ena had been in the kitchen and just got out to tell them to come down. MyungSoo’s parents were coming up the front door. JooEun jump happily next to MyungSoo as he watch her happily giggle. She was such a happy kid everyone love being around her. Sometimes Ena would allow JiHyun to take JooEun for the evening and MyungSoo would miss her like crazy. He would get up in the middle of the night just to call DooJoon and make sure JooEun wasn’t crying. 
Ena held the door open and MyungSoo’s parents came in hugging and greeting Ena. JooEun points to Mrs. Kim and starts wiggling her hand out of MyungSoo’s hand.
“Ga-ma!!! Ga-ma!!” JooEun starts calling her grandma. “Ga-pa!” JooEun ran over to her grandpa who had his arms wide open for her.
Ena walks over to MyungSoo’s side and wraps her arms around his waist as they watch JooEun get hug and kisses from her grandparents.
“She could say their names but not mines?” MyungSoo pouts.
“She sees them all the time. You work.” Ena hugs him tighter to make him feel better.
JooEun suddenly screams running and jumping to the door. “DOODOO!!” She points at DooJoon. “JI-JI!!” She ran to JiHyun and she picks JooEun up kissing her chubby cheeks.
MyungSoo growls. “That’s it I’m gonna be a stay at home dad from now on.”
Ena laughs at him and kiss his cheek. “And how are we going to survive?”
“We’ll find a way.” He looks at her and squeezes her closer. 
After dinner the family gather in the living room and chatted. DooJoon was in the middle of a work related topic when JooEun lift her head off of JiHyun’s chest and touch her stomach. JooEun smile at JiHyun and rub JiHyun’s stomach.
JiHyun kiss her and sigh. “I have something to say.” 
DooJoon looks at her concern. JiHyun was nervous and she couldn’t look at him.
“What’s wrong babe?” DooJoon wraps one arm around her shoulder.
JiHyun looks at JooEun who was back to leaning her head on JiHyun’s chest and closing her eyes. 
“Last week, I wasn’t feeling well. Remember?” She looks at DooJoon and he nods. “Well I went to the doctor to make sure I was okay and I have some news.”
Ena walks over to JiHyun and picks up JooEun. She sat down next to MyungSoo and he held her. JooEun was sound asleep in her arms.
“Are you okay?” DooJoon was really worried and look as if he was going to cry.
JiHyun nods. “I'm fine, well more than fine actually. I'm elastic. We’re having a baby.” Tears stream down her face. “I lost all hope, I had given up on trying and unexpectedly I’m pregnant.” 
“Oh my” Mrs. Kim started crying as well.
“Seriously?” DooJoon ask elastic. He held her and let a tear roll down his cheek. “I’m going to be a father.”
JiHyun nods holding onto him. “I’m not that far along though, my doctor says I’m four weeks that’s why I’ve been having morning sickness and tired, I thought I was just sick.”
"I'm so happy for you two!" Mrs. Kim shot up her east and ran over to the couple hugging and crying.
"Congratulations" Mr. Kim approaches the couple and held his wife in his arms as she try to get her tears under control.
Ena stood up with MyungSoo and JooEun walking over to join the hugs and crying.
MyungSoo stare at JooEun as she quietly sleep. She had slept through story time and didn't even give him puppy eyes to keep reading but he kept reading and even read a second book. Ena waited by the door and look at him falling for him all over again. 
"Are you coming to bed anytime tonight?" Ena walks in and pulls the pink blanket on the end of the bed over JooEun.
"It's kind of hard walking away from her, she's so cute and little."
Ena pulls MyungSoo's hand and he willing got up.
"She'll be there in the morning MyungSoo." Ena giggles.
"I know." MyungSoo sighs closing the door behind him.
Ena follows JooEun as she ran to the first door on the second floor. JooEun push open the door and ran to the next one. She has been looking for MyungSoo since she got up. Ena still haven’t heard JooEun call him appa,da-da or papa yet; JooEun just kept looking around which Ena knew she was looking for her father. JooEun didn’t see MyungSoo much and when she did MyungSoo spoils her with attention and gives her whatever she wanted which was one reason she always looked for MyungSoo. 
JooEun pushes the door to MyungSoo’s home office open and froze. A big smile spread across her tiny face. She found him.
MyungSoo was on the phone with his PA telling her to handle his calls and schedule his appointment for afternoons only next week because he plan to go in late all next week so he could spend the morning with JooEun. When the door opens his little JooEun was standing there with a big smile on her face. He turns in his chair to finish his orders.
“APPA!” JooEun shouts a little angry because he turned away from her. “APPA!” She called him again.
MyungSoo stops talking the first time JooEun called him and turned around mouth open and shocked the second time she called him.
JooEun ran inside his office with her piggy tails bouncing on her head. She ran around the table and ran into MyungSoo’s leg hugging tightly on to one leg. 
JooEun looks up at him giggling. “APPA!”
“Huh?” MyungSoo still had the phone to his ear as he stared at her surprised. “Umm I’ll call you back.” He hangs up the phone and JooEun smiles even more.
“APPA!” She started pulling on his hand but he wasn’t moving.
“Are you calling me?” He ask her happy and still in shock.
JooEun nods stretching her short chubby arms up to him wanting to be pick up. MyungSoo picks her up and kiss her tiny face.
“How’s appa’s little princess.”
JooEun lays her head on his chest and points to his chest. “Appa.”
Ena walks over to them enjoying the scene in front of her. “She’s’ been looking for you.”
“Is something wrong?” He looks at Ena and then JooEun concern.
“I think she just misses you.”
MyungSoo held JooEun tighter. He would have never thought someone so little will have such in impact in his life. He thought Ena would be the only female to control and break him but he was wrong, JooEun had as much power to control and break him, she was his little princess. 
One Month Later
"Remember I kept saying my lower back was in pain?" Ena held JooEun as they walk to the car. 
MyungSoo had just landed and they had come to pick him up form the airport.
"Yeah are you okay?" MyungSoo pulls her to his side.
"I'm fine for now."
"For now?" MyungSoo ask kind of worried. "Is something gonna happen later?"
"Yeah, well actually it's happening already."
"What is?"
Ena stops in front of their car and waited for MyungSoo to open the door for Ena to put JooEun in. Ena stands up straight from placing Ena in her car seat and closes the door.
"How do you fell about another JooEun?"
"Another?" MyungSoo ask not understanding.
"Um" Ena nods. "I'm expecting again."
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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3