The Possiblities

Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)


Sunday, October 14, 2012.
Sehun’s POV.
It had been two weeks since I started dating Luhan. It’s been good. I like a lot of things that I’ve never noticed about him now that we’re together…
His smell almost lingers on whenever he leaves. It’s sort of refreshing that his smell sometimes never fails to leave my body. I like that feeling. 
I feel empty without his hand on mine; it’s almost as if I need it, just to know that it’ll stay there for the longest of times. Those slim fingers wrapped tightly around mine. I can’t refuse that I blush, though I’ve grown used to it. My palms get sweaty, and I shiver, and I smile and it just somehow doesn’t leave my face and I feel these weird things in my tummy but it feels good because it’s Luhan. 
We’ve gotten comfortable with each other, and every time we kiss, it still feels like the first. I can’t explain it in words…but I literally feel like my whole body jolts with excitement, and I can’t help but to leave his lips swollen by the end of the day.
 You could say that we’re more than perfect right now…it’s been that good. I’ve gotten used to the Legendary’s taunting looks every time we’re together, and Lay’s secretive smiles. He helps a lot. He’s the one that covers him up while he texts me during practice. Everyone knows that it’s not allowed to use phones while on practice. Lay always helps us in that state, even though I tell him not to because it’ll distract both of them. He insists. 
Right now, this Sunday afternoon, he’s coming over to visit, since we hadn’t been physically able to communicate in 2 days because of his schedules and his practices—and I bet, deep down, that it had something to do with that Kris, too—but I couldn’t deny that I was excited, and that the guys were throwing out random smirks and winks, and Kai joined in the teasing, telling me how my hair looked ugly. I smacked him a couple of times today. 
When the door knocks—as I sat on the couch, impatient— I immediately jumped from my seat and darted towards the door, Kai chuckling behind me as Suho raised a brow. I took a breath and tucked my shirt in from behind—pulling my pants up a bit—and opened the door, smiling widely as I saw Luhan standing in front of me, sharing the same smile. He immediately hugged my chest and gave me a quick peck, before speaking,
‘’Hey,’’ He said as I chuckled and responded,
‘’Hi...’’ He smiled and released me, leading me back inside, where the guys sent me knowing stares as I blushed. He went over to greet the others as I sat on the couch, almost shaking. After Luhan greeted Suho, he sat next to me and sighed, eyeing me weirdly. 
‘’What?’’ I asked him, confused. 
‘’You two looked like you haven’t seen each other in weeks,’’ He chuckled and grabbed my wrist, ‘’You’re shaking, look at you!’’ I pushed him and hid my face, laughing, embarrassed. 
‘’It feels like that though...’’ I mumbled as he laughed and pushed my shoulders. 
‘’Speaking of which,’’ He straightened me up and pointed towards Luhan, who was approaching us. 
‘’Suho, can you excuse us for awhile?’’ Luhan asked sweetly. Suho stood up and nodded, pushing me towards him ‘unintentionally’. 
‘’Of course,’’ He said, ‘’this is what it’s all about, huh?’’ I shyly nodded and smiled as Luhan took a hold of my hand and squeezed it. I stood up and sent Suho a smile before walking—or more like dragging away—with Luhan towards my room. I thanked Suho, mouthing as he nodded in approval and shooed me off. 
Luhan opened the door, allowed me inside and walked over towards my bed, allowing me to close the door behind me. I shyly walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed, nervous. He must’ve noticed, because a second later, his hand was on my thigh, and his lips attached themselves to my cheek, making them heat up. I was usually used to this, but this being me and him in my room...alone...made me a little anxious. 
‘’Are you alright?’’ He asked, his voice soft, his lips grazing over my cheek and neck and his breath hitting the skin slowly. I nodded and smiled,
‘’Yeah, fine,’’ He raised a brow in question, ‘’I just haven’t seen you in awhile…’’ He chuckled and kept his hand where it was, resting on my thigh as he brushed some hair away from his face. 
