
Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)



Kai’s POV.

‘’So, where we going?’’ I jumped up and down happily as I walked along the halls of the academy with Kyungsoo, trying to find a place to eat. The guy rolled his eyes and sighed as I stopped bouncing around, groaned and crossed my arms.

‘’Don’t know,’’ He answered simply, ‘’where do you want to go?’’ I pursed my lips and threw myself at him, my head leaning on his shoulders as my arms hung loosely around his waist. I could feel his blush coming out already.

‘’I don’t know, wherever there’s food,’’ I whispered against the shell of his ear and changed my arms’ position so they were around his neck, feeling him gulp.

‘’Uh-Uh, let’s go to the cafeteria then,’’ He said in a barely audible tone as I breathed into his neck, running my lips ever so softly against the skin every once in awhile. I smirked victoriously and launched myself off him, finally facing my reddened friend, his eyes wide as headlights.

‘’Okay!’’ I beamed happily and took a hold of his wrist, dragging him wherever the cafeteria was, taking glances of his face while still dragging him. I wanted to laugh out loud right now, his face was priceless. It was a mix between confused, embarrassed, nervous and blank, all thrown in with a tinge of pink. He looked so cute.

While at the cafeteria, I grabbed an apple (Since Suho-Hyung told us to eat healthy, have no idea why) and D.O grabbed a pear. After we each grabbed a bottle of water, we left the place and sat in a bench outside the academy, letting the wind hit our faces and lift our hair every so often. I couldn’t help but glance at Hyung at times, he looked so nervous suddenly, it wasn’t of his nature, all the while, he still looked good, hair hitting his face, eyes batting, eyelashes touching his cheeks every time he blinked, lips parting to breathe…it couldn’t be a better scenery. Suddenly, he turned his head to find me still staring and I immediately stopped, taking a big munch of my apple. I looked around and kept staring at this huge tree. The leaves were falling and the trunk was dry, it must’ve been the Tree Of Life they were talking about on the papers. It seemed so…old and...well, ancient. But what caught my attention at first was the figure under the tree, reading what seemed like a book. He looked so at peace, resting against the big- tree under the shade that it gave off. The guy had a side profile that showed off his pointy nose and defined jaw line. He started laughing at one point, probably because of the book he was reading. His laugh was contagious; therefore, I began giggling for no reason whatsoever. This somehow reached D.O’s ears and he started looking at me looking at him, which was awkward, so I slowly turned my head, shifting my eyes to his.

‘’What?’’ I broke the silence after we stayed there, staring at each other for a good 2 minutes.

‘’What were you laughing about?’’ He furrowed his brows and stared at me while crossing his arms, maintaining a good 5 feet from me. I cleared my throat and shrugged.

‘’I don’t know,’’ I answered while I covertly looked to my side to see if the guy was still there, but to no avail.

‘’Well, that’s a little—‘’

‘’Hi,’’ The same guy from before stood in front of us as we turned our head in unison to take a better look. He had pink lips and a nice eye smile; he kind of resembled a little kid. I had to admit, he was...attractive.

‘’Hi?’’ D.O answered first. I just noticed that I was too blinded by this kid’s beauty and forgot to say ‘hi’ back.

‘’Hey,’’ I said—no, more like whispered—and earned a look from Kyungsoo that didn’t seem all that nice.

‘’You guys are new here, neh?’’ He spoke Korean, too.

‘’Yeah, why?’’ Kyungsoo replied while I kept staring without knowing. The guy turned to me and gave me a smile, then one to D.O.

‘’Wow, it’s rare that I see Koreans in here,’’ He said ‘’besides me and a couple of the Legendary, the rest are Chinese.’’

‘’You’re Korean?’’ Kyungsoo asked curiously.

‘’Yup, my name is Moonkyu, what are yours?’’ He asked politely.

‘’I’m Kyungsoo but in here, I’m known as D.O.’’

‘’I’m JongIn but I prefer Kai,’’ I smiled warmly and stood up to shake his hand. He bowed to us and we did the same.

‘’Nice to meet you two, did you bring a group along?’’

‘’Yeah, we did, they’re in our dorms and one must be wandering around,’’ I answered.

‘’Do you have a group?’’ Kyungsoo asked, making Moonkyu bite his lips and shake his head.

‘’ father won’t let me be in one,’’ He sighed, ‘’he said they were too dangerous and troublesome,’’

‘’Your father?’’ I asked confusedly. He raised his head at me and nodded.

‘’The principal is my father,’’ My eyes were as wide as D.O’s for a second before I gulped.

‘’B-But, he’s Chinese, isn’t he?’’ D.O asked while tilting his head.

