
Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)



Monday, November 12, 2012. 

Nobody’s POV.


It was a calm day today. The way the leaves danced around the wind and how the little droplets of water pitter-pattered on the windows, and how the birds chirped here and there was nice. The weather was cold, humid and somehow unpleasant, but they dealt with it as the teachers spoke. It was pretty much a boring, humorless day so far. The rain made it worse though, blanketing some students in a deep sleep. The teachers could care less, really. Some people watched the view from outside and just observed its scenery, which were all vegetation and some stores and pharmacies and the old laboratory that blew up in the eighties for unknown reasons.

Far from the classrooms stood the Tree of Life, with its multicolored trunk and its falling leaves, it was a stunning view to say the least. However, the Tree was in danger.  The prophecy foretold that the Tree would die in unexpected conditions during unexpected times. The fine piece of history looked solemn, somber, yet beautiful and stunning from afar, but it never meant it was more than okay. People like Lay worried. He was one of the few that would give his powers away to savor the trunk and give it life for a few more years. The Tree meant more than life and prosperity to him. It was sacred though, and the prophecy said that someone would have to save it in the near future. The Tree was very much dying, and he was still waiting for someone to help save it. Who would though? Nobody gave a . Nobody was willing to give their powers away now. They cared far more for themselves than any other tree. But it wasn’t just a tree though. It was the Tree that gave them peace, life, oxygen and a perfect view from their dorms. He just found those people selfish and stupid.

Hopefully it will make it through the solar eclipse, Lay thought. It was just a thought, but it could be a possibility, right? Every dead thing dies forever after the solar eclipse passes. Lay knew that. It was more of common knowledge and a few investigations that he went through that concluded his hypotheses. After all, it was a coincidence that the grass was somehow shinier the day after the solar eclipse. Of course, the spirits live all around the campus. They live on the Tree, on the grass, on the flowers and all around, and they cleansed and went through renewal after every eclipse. It self-contradicted as well. When the living things pass through one, they keep living, yet they turn into something better, something more important, and a new purpose for its life was made. They go through a renewal process called ‘’reincarnation’’ or ‘’rebirth’’.  However, when something dies, it can never be returned after the solar eclipse passes. Lay understood the process. He learned all about it himself, and concluded that it was the same thing for humans as well. He had witnessed it. His own brother rotted after one though. He could never save someone before one anyways. He was too scared of the possibilities, knowing that a person’s life depended on his ministrations. If anything, it would probably kill himself before it kills the actual dead person for good. And that said a lot.

 Lay sighed as he looked out the window because it was depressing. The teacher was just talking and he could really care less for once, and just kept staring outside, his pencil meeting the pitter patters in a slow, calm rhythm. He blinked twice, maybe thrice, and then the bell rang. He shot up out of his chair and raced towards his locker. Some would say he looked crazy, running around the halls like a madman. Plus, his shoes were untied and were very slippery thanks to the material of his shoes. He probably almost slipped once or twice but it was all good. He reached Kai and Suho just in time, which was all that mattered right now.

‘’Hey,’’ he gasped out after all that running. Suho just looked at him with furrowed brows and crossed his arms, heaving out a sigh.

‘’Hey,’’ he said, and suddenly Kai showed up from behind. Lay gave him a simple nod as Kai patted Suho’s back in an attempt of comfort, and they ran.

They ran towards the front door before any teachers could notice them, and opened it, racing towards the Tree of Life like their life depended on it. The small hill they had to climb up to get to said Tree was suddenly higher, as if somebody did this on purpose just to mess with them. Lay’s heart beat more than asked, and he would admit he was nervous, unlike the other two. And Kai just up and decided that he was going to transport to the Tree of Life, calling Sebastian over and over, and waiting for a response. He didn’t get one during the first few times.

‘’Seba!’’ He called out and hopped twice to ruffle some of the leaves that stuck out. They fell eventually. Lay sighed, climbing up and cracking his neck and his back as he did so, Suho trailing behind him, panting.

‘’What are you even doing, Kai?’’ Suho had asked. Kai just groaned and kept jumping and calling Sebastian as if he would answer immediately. That’s what he was used to do though.

‘’Why in the hell isn’t he answering?’’ Kai spoke in between hops and Lay rolled his eyes, approaching him and stopping him from hopping any further.  Kai made a noise of disapproval before stopping completely, hands on his knees as he breathed in and out normally.

‘’You okay?’’ Lay asked and Kai gave out a simple nod.

‘’Maybe he’s not here,’’ Suho suggested, shrugging. Kai turned to him and shook his head, albeit too weakly.

‘’He is,’’ he said, ‘’he has to be,’’

‘’But why isn’t he answering? He normally does, doesn’t he?’’ Lay said, crossing his arms and looking up at the Tree. He then decides it is in fact, dying.

‘’He’s supposed to come out,’’ Suho deadpanned.

‘’But he isn’t, so let’s just drop this and come back another—‘’

‘’No! There is no way we’re leaving!’’ Kai interrupted, almost sounding offended.

‘’But what if he really isn’t here? Maybe he accepted his death and is already up there,’’ Lay pointed upwards, ‘’or anywhere else by that matter,’’ Kai shook his head in protest.

‘’No, no, no, he can’t! He knew we would come by, we told him so, right? He’s not gone!’’ Kai exclaimed, throwing his arms up for emphasis. Suho blinked a few times.

‘’Look, maybe Lay could be right—‘’

‘’But he isn’t! We need to do this, I can’t take it anymore!’’ Kai practically clawed at his hair and tried to make them understand something. Anything that would convince them that he was really trying to stop himself from going absolutely berserk.

‘’Kai!’’ Suho said, holding his shoulders and shaking them, trying to knock some sense into the poor boy, ‘’we can come back another day,’’

‘’If anything, he’s not here right no—‘’

‘’What’s with all that noise?’’ They gasped at the voice that came up from the Tree. They all turned around and met YuHa’s gaze as he rubbed his eyes. Lay gulped.

‘’U-Uh sorry,’’ Suho uttered out, ‘’i-is Sebastian around?’’

‘’No, he’s not,’’ YuHa simply commented as they all furrowed their brows in confusion.

‘’Then where is he?’’ Kai asked, his eye almost twitching. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at YuHa straight in the eyes.

"Yeah, so where is he?" Suho answered, furrowing his brows at YuHa. 

"I told you, he's not here, he's taking care of a few...errands," YuHa answered, sounding everything but certain of his answers. Kai immediately found something wrong with this and he wanted a lead and a reason to trust YuHa. 

"When is he coming back?" Kai butted in. YuHa shrugged. 

"Not sure," he answered, "whatever it is you have to give him, leave it to me. He was expecting you three today but he couldn't make it," YuHa sighed and looked at the three individually. His lips were a thin line and for a second there, they were convinced until Kai but in again, sounding more determined and infuriated for some reason. 

"Then we'll come back another day," Kai had said, looking at the other two, waiting for an answer. They weren't so sure of what to say now. 

"Um," Lay said, approaching YuHa slowly, "when he's back, can you give--" 

"No!" Kai interrupted him, "we'll wait." Lay blinked and looked at Kai, then YuHa, trying to decide what to do in this situation. He gulped and turned to Suho, who shrugged and sighed, checking his watch for the time. Free period was done in about fifteen more minutes according to him. 

"Fine," Lay said, "but if he's not back within fifteen minutes, I'm handing it over to YuHa," Kai groaned and rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed. Suho just nodded in agreement and sat down by the Tree, YuHa's legs dangling above him as they waited for minutes to pass. 

The wood of said Tree was oddly comfortable for the past five minutes until Suho's back made a weird cracking sound when he stood up, startling the other guys as he waved it off as another unnecessary reminder that he's actually aging. Kai sighed and hugged his knees, playing with a stick he finds by the grass as time passes rather slowly. 

‘’Time’s up,’’ YuHa said as Kai sighed and stood up, dusting himself off, ‘’hand it over,’’ Kai immediately frowned and gave the Tree a little punch, making Lay gasp and tear Kai’s hand away from the sacred Tree.

‘’Tree hugger...’’ Kai mumbled as Lay rolled his eyes, pulling out the potion enveloped in a plastic bag and sighed, looking at it.

‘’O-Okay, just make sure it gets to him soon…’’ YuHa nodded and reached out for the potion. Lay took in a deep breath and gave YuHa more access by standing up in his tip-toes as Suho anxiously bit his lips, waiting for anything to happen.

‘’Hey, wait!’’ Suho groaned and turned towards Kai as well as YuHa and Lay, ‘’how do I know we can trust you?’’ YuHa visibly rolled his eyes.

‘’You don’t,’’ YuHa said, taking everyone aback, ‘’this’ll just stay with me until Sebastian returns, so hand it over, I’m tired,’’ Kai sighed and face-palmed, nodding.

‘’Ugh, I can’t look,’’ Kai turned around and massaged the bridge of his nose, annoyed. Lay then sighed and bit his lips, nervously giving the bag to YuHa. YuHa grinned and stashed it behind him, bowing in gratitude.

‘’I’ll make sure this reaches him,’’ YuHa says and Lay and Suho nod in approval, Kai groaning and being the first to leave. Suho shrugged and followed after Kai, calling him out without getting a response.

‘’Th-Thanks for the help,’’ Lay said and stuffed his hands in his pockets as YuHa shrugged.

‘’It’s whatever, kid, now go to your friends,’’ Lay nodded and walked away, sliding down the small hill with ease and following after Suho and Lay. He had a feeling this wasn’t the right thing to do. The only question is his mind was: Where could Sebastian be?


Wednesday, November 14, 2012. 

Nobody's POV. 

‘’Chanyeol, you want some cereal?’’ Suho asked from the kitchen with a smile. Warmly, Chanyeol returned the smile and shook his head.

‘’No thank you, I’m not hungry.’’ Chanyeol replied, grinning.

‘’How about you go ahead and ask Baekhyun?’’ Suho nodded, crossing his legs at the ankle and eating his cereal.