‘’It hasn’t even been 72 hours,’’ He commented as I blushed and nodded, ‘’But if you’re trying to imply that you missed me, then I missed you, too.’’ He said and turned my head towards his, kissing me sweetly on the lips before pulling away a bit too soon. I smiled, ‘’I’m sorry that I couldn’t text…Kris took away my phone.’’ He pouted as I laughed and nodded, 
‘’Don’t worry though,’’ I scratched the back of my head, ‘’I was pretty busy, too.’’ He smiled and tapped the space next to him, where I gladly moved. 
‘’So, how have you been?’’ He leaned his head against my shoulder and hummed.
‘’I’ve been well…how about you?’’ 
‘’Tired.’’ He yawned and slipped out of the bed, sitting on the floor in front of me. I chuckled and felt the curves of my lips rise as soon as he rubbed his eyes. I lay on my stomach and as his back leaned against the bed, I tilted his head back for a kiss. He smiled and pulled away softly, sighing. ‘’Lay covered for us today…’’ 
‘’Hmm? I thought you were allowed to see me.’’ I tilted my head to the side while caressing his hair. He sighed,
‘’He’s a little mad about me skipping practice that one time,’’ He implied, rolling his eyes, ‘’so he took my phone and my freedom to see you…’’ He groaned and pouted. I giggled and kissed him again, slower and more relaxing than the last. He moaned in discomfort, the pain of his neck against the bed getting to him. He pulled away and instead climbed in bed with me, leaning against my chest and tilting his head back slowly to kiss me again. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer in between my legs as we resumed that slow join of the lips again, sighing in satisfaction when he parted from me and fidgeted with our hands. I smiled behind him and leant my head into his, hearing him giggle before yawning. 
‘’I think Lay’s going to keep taking those meds…’’ He murmured as I furrowed my brows,
‘’Oh, sorry, just thinking aloud,’’ He smiled weakly.
‘’Is he okay?’’
‘’Lay?’’ He sighed and turned to face me, a worried expression plastered on his face. 
‘’His anxiety’s getting worse,’’ He said, sighing, ‘’It’s to the point that he needs me to go everywhere with him, especially the library...’’ I tilted my head to the side, confused.
‘’D—Do you know why he’s acting like this?’’
‘’He just told me that he thought he had done something wrong, but he’s not like that; he’s not one to look at trouble in the eye.’’ He blinked. 
‘’Well,’’ I said, ‘’Suho’s been spending quite a lot of time with him…maybe he knows.’’ Luhan nodded and sighed,
‘’I don’t think he’ll tell us…I think he’s trying to protect Lay, and vice versa. I think Lay’s returning that favor.’’ 
‘’You may be right,’’ I said, shrugging, ‘’The right time will come for him to tell us…Suho’s not one for trouble either, so maybe this is for the best.’’
‘’You don’t think they’ve got something hidden from us, right?’’ He bit his lips, ‘’I mean, Suho’s your leader, and Lay’s my best friend…that’s odd of them to hide something.’’ 
‘’I think they’re trying to protect us, too…’’ Luhan nods, lost in his own little world as he looks up at me and smiles. 
‘’You’re right,’’ He agrees and I smile, ‘’let’s not worry about that…’’ I nod and kiss his lips briefly. He smirked and tackled me, peppering me with kisses all over my face. I laughed and tried to pull him away, but he had already climbed on top of me, giving me a long-lasting kiss.
I didn’t know it would be that long-lasting. Or how this happened, but I was now on top of him, kissing him slowly and rhythmically, his arms around my neck, threatening to fall any time and my hands placed on either sides of his head. I shook as I felt my arms almost give out, my lips quivering as soon as his tongue touched mine unintentionally. I gave out a low gasp, allowing his tongue to travel across my mouth and my bottom lip. He stopped and looked at me with clouded eyes. He held himself up in his elbows and, unable to decipher that certain look in his eyes, I let him attach his lips to my neck, caressing my sides. I felt his tongue dance on my feverish skin and I ultimately let out a low groan as I slowly tilted my head back for more. I sat down and felt him get on his knees and keep on my neck. My eyes shut as soon as he felt around my Adam’s apple, his warm tongue traveling all around it. I bit my lips and held back a moan as he went lower to my collar bone, and I evidently gripped on his hand for him to stop, feeling as though my jeans became tighter. He gave me a peck on the collarbone and looked up at me, confused. 