‘’I’m adopted,’’ He answered while shrugging.

‘’Oh,’’ Kyungsoo just said.

‘’So that means you won’t be in the Olympics, huh?’’ I asked while digging my hands in my pockets.


‘’Ah, I’m so sorry’’ I placed a hand on his shoulders as he smiled at me.

‘’Don’t worry about it, the academy has a lot of different things to offer a one-man group,’’ He assured as me and Kyungsoo looked at each other for a brief second.

‘’Like what?’’ We asked in unison

‘’Umm…I’m not quite sure of them all but I’m pretty sure there are plenty,’’ He chuckled as we did the same.

‘’That’s good, at least you have something to keep you entertained for a good 3 more years,’’ I pushed his shoulder playfully as he tilted his back and stepped a few feet away.

‘’You are a senior, right?’’ Kyungsoo asked.

‘’Freshman, its 4 more years, but it’s all good, though,’’ He chuckled.

‘’Ah, I was hoping you would graduate with us, you seem pretty cool,’’ I smirked as he slightly blushed at what I said. Kyungsoo was about 2 feet away and I could feel the fire in him right now…he’s jealous, I can tell. I smirked even wider.

‘’Thank you,’’ He bowed ‘’you guys are pretty cool, too,’’ He grinned and chuckled a bit before Kyungsoo suddenly stepped on my foot. I winced in pain as Kyungsoo chuckled and bowed down.

‘’Ah, thank you so much,’’ He said happily while Moonkyu just stood there and said his ‘no problems’ as I grabbed my foot, which had me hopping on one foot, and kept repeating ‘ow!’ This alone seemed funny, I admit, and I wouldn’t blame Moonkyu for laughing at me but he somehow didn’t, he resisted the urge to, but he still didn’t…that was good. But on the other hand, there was Kyungsoo, on a bench, laughing his off while slapping his thigh. I glanced over at Moonkyu and noticed he was on the verge of laughing out loud, but he covered his mouth so he wouldn’t suddenly explode. I winced one more time and set my foot down carefully on the ground. Moonkyu removed his hand from his mouth to speak.

‘’Oh, do you need me to take you to the nurses’?’’ He put a hand on my shoulder as Kyungsoo stood up and pulled my shoulder back, not even giving me a chance to speak when he cut me off.

‘’I don’t think that’s necessary,’’ Kyungsoo patted my shoulder ‘’Right, Kai?’’ I rolled my eyes and sighed, looking at Moonkyu and scratching the back of my head.

‘’I guess not, thanks anyway,’’ I smiled faintly as he did the same and politely bowed.

‘’Oh, it’s no problem,’’ He smiled and looked at D.O weirdly, almost afraid of whatever expression he was putting on, since he was behind me and I couldn’t see. I didn’t even bother turning around, Kyungsoo’s angry/possessive looks always scared me. Note to self: Never make Kyungsoo jealous.

‘’We’ll be going now then,’’ Kyungsoo gripped on my shoulder as I winced silently. Man, he was quite strong.

‘’Umm, okay, nice meeting you Kai and...’’He paused; he must’ve forgotten his name. Not good at all.


‘’...Ah, D.O, sorry about that,’’ The boy cleared his throat and lowered his head, gripping the book in his hand.

‘’No worries,’’ He replied with no emotion as he started walking off, leaving a dumbfounded, probably-thinking-never-to-talk-to-me-ever-again-because-of-this-- Moonkyu, my shoulder still on his grip. I shook him off and walked a few steps forward, noticing Moonkyu was still with his head down, playing with the book cover. I sighed and walked over to him. He lifted his head to see me smiling at him. This had to be fixed, he seemed really nice and he didn’t deserve Kyungsoo’s rude scolding, and jealous or not, I had to apologize, since he wasn’t going to do so any time soon.

‘’Hey, sorry about D.O, he can be quite…possessive over me,’’ I chuckled nervously as he smiled at me briefly before beginning to speak.

‘’I see…’’ He started ‘’don’t worry about it, though, anybody would do the same with the person they like,’’ He smirked at me and started walking away, leaving me with my mouth half open and my cheeks reddening.

‘’Wait, what?’’ I asked dumbfounded as he turned around and gave me a quick smirk before winking at me, making me drop my jaw and seeing him crack up from afar, the wind swaying his hair around while in the background, the sun was setting, which meant night was near. He started walking away with the book in hand and he waved me off from behind, as I waved, knowing he wouldn’t be seeing me but I was in a state that I didn’t know , so just go with it. Kyungsoo was suddenly by my side and he tugged on my shoulder, groaning when he was hoping I would move but I wouldn’t budge.