‘’Sure,’’ Chanyeol shrugged, ‘’I’ll ask him. He might be hungry, he hasn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon,’’ he checked his watch and blinked at it, ‘’do you think there’s enough time?’’ Suho nodded.

‘’Oh, yeah,’’ he said through a mouthful, ‘’just tell him to hurry up, I might eat the rest of it.’’

‘’It’s that good?’’ Chanyeol chuckled as Suho gave a sound of approval and nodded slowly.

‘’Very, now go,’’ Suho said as Chanyeol rolled his eyes and went towards his and Baekhyun’s room.

‘’Hey, Baek, Suho was asking if maybe you wanted some ce…re…al…’’ he trailed off because Baekhyun was very wet, very flushed and very, very half . Chanyeol didn’t want to admit it, but he couldn’t help but look up and down at his friend. Baekhyun shuffled uncomfortably under the stare and proceeded to slowly, teasingly put on his shirt. Chanyeol gulped and regained his senses, shaking his head, ‘’c-cereal, some cereal.’’ He nodded.

‘’U-Uh…n-not really,’’ he turned his head, hiding his inevitable blush and took a breath. Chanyeol, surprisingly, came closer and cleared his throat.

‘’H-He says it’s good. Very good.’’

‘’I don’t want any,’’ Baekhyun gulped, knowing Chanyeol was digging holes in the center of his back, ‘’I-I’m not hungry.’’

‘’Okay…’’ Chanyeol coughed as Baekhyun signaled him to turn around because he was going to put on his briefs. He complied and turned around, hearing the quiet, awkward shuffling of Baekhyun’s feet. When he was done, he gave Chanyeol a poke on the shoulder and the other turned around, meeting his eyes.

‘’Maybe I should have some,’’ he said, and as a response, his tummy gave a slight rumble. Chanyeol relaxed for a second, finally letting the blood streaming from his cheeks go towards his beating heart as he chuckled. He gave a slight nod and watched Baekhyun smile and go off to the kitchen.

‘’Decided to eat some of this?’’ Suho held up a spoonful and offered Baekhyun, poking his lips with the spoon. Baekhyun smiled and opened his mouth, tasting some of it. His expression contorted that off delight and blissfulness and Suho grinned in approval, giving Baekhyun the plate, patting his shoulder, ‘’good huh?’’ Baekhyun nodded and kept eating. Suho ruffled his hair.

‘’Mm, thanks for the offer,’’ Baekhyun muffled. Suho grinned.

‘’No prob, just hurry up, we need to go unless we want to be late.’’

‘’Don’t worry, I’ll finish,’’ Baekhyun nodded, ‘’you guys can go ahead of me. Where are the others?’’

‘’They’re being irresponsible and finishing yesterday’s homework,’’ Suho nodded, rolling his eyes.

‘’Even Kyungsoo?’’ Baekhyun asked in disbelief.

‘’Oh no, he’s scolding them for it,’’ Suho grinned and sighed, ‘’he’s done his homework right, I double checked.’’

‘’Then like I said, keep going, I’ll catch up in a while.’’ Baekhyun smiled as Suho returned it and patted his head.

‘’Okay, I’ll tell the others. Have a nice meal,’’ Baekhyun nodded and smiled, eating his cereal happily. Suho then approached Chanyeol and ruffled his hair, ‘’you’ve got a keeper,’’ he said as Chanyeol tilted his head in confusion. Suho sighed and gave him a significant smile. Chanyeol then blinked a few times and flushes rosy red. This amuses Suho.

‘’H-He’s not—‘’

‘’Not yet,’’ he interrupted with a smirk, ‘’you’ll get there eventually, big guy.’’ Chanyeol bit his lips and nodded, deep in thought, ‘’speaking of which, Baekhyun told me to tell the others and you that he’ll catch up after he eats.’’ Chanyeol nodded.

‘’Yeah…okay.’’ He said. Suho chuckled and shook one of his shoulders.

‘’So come on, let’s fetch the others and go downstairs, we’re a little late.’’ Chanyeol blinked, stood up and nodded, snapping back to reality.

‘’You’re right, let’s go.’’ Suho nodded and dragged him to the living room, where Baekhyun was still eating his cereal and Kyungsoo and Kai were, waiting for the others as Sehun checked his flaw-free hair in the mirror.

‘’Come on, guys,’’ Suho said, ‘’we’re leaving without Baekhyun, he’ll be busy eating.’’ Kai and Sehun snapped their heads towards Suho and nodded as Kyungsoo opened his mouth to speak,

‘’Oh, I might need to stay for a bit, too. I have to properly get dressed; I was helping these two with their homework,’’ Suho nodded in understanding and brought the rest of the boys up.

‘’Sounds good, don’t be too late though,’’ Baekhyun and Kyungsoo nodded and the other three proceeded into walking out of the door, leaving Baekhyun and Kyungsoo alone.

‘’Eat up, you haven’t ate a proper breakfast in weeks, no wonder you’re so moody and tired,’’ Kyungsoo said while tying his laces.

‘’I know,’’ Baekhyun sighed, ‘’I’ve been exhausted these past days, I sleep mostly after we’re done with our classes.’’

‘’I noticed,’’ Kyungsoo agreed and stood up to make his way to the mirror, ‘’sleep is good, too, but don’t exaggerate on your hours. Know your limits; you might wake up in the middle of the night.’’

‘’I have,’’ Baekhyun sighed and took another spoonful of his cereal, ‘’did you know Chanyeol sleeps with one eye half open?’’ Kyungsoo laughed.



The others rapidly made their way down the steps and paid a visit to the bathroom because JongIn had a growing zit on his chin and wouldn’t accept it. It would be time to go to class in like ten minutes, and they hurried towards their locker to prepare their books and finish their homework last minute. Suho sighed as he looked at Sehun with a frown that wouldn’t leave his face. He’d been like this for a while. Just quiet and lonely. Suho must admit that he missed the younger’s smile spreading across his cheeks when he’d heard from Luhan and talked on the phone for hours till it was his bedtime. Unfortunately, the sad part is that Sehun had taken a toll on all of this and decided to break up with Luhan sometime this week if he didn’t straighten up and told him he was wrong. Sehun was pretty closed off with his friends about his relationship with Luhan, but once they’d ask, he just said dead on that it was beginning to get serious and that he needed to break up with him before they completely forget about each other. Suho didn’t want that to happen. He liked and trusted Luhan with Sehun. He felt different around him and somehow special, happy and well rested since Luhan had been strict with him about the amount of hours they could really talk together before falling asleep. All in all, he was upset Sehun wouldn’t feel the way he felt with Luhan. It was upsetting.

However, Suho couldn’t help but to glance at Luhan when they were making their way out of the bathroom and he decided that Luhan wouldn’t stop staring at Sehun. Sehun noticed though. He didn’t pay much attention to it. What surprised him now though was Luhan’s approach to Sehun, his poke to his shoulder and the look in his eyes—determination—faltering and turning into nervousness. Suho sighed as he overheard the conversation, and for a second, he hoped Sehun would change his mind about the break up and hear him out for once after giving him the silent treatment. And then Sehun gave him a time lapse: five minutes to explain himself. Luhan sighed and tried to make the best of those five minutes and tried to make his story believable, and on top of that, make them actually come out because for him it was a chore to even speak. Suddenly, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Sehun reacted and almost touched his cheek. Almost.  That was interrupted by a loud noise coming from the second floor, and Suho immediately froze. He stole a glance at Chanyeol and JongIn, who froze as well. His breath hitched for a second, and then Luhan was gone, Sehun running to them and shaking their shoulders.

‘’What’s going on?’’ He asked.

‘’Trouble,’’ Suho murmured, his palms sweating. He had gotten a text from Kyungsoo and Baekhyun saying that they were out and about five minutes ago and that they had to fish their books from the chem-lab, which was exactly on the second floor, ‘’they’re in trou—‘’

‘’Baekhyun!’’ Chanyeol interrupted as he, again, heard another explosion. Kai rushed after him and yelled at him to wait. Suho and Sehun had no other choice but to follow as well.



Kris groaned. The clock started ticking and now they were half an hour away to be considered late. He tied his tie the best way he could, which resulted in a ball of knots. He sighed in frustration and threw his arms in the air, massaging the bridge of his nose as Luhan and Lay wrestled for the phone and XiuMin and Chen marched inside the room looking angrier and closer than usual. 

"Who did this?" Chen asked and signaled towards his and XiuMin's shoes. Their shoelaces were tied together. Lay snickered from the other side of the room before Chen shot him a nasty glare. 

"It wasn't me," Lay chuckled as Chen sighed. 

"Alright, who was it?" XiuMin crossed his arms and raised a brow. Tao suddenly walked in and laughed at the two's misfortune. Chen glared again as Tao stood in front of them. 

"Wow," Tao said, "nice shoes," He chuckled as Chen growled. 

"You little-- c'mere!" XiuMin squeaked as soon as Chen started running after Tao, dragging him as well. Tao giggled and hid behind Kris, sticking his tongue out. 

"Duizhang, look!" Tao whined and pointed accusingly towards XiuMin and Chen. Chen rolled his eyes, "they're being mean to me because I played a little game--"

"No whining, Tao," Kris said, "you're taking up their time," Tao blinked and nodded, walking away from behind Kris' back and bowing 90° respectfully at XiuMin and Chen. 

"I apologize," he said, slowly, "I won't do it again," Tao swallowed a lump in his throat and sighed, straightening up as XiuMin and Chen looked at him curiously. 

"Um," Chen said, "it's fine," XiuMin nodded, walking away awkwardly from Tao and Kris. They kept arguing on the way to the couch about who will be right foot and who will be left foot. Lay and Luhan laughed at them, earning them a scowl from Kris. XiuMin and Chen snickered at the two while untying their shoes. 

"So you're going to help me right?" Luhan asked Lay, blinking and unsure. 

"Yeah sure," Lay replied, tying his tie perfectly. Kris looked at him curiously from the other side of the room as he did so, "what is it that you need help with?"