‘’What is it?’’ He asked, blinking. I felt myself blush and scratched the back of my neck.
‘’You don’t want me to keep kissing you like this?’’ He asked in a high-pitched voice, almost uncertain of what he had just asked. I shook my head and denied,
‘’N—No, I just can’t.’’ He tilted his head,
‘’Can’t what?’’ 
‘’D—Do this,’’ I stuttered, unable to look at him in the eyes, ‘’I feel w—weird…’’ He chuckled and kissed my neck again, surprising me as soon as he placed a hand on my thigh. I gulped as he started making straight line patterns throughout the canvas of my thigh, making me shiver and grab his hand again before things got worse. He moved his lips to my jaw and then my lips, gripping on my softening hand. He pulled me downwards to the position we were in before, with me on top. I tried lifting my hips so that tent in my pants wouldn’t touch him and he would just run away or something, but I was pretty sure that he already knew what he had done to me. What a ing tease.
Once again, his arms hung on my neck, waiting for me to do something. Impatient, he tugged on the strands of the back of my head and pulled me towards his lips. We kissed again, and I relaxed for the first time in what seemed like ages. His hands wandered around my sides, slid down my thighs and went back up to sneak inside my shirt, making my body shiver and automatically rise up. His fingertips grazed over my stomach and I felt his index circle my belly button and running a nail through the expanse, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. I took over and decided to do as he was doing before, kissing his neck. Surprised, he retreated his hands and hooked it on the back of my neck, pulling me in closer. He cupped my face and kissed me. I kissed back and he ran his tongue through my bottom lip. I bit back a moan again, and as his tongue fought with mine, I couldn’t help that first monotone moan that escaped my lips. 
Suddenly, the door handle raddled, making us both stop and look at each other in fear. Luhan was the first to react, grabbing the covers and covering us both. Then, Suho’s voice came forth,
‘’Uh, hey guys, would you mind if I—‘’ He stopped, and I peeked out to see that his facial expressions had gone bland at the scene. I was still on top of Luhan, and the sounds Luhan was making were in between moans of discomfort because of my weight on his, and him holding back his giggles. He blinked twice, and then widened his eyes, dropping his mouth. I gasped and took the covers, pushing them away, got out of bed, almost tripping on my shoes as soon as I approached him, and waved my hands in front of him, ‘’S—Sehun—‘’
‘’I—It’s not what it looks like!’’ I panicked and turned my head, seeing Luhan had taken ownership of my bed sheets and used them as refuge. Suho then blinked, looked at Luhan, then at me, then at Luhan, then at me, finally, he looked at Luhan one more time and looked at…my pants, then back at me. 
‘’Okay!’’ He laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head, ‘’Y—You don’t need to cover up, I understand,’’ I widened my eyes and shook my head in denial.
‘’It really isn’t!’’ I shook his shoulders and felt myself blush, seeing him glance back at my pants. He tapped my shoulder, 
‘’Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that,’’ I groaned and face-palmed. ‘’Anyways…I’m looking for my socks. I’m going to search around JongIn’s room for…something, and who knows whatever is on that man-cave of his. I don’t wanna randomly step on something disgusting with my bare feet,’’ He went over to his drawer and pulled out some socks, looked at us, smiled awkwardly and sighed, ‘’Well, you can continue what you were…evidently…not going to do.’’ He chuckled awkwardly again and I grabbed one of those socks, smacking him with it repeatedly for him to get out of the room, hearing him laugh as I led him towards the door. Luhan giggled, coming out from under the covers and blinking as soon as I closed the door.
‘’He’s gone now, right?’’ He asked. I nodded. 
‘’Yup…’’ I coughed. 
‘’So…should we—‘’
‘’No,’’ He chuckled, ‘’let’s just not.’’ He laughed and kissed my cheek. 
‘’Alright then…’’ He took my hand, squeezing it. I turned my head to him, ‘’I can wait…’’ He kissed my lips and I smiled, sighing happily. 
Nobody’s POV.