‘’Let’s go, Kim JongIn, you’ve had enough staring for the day,’’ I snapped out of my trance and stared at Kyungsoo for a moment, jaw still threatening to hit the floor. ‘’What?’’

‘’You...’’ I mumbled as I poked his cheek, making him furrow his brows confusedly at me while trying to pull away from my touch, ‘’you were jealous,’’ I mumbled quietly, not reaching his ears. He stared at me confusedly.

‘’Uh, what?’’ I started laughing out loud and slapped his shoulder quite a few times, enough to hurt and leave a mark.

‘’You were jealous!’’ I pointed a finger accusingly as he dropped his jaw. I started laughing harder and began slapping my thighs. I grabbed my stomach since it was beginning to hurt and threw myself at the ground, looking at Kyungsoo every once awhile and noticing he wasn’t doing anything, just standing there, jaw dropped and cheeks red, which made me laugh harder. I stopped laughing and looked at him again, baffled and the expression in his face was still the same, like it was taped on or something. I went over to him and softly slapped his cheek and to my surprise, he came back to life.

‘’I—I...’’ He mumbled. Those huge eyes still looking at me like I was a monster. I chuckled for a second before I shushed him with my index finger.

‘’You don’t need to tell me...’’ I tilted his chin up for him to look at me, his mouth still agape and oh, God, right now is the perfect time for me to kiss him. The breeze hitting us slightly, the leaves dancing behind us, the sunset at close range and eye contact was being made, not to mention our faces were about 3 inches apart. But, nah, not today. I’m going to make him wait for my kiss, make him wait long enough so I don’t have to be the first to confess, like I always am, plus, I feel like playing around a little. I inched my face a bit closer to his and closed my eyes, simulating like I was going to kiss him and to my surprise, he did the same. I placed one hand on the back of his neck and tugged on it, bringing my lips to his ears once again. He gasped as I smirked, drumming my fingers against his skin before I whispered: ‘’I already know that you’re lying,’’ He gasped and I could feel him turn beet red again.


Sehun’s POV.


After I met up with Luhan, I seemed to get a bit lost when I was walking along the halls. The library wasn’t that far, but since I took that shortcut, I couldn’t figure out exactly where I was going. I sighed as I looked outside a window, noticing it was getting dark. Now Suho-Hyung will be even madder when he finds out that I was with one of the Legendary, plus, I came late. Knowing Suho was really superstitious, he would think that I was with Luhan doing ‘God-forbid-acts’ until dark. He’ll probably search around my clothes as well, hoping I didn’t have any residue of whatever he believes happened, he might even stop to take a look on them to see if I had any drugs too, hell, he might as well strip me ! I rolled my eyes at the thoughts as I dug my hands in my pockets, feeling a sudden breeze of cold air hit me. Then, the lights shut off and I gasped, I looked behind me in shock but there was no one. I hated the dark, I hated the night and I wouldn’t be caught dead lurking around creepy halls at said time of day, I just hated it. I started sprinting while looking around some corridors, hoping there would be someone that could lead me to my dorm and not someone that could chop my head off. I just remembered, nobody could be on these halls by 6:45. What time is it now? 6:50. Nice, now I’m alone and running for my life like a maniac along the halls, don’t even know where I am and since the map is so tiny and useless, I didn’t bother on using it, plus, I couldn’t even see well. I stopped in my tracks and sat down on the floor in front of a door of what looked to be like a classroom. Yeah, I got that far. That’ll teach me. I sighed and threw my head back, hitting my head on the brick wall in the process. I sighed and put my knees to my forehead. I might as well sleep here for God’s sake. I looked around for one last time and felt myself become cold. I hugged my knees tighter and sighed, hoping someone would turn up out of the blue to rescue me but I was sure that it wouldn't happen. 

Suho's POV

"What do you mean you couldn't find him?!" D.O and Kai showed up little about 10 minutes ago, they ate and explored around the place, no problem with that since they know the way but what bothered me was the fact that Sehun was still out at this time. It was about 7:15 and the kid hadn't shown up. I was beginning to get worried so I asked Baek and Channie to look for him but they didn't find anything. I bit my finger briefly and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. I sighed and massaged my temples, facing the clueless duo in front of me. 

"We-We just couldn't find him," Chanyeol scratched the back of his head. 

"We looked everywhere!" Baekhyun assured.

"Okay, okay," I sighed, "he's eighteen years old, I'm pretty sure he's old enough to find his way back," I tried to calm myself down and sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"He's five at heart, I'm sure of that," Kai suddenly barged in, which made me turn my head and stare at him, bewildered. 