"Sehun," Luhan raised a brow, "I thought I told you. I'm finally going to make things right with him," Luhan nodded proudly as Lay shrugged and tied his laces. Luhan's been ready and determined to do this since Monday and all Lay's done is listening to the same thing over and over again. Luhan, however, was surprisingly mature and finally understanding of the current situation between him and his boyfriend.

‘’I know that,’’ Lay said and finished tying his shoes, ‘’but what exactly are you going to do?’’ Luhan shrugged.

‘’Preferably walk up to him and tell him what’s up,’’ Lay nodded, ‘’the least he could do is turn me down.’’

‘’Yeah, so respect him, it’s not always going to get fixed on the first try,’’ Lay said and nodded in agreement with himself, ‘’give him space if he needs it.’’

‘’I know, but I’m hoping today is the day we get to make up, it’s been awhile and—‘’

‘’You miss him?’’ Lay giggled as Luhan raised a brow at him and smacked his shoulder for interrupting his sentence.

‘’Of course I do,’’ Luhan rolled his eyes and sighed, ‘’been trying to get his attention since last week. I feel horrible for looking so desperate and clingy,’’ he explained as Lay nodded and patted his back. He felt bad knowing he made Luhan feel like this.

‘’Sorry, man,’’ Lay said as Luhan nodded, ‘’it was my mistake.’’

‘’Nah, it’s fine, it was my fault,’’ Luhan chuckled, ‘’I shouldn’t have been so nosy.’’

‘’Well, you are pretty nosy,’’ Lay joked as Luhan smacked his shoulder again, ‘’I’m kidding!’’ He chuckled and rubbed his shoulder and his arm as Luhan stuck his tongue out, unaware of the stare Kris was giving them. He cleared his throat to indicate his presence. The two looked at him confusedly.

‘’Um,’’ Kris said, ‘’I need to borrow Yixing for a minute,’’ Lay blinked and looked at Luhan, who was looking at Kris and tilting his head.

‘’What? Why? I was talking to him,’’ Luhan said. Kris shrugged.

‘’I require his services,’’ Kris said with an ashamed sigh, holding up his mess of a tie.

‘’You called?’’ Tao suddenly popped up from behind, startling them, ‘’what do you need, Duizhang?’’ he smiled cheekily. Kris sighed.

‘’No, Tao,’’ he rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Tao’s smile faltered, ‘’I got it covered, Lay’s helping me.’’

‘’But…I always tie your tie,’’ he pouted.

‘’Go and take care of Chen and XiuMin’s ties, they probably need it,’’ Tao blinked and opened his mouth, only to close it again.

‘’Gege…’’ Tao whined quietly. Kris groaned.

‘’Tao, no whining,’’ Kris said, halting him from speaking by putting a hand to his face. Tao pouted behind the palm and sighed, nodding.

‘’Fine,’’ he said and made his way towards the couch where XiuMin and Chen were sitting at, frowning.

 Lay blinked and shrugged, standing up and walking over to Kris, tying his tie properly, ‘’thank you,’’ Kris said and loosened it a little bit as Lay stood back and admired his work, nodding in approval.

‘’Looking good,’’ Luhan complimented with a nod. Kris popped his collar cockily as Lay rolled his eyes.

‘’Thank you,’’ Kris said and looked over to see Tao pouting at him. He stopped looking the minute their eyes met, ‘’alright, boys, you ready?’’

‘’You hear that, Lu?’’ Lay chuckled and nudged Luhan on the ribs, ‘’are you ready?’’ Luhan took a breath and nodded.

‘’I’m ready,’’ Luhan nodded, determined, and stood up, ‘’let’s go,’’

‘’Way to go, Lu!’’ Kris said sarcastically, giving him a pat on the back. Luhan grimaced and walked out of the door, Lay’s hands gripping his shoulders in support.

Luhan sighed as he walked down the steps, the other Legendary men trailing behind him as they approached the lockers. Immediately, everyone in the halls looked at them, whispering to each other. Luhan though, felt as if all eyes were on him, judging him. He gulped and took another breath, looking away from the mass of people and narrowing his eyes towards the end of the hall, his eyes tracing the features of Sehun from afar. He gulped, biting his lips. He looked exceptionally…good today. His hair tousled, lips slightly parted, eyes cloudy and sleepy and Luhan found himself staring at least a little.

‘’Lu!’’ Kris exclaimed as Luhan came back from his little bubble and pushed an open door out of the way with his mind. He blinked twice and looked back at Sehun who cracked a small smile. He felt his cheeks redden at the embarrassment but quickly brushed it off knowing that Sehun had acknowledged him. He smiled a bit himself and kept following Lay, who had taken the chance of going ahead of him just in case an accident happens. Luhan hasn’t really been paying attention to his surroundings these days.

‘’Hey,’’ Lay said once they reached the lockers, leaning against Luhan’s as he took his books slowly, ‘’you going to do this?’’

‘’O-Of course,’’ Luhan looked at Lay and bit his lips, shrugging. He’d never admit it, but he’s never been this nervous before, ‘’I’m just…scared,’’

‘’Of what?’’ Lay shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

‘’What if he wants to break up?’’ Luhan looked at his shuffling feet and blinked at the possibility. It wasn’t an impossible assumption.

‘’That won’t happen,’’ Lay assured, giving his arm a slight push, ‘’go for it, he’s waiting.’’

‘’Oh, god is he?’’ Luhan’s eyes went wide as he looked away from Sehun from where he’d been staring—which was exactly at least 10 feet away—and hid behind the door of his locker. Lay rolled his eyes.

‘’He isn’t, so go and surprise him. I’ve never seen you act like such a coward,’’ Luhan grumbled under his breath and nodded, coming out from behind his hiding spot and nodding.

‘’Okay…wish me luck,’’ he gave a few baby steps forward and sighed.

‘’Good luck.’’ Lay said and watched as Luhan marched on over to Sehun. Lay thought he might have had some sort of change because he was already there and tapping his shoulder. Sehun turned around and looked down at his boyfriend with furrowed brows.

‘’Um.’’ Sehun said.

‘’Sehun,’’ Luhan said and cleared his throat, ‘’I need to speak with you.’’

‘’Okay, I’m all ears,’’ Sehun said, raising a brow and taking a glance at his watch, ‘’you got five minutes,’’ Luhan nodded.

‘’I just wanted to apologize for being such a jackass, I know what I did was wrong and I should’ve listened to you by all means but I-I was drugged!’’ Luhan said as Sehun tilted his head and grimaced, ‘’I-I just miss you a lot so please f-forgive me, Sehun…’’ he unnecessarily bowed as Sehun’s gaze softened a bit and was about to reach out for Luhan, when suddenly, he heard some sort of explosion coming from the second floor. Everyone gasped and turned their heads towards the sound. Some rushed up the stairs while others stayed completely still. Luhan straightened up his posture and looked at his friends in concern. Lay, with a look, told him to saunter over, but Luhan didn’t want to. He was about to make up with Sehun and he just had to be interrupted by some sort of error up in the lab. He sighed as Lay kept calling over and finally gave in as Kris in and called him over instead. He looked at Sehun and saw him looking at his friends as well. The others were freaking out for some reason and Chanyeol hyperventilated. Luhan was confused. He shook his head and stood up in his tiptoes, giving Sehun a slight kiss on the cheek and murmuring against the soft skin a small, ‘’I’m sorry,’’ before running off to his friends.

‘’What?’’ Luhan said as he groaned and walked over to them, ‘’I was just about to—‘’

‘’The school is in danger, you imbecile!’’ Kris said, pushing Lay out of the way, revealing Tao pushed up against the lockers, a blank expression on his face as he panted a bit, ‘’Tao just had a vision,’’ Kris continued, grabbing his forearm, ‘’we need you.’’ Luhan gulped as he was dragged down the hall before he heard a crash. He gulped as the sounds increased. He hoped nobody was in trouble.

‘’So what exactly is going on?’’ Luhan asked and let himself be dragged, ‘’what was the vision?’’

‘’I don’t know,’’ Kris said, ‘’he just said the school was in trouble, we need to ask Ta—Tao?’’ he blinked. Tao was suddenly nowhere to be found. Kris looked around curiously before sighing and letting him wander around by himself. He figured he was going to explore as well.


‘’Y-Yah!’’ Kai called Chanyeol and pulled his arm so he would straighten up. They’d been running for a while and Sehun and Suho were a little behind. He was worried, too. He hasn’t heard from Kyungsoo in some time since this morning and so he was the first to sense the fact that something was wrong. After a few other explosions, they’d managed to get to the second floor and it was exhausting. After so many stairs, the long, narrow hallways were the worst. They’d heard explosions coming around every direction, so they split up. Sehun went with Chanyeol and Kai went with Suho to find Kyungsoo. If they split up, they could cover the area more and would have a better chance at finding them. However, the sounds were wildly increasing and the curiosity was killing them. It leads them to a bunch of people reunited around two individuals. For a second there, Suho’s breath caught in his throat, but it really was Douglas and another successful upperclassman.

‘’W-We should keep going,’’ Chanyeol tugged on the three and panted. Kai shook his head as well as the other two.

‘’No,’’ Suho said and knelt beside Douglas, inspecting his bruises. He was badly hurt and in need of a doctor. He texted Lay right away, ‘’what happened to you?’’

‘’I…’’ Douglas gave a small cry and shook his head, ‘’…don’t know…’’ he mumbled. Suho sighed and stood up from his position, nodding at the others.

‘’I think…’’ he said, glancing towards the other beaten up guy, ‘’this was definitely not natural.’’ Kai agreed, and Sehun stayed completely silent, watching the details around the guy’s face. He could tell that the guy next to Douglas was going to die if he didn’t get attended before sundown. Chanyeol just rushed them more. Kai swore he felt his skin sizzle once the other had tugged on his hand.

‘’What could possibly be going on?’’ Kai asked, tapping his chin.