‘’,’’ he curses and he steps through JongIn’s clothes scattered all over the floor. He gasped as soon as he almost tripped on a pair of converse. He doesn’t know why JongIn has all of this mess. He swore he stepped on a shuojo manga, too. So it was true what Kyungsoo said. He wasn’t going to clean this either.  Suho rolled his eyes and tried to find his backpack—JongIn’s, that is—where Lay accidentally dropped that rock. He sighed and wiped imaginary sweat from his forehead, throwing aside some clothes and unnecessary objects.  He found the backpack, opened the zipper and looked inside. Nothing was found, which meant that JongIn had found it and stashed it somewhere. He groaned and stood up from his knees, heading over to the closet and opening it, standing on his tip-toes because he couldn’t reach the top, where all his other unpacked boxes were. He carefully took one down, opened it, and found nothing but clothes and some glass items, like mirrors and such, but nothing like a rock. He was starting to grow stressed as soon as he put the box back where it was, so he fell on his knees and searched under the bed, inside his shoes, in the drawers and even inside his pants pockets and even inside his socks. 
He looked under Kyungsoo’s bed and inside his drawers, under his pillows, under JongIn’s pillows and while searching under the covers— the bed-sheets draped over his head—he found himself unable to come out of the sheets. He clawed at the sheets and tangled his feet, but as soon as he did so, he fell on top of the bed, groaning. He mumbled a few curse words until a knock was heard and he gasped, trying to simulate a lump of bed sheets. JongIn’s voice alarmed him when he chuckled and tapped his shoulder, saying,
‘’Hyung, what are you doing?’’ He stood quiet as JongIn removed the sheets from him. He rapidly stood up, stuttering,
‘’I—I’m uh..l—looking for my sneakers!’’ JongIn furrowed his brows, tilted his head and chuckled.
‘’Hyung, I gave them to you, remember?’’ Suho slowly shook his head.  ‘’Well I did,’’ He raised a brow, ‘’why do you need them so badly anyways?’’ 
‘’I’m, uh…’’ He glanced everywhere and anywhere for an excuse…’’Going jogging with Lay!’’ He implied, blinking rapidly and smiling like an idiot. JongIn just nodded.
‘’Umm…okay?’’ He shrugged, ‘’Good luck with that, but your shoes aren’t here, bro.’’ He collapsed on the bed, and Suho mentally face-palmed himself and sighed, nodding and walking away, closing the door behind him. 
‘’.’’ He cursed and went over to the kitchen, head-countered himself and groaned until Kyungsoo came over and furrowed his brows in confusion, to which Suho answered with a, ‘’Nothing.’’ Kyungsoo shrugged and went over to the fridge, drinking the orange juice straight from the carton. Suho turned around and took the juice after, chugging on it himself until he got a message. 
‘Did you find it? :/’
With that last message, he sighed and hid his phone back, worrying for Lay and his anxiety. Lately, he’s been feeling down. Not really in the mood to go out or give it his best in class because he’s worried about the sake of himself and others because of that rock and weird happenings occurred in the library. He feels watched, stalked and in danger…he regrets taking that rock…he thinks he himself is cursed. 
‘’Lay...Lay!’’ Kris banged against the table as Lay gasped and lifted his head up, shocked. 
‘’S—Sorry!’’ The others eyed him weirdly, ‘’W—What’s going on?’’ He blinked and looked around for any answers. There were none. 
‘’I should ask you,’’ Kris stated, scoffing, ‘’You’ve been acting weird lately, what’s wrong with you?’’
‘’Nothing!’’ He said, albeit a little too quickly, ‘’N—Nothing’s wrong, duizhang.’’ 
‘’Hmmm,’’ He tapped his chin, ‘’So be it,’’ Lay sighed in relief, poking his food with his fork, evidently losing the appetite due to the coldness of the meat. 
‘’Ahem..’’ Tao asked for attention, ‘’Duizhang, if I have your permission.’’ Tao smiled, and Kris beckoned him to stand up, which he did,
‘’You may,’’ Kris said. Tao smiled.
