Love Letter

Love after Marriage

The part of the day which I hate the most…waking up. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to get up and start the day, sometimes I wish I would just stay in my dreams. It was safer in there…

Knocks appear on my door “Noona are you awake? It’s me SungJong.”
“I’m up.” I open my eyes and stare out my window, it was still dark outside like always, it was four in the morning.
“Hurry I’ll watch the door as you shower, YuHan hyung isn’t up yet.”

YUHAN HYUNG ISN”T UP YET those words made my body get up and quickly ran out to go shower. I’m scared of him, scared of what he might do if he got the chance to. Even after living with him for ten years I’m still scared of him.

Growing up my parents weren’t rich we were poor. My mom ran a small restaurant while my dad just slept in the back. He was drunk most of the time so he couldn’t do much anyways. On my tenth birthday my mother ran off with another man and left me with my dad. My dad was too drunk to even notice she was gone. He didn’t realize she was gone until all the alcohol in the house was gone and the landlady came over to tell us to move out. After finding out my mother had run off he dropped me off at an orphanage, he couldn’t keep me…no, he didn’t want to keep me.

There at the orphanage I met YuHan and SungJong. YuHan didn’t like me when we first met but SungJong befriended me and we became close. The three of us stayed there until YuHan, who was three years older then me, was old enough to go find a job and support himself. I was really surprised when he decided to take me along with him and SungJong. I thought he really saw me as a younger sister to him. I thought going with them was better then staying in the orphanage but I was wrong. The first night out of the orphanage he kissed me, I thought he must have been too drunk to know what he was doing since he was drinking but day after day the way he looked at me the way he comes into my room every night to stare at me…it was scary.

He never really actually touched me but once I did wake up to find him sleeping next to me. After that accident I learn to not fully sleep. I use to be a deep sleeper but now even the littlest sound wakes me up. I’m scared, scared he might come in and do stuff to me.

SungJong isn’t a dumb kid he knows, so he decides to help watch over me. I don’t go anywhere alone, I don’t shower if he wasn’t out side of the door guarding it, I’m never alone with YuHan.

After showering I pull on a sweater and a baseball cap. SungJong and I deliver morning milk and newspaper to the richer side of town. After finishing up with the deliveries we head to college. How can we afford it? We’re poor but we’re not stupid, unlike seventy percent of our school we got there because of our grades and scholarships. The seventy percent are there because of their parent’s money.



It could only be one person who calls me like that, MiCha. We’re not really friends, we sit next to each other that’s it but her dumb self thinks that talking to me and trying to be friends with me the poor girl counts as community service.

I force out a smile “MiCha”
She taps my shoulder as her gesture of saying hi. “I would hug you but I don’t know where you been or if you even wash. Anyways how are you?”
“I’m okay.”
“Good…good” MiCha just stood there smiling like a fool.
“I’m going to go to class.”
“Let’s walk together.” MiCha suggested.
“Are you sure you want to walk with me? People will see.”
“Oh right! You go first then.” She fakes smile and waves.

On the way to class the halls got flooded by girls screaming. It must have been DongWoo coming in. DongWoo the guy every girl wants to date and the guy every guy want to be. He wasn’t only the richest but the smartest and the mvp of the soccer team. He was the whole package. He walked through the halls smiling and waving to the fan girls. Right behind him was his friends. They call themselves Infinite.

I didn’t notice but I had stop walking and join everyone else in admiring DongWoo and his crew. The weirdest thing was it looks like he was walking over towards me. He stops in front of me.

“Ena right?”
Was he talking to me? “…uhhh…yeah”
“Good morning” He flashes me his famous smile and continues walking.

MyungSoo pov

DongWoo turns to WooHyun “I said hi to her how many community hours is that?”
WooHyun looks at him confused “Zero? Saying hi to her doesn’t count as community hours. Where the hell did you hear that from?”
DongWoo shrugs “That one girl we met outside…what’s her name again?”
“MiCha” WooHyun answers.

Ena pov

Girls started to crowd around me. They started questioning me.

“Why did he talk to you?”
“Who do you think you are talking to him.”
“Stay away from him.”
“Do you think you even have the right to talk or even look at him?”
“Don’t do it again.”

They all smack their lips at me and walked away. Fan girls are scary. Even though I was one of them, yes I drool over DongWoo like the rest of them, I know I will never have the chance to be with him. Everyone of them have a higher chance of being with him then me, they were all full of money and DongWoo only date rich girls. I’m surprise he even talk to me. I continue walking to class.


After al my classes were done I sat in the lobby and waited for SungJong to be done with his classes.

MiCha ran over to me screaming “OMGGGGGGGGGGG ENAAAAAAAAA people were saying DongWoo talked to you this morning!” She sat down next to me “Is it true?”
“He said hi”
She started fangirl screaming “OMGGGGGGGG”
“He only said hi what’s the big deal.”
“The big deal is he talked to you…YOU! Of all people he talked to you, WHY?”
“I don’t know.”
“Maybe he’s interested in you OMG what am I saying.”
“I’m not interested in him.” I lied. In my heart I was just as excited as MiCha about DongWoo saying hi to me.
MiCha scoot in closer to me “Can you do me a favorite then? Since you don’t like him and he talked to you…can you hand him this.” She hands over a envelope. “It’s a love letter, give it to him please.”
“Why…why can’t you do it? I’m pretty sure he would more likely take this if you gave it to him.”
“Well he talked to you so I’m guessing he would take it if you gave it to him. If he’s not interested in the girl he won’t take it and since he talked to you he must be a little interested in you so I’m pretty sure he would take it if you gave it to him.” Before I even agreed she pulls me up “Let’s go find him.”
“Wait I don’t want to.” I stop her but she kept pulling me.
“I’m the only one who talks to you, do this for me once okay?”
“You don’t have to talk to me.”
“Just come on.” She pulls harder and I got up unwilling.

We walked over to the last class they had. Usually they like to hang in there after the class is over. MiCha peeked into the room from the small window on the door.

“I think that’s him. GO.” She pulls me over to the door.
“I really don’t want to.”
“Just go, I’ll be waiting in the corner over there okay.” She opens the door and pushes me in.

I wasn’t sure if it was DongWoo since the guy didn’t look at the door when I came in. He just continues to stuff his backpack with books.

“Ummm DonWoo?” I walk closer to him. “Ummm…I was wondering…can you accept…this” I closed my eyes, I held out the letter and did a ninety degree bow.

I felt the letter being pull out of my hands…YES he took it. I stood back up.

“I’m not DongWoo.” MyungSoo threw the letter on the ground. “Don’t you know who I am?”

He took a step forward and I took a step back. I guess what girls said bout him was true, you shouldn’t stare at him too long or you might end up being into his eyes.

I broke away from my staring “I’m sorry…I didn’t know…I thought you were DongWoo.”

I turn around to leave but he held on to my wrist and swings me back around. He pushed me to the chalk board and pins me there.

“DongWoo doesn’t like you, you’re just wasting your time.” He came closer to me, maybe a little too close. He tucks the hairs in my face behind my ears. “You’re very pretty.”

His hands grab the sides of my head and pull me in even closer. I closed my eyes, I was too scared to see what was going to happen next. His lips ended on top of mine, he kissed me…what the fu*k was happening? Why is he kissing me? Why am I kissing him back?

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3