‘’Something bad, now come on before it’s Baek or Kyungsoo that face the consequences!’’ Chanyeol pressured and clawed at his hair desperately, ‘’none of them are answering the phone!’’

‘’Okay!’’ Suho said, ‘’we’ll go. I texted Lay already, it seems he’s missing a few of his friends, too.’’ He sighed, ‘’t-they’ll be fine…’’ it sounded more like a question than a statement when he’d said it.

‘’Let’s split,’’ Sehun suggested, ‘’I’ll go with Chanyeol-hyung, Kai can go with Suho-hyung,’’ they all nodded in approval and in less than a second, Chanyeol had run off, Sehun running after him, ‘’wait up!’’ he said before catching up.


"Hey, be careful!" Chanyeol exclaimed at Sehun who almost slipped. The water fountain was broken and shooting water everywhere, the halls hot and humid because of the hot weather and it was uncomfortable. They've been looking for Baekhyun for a while now. Chanyeol was beginning to get stressed. He hasn't seen Baekhyun since they met at the lockers, and suddenly, he vanishes.


Sehun yelped in surprise as he fell and landed on a large puddle of water, his jeans getting wet from behind. Chanyeol laughed and pulled him up as Sehun dusted himself off and looked at his jeans. He frowned, "Nice," he said, "agh, you can go ahead, I'll catch up later," Chanyeol chuckled and agreed silently with a nod.

"I'll call you," Sehun nodded and sighed.

"Yeah, call if you need anything, I'll be hiding in the bathroom," Chanyeol laughed and nodded, "good luck,"

"Thanks, I'll need it," Chanyeol said, "make sure your phone's okay," Sehun nodded and picked up his phone from the ground and inspected it thoroughly. He shrugged.

"It's alright," Sehun motions Chanyeol away and ruffles his hair, "you should get going," Chanyeol nodded and started walking away as Sehun fidgeted with his phone. He quickly sprinted across the halls and made a swift turn to the right and stopped when he heard a thud and a shriek. Looks like Kai was right when he said his big ears were good for long distance hearing. He gasped as he heard a quiet plea or little mewls. He instantly recognized that voice. Chanyeol jolted and ran towards that direction, blood boiling as he did so and pushed a variety of people. He turned to the left and stopped at the stairs directed to the first floor, the sounds increasing. Now he heard a crash and he was sure he heard a cry of pain. His hand made contact with the metal railing and he gulped, the fire inside him unknowingly melting the railing. He pulled his hand away harshly and dashed to where his ears led him.

The echo confused him at one point. He couldn't hear that voice anymore and he asked himself if it was him that was imagining it. He could hear something though: The sounds of clangs and crashes. He stopped in his tracks again and closed his eyes, concentrating on the sounds surrounding him. He felt his world stop and the sounds increase suddenly. He took a deep breath and exhaled it after a while, breath hot and shaky. His brows twitched when he heard not one voice, but two. He blinked his eyes open and debunked the sounds closer than they seem. He quickly rushed to the library and gasped at what he saw. He sees Baekhyun thrown on the floor, hugging his knees and another guy fighting with the something shadow-like. Chanyeol gaped at the scene and rushed over to Baekhyun without a second thought.


"I don't want to hear it, just hide!" Chanyeol instructed as Baekhyun weakly stood up and limped his way to the classroom next to him, Chanyeol helping him sit down on the floor.

"Chanyeol, I want to fight," Baekhyun said as Chanyeol tried to walk away. He turned and faced Baekhyun in astonishment, blinking while at it.

"W-...are you crazy?" he said as Baekhyun shook his head before a clank was heard. Chanyeol looked outside for a second and saw the guy roundhouse kick the shadow-like creature, black orbs meeting Chanyeol's dark brown ones. He blinked once and let his eyes roam around the other man's frame. He furrowed his brows and watched him fight against the threat with a wooden stick as the other fought with a metal pole. He froze. A Legendary.

"Chanyeol, please, none of you guys ever let me," Baekhyun pleaded, voice soft and anxious.

"Because..." Chanyeol blinked again and sighed, biting his lips, "you're hurt, just stay here for a while, ’’I'll take care of this,"

"B-But Tao's already out there!" Baekhyun exclaimed and suddenly, the glass window blew, sending particles of glass everywhere. Baekhyun lowered his head and covered himself while Chanyeol left the room. When Baekhyun lifted his head, Chanyeol was already gone.

Chanyeol groaned and threw the shadow a fire ball, watching its reaction. It growled, but Chanyeol wasn't scared. He was determined to destroy the thing that hurt his best friend. He didn't care if there was someone already on it.

"Hey!" the Legendary known as Tao exclaimed, "I was on that!" he said in Mandarin.

"It's my turn now," Chanyeol replied in Mandarin as well. Tao sighed in frustration and rolled behind the enemy, smacking it with the stick to attract his attention. Chanyeol then shot another ball of fire to distract the confused ghost.

"I came here first!" Tao said and crawled over to Chanyeol to push him away, Chanyeol pushing back.

"Baekhyun is my friend!" He said with another shove to Tao. Tao growled and brought them both to the ground when the shadow suddenly decided to throw a trashcan at them.

"You should've come here sooner!" Tao spat, grabbing Chanyeol by the forearm and tugged him up, "this is my business now," Chanyeol looked at Tao and back at the spirit, pushing Tao away.

"It was my business first!" Chanyeol growled at Tao

"Well, now it's mine," Tao smirked and pried from Chanyeol's hold, grabbing his stick and launching it towards the back of the spirit. It turned around the next second and his gaze went right through Tao. His stare turned cold and he blinked twice. Chanyeol stared at him curiously before he uttered out a name, "Yu Ha Min..." Chanyeol tilted his head curiously before the shadow then forgot about the two and marched down over to the classroom where Baekhyun was. Chanyeol and Tao stopped gaping for a second, thinking of the most important priority right now--which was Baekhyun and his safety--and headed after YuHa.

"Don't touch him!" Tao said and swung his stick around, glaring at YuHa. Chanyeol groaned and followed after YuHa inside the classroom, looking at Baekhyun, practically challenge him with his eyes. This wasn't right.

"Baek, don't--" he warned too late and as YuHa slung things at him, Baekhyun used a shield to cover himself, jumping in different directions with lit hands to distract YuHa and blind him while at it. Chanyeol knew he shone, but never this bright. He knew he could be capable of such things but never really knew it or believed it until he saw it. It was true, and Chanyeol had to cover his eyes with his forearm as Tao yet again attacked YuHa when he was approaching Baekhyun. Chanyeol was starting to think it was on purpose.

"Baekhyun?" Tao asked, covering his eyes. The room was too bright to see anything in front of your face. Baekhyun shrieked and tried to reach the voice of source and elbowed YuHa, moving him out of the way. YuHa was too fast though. He managed to grab his wrist and tug him back, grabbing him by the neck as Baekhyun kicked and choked out a few words. Neither Tao nor Chanyeol could understand the words, but the situation was clear. The light was getting dimmer and dimmer. Baekhyun needed help. Chanyeol was the first to act, opening his eyes in time to see Baekhyun looking at him, silently pleading for help. The blood inside him continued to bubble painfully and he got visibly redder, rage going through his body faster than he could imagine. And then Baekhyun went a little blue. He charged and punched YuHa so hard that Baekhyun was free and coughing on the ground. Tao then opened his eyes, the first thing he sees being Baekhyun, and he makes his way over to the smaller one, Baekhyun gasping when their eyes met. Tao's look was soft, and he grabbed Baekhyun by the arm and tugged him to the far corner of the room to help him regain his breath as Chanyeol kept punching and attacking YuHa, never letting the spirit fight back.

"Chan--" Baekhyun tried, albeit his voice was raspy. Tao shushed him but Baekhyun wouldn't stop trying to make Chanyeol stop fighting, "Yeol-ah..." he tried again and Tao patted his back. Chanyeol didn't hear; he kept throwing fiery punches at YuHa to his heart's content, but once he heard the smaller whisper, he stopped. He blinked and shoved YuHa out of the way, pushing him into the ground before it disappeared. Chanyeol then turned around, only to see Tao coming closer to Baekhyun. His face took a sudden turn. Baekhyun could tell he didn't like Tao near him.

"Yah!" He screamed, "Get away from him!" Tao suddenly looked up and met Chanyeol's piercing glare, doing as he wishes and inching a bit farther away.

"Ch-Chan--" Baekhyun tried, his voice still low and a little high-pitched, "stop," he said, firmly. Chanyeol ignored it.

"What are you trying to do? I swear, you touch him, you're regretting it instantly," He came closer to Tao, slowly as the other rose to his feet, glaring back.

"What if he wants me around?" Tao raised a brow and smirked.

"Oh, please," He spoke back. Baekhyun couldn't understand anything that came out of their mouths. Chanyeol was smart and a fast learner, no wonder his Mandarin was almost perfect, "don't flatter yourself," Tao's brow twitched and soon, they were less than inches away from each other's faces, Baekhyun anxiously looking up at them, both ignoring the way Baekhyun pleaded and tugged on the bottom of their jeans.

"You don't know me," Tao said. Chanyeol scoffed.

"You don't know our Baekhyun," Chanyeol retorted, giving Tao a slight shove when he came too close for comfort and looked down at Baekhyun, who looked up at him curiously. Chanyeol grimaced, "up here," Tao looked up at him again.

"You don't know us," Chanyeol's fists tightened.

"But I know you're a Legendary," Chanyeol started, looking up and down at Tao, "I know what you're capable of doing to him, so don't you dare lay a finger on--"

"I wouldn't hurt him," Tao interrupted, "I've seen him around. He's always behind you. You never let him breathe his own air, and he may have said a thing or two about you--"

"What did he say?" Chanyeol's eyebrows furrowed again, becoming suddenly interested in the conversation. Tao smirked.

"You're not hearing it from me," he said, "although I know he's been acting up around you, changing his attitudes, hiding, avoiding you. I know exactly why," Chanyeol took in a breath. It was all true.