‘’Well, there’s good news,’’ They perked their ears up, ‘’and bad news,’’ and nodded, ‘’I had another vision. Good news is that our request has been taken to use the Power-Proof room. Bad news is that we’re going to have to share...’’ Tao bit his lips. Kris groaned and sighed,
‘’Who are they?’’ 
‘’I don’t know who, all I know is that something must’ve happened and that we’ll have to share it.’’ 
‘’Fine, we’ll share.’’ Kris rolled his eyes as Tao smiled and sat down, crossing his legs, 
‘’Okay, duizhang, that is all, thank you.’’ Kris smiled to the other and nodded, ‘’What?’’ Tao chuckled, noticing Kris’ stare. Kris blinked and looked away,
‘’N—Nothing…’’ The others noticed the awkward tension and started eating, as well as Kris. Tao, finishing his food, picked up his plate, brought it to the sink and went back to the table, fidgeting on his phone. 
Kris stole a few glances here and there, admiring his physique, really noticing how built Tao was. He was thin, but those arms were anything but. In that tight wife-beater all he could do was look at his slightly tilted neck, his collarbones, his arms and his shoulders. He couldn’t help that sudden lip-bite that the whole staring had caused. Ever since they drifted, he couldn’t believe how Tao had really grown over the years…he was almost certain that the whole transformation process had happened over the days that they weren’t always together. They were good friends now…just not as tight as before, but it was something. It meant he could at least see him, and talk to him, and call his name, and hear him talk. It meant that there could still be a little glance of hope…
Kris snapped out of his day dream at the sound of Luhan’s phone unlocking, and the soft giggles coming from his mouth pretty much let him know who he was talking to. He had given him back his phone for good behavior, and now here he was texting in the table.
‘’Your boyfriend?’’ He asked, chewing on his apple. Luhan looked up with hooded eyes, nodding. ‘’Really? How are things going?’’ 
‘’Fine…’’ Luhan mumbled, his bangs covering his face as he lowered his head to answer. Once that was done, he flipped the bangs off and started eating. 
‘’What was his name again? Shihun? Sehan?’’ Kris chuckled. Luhan sighed,
‘’Yeah, that,’’ Kris rolled his eyes, ‘’How is the kid? You never tell me anything.’’ 
‘’He’s not a kid...’’ Luhan defended, ‘’Besides, what’s there to tell you? You’re always so mean to us…’’ Luhan pouted and poked his food, suddenly beaming as soon as he picked up his phone,
‘’That’s because you never give me the chance to ask,’’ Kris explained. Luhan rolled his eyes under his bangs, ‘’I’m not being mean, I’m just teasing, now come on, spill.’’ Luhan sighed and put his phone down.
‘’Well, he’s good,’’ Luhan rolled his eyes and sighed, ‘’There, what else?’’
‘’Good? Has he gotten inside your pants then?’’ Kris chuckled, making Luhan blush and stand up, stuttering, 
‘’N—No! What makes you think that?!’’ Kris beckoned him to sit back down. Luhan sat and glared at him, waiting for an answer,
‘’Just asking,’’ Kris shrugged.
‘’Well, it’s not your business anyway,’’ Luhan shrugged. 
‘’Whatever,’’ Kris eyed him and shrugged, ‘’What’s up with you anyway? You look like you’re on your period.’’ 
‘’Everything’s peachy,’’ Luhan stood up, picked up his plate and brushed his bangs out of the way, ‘’just peachy.’’ Lay stood up and followed him to the sink, where he dumped all of his remaining food to the trashcan and started washing his plate as well as Luhan. 
‘’Wow, that took a lot of balls.’’ Lay chuckled and dried Luhan’s plate with a towel, deciding to do the rest to the other plates Luhan was washing. 
‘’He was pissing me off, he knows he can’t mess with me like that.’’ Luhan shrugged and sighed,
‘’Is everything okay?’’ 
‘’Yeah, we’re fine,’’ He smiled, ‘’I just don’t want Kris to care…it’s my relationship, not his..that was so embarrassing…’’ 
‘’Oh, now you’re using terms, very nice!’’ Lay attempted on making his best friend crack a nice laugh, so far, it was progressing. Luhan smiled and nodded, ‘’But you’re right, he’s got Tao to worry about, not you.’’ 