"The kid's afraid of the dark, there's no way he'll turn up in these heights," He continued, staring at the ceiling with his arms behind his head as it was placed on Kyungsoo's lap, even though the other was obviously annoyed by this and he wanted to shake him off, but to little avail. 

"Oh, my God, that's just great!" I massaged my temples harder as I winced from the sudden headache I began to feel coming up. 

"Relax, hyung, I'm sure he'll show up," D.O patted my back as he finally set free from Kai's grasp. I sighed in frustration and stood up from the bed, heading to the small living room and launching myself on the sofa that the room came with. I groaned and shifted my position so my face was against a cushion. If he did come up, I'm going to kill him. 

Sehun's POV

I counted sheep as I tried to catch some sleep, but so far, the only thing I could catch was a cold. I sneezed and sniffled, feeling colder once more. I could feel my lids getting heavy but I was afraid of falling asleep since I've been hearing feet shuffle along the hall for the past ten minutes so I figured I should stop just in case. Yeah, I stopped trying to sleep for a second and focused on keeping my eyes open. I shifted my position so that I was lying down on the floor with one of my legs hanging on my other knee and my arms resting on my chest. It was hard to keep my eyes open for awhile, I was so tired.

Suddenly, I felt this overwhelming desire to just sleep. Nothing will happen to me, right? Nah. I started counting sheep again and I was in the perfect position, I was pretty comfortable, even though I was cold and the floor was cement. I couldn't blame myself considering I was on a train for almost a day and the seats were really uncomfortable and I couldn't sleep well enough. I shrugged in my head and sighed, starting to count sheep. One little sheep...two little sheep…three little sheep…four little sheep...a sudden push on my knee, probably the wind…five little sheep...a poke on my cheek...six little name being called…wait, what? I opened my eyes slightly and I could make out a blurry figure..I was probably dreaming...and seeing things because my counting of sheep suddenly got interrupted and a sheep turned into a really pretty…deer? 

"Sehun, what are you doing here?" I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming, it couldn't be. I opened my eyes a little wider and just like I didn't want it to be, it was Luhan, looking at me with his head tilted to the side, looking like a puppy even. 

"Huh?" I mumbled sleepily. 

"Aren't you supposed to be in your dorm?" He asked quietly as he tried sitting me down. I complied and sat down again, my back against the bricks as he sat next to me with a small groan. 

"I got lost," I pouted as he chuckled and looked around. 

"You got lost?!" I nodded my head as he chuckled, "How?"

"Well, I was on my way back to my dorm after the library but I couldn't find my way back and then the lights shut down and since I'm afraidofthedark I stayed here," I mumbled. 

"Excuse me, since you're what?" 


"Come again?"


"One more time?"

"Afraid of the dark!" I buried my face in my palms and groaned, probably turning red in embarrassment. 

"Aww, that's okay," He removed my palms from my face and looked at me comfortingly, "I don't know why you would stay here, though, it must be cold," He suddenly cupped my face and felt all around my cheeks and my neck, humming while at it. I blushed at the sudden intrusion, which made him pull away. 

"Y-You're not so cold," He stuttered nervously after what just happened. 

"A little bit," We stood in silence for a second, composing ourselves.  

"We're not that far from the dorms, I guess, I can take you...if you want me to," He scratched the back of his head awkwardly as I shuffled around.

"That would be...nice" I answered and looked at him. He smiled and stood up, offering me a hand. I stood up with him and dusted myself off, "What exactly is here?" 

"Oh, we're in front of the lab," 

"May I ask, what were you doing here at this time?" I asked.

"I like walking around at night," He shrugged. 

"I don't," I mumbled. 

"Sorry, what?’’

"Nothing, nothing"

"Anyways, since I'm a huge lab nerd, I like to visit here every now and then to read and learn new things," He explained as we slowly started walking.

"But aren't the doors like, locked?" I asked, dumbfounded. 

"I have a key for every classroom," He chuckled and pulled out the keys, dangling them in the air briefly. 

"So, they must really trust you," I joked and scratched the back of my head. I my lips and yawned, stretching my arms over my head. 

"Tired?" He dug his hands in his pockets and threw his head back, sighing. 

"Yeah...are you?" 

"I'm always working so what would you guess?" He laughed at himself and looked at me for a second, giving me a sweet eye smile. I decided not to answer this so I just smiled back. After awhile of walking, we fell quiet in a cold atmosphere. You could literally hear the breeze coming from outside, it almost seemed scary, but I was with Luhan and nothing could hurt me now. I smiled at this and felt my body become covered in goose bumps, the breeze from outside hit me and I trembled on the spot. 