"Leave him alone, I'm not saying it again," Chanyeol said, sternly, changing the subject. Tao chuckled.

"Fine, have it your way," Tao's grin faltered, "I'll leave him alone, but you'll see who'll end up winning him over," Chanyeol growled lowly. He's never been so angry.

"I will," he said, "I'm his best friend,"

"We'll see about that," Tao said, cocky grin spreading, "don't bet on it," he continued lowly. Chanyeol frowned, shaking with so much anger. If it wasn't for Baekhyun, he would've been on the other side of the room. 

"Go," he said, voice dropping another octave, "I'll take care of him. Go home."

"Yeah, fine," Tao said with a scoff, glancing down at Baekhyun and smiling a bit. Baekhyun just looked down. Chanyeol would say he was blushing but he didn't want to believe that, "you take care of yourself, Baekhyun," he said in fluent Korean. Baekhyun nodded slowly.

"Now go," Chanyeol said in Korean, taking Baekhyun aback.

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun said softly, forcing out his name.

Chanyeol sighed as Tao walked away without another word, sneaking his stick on the side of his belt, "let's go," Chanyeol held out a hand for Baekhyun to take and Baekhyun stood up on his own and dusted himself off.

"I can get up myself," Baekhyun mumbled, "You didn't have to be so mean..." Chanyeol's jaw dropped.

"Excuse me, I was trying to help you," Chanyeol said.

"Yeah, well, so was he," Baekhyun sighed, "You know, not everyone is out to get me," Chanyeol stayed silent and scoffed, running a hand through his hair.

‘’Well, I’m sorry I didn’t let you get killed by that thing, Baek, but I had to do something!’’ He exclaimed, Baekhyun’s eyes looking at him up and down as he crossed his arms and looked away.

‘’Well you could at least let Tao do the work, I didn’t want you to get hurt either!’’  Baekhyun retorted, throwing his hands up in the air for emphasis.

‘’I don’t care about that! It’s not as if I wasn’t strong enough, Baek, don’t you trust me?’’

‘’I do! But am I not strong enough, too? It’s okay if you help me but don’t…don’t disallow other people to do that, too!’’ Chanyeol sighed and shook his head, looking at the ground.

‘’You know, I told you that if you were tired of me you could just tell me…so I guess that’s that,’’ Baekhyun sighed and made a move to grab Chanyeol’s wrist after he had decided to walk, but Chanyeol brushed it off, making Baekhyun stumble back, ‘’stop, don’t touch me…you could get hurt.’’ Baekhyun then blinked and realized where he was coming from. He swore he saw his skin blister. Baekhyun had never seen him so disappointed and let down. But he couldn’t deny that he was still angry, he just didn’t know why.





Kai’s POV.

After the others and I split, it was Suho and I looking for Kyungsoo. I was beyond worried; I didn’t know where he could be or where he could be hiding in this enormous building. And this was just the second floor. I sighed and groaned desperately as Suho panted and clung onto my arm.

‘’Hey,’’ he said, getting some air into his lungs, ‘’hey, let’s rest, we’ve been running for a long time.’’

‘’I’m not stopping,’’ I said, disentangling my arms from his hands and walking around the place, looking in every classroom and every corner. Nothing still, ‘’come on, neither are you.’’

‘’Yah, they found Baekhyun,’’ I turned around and looked at him, surprised, ‘’he’s okay. No sign of Kyungsoo.’’ I groaned again and ruffled my hair out of stress.

‘’, where could he be? That idiot!’’ I punched a locker for emphasis, ‘’can’t he just—‘’ I was cut off by a loud scream that pierced my ear drums. However, it was not Kyungsoo. I sighed as two boys ran towards our direction.

‘’Please, help!’’ The guy said in Korean. I furrowed my brows and looked closely at him. He was one of The Legendary 6, ‘’I-It’s after us!’’

‘’What’s after you?’’ Suho asked, desperate for answers. The Legendary just stammered.

‘’A-A ghost! A-A…’’ He gulped and shook his head, ‘’I-I don’t know! I-It’s got my friend, just please help me!’’ He practically sobbed. I looked at Suho and sighed angrily at the other’s expression.

‘’Where is it?’’ I asked, glaring. The Legendary pointed forward and lead us towards a narrow hallway with no exit, and just like he said, the friend of his was being attacked by—

‘’Y-YuHa?!’’ I exclaimed in disbelief as Suho’s eyes widened in shock, ‘’g-go!’’ I told Suho, who nodded rapidly and made his way towards YuHa, absorbing the water from the water fountain and spraying him with it. Immediately, he turned around and smirked. Suho gulped and looked at me, and I quickly dashed behind him in the blink of an eye and kicked him, hard enough to send him flying across the floor.

‘’,’’ I muttered once he was on the ground and standing back up. I signaled for Suho to spray more water at him and he complied. The other two guys stood still as Suho attacked YuHa with his repetitive action to distract him, and out of the blue, one of them used Suho’s water to freeze YuHa completely.

‘’C-Come on, it’ll wear off in twenty seconds!’’ He said and grabbed onto us, dragging us along to a lone classroom, hiding under the tables in the near corner of the room. I hugged my knees and panted, wiping sweat from my forehead. Suddenly, I heard a whimper. I widened my eyes and gulped, turning my head to the right. Surprised and not caring, I made my way towards the other corner and enveloped Kyungsoo into my arms. He was trembling, whimpering and staying completely frozen.

‘’Oh, my god, Suho!’’ I exclaimed as he turned his head and approached us, hugging us both. I panted harder and covered Kyungsoo from all the glass that had crashed as YuHa entered the room again.

‘’We’ll be fine,’’ Suho assured and hugged us tighter.

‘’Why didn’t you do anything? You’re so much better than this,’’ I told Kyungsoo as he trembled and shook his head.

‘’ I-I did…but he-he said y-you were d-dead…’’ I widened my eyes as he nodded and shook visibly. Suho blanketed his arms over Kyungsoo and rocked him slowly as I tried to find a reason as to why YuHa would say that. It just angered me that he said all this to weaken him and kill him faster. I was so angry now.

‘’ChenChen!’’ The Legendary yelled after his friend and tried to tug him from the hands of YuHa. He was pulling on his legs hard enough to break them, but the two wouldn’t give up the fight, ‘’P-Please…’’ he mumbled and drew tears from his eyes as he pleaded for help. Suho was the first to volunteer as he told us both that everything would be fine.

‘’What’s his name?’’ Suho asked while trying to force the other man back inside the classroom.

‘’J-Jongdae! His name is Jongdae…’’ The other guy sobbed as he tried harder to make the pulls not so painful, ‘’I’m sorry,’’ he repeated.

‘’Listen, Jongdae,’’ He started, ‘’whatever your ability is, do it!’’ Jongdae nodded through a whimper and shut his eyes. I swear I could hear something crack from here, and that’s when Kyungsoo choked and hid his face in my chest. Hearing YuHa practically tear this man apart was too much for Kyungsoo, I could tell. Then I heard crackling and looked at them, and sparks were running through his body, down his leg until they met with YuHa’s hands and electrocuted him, sending him across the hall and into the wall. He gasped and caught his breath as Suho and the other two went back inside the room.

‘’Thank you so much,’’ Jongdae spoke through sobs, ‘’you two…’’ he then whimpered as he made contact with his thigh.

‘’Oh god,’’ Suho said, ‘’umm…’’ he looked at the other man curiously.

‘’I-I’m Minseok, you can call me XiuMin and you can call him Chen,’’ he nodded and picked Chen up, ‘’I’ll call my friend L—‘’

‘’Lay, I know,’’ Suho nodded, ‘’I’ll call him for you, you just care for him and I—‘’ The door burst open and Suho pushed us all aside, startling us, ‘’you guys go! I got this,’’ I blinked and shook my head and left Kyungsoo’s side for a second.

‘’I’m not letting you do this alone!’’ I said as YuHa marched inside and threw a ball of electricity at us. I groaned at the sharp needle-pain and grabbed onto Suho before he could collapse, ‘’t-this involves me, t-too…’’

‘’G-Go!’’ Suho panted and fought through it, turning his fingers into fists and flinging water at YuHa before his attack took its toll on him, ‘’t-take care of Kyungsoo,’’ I shook my head as I was suddenly dragged towards the others by XiuMin.

‘’You heard him!’’ He said and took us out of the room, despite my calls and whines. Kyungsoo just shut me up by wrapping his arms around me, sobbing deeply into my shirt.

‘’I-It’s okay…’’ I said, his hair gently as I looked into the room. I managed to find out YuHa’s strategy quickly. He absorbed other’s people’s powers and used them his way, and Suho was fighting back and eventually crashing him into the blackboard of the room, dashing towards us.

‘’Go.’’ He said, and I was even more confused. He had his lip cut slightly, I noted. He patted Kyungsoo’s back, ‘’I’ll be fine, just get yourselves to the infirmary, don’t—‘’ we were immediately interrupted by a blast of shockwaves dancing all over Suho’s body as he grunted and grit his teeth, falling on his knees. I gasped and tried to kneel down, but he had pushed me away and repeated the first sentence twice or thrice, ‘’Now!’’ He exclaimed and stood up, looking at me darkly. I complied easily and ran out of the halls, dragging the other three with me into the other halls, explosion after explosion. They were getting close and it was inevident that YuHa had gotten tired of Suho and rushed after us. XiuMin managed to get Chen on his back and run with Kyungsoo and I towards a door that was unfortunately locked.

‘’Come on, come on!’’ XiuMin tried and pleaded for the door to open but it wouldn’t budge. I groaned and kicked it before it barged open and we were all sent inside by a push, and then suddenly, it was dark and the door slammed behind us.

‘’Ow,’’ Chen whimpered, ‘’where are we?’’

‘’Supply closet,’’ I looked around and nodded, my heartbeat decreasing as I heard footsteps fade. At least we were all alright and we could get out of here, so I shut my eyes and thought of the dorm so I could take them all there, but nothing happened, ‘’what the…?’’ I tried again, and nothing.