‘’Why? Does he like him?’’ 
‘’Not sure, but I can see how they look at each other, I mean,’’ Lay sighed and took a plate, drying it, ‘’come on! You were there!’’ He laughed as Luhan chuckled, nodding. 
‘’I guess you’re right…’’ Luhan, elbow high in water, commented, ‘’They must’ve had something before, I just don’t think they want us to know.’’ 
‘’True…’’ Lay tapped his bottom lip, shrugging, ‘’Doesn’t give him the right to be up your all the time though…’’ 
‘’Ugh.’’ He rolled his eyes. ‘’I know right?!’’ 
‘’Yeah! That’s Sehun’s job!’’ 
‘’Tru—Wait what.’’ Lay burst out laughing, smacking the sink with his hands as he saw Luhan’s face contort into a state of shock, surprise and bewilderment. Luhan soon stopped him, pushing his shoulder. ‘’Hey! I saw what you did there!’’Luhan tried to hold in his laughter, smacking him with his towel. 
‘’Ow! I just wanted to see if you were paying attention!’’ Lay rubbed his shoulders as Luhan laughed and tried to cover his mouth.
‘’You deserved it! That was so mean!’’ Luhan dropped his head.
‘’Hey, not my fault you’re dealing with a hormonal teenager.’’ Lay raised his arms up in defense as Luhan glared. 
‘’He may be hormonal, but he’s not—and I doubt, has ever been—ually active.’’ Luhan raised a brow and passed him a plate to dry. Lay did as told.
‘’You’ll see how that comes out and about,’’ Lay whistled nonchalantly, ‘’it always does.’’
‘’The what?’’
‘’That, my friend, is ual frustration.’’ He turned to Luhan, nodding, ‘’I studied an extra 2 years in health class before coming here, you know that!’’ Luhan widened his eyes at him and shook his head. ‘’Don’t look at me like that.’’
‘’No, no, no, no, no. Sehun-ah’s not like that.’’ He chuckled awkwardly. Lay raised a brow and place his hands on his hips.
‘’All men are like that, especially teens…better watch out with those, I’m telling you.’’
‘’D—Don’t warn me now, I mean, we just started…and it’s not like I don’t want it, I just don’t want it to be so sudden you know? I mean, today we were making out and we were getting touchy and it was getting all heated and his pants looked excruciatingly tight and Suho walked in and saw us and thought that—‘’
‘’A-Ha! I told you! Teenagers are like that! They’re sensitive and stuff, of course they would get !’’ Lay suddenly froze, ‘’Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?!’’ He face-palmed and started laughing 
‘’Hey!’’ Luhan blushed, ‘’S—Sehun’s just…not experienced, I’ll try to teach him…for now, no more strong make out sessions because, yes, Suho walked in on us and thought we were having ,’’ He rolled his eyes and dropped his head, ‘’I didn’t know what to do, so I hid under the covers…he was telling us later to resume our activities, if you know what I—‘’
‘’Yes, yes, I get it,’’ Lay chuckled, ‘’Wow, aren’t you guys quite the pairing?’’ Luhan pushed his shoulders.
‘’Shut up, it’s the only place we have where we can be alone, if Kris catches me here with him, he’s pretty much banned from my life.’’ Luhan groaned and rolled his eyes, washing a plate rather forcefully because a stain wouldn’t come out. Lay furrowed his brows and shrugged, sighing,
‘’True…but don’t worry, maybe later in time when his anger is negotiable.’’ Luhan smiled as soon as he heard this and nodded,
‘’Yeah…I should give him a bit of time…’’ He sighed, ‘’He needs to realize that I don't want something just because I want it…he’s different. I don’t know why I like him so much, but I do.’’ Luhan bit on his lips as Lay wiggled his brows and poked his side, earning a giggle from the other, who smacked him with a plate. Lay smacks him with a towel and soon they start firing it against each other all over the dorm. It was needless to say that they looked like children.
Monday, October 15, 2012.
Nobody’s POV.