"Cold, aren't you?" He hummed as I slowly shook my head. He chuckled and sighed, looking ahead and before I knew it, he had grabbed my hand. I wanted to oppose but my hand wouldn't let me out of his hold so I just went with it and I soon began to feel the warmth of his skin sink throughout my body as we inched closer until our shoulders were touching. I smiled and took a look at his relaxed face then back at the floor, feeling myself become warm on the cheeks as we walked. 

Suho's POV. 

It was almost 7:30 and still, no Sehun. I was beginning to get anxious and I started making not so pretty assumptions of what had happened to him in my head. What if he got kidnapped? What if he fell down the stairs? What if he got murdered?! Or worse, what if The Legendary 6 took him as bait?! So many thoughts…omo, I need to lie down.

"Should I go out to look for him again?" Chanyeol asked, worry all over his face. I sat down and patted the seat next to me for him to sit down. He complied and sat next to me as I put a hand on his back. 

"It's a little late, we need to go to sleep, classes start tomorrow," 

"B-But what about Hunnie?" He whimpered as he pouted. 

"I don't know where he is, Yeollie and none of us should risk our lives to look for him this time at night," I sighed, "its cold and dark out, we should stay here for our own good," He whimpered again and began to get teary-eyed. 


"Why don't you go over with Baekkie, I'm sure he can make you feel better, huh?" I comforted and gave him a sweet smile as he sniffled and stood up, slumping over to his room lazily. I sighed and lay down on the couch, waiting for that door to swing open any time. I was starting to worry for the maknae, it's been 2 hours and he wouldn't turn up. I was hoping that nothing had happened to my poor, scared and alone child. I sighed and stared at the door for half a second, thinking of how I wish he would show up…then suddenly, a knock was heard. I bolted up from the sofa and jumped over it, reaching the door and opening it with almost wide open arms and a huge smile but turns out, it was just another kid. He was small and doll-like, white, porcelain skin and had small pink lips that matched well with his big, brown orbs. He bowed 9 degrees and greeted me with a smile. 

"Excuse me; did you happen to lose someone?" This kid must be literally reading my mind. I freaked out for a bit before I realized what he was asking and I nodded my head fast, hoping he would say something good. He smiled at me and let out a soft chuckle before tugging a figure by the wrist. It was Sehun.

"Sehun-ah!" I launched myself at him and hugged him like he'd been lost for years; I the back of his head and sighed over and over in relief. The only thing that bothered me was the identity of this guy and where Sehun was exactly. It all seemed so weird. I pulled away from him to find him completely bewildered by my actions. I let go of his shoulders that I was suddenly holding and turned to the other guy. 

"Uh…thanks for bringing back here,"

"You're welcome," He smiled again, "you were lucky I decided to drop by the lab today," He looked at Sehun and joked. Sehun began blushing out of the blue and he his lips while looking down, a habit I knew he picked up when he was shy, embarrassed or nervous. 

"Y-Yeah, I guess…thank you," He said quietly. 

"My pleasure," The other turned to look at me and he bowed down again. 

"Uhh, Luhan this is Suho, my-"

"Leader, I know…nice to meet you," I furrowed my brows at the mention of his name, I was sure I had seen that face today and I knew that he belonged to the Legendary as soon as his name was suddenly revealed. 

"Luhan, huh? You're part of the Legendary, right?" 

"Yes, true, but I assure you, I wasn't doing anything bad to Sehun," He assured calmly. I turned to Sehun who looked at me with a face that read 'do-not-start-this-because-I-will-end-you'.

"How can I be so sure?" I insisted, wrapping an arm around Sehun in an overprotective manner, having him try to release as soon as I did so. 

"You can ask him yourself," I rolled my eyes at him. Who did he think he was? 

Sehun's POV.

I widened my eyes as soon as I heard the firmness and the sureness of Luhan's tone of voice. He seemed totally calm and collected the whole time, almost knowing that Suho would be like this. 

"It's true, hyung," I barged in, assuring that everything was okay but that wouldn't convince him. 

"How do you know that he didn't erase your mind? Since I'm guessing your power is telepathy," Man, he was good. 

"I'm studying telepathy, I still don't know how to 'mind-control' and 'erase minds' and stuff, my real power, however, is telekinesis," I could tell that he was beginning to get annoyed, even though his face told otherwise. 

"Hmm," He let go of my shoulder and walked over to Luhan, observing him at a close range, "I'm onto you," And with that, Luhan officially got creeped out and backed a few inches away. He looked at me with a weird expression plastered on his face, almost begging me to take Suho away. I cleared my throat awkwardly and pulled Suho away by the wrist, tugging him away from the confused looking Luhan. 

"Umm, I think I should go," Luhan fidgeted with his fingers and cleared his throat. 