‘’W-What’s wrong?’’ Kyungsoo asked softly. I stood up quickly and tried to rattle the door open. I kicked it several times and punched it, but nothing. It was locked and we had no way out.



Nobody’s POV.

After the unpleasant encounter with YuHa, Suho came out of the classroom with more than just a bruised cheek. He felt his back was sore, too. He groaned and limped his way downstairs, where Chanyeol and Sehun had been waiting.

‘’Where’s Baek—‘’

‘’Dorm,’’ Chanyeol said and looked down. Suho sighed and patted the other’s back.

‘’It’s okay, Yeol,’’ Suho assured, ‘’he’ll be okay,’’ Chanyeol nodded slowly and played with his fingers. Suho sighed at his friend’s condition.

‘’Where are the others?’’ Sehun asked, looking around.

‘’Probably hiding, I’ll call them,’’ Suho nodded and fished his phone out of his pocket before having his hand put down by Sehun, ‘’w-what?’’

‘’You’re hurt,’’ Sehun affirmed, ‘’we’ll call them later, let’s just go,’’ Suho nodded and was taken to the infirmary to get himself checked and treated back to health. Chanyeol agreed to take care of him. In the meanwhile, Sehun walked around the place, not really wanting any trouble until he heard a screech, coming from none other than his boyfriend.

‘’More force, Luhan!’’ Kris ordered as Luhan nodded and panted, throwing big metal orbs at YuHa that disappeared at contact within seconds of exploding. Sehun watched everything and it was only them both, so the attacker—being much bigger and stronger—had no problem in returning the attack. Luhan immediately groaned as he was sent to the floor because of his own metal orbs. Kris yelled at his opponent in Mandarin, challenging him as Kris floated up to the roof to get more depth into his close-encounter attacks. He had punched his pale face and strangled his neck, lifting him up as the other kicked his feet. Kris put more force into his neck, but the enemy had managed to push him off with impressive strength, slamming him against the locker and returning the attack, strangling him instead.

‘’Let him go!’’ Luhan exclaimed, flinging an empty metal trashcan at him. Luhan was almost magnetic by how quick the objects around him launched towards him and finally towards his attacker, making him aware of the situation at hand. Suddenly, he turned and looked at Sehun and Sehun froze as Luhan looked at the direction he was looking at and gasped, growling at throwing multiple things at once, ‘’don’t!’’ Sehun inched a few feet back as the dark-eyed entity came closer until Sehun was successfully under his glare. Luhan kept screaming and throwing things at him before Kris coughed and caught enough air to push him back to place, where he was before, away from Sehun. Luhan sighed in relief and began teaming up with Kris to take this thing down, whatever it was.

‘’Luhan, the door!’’ Luhan nodded and tore the door from its hinges, taking the thing by surprise as it lurched towards him, knocking him down. Kris climbed atop it and strangled him again, making the enemy kick his feet and choke. His palm came up and shot Sehun a pang of electricity, making him shoot up against the wall and something scratch at his forearm. He hissed and let his hand travel towards his injury, the blood on his fingers startling him and making him groan at the contact of the opening. Luhan immediately reacted as Kris put more pressure on the neck until eventually, eyes fluttered shut and a body was poofed out of view, leaving behind a trail of dust floating around.

‘’Sehun! Oh my god, are you—‘’

‘’Don’t touch me!’’ Sehun groaned, holding his arm tighter as he winced. Luhan squatted in front of him and tried to cup his cheek with his hand, getting brushed off immediately by Sehun. Luhan gasped and saw Sehun shake as his arm kept bleeding, ‘’l-leave me alone,’’ Sehun uttered and lowered his head, holding his knees tight to his chest. Luhan’s heart dropped from his chest.

‘’S-Se...’’ he couldn’t finish his sentence. He knew Sehun wouldn’t listen no matter how much he offered to help, ‘’please let me help you,’’ he pleaded as Sehun opened his eyes after shutting them for some time and looked at him, his face contorted in hurt and worry and Sehun felt guilty. He reached up with his other shaking hand and panted, making contact with Luhan’s cheek. As if on instinct, Luhan held his hand and leaned closer just to see if there was any emotion in his eyes.

‘’I’m sorry,’’ Sehun said, ‘’for everything…’’ Luhan sighed and a small smile made its way to his lips.

‘’It’s okay…’’ he said, biting his lips, ‘’I’m the one who should apologize,’’ Sehun hissed as Luhan fetched a tissue from his pocket and made it absorb the blood from his injury.

‘’No, it wasn’t your fault, I totally get it, don’t worr-Ouch, Lu,’’ Sehun hissed as Luhan grabbed his arm and ran his finger through the long opening. Luhan almost flinched in sympathy, ‘’Mm…I’m sorry for blaming you and acting like an ,’’ Luhan chuckled.

‘’It’s okay, it doesn’t matter anymore,’’ Luhan smiled and Sehun luckily returned it.

‘’Is he okay?’’ Kris suddenly asked from behind, cracking his knuckles.

‘’Ugh, just a bad cut on his arm,’’ Luhan started and sighed, ‘’he’s gone now, right?’’

‘’He is,’’ Kris replied, squatting next to Luhan, ‘’so take him to Yixing, where’s he at?’’

‘’I don’t know, we haven’t talked since we separated,’’ Luhan blinked and looked at Kris, then at Sehun, ‘’have you seen him?’’

‘’Mm,’’ Sehun nodded.



Lay’s POV.

I shut off my phone completely. I didn’t want to talk or discuss to anyone. This was my entire fault. Once I saw that face, I knew everything was going to go downhill. Now I’m left locked up inside the dorm and hiding away from everyone. I didn’t know if they were dead or alive, but I can’t will my legs to stand up and to find out for themselves. God, I felt like . It was as if this was a message telling me to back away and let fate take its course. Now I was worried about all of them. Why did I flee? Knowing I was being selfish was something that wouldn’t leave my mind. It was hard to come to the conclusion as to why I gave that bottle to YuHa in the first place. Where was Sebastian when we needed him? It angered me because deep down, I knew to trust Sebastian more than YuHa, despite his calm self. I could read his eyes once we met in the halls. The smirk he gave me was evil and I couldn’t erase it from my mind. I felt guilty enough, so I think it was time I owned up to the fact that everybody knew what I had done and that they hated me. I sighed and picked up my phone, turning it on while hugging my knees and looking at the screen in surprise. Eight text messages and six missing calls, all coming from Suho, Luhan or Kris. I took a breath and decided to make a call to Suho. Luckily, he picked up.


‘’Lay! Where the hell are you? We need you here as soon as possible!’’ However, his tone wasn’t angry; it was more of concern and worry.

‘’I-In my dorm,’’ I said, shuffling back into the back of the closet, ‘’w-what happened?’’ Suho sighed.

‘’You don’t know what—‘’

‘’N-No, I know, but what happened to you and the others and everyone else—‘’

‘’It’s YuHa, we’re fine, but I’m in the infirmary,’’ I sighed, relieved, but there was still some guilt in me.

‘’How about my guys?’’

‘’I don’t know about them but Chanyeol says they’re fighting with YuHa right now,’’ Suho said, sighing, ‘’can you just come here?’’ I nodded and hung up before telling him I’d be there and made my way downstairs, looking around and hearing all sorts of things. It was really a disaster down here.

Once I reached the infirmary, Sehun and Chanyeol were there and Suho was in the bed, a bruise in his right eye and an ice pack in his head. I felt guilt bubble up right away as Sehun patted my back.

‘’I’ll be going now, I need to be on the lookout for Kai and Kyungsoo,’’ Sehun said before walking out the door, and I gave a curious look at Chanyeol, who shrugged and bit his lips.

‘’They’ve been gone for quite some time, I’ve tried their phone,’’ Suho said, looking at me, his right eye twitching. I bit my lips and sat next to Chanyeol.

‘’And Baekhyun?’’

‘’The dorm,’’ Chanyeol said, his head down. I patted his shoulders and figured this was yet another one of those fights Suho had been telling me they had over stupid things. I felt bad for the poor guy. He seemed to like Baekhyun a lot.

‘’He’s fine,’’ Suho assured, ‘’he texted that he’ll be treating his ankle by himself. He thinks he may have twisted it accidentally.’’ I saw Chanyeol shake his head at this, as if Baekhyun hadn’t told him. You could see the hurt in his eyes from a mile away.

‘’So everyone came out hurt because of me….’’ I mumbled and Suho sat up with a scoff while Chanyeol looked at me with widened eyes.


‘’That’s not true,’’ Suho interrupted Chanyeol, ‘’we’re fine, so it doesn’t even matter, it’s our entire fault.’’

‘’But I gave—‘’

‘’Shh!’’ Suho shushed as I completely forgot Chanyeol and his wide, confused eyes staring at us.

‘’What’s going on, hyung?’’ He asked, looking at both of us.

‘’Nothing, Yeol,’’ Suho said, ‘’I’m sorry but this doesn’t involve you.’’ Chanyeol sighed and nodded, putting on his headphones and reaching into his pocket to find his phone and put on some music by pressing the ‘shuffle’ button. Once I noticed we were in private, I spoke.

‘’I gave that bottle to YuHa and now look what happened.’’

‘’Don’t argue with me,’’ he said, sternly for a softy, ‘’I’m not mad at you nor Kai nor at myself, everyone’s fine and we don’t need to blame anyone for this,’’ I sighed and decided that maybe it wasn’t the best idea to argue with him. I scratched the back of my neck and nodded slowly.

‘’Okay,’’ I said, ‘’I’m sorry.’’

‘’Don’t worry about it,’’ he said, trying to get up from the bed to grab a glass of water. I shook my head and walked next to him to grab it for him, ‘’thank you.’’ He took a big sip of his glass and sighed, pleased. I took the chance to sit next to him and stay silent for a couple of minutes. I looked at Chanyeol, still very entertained with his music and sighed. Kris and Luhan are probably in need of my help but I wouldn’t move, I didn’t want to leave Suho by himself even though he was with Chanyeol. It was a selfish, stupid thought but I didn’t want to leave him here.