‘’Alright class, see you tomorrow,’’ The teacher spoke to the kids who were beginning to stand up, ‘’Don’t forget your homework!’’ The teens slowly came out of the classroom in pairs, Tao and Kris being one of them.  The two came out talking about their assignment and started joking soon after. Tao laughed for a bit, and Kris found himself unable to think straight, seeing his smile come forth like it was the first time he’s ever seen it. Kris smiled at him, and Tao looked away, beckoning him over to where their lockers were so they could put their stuff away. Kris leaned on his and waited for Tao to stop talking to himself about everything he planned for the rest of the week. He rolled his eyes and chuckled, making Tao turn his head and question him. 
‘’What’s so—‘’ He found himself not being able to complete the sentence, the smile on his face fading, his eyes traveling all throughout the owner of that body…
Tao’s POV.
As I packed my things in my locker, checking my own personal schedule in my head, Kris chuckled. I turned my head to him, slightly smiling, ready to ask him what he was laughing about. It was probably because he thought I was talking to myself, but I was still curious. 
‘’What’s so—‘’ I stopped and looked away from Kris’ face. Instead, forcing my eyes to a figure not too far from us. His petite—yet curvaceous—body walking through the halls with intense energy, laughing at something. His tongue darted out to his pink lips, making me indirectly bite mine as my eyes traveled downwards to his jeans… ‘’Oh, my—‘’
‘’Tao!’’ I gasped and turned my head to face Kris, who was staring at me questioningly, ‘’What the ?’’ I blinked and looked at the guy again, who was now standing on his tip-toes to reach his jacket from on top of the lockers—where his friend put it as a joke—making his backside much more visible from where I was. I blinked and looked down at his thighs and went back up to see his face. His bangs were sweaty, brown hair clouding over his smoky eyes, his pearly skin dampened. He was gorgeous…I wanted him so bad this moment. 
Kris snapped his finger in front of my face, making me come out of my trance and look at him instead. 
‘’What are you looking at?’’ 
‘’Nothing.’’ I blinked and shrugged, leaning against the locker and secretly glancing back at the stranger over and over again, biting my lips. 
‘’S—Stop it,’’ Kris stuttered, looking at me weirdly. I raised a brow, seeing how he froze when he found out who I was looking at. I moved away from Kris, without giving him an answer, and walked over to him confidently. But, as soon as I was about to reach him, his tall friend covered him and gave me a death glare. I smirked, moving away from the two, hearing the taller one say,
‘’Come on, Baekhyun-ah, let’s go back to the others...’’  So his name was Baekhyun? Kris is definitely killing me. Suddenly, Baekhyun spoke, 
‘’Why? We were having so much fun!’’ He tugged on his friend’s sleeve, ‘’Come on, Chanyeol! Don’t be so boring!’’ Baekhyun giggled. I froze in my tracks because he was the guy Kris had fought with. He was supposedly merciless and strong for a lanky dweeb. Chanyeol tried to drag him away but Baekhyun, laughing like a little kid, released from his grip and started running, Chanyeol groaning and calling him over. I slightly smiled, but as soon as he ran into me, I gasped. 
‘’Baek!’’ He stopped laughing and looked up at me, blinking, 
‘’Oh, sorry, I wasn’t looking at you…’’ He bit his lips. I was about to answer him when suddenly, Kris grabbed my shoulder and dragged me away, 
‘’What do you think you’re doing?!’’ He whispered.
‘’I was walking…’’ I furrowed my brows and blinked innocently. He sighed and rolled his eyes,
‘’Okay, no.’’ I groaned and turned around to see Chanyeol basically dragging Baekhyun away while he whined. All of the sudden, Chanyeol looks over, anger inevitable in his eyes, glaring at us. Kris got in front of me and glared back at him, keeping me from looking at them. Kris grabbed my arms and growled, fleeing the scene. The grip on my wrist tightened, and I could see the intense look in his eyes. What was wrong with duizhang? 
Chanyeol’s POV.
Idiot. Looking at what’s mine, how could he?! Stupid . Doesn’t he know better than to mess with me? And a Legendary at that! Hah, try to take him away from me, I won’t let you, you’re going to have to go through me and my dead body. Dare he try and do that again and I’ll rip his head off with my own two hands. Dare he! I swear I will kill him. 