"I think you should," Suho pushed me behind him and crossed his arms as Luhan scratched the back of his head. 

"Then I'll be going..." Luhan smiled at me and bowed down shortly before walking towards the door frame. I removed myself from behind Suho and headed behind him, closing the door so we were alone for a moment. He looked at me confusedly for a second before I cut his upcoming question off. 

"Sorry about Suho..." 

"It's okay, I know that you're the youngest so I see how overprotective they can get," He smiled slightly as I did the same

"How did you know that I was the youngest?" 

"I could tell," He chuckled. 

"You're the youngest too, right?" 

"I'm twenty-two, so no," He giggled and scratched the back of his head as I was busy dropping my jaw at this remark. 

"Twenty-Two?!" He blushed in embarrassment and scratched his head.

"Sorry about not telling you, I just didn't want to creep you being an adult and you're an underage student—‘’

"No, No, I totally get it" I comforted as I shook my hands in his face in the process. 

"O-Oh, good, hehe..." We stood there in awkward silence, hearing Suho pound the door with his fist, telling me to hurry and come on inside because 'the weather was cold' or some other type of excuse.

"So..." I played with my feet

"So…" He looked at me and pursed his lips a little. 

"I guess I should go back inside,"

"Yeah..I think I should go too…it's getting darker and colder," He jacketed himself with his arms and shifted around with his feet. 

‘’Yeah...’’ I my lips.

‘’So...I’ll see you around?’’

‘’Yeah, that is, if Suho doesn’t chain me to his wrist,’’ I joked as he giggled cutely and nodded.

‘’See you in class,’’ He ignored the comment and kept walking.

‘’We’ll see about that,’’ I joked again as he turned around, chuckling and waving me goodbye.

‘’Goodnight, Sehun,’’ He started walking away as I my lips before chuckling.

Suho’s POV.

‘’Shh!’’ As my ear was being pressed against the wooden door, I shushed Chanyeol, who was busy giggling with Baekhyun on the couch. The two seemed to be enjoying each other until I shut them up, then they put on a straight face and looked at me.

‘’Hyung, what are you doing?’’ Baekhyun asked

‘’Trying to listen to Sehun...’’

‘’Sehun’s here?!’’ Chanyeol stood up, surprised that his friend had arrived.

‘’Shh!’’ He sat back down and pouted


‘’And he’s talking to one of the Legendary...’’ I said quietly. Suddenly, Kai and D.O barged in from their room and listened to what I just said, making Kai drop his stack of cards that he brought for Chanyeol and Baekhyun and D.O just widened his eyes.

‘’He’s what?!’’ Kai exclaimed and pushed me from the door, making me fall on my . He stuck his ear on the door and tried to listen but groaned when he apparently heard nothing. He tried to open the door but ended up failing when he noticed that Sehun had locked it from the outside. He groaned louder and ruffled his hair in frustration. He seemed so pissed for a reason, even D.O looked afraid and ultimately, he’s going to break the door.

‘’Sehun, you better get in here, you little !’’ He pounded on the door hard enough to almost knock it over, not to mention, he’s really strong, too. He was starting to scare me. After awhile of waiting, Sehun appeared through the door with his head down. I just noticed that I had been on the floor ever since Kai pushed me but as soon as Sehun walked in; I stood up and dusted myself off, grabbing his arm and tugging him so Kai wouldn’t lose his temper on him.

‘’What took you so long?!’’ I gripped on his arm, making him gasp.

‘’I-I...’’ He stuttered, hiding his face, ‘’I stayed outside a few extra minutes because Kai got angry and I needed him to calm down because Kai’s scary when he’s mad and I don’t wanna die, hyung!’’ He made me let go of his arm to look at him in his puppy dog eyes. , I was a er for those, but no, not today, I need to lay down the law. Then, he pouted. , not this…he’s not a child anymore, Suho, contain yourself.

‘’Sehun, do you know what you just did?’’

‘’What did I do, hyung?’’ Kai face-palmed.

‘’You were with one of them! Do you know how dangerous that could’ve been?! You could’ve gotten kidnapped!’’ Kai exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

‘’No, no, he’s good!’’ Sehun defended

‘’Good? Ha, nice…they brainwashed him!’’ Kai sat down and gripped on his head, Kyungsoo trailing behind him and putting a hand on his back to soothe him, but that only ended in Kai shaking him away.

‘’No, he didn’t!’’

‘’Sehun, listen to me,’’ I spun him so he could look me in the eyes, no matter how short I looked in front of him, ‘’don’t you dare talk to him ever again,’’ He sighed and rolled his eyes as he tried to release himself from me. I spun him back, ‘’no, Sehun, this is for your own good, for our own good,’’

‘’I’m just trying to make friends...’’ He mumbled.