‘’Hyung,’’ Sehun suddenly came through the door with Kris and Luhan, and taken aback, I jumped to my feet. Suho then gasped and didn’t care about the other people in the room and rushed to Sehun, holding his arms despite my callings. He was practically limping.

‘’Sehun, oh my goodness, what happened to you, are you okay?’’ Suho asked, frantic.

‘’H-Hyung, it’s okay, I just came to get Lay,’’ Sehun looked at him with reassurance, ‘’Y-YuHa threw me against the wall and I accidentally scraped my forearm.’’ Suho sighed and looked at the Legendary before him.

‘’Hello,’’ he bowed, ‘’thank you for worrying about my boy and bringing him here.’’ I nodded and walked over to Sehun, grabbing his arm carefully and inspecting it. It was a pretty severe cut, it had to get stitches.

‘’No problem,’’ Luhan said with a smile and winked at me. I smiled as Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehun and gave him a little kiss to the nape and Sehun looked happy, and Suho and I looked at each other and grinned. This is what happens when your roommates talk about their boyfriends twenty-four-seven and you find yourself becoming used to the idea of their happiness with another person.

‘’Ouch,’’ Sehun said as I blew into the cut, making it slowly come back to normal. The scar was still there and it would take a while to get it fully recovered and without infections, but there are no stitches involved and no blood was coming out anymore whatsoever. It was the least I could do, ‘’thanks, hyung.’’ I smiled.

‘’No worries, just remember to shower well and to disinfect it,’’ Sehun nodded and smiled.

‘’Will do,’’ he said and turned his head to look at Luhan, ‘’see? Much better, don’t worry.’’ Luhan nodded and rested his head on his shoulder and gave him a chaste kiss to the lips. Kris on the other side rolled his eyes and nudged his side.

‘’Enough,’’ Kris said and looked at me, ‘’we should go.’’

‘’Yeah,’’ I sighed and looked at Suho, ‘’what about Yu—‘’

‘’I killed him, he’s gone.’’

‘’Oh,’’ I sighed, relieved, as Suho nodded, silently grateful.

‘’Where’s Tao?’’ Luhan asked and looked around, ‘’and XiuMin and Chen?’’ I widened my eyes.

‘’Tao’s at the dorm,’’ Kris nodded, ‘’I don’t know where the other two could be, probably still hiding. Tao said they’re not in the dorm,’’ I bit my lips nervously. The two would’ve called by now. I was getting nervous already. Those two were always together and it would be a shame if they weren’t.

‘’We’re going to have to search for them,’’ Luhan said, ‘’let’s wait a few hours, then we’ll make up our minds.’’

‘’Good idea,’’ Kris said, ‘’XiuMin wouldn’t miss dinner and Chen wouldn’t miss an opportunity to practice his Mandarin.’’ Luhan nodded.

‘’Then we’ll think of it later.’’

‘’What a coincidence,’’ Suho said, ‘’we’re missing a couple of us, too.’’

‘’Which ones?’’ Luhan asked. Suho sighed.

‘’Kai and D.O.’’

‘’I wish you luck,’’ Luhan said and bit his lips, nudging Sehun, ‘’I should go, we’re going to wait for these two boys,’’ Luhan said as Sehun nodded.

‘’Okay, I’ll see you then,’’ Sehun said and turn to give Luhan a single peck on the lips.

‘’Actually…’’ Suho started, ‘’can Lay stay for some time? I need him,’’ I blinked as Suho tugged me back from going towards Kris and Luhan. I tilted my head.

‘’Oh, sure,’’ Luhan agreed with a smile before Kris raised a brow and took a good look at Suho. You could tell he wasn’t in great terms with him by the look in his eyes, ‘’bring him back though, he’s cooking.’’ Suho chuckled.

‘’I’ll take track of time, don’t worry,’’ He said. I stood there, blinking, trying to find out what exactly was going on. Then Kris and Luhan were out the door and I was left with Suho, Sehun and Chanyeol, who so calmly kept listening to his music. I wonder how he could’ve kept so calm. Ah, I’m so jealous.

‘’What’s up?’’ I asked, scratching my head.

‘’I just need some company,’’ Suho said, shrugging and looking at his toes. I smiled.


Thursday, November 15, 2012. 

Nobody's POV. 

Kai and Kyungsoo haven't been seen since yesterday in the evening. They wouldn't answer their phones or show up when their friends called. Recently a notice was informed, claiming two of the Legendary had disappeared as well. Suho tensed. He had realized this from Lay, and now he can't help but wonder where they could be and what they were doing. He was worried. Sehun and Chanyeol took the opportunity to look all around the classrooms that were available and completely not destroyed. Classes would be suspended for a week or more until the repairmen from the other side of town show up. It was a hard procedure that took half of the money in the secret safes. The damage was severe and it was all over the school, which made things worse. The injured were in their beds and the witnesses would be telling their stories to the cops today. Suho had heard from Lay that the Legendary would be one of the main witnesses since they fought YuHa off. 

"I'm beginning to worry," Suho bit his lips, rubbing his palms together, his heartbeat exhilarating, "I-I mean...what if YuHa somehow got ahold of all four?" 

"It's dangerous," Lay assured, not helping Suho and his worries, "very dangerous. But I guess...they'll make it through; the potion lasts twenty-four hours," 

"And...What’s going to happen to YuHa?" 

"Nothing, he'll be gone by then. For good. It's only one chance to make things right and then—poof—you're gone," Lay explained, emphasizing his point with a move of his hands. Suho blinked and rested his chin atop his palms, deep in thought. 

"Why do you think he even did this? What has humanity done to him that got him all worked up?" Lay shrugged and looked at his nails, sighing. 

"More than you could ever think," Lay blew air into his bangs and played with his fingers, "he was a target. Nobody liked him, they treated him like . I actually feel sorry for him, he must've thought he was in his past life and took all his anger out on us," 

"Sorry for him? He turned the school upside down!" 

"He was a poor, lost soul," Lay explained, "spirits like him, they have grudges that last centuries and centuries, you're lucky he didn't do this in years to come, he would've been stronger," Suho sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration. 

"But my boys! They have done nothing to him! Kyungsoo's probably scared and Kai's probably trying not to tell him what's going on! Oh god if I could just--" 

"Hey!" Lay interrupted, "you think I'm not worried? Both of my friends are dense and they depend on each other to survive, I don't know what they would do if they were separated!” Lay groaned and cupped his face, "I hope they're all safe and together..." 

"Me, too..." Suho drummed his fingers on the counter, biting his lips anxiously, and waiting for his boys to come through that door at any moment. Lay pursed his lips and patted his shoulder, letting him know how he cares, "they're my responsibility, I practically begged their parents to let me take them," 

"They'll be okay, don't worry," Lay smiled a bit, "they all will," he nodded, and suddenly, his phone rang. He took it from his pocket and sighed, flipping the screen and taking the call, "Yeah," he said as the person on the other line spoke, "no, but we can't, we got to look for Minseok and Jongdae," Suho blinked, "but there's no point in getting interviewed if we don't have two victims!" Lay groaned and rolled his eyes, "what do you mean? Stop talking like that, they're fine, they're not dead!" he mocked the other's words with his hands and stuck his tongue out in repugnance, making Suho laugh as Lay winked at him and kept talking, "no, seriously, I'm busy," Suho tilted his head, "no, I'm talking with my, he's helping me out with a few things...yeah, I'm legit...don't start with me, Wu Fan, I've got your cigarettes perfectly hidden away, so don't know what? I don't remember where I put's just a box of cigarettes! No, I don't want to talk to you right now, go away....yeah, uh-huh, look for the packet yourself, goodbye!"

"You good?" Suho raised a brow. Lay chuckled and fixed his hair, nodding. 

"Fine," he answered, "Kris is just annoying me because the authorities are here and they want to interview the witnesses, but XiuMin and Chen aren't here to say anything," Suho rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"They matter, too, right?" 

"Of course," Lay scoffed, "but you know Kris," Lay sighed as Suho nodded and checked the time. 

"You should get going," Lay looked at Suho and tilted his head, "you wouldn't want to be late," 

"Oh," Lay stood up, taking his coat and nodding, "right," he continued, slinging his coat over his shoulder, "I'll text you," Suho then gave him a light nod and a smile before Lay flashed his own smile and began to walk away. Suho sighed, playing with a pen, thinking of nothing but Kai and Kyungsoo. If only Kai could find a way to explain to the other what exactly was happening, Suho would be glad if they were together. There was always that thought on the back of his head that told him they were separated. It was hard not to think otherwise because there had to be a variety of options. Always. So Suho hoped they were at least together. And alive. It was a constant battle to find them. Plus, they weren't allowed up on the third floor because of the damage caused. Hopefully, they were well and alive up there. It's all he asked for. 

"Nothing yet, boss," Sehun sighed as he barged through the door with Chanyeol behind, "we asked around and they saw nothing either," 

"And we saw Lay," Chanyeol added, "He said he was going to look around, too. Some of his friends seem to be lost, too," Suho nodded slowly, walking up to the two and enveloping then in a tight hug. Both hugged back and sighed when Suho pulled away, 

"Good job," Suho said, "we'll keep looking tomorrow," the two nodded and proceeded to walk into the living room, each plopping down next to Baekhyun. 

"So nothing?" Baekhyun asked the two. 

"Nothing," Sehun said, sighing, "Just debris and dirt and a few broken pipes," he shrugged as Baekhyun bit his lips. 

"Well...maybe I can help tomorrow," he suggested, Chanyeol giving him an incredulous look as he continued, "I can light up a few dark rooms and help you guys see in the da--"

"That's covered. We don't need your help, Baek," Chanyeol interrupted. 

"Why not? They're my friends, too!" Baekhyun protested. 

"I know, but I just--"

"You just what?" 