‘’No one can be friends with one of them, who was it anyway?’’ Kai barged in, sounding more cooled down.

‘’Luhan,’’ Sehun answered, ‘’the guy that tried to convince Kris to leave us alone,’’ Sehun raised a brow.

‘’Yeah, because they might get expelled if they start a riot in the halls,’’ Kai pointed out.

‘’Could be...’’ I said, ‘’just, Sehun, no matter how nice you expect him to be, you have to accept the fact that well, we made a horrible impression on them.’’

‘’He apologized for Kris.’’

‘’He did?’’ Kai asked curiously

‘’He’s the one that was worried about impressions because I clearly don’t give a damn what they think,’’ Kai and I looked at each other and signaled him to continue, ‘’he even invited me to the bonfire.’’

‘’The what?’’ Chanyeol suddenly burst in, Baekhyun trailing behind trying to get a better view.

‘’The bonfire,’’ He repeated ‘’it’s a tradition/celebration they have every year when a new semester starts and new students are accepted,’’ He explained

‘’Will I get to, you know, touch the fire?’’ Chanyeol asked, suddenly interested.

‘’Only if you’re careful,’’ Sehun shrugged.

‘’I’ll be careful!’’ He nodded his head quickly ‘’I promise!’’ He smiled widely

‘’Then you can touch it,’’ Sehun smiled and Chanyeol gasped and clapped his hands enthusiastically.

‘’Wait!’’ I still had a few doubts.

‘’What?’’ They all asked me

‘’I never agreed to this.’’

‘’Can we go, hyung? Can we, can we?’’ Chanyeol asked excitedly while jumping up and down. I swear he is 5.

‘’I don’t know, what time will that be?’’

‘’It’ll start at 6 PM, tomorrow,’’ Sehun answered.

‘’Well…’’ I started, thinking of what to do, ‘’I guess we could drop by to see if—‘’

‘’I’m not going,’’ Kai suddenly said, crossing his arms.

‘’What? Why?!’’ Chanyeol pouted

‘’Because I don’t want to,’’ He shrugged, ‘’I’m pretty sure Sehun would want to sit next to this Luhan kid and I’m not going to be looking after him.’’

‘’Well, I’m pretty sure that if you went, you would be sitting next to Moonkyu, and I’m not tagging along, just so you know,’’ Kyungsoo suddenly popped out, making Kai’s jaw drop.

‘’W-What?’’ He asked confusedly

‘’You heard me,’’ D.O said in a serious tone, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

‘’Wait, I’m lost…Moon-who?’’ Chanyeol tilted his head.

‘’Moonkyu,’’ Kai corrected, ‘’It’s some guy that Kyungsoo and I met while we were eating, he seemed pretty nice, so—‘’

‘’So, you get to meet people and I don’t?’’ Sehun raised his brow

‘’Only if that person doesn’t threaten you,’’ Kai spat back, shutting Sehun up for a bit.

‘’He didn’t do anything,’’ He mumbled but we all managed to hear.

‘’What were you doing with him anyway?’’ Kai asked, annoyed.

‘’He offered me a look-around and I accepted,’’ He shrugged, ‘’we went to the library and showed me this really cool trick with your hands that if you say a couple of words in Mandarin, a ray of light appears into your hands! And you don’t even need Baekhyun’s powers!’’

‘’Pssh, it probably flew away or something,’’ Baekhyun rolled his eyes

‘’Well, he gave it to me and it did for a few seconds...’’ Sehun admitted ‘’but he managed to grab it again’’

‘’Whatever,’’ Baekhyun said.

‘’Umm…’kay, anyways, after that, he offered me the invite and I said that I would have to check with you guys, so, what do you guys say?’’

‘’Well, I really wanna go, Sehunnie!’’ Chanyeol cooed.

‘’I guess I wanna go, too,’’ Baekhyun smiled and blushed when Chanyeol put his hands on his shoulders, hugging his neck for a few seconds.

‘’How about you two?’’ Sehun pointed at D.O and Kai

‘’Well, I guess I can squeeze in to the idea, it’ll’’ D.O shrugged

‘’I’m still not going,’’ Kai said, groggily

‘’Party pooper!’’ Chanyeol stuck his tongue out at him, which made Kai giggle and sigh.

‘’Maybe…’’ Kai corrected as Sehun smiled in triumph.

‘’Suho?’’ He looked at me. I sighed.

‘’Well, considering what happened today, I’m not sure whether I should go or not, plus, if I do go, I’m gonna have to keep an eye on you, it’s mandatory,’’ Sehun groaned at the last part and pouted. I shook the previous feelings again and sighed, ‘’I’m not falling for that, Sehun, I don’t want you talking to him and that’s final’’


‘’Sehun, no ‘buts’’’

‘’Hyung, I—‘’

‘’Sehun, stop’’

‘’Suho, please, just—‘’

‘’I said drop it, Sehun,’’ I said sternly, looking at him with dead-serious eyes, making him sigh and stop his argument, ‘’I said it was final,’’ And with that, I walked away to my room…that coincidentally, I shared with Sehun, and slammed the door shut, jumping into my bed and covering myself right away...these were going to be some hard first days.

Sehun’s POV.

I can’t believe Suho would do this to me. Luhan was unlike the rest of the Legendary, Suho knew absolutely nothing about this guy, but well, me either, but he’s not even giving me a chance to and now he’s practically forbidding me to see or talk to him, that’s beyond unfair. He was even nice enough to assure him himself that nothing bad had happened but no, here came overprotective Suho to the supposed ‘rescue’ but in the end, he just screwed it all up. So much for making friends and peace with these strangers we now called our ‘enemies’. That’s bull, just complete bull, how can someone make these kinds of assumptions if they don’t even know the person...I mean... I know I just met him but, ‘enemy’, friend or complete stranger, no one’s allowed to do that, it was all too cruel.

‘’I said it was final,’’ He said one last time after my tries of somehow convincing him to at least fix things with the Legendary before things get ugly but no, he wouldn’t let me. He walked away to our room and the last thing I heard from him was a loud slamming noise. That would be the door.

‘’We’ll see about that...’’ I mumbled quietly, making sure the others didn’t hear me, especially Kai.

‘’You know, I would’ve broken the rules a long time ago if it wasn’t for Suho because unlike you, I actually think first,’’ Kai said, passing by me and bumping our shoulders together purposely.

‘’Well, what was I supposed to do?!’’

‘’You could’ve walked away, but no, you decided to follow him and on top of that, come back this late, do you even know how worried he was?!’’

‘’Well, no, but—‘’

‘’But nothing, don’t do it again!’’ He said firmly.

‘’But it’s only the first wasn’t my fault I got lost and he luckily found me and brought me here, so you should thank him!’’ He stayed quiet,

 ‘’Give him a break, JongIn, you were the one that warned us that he was afraid of the dark’’ Chanyeol suddenly said, Baekhyun nodding his head in agreement.

‘’Yeah, but—‘’

‘’You don’t have to be such a hypocrite about it, you’re scaring the poor maknae,’’ Baekhyun followed Chanyeol’s footsteps, which made Chanyeol happy as he his back, supporting him. I smiled at the two, trying to protect me. Kai sighed.

‘’I know...’’ He scratched the back of his head, ‘’I was just scared, I thought something happened to you and when you came back, I found the only way to keep you away from any harm was by scaring you away...’’ He admitted as I smiled.

‘’I get it,’’ I patted his shoulder as he sighed.


‘’It’s okay...’’

‘’Just please don’t...’’ I looked at him as he tried finding the words, ‘’…don’t make Suho this upset, you know how much he wanted to come here.’’

‘’I know,’’ I sighed.

‘’I’ll go to the bonfire and I’ll try to convince Suho to go but promise me you won’t talk to him...’’ I gasped, but he cut me off, ‘’at least, don’t talk to him there, where Suho can see,’’ I sighed in relief.

‘’I promise,’’ I smiled widely

‘’Good,’’ He sighed, ‘’now you guys, we need to go to sleep, we need to wake up early tomorrow,’’ Chanyeol and Baekhyun nodded and skipped away to their rooms as JongIn and I did the same, JongIn taking a hold of D.O’s wrist as he had a confused look on his face and as I ruffled my hair and yawned, opening the door to find a very sleeping Suho tucked in under the covers, snoring. I smiled at this and lay down on my bed, enjoying the comfort of an actual bed, not a cold floor. I smiled at the thought of earlier before and settled on counting sheep again. This was going to be harder than I expected…






Thank you all so much for subscribing and for the few who have commented so far, it really makes me happy :') and a special thanks to Tripping-Panda who posted this on her own story for recomendation, you're a beautiful person! Sorry it took so long but here's chapter 2^^( I was out on a horrible camping trip -_-)

I have many things in store for these characters, especially MoonKyu and Han Geng, his father, since they will play quite a big, but not so big, role in the fic^^ So be on the look out for that :) Anyways, subcribe&comment for a faster update!!  :D 

PS:Sorry if you see any typos, I was writing this on my iPod too and I type way too fast :S OTL T.T


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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///