"I just don't want you to get hurt," Chanyeol uttered. 

"What? You don't want me to "get hurt"? Huh? It's always the same reason, right?" Baekhyun stood up and looked at Chanyeol, his eyes boring straight into the younger’s with a cold, piercing glare. Chanyeol knew he couldn't fight with Baekhyun and win. He just stood quiet, annoying the older, "I knew it! You never let me do anything to help! I'm not a baby, you know?" Chanyeol sighed and looked at every little detail that decorated Baekhyun's pale skin. Goosebumps were threatening to rise as his nails almost drew blood from his palms because of his growing anger. Chanyeol didn't even want to get in on how Baekhyun looks when he's angry. 

"Baek, you're not--"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Chanyeol stilled in his seat, eyes growing into wide orbs as Sehun grabbed Baekhyun by the arm, trying to keep Baekhyun under control, "I'm sick and tired of you treating me as if I were your property! Yesterday was a mistake! He was just trying to help!" The light bulbs suddenly flickered and threatened to completely leave them without power for the next minute. Chanyeol knew Baekhyun was absorbing the energy. It was only making him stronger. Suho did nothing to stop it though. He knew Baekhyun was in need of power. Baekhyun needed some sort of recharging to help him get the amount of energy necessary to physically and verbally attack. This just wasn't the right moment. Baekhyun can't waste such a gift on screaming and kicking. The anger bubbling inside him wasn't helping either. It's like setting up a time bomb. 

"He's a Legendary, Baek, you don't know--" Suho suddenly barged in, Baekhyun cutting him off. 

"So is Luhan! And yet you let Sehun prance around with the enemy as if it was noth--"

"My relationship with Luhan doesn't concern you, so I suggest you--"

"Suggest I what?" Baekhyun turned to Sehun, eyes fresh with water, "I'm your hyung...yet I'm always treated like the baby! It's not fair!" He stomped his foot against the ground, unaware that the light bulb from the kitchen lamp had completely gone off and exploded. Suho gasped and decided this was enough. He wasn't here to watch the whole Academy go powerless and much less be blamed. 

"We trust Luhan! He earned it, he didn't get it from the start and you know that," Suho complained, reaching out a hand for Baekhyun. He was shrugged off instantly and Suho did not want to get involved with Baekhyun. Nobody would admit it but he was really strong. One would say he was just under stress. Chanyeol would say—and be completely correct—that Baekhyun had found what he had most certainly been dying to find deep inside him. 

"And you're one of the few who actually supported my relationship at first...what's with you?" Sehun scoffed. Baekhyun groaned. Chanyeol was also sure that Sehun knew as well. He clearly wanted to challenge him so Baekhyun could realize it himself upon practically destroying the dorm with the massive energy he had. Suho had a feeling Sehun was just playing with him to get him more worked up. 

"He saved my life! Trust me, we've met before, he wouldn't hurt me," Baekhyun tried his best to convince them the truth, but they wouldn't budge even though it was real in Baekhyun's mind. This wasn't the problem at hand right now though. The main problem was trying to keep Baekhyun under control so he doesn't accidentally cause a power outage. 

"Look, Chanyeol was going to save your life, but the motherer wouldn't give him a chance!" Sehun exclaimed, signaling to Chanyeol on the couch. Chanyeol blinked and looked at Baekhyun, who quickly looked away. Chanyeol could feel the heat radiating from him. 

"He should've been faster, then..." Baekhyun mumbled, running a hand through his arm and shrugging. Sehun rolled his eyes. If he was really playing around, he wasn't anymore. He didn't give a now. Sehun was well aware of Chanyeol's feelings for the shorter man and this comment singlehandedly tore a piece of Chanyeol's heart and fed it to the dogs. 

"He's your best friend, how can you even have the decency to say that? You can at least let him care about you, you know? He would give his life for you even!" Sehun lowered his voice in an attempt to calm Baekhyun down. It only infuriated him more. He thought everyone's words were the same but differently worded out. He wasn't a kid to not know this. Knowing Chanyeol was so dependent of Baekhyun, so caring and so into him that Chanyeol would give his life? It killed Baekhyun that Chanyeol cared far more for him than himself. He was so angry at his own friend. He didn't remember why he was pissed off in the first place. Now he does. It’s because of Park ing Chanyeol. 

"I know! I know that! I've just always been the bother! Always the troublemaker! The clumsy one!" He rolled his eyes at the last part, and everyone could now see the rage he was going through as well as the light switches and light bulbs that started turning off and on and flickering randomly. Baekhyun finally took note of what was going on but didn't seem to care, continuing his rant, "I'll never grow up to be independent if I'm always behind Chanyeol where everyone wants me to be. I'll be useless when it comes to the Olympics! I can never take care of myself when I want to!" Baekhyun groaned as the others stared at him in disbelief. Why was Baekhyun even doing this? It made no sense.

"This was never about you, Baekhyun! Yet you still want Kris' little follower to help you! Which one is it, huh?" Sehun exclaimed, throwing his arms up in annoyance. This was getting out of control. 

"You guys just don't think I have the potential to be here, I'm always behind and nobody ever comes to me for help, I'm always asking you guys--"

"Well, that's your choice!" Sehun spat back. 

"It is! I know that, too! But I always feel like the outcast, am I not needed? Why am I even here? To keep Chanyeol company? I know how much he wanted to be here and so do I, but I came to learn, not to play around!" With a swift move of Baekhyun's hand, the lights were completely off. Chanyeol sighed. 

"Baekhyun!" Suho said, taking ahold of Baekhyun's arms and shaking him. Chanyeol was paralyzed. Baekhyun was never like this. He knew Baekhyun was capable of these things, but never like this, especially around his friends. Suho sighed and tried to look at Baekhyun. He wouldn't move or utter a word, "come, Baekhyun, why are you acting like this?" Suho looked at Baekhyun in the eyes as Baekhyun stilled for a few minutes, regained his composure, breathing steadily and shaking. Baekhyun sniffles. 

"All of this was just...I just wanted to help," He sounded ashamed, Chanyeol thought. The lights came back on soon after that, at least it was only their dorm. The lamp post outside didn't shut off, nor did the hallway lights outside. Baekhyun looked around and met Sehun halfway, stopping when he sees the stern look on Sehun's face, "I'm sorry..." he said.

"Whatever, I don't want your apology," Sehun crossed his arms and looked away from the other, sitting down next to Chanyeol, "it's Chanyeol who needs it," Baekhyun bit his lips and looked at his best friend then, noticing his blank face. Chanyeol was thinking. He wasn't that much of a thinker. This was different, Baekhyun knew that. And to think it was because of him, that he had hurt him again, it made him want the ground to swallow him up so he couldn't hurt Chanyeol anymore. 

"Yeol..." he said, and no response, "Yeol, I'm sorry...I've been so troubling, haven't I? I didn't mean that, really, just hear me out and--"

"Fine, if that's what you want..." Chanyeol suddenly stood up, towering Baekhyun, "you can hang out with that Legendary you like so much," Chanyeol passed by a frozen Baekhyun, brushing his heated shoulder with the other's paralyzed one. Baekhyun blinked as Chanyeol was heard opening the door to their shared room, slamming it and locking it.  He sighed and plopped down on the couch, his skin becoming paler. Fresh tears burned in the back of his eyelids. He couldn't believe he had just said all that in front of the man he thought was his best friend. And on top of that, caused the dorm this amount of power because of him. 

"I screwed up..." Baekhyun cupped his face, Suho's hand on his shoulder, gripping it for comfort. 

"Yeah, you did," Sehun nodded in agreement and scoffed, "better confess soon," Baekhyun blinked and felt his cheeks heat up. 

"W-What?" Baekhyun asked, looking up at Sehun with a tear-stricken face, "y-you knew?" he asked, looking at his feet, avoiding eye contact. 

"Everyone knew," Sehun shrugged, "you owe him a damn good apology after this." Baekhyun nodded slowly as Suho sighed. 

"Make sure to mention that you don't like Tao," Suho patted his shoulder and chuckled, "and that you like him instead," Baekhyun nodded again. 

"Not today...I'll sleep in JongIn's bed," Baekhyun sighed and stood up, "can I still come tomorrow? I want to stop thinking and focus on my lost friends," Sehun nodded and patted his back. 

"Fine, you can come, but maintain a few feet from the giant," Sehun chuckled as Baekhyun frowned. That didn't really help, "sorry," Sehun scratched the back of his neck as Baekhyun walked towards JongIn and Kyungsoo's room and closed and locked the door behind him. Suho and Sehun looked at each other and shrugged. 

"Another day, another drama," Suho chuckled, "they'll be fine," he assured. 

"Of course they will," Sehun agreed, "they love each other, right?" 

"You should be one to speak," Suho rolled his eyes, "you and your boyfriend have been completely separated for almost two weeks now," Now it was Sehun's turn to frown. Suho grinned. 

"Shut up," Sehun sighed, "I'll make things right, I'm not mad anymore," Suho nodded proudly. 

"Good. It felt weird here now that Luhan isn't around," Suho patted Sehun's head and smiled, ignoring the bitter look on Sehun's face. He chuckled, "yeah, just make things right completely." Sehun nodded.


A/N :

I'm so done with school. (and RP-Ing cuz it's addictive OTL ;A;) 

On the bright side, I'm almost going to end school for good and I promise Summer will be so full of chappies~ ;)

Well, this was a long chappie for all of you who were patient and kept supporting me~ <33 Love you all~~ (38 pages OMGGG)

Also, hiya new subbers! :D I see you!~ x)

I hope nothing is wrong with this chap but because of the long- wait, I hope i don't wate your time by making you read everything again~ ;~; 

UGH. By the way...

HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO EXO!!~ What a coinkydink isn't it?~ I uploaded today!~ (^O^)b 

Anyways, you know, if you like it, you can subscribe, comment, upvote or simply keep reading and supporting this~ Anything is fine~^^ 



(I never use Kaisoo OTL ;~;)



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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///