 Baek’s safety is my priority; I can’t let him be as foolish enough to trust one of those! Especially Kris’ own personal slave. Not Baek. I’m not letting that happen. I may be vague and not really attentive, but when it comes to Baekhyun, mark my words, I’m always there for him. If I’m not, just one time that I let him down, I don’t know what I’ll do with myself. How I could get over the guilt. How I’ll cope with earning back his trust and his forgiveness. It’ll destroy me.
I don’t want him to get hurt. I don’t want him to become a main target; I don’t want him to be recognized as the weak one. I don’t want him to be taken advantage of…
I love him. 
I just wonder if some of them have an actual good intent with us, besides Luhan, though I’m not completely sure about that kid, but Sehun likes him a lot, there must be a reason why, Sehun’s not the type to date someone unless JongIn hooked him up or unless he really, genuinely likes someone. I’m not sure about that Lay either. He spends too much time with Suho, doing some things most of us don’t even know or understand. It’s confusing, but I hope those two don’t hurt them…
Dare the Legendary touch Baek—or any of my guys—and I’ll make them regret it. I’ll be their worst nightmare, I’ll make them wish they never knew me, and I’ll make them wish they were never born. 
Lay’s POV.
During study hall, I took a textbook, some pencils and other work utensils for a History project. I decided to use the library for a fraction of the time, seeing as how I get anxious and easily scared nowadays. I sighed and took a deep breath in front of the huge doors, took the handles and pushed my way inside. I looked around and sighed in relief, seeing everything looked okay. I closed the heavy doors behind me and settled on a table for myself and my books, and began to look for a certain page. I began to scan the page and analyzed every word, learning a few things. 
In the middle of my studying, I heard a chair creak, and a soft whistle invaded and tickled my ears. I shivered as I felt the cool force, but swore I wasn’t going to panic anymore. I gulped and turned my fingers slowly into fists as soon as I felt the coldness of the air around me again.  My book turned a few pages, forbidding me from studying, seeing as how I didn’t bookmark the page. I stayed still though, and when I felt a pain in my chest, I gasped and widened my eyes.
‘’For weeks, I’ve been trying to walk back in there. It’s been awhile since I haven’t gone to my favorite place, but ever since that happened, things haven’t been the same. As soon as I step a foot, and begin to relax, you come. I don’t understand why you must chase me down like you’re doing now. Have I done something wrong? Have I been forgetting you? Is that why you’ve been looking for me?’’
‘’No, I know you haven’t…’’
‘’I would never forget you, Yifeng, you’re my hero…’’
Wild silence took over the room, and all I could hear was the whistling again. It’s almost as if time was frozen. 
Yifeng had that power…he paused time, maneuvered it, managed it like nobody else. 
‘’Not even ZiTao?’’
It’s almost as if he could read my mind…
‘’No, you’re superior to all those time controllers…’’
He had the same face, same qualities, same characteristics…but paler…and his crooked smile was about to downfall. I saw him smile, like it was yesterday. He smiled and somehow, the sky shone brighter, only that the atmosphere turned colder, and darker. 
‘’How is mother? Have you abandoned her?’’ I shook my head quickly, but I felt like it took more than a minute, just so he could see my face of truth, and denial at the same time. 
‘’Never,’’ I swore, ‘’I would never abandon her…she’s perfect,’’ I sighed, ‘’She misses us…’’ I let my head fall down, and I felt tears become heavy in my waterline. They threatened to fall, but as soon as they were, it’s almost as if he had counted the seconds to lift my head up, smiling that special smile…he really did look like me in some ways…but he was far better looking than me. He rapidly hugged me, but it felt like nothing. Literally. It felt like air, like a cold blast of air crossed my body. I tightened the grip on my fists, and resisted the urge to cry when I said, ‘’Don’t change the subject,’’ I looked elsewhere, ‘’Why are you chasing me?’’
‘’Don’t you want me here with you?’’ I gasped and shook my head vigorously, tears falling out. ‘’I thought you were waiting for me…’’ He said sadly.  I sniffled and turned to him,
‘’S—Stop, t—tell me…’’ 
‘’I can’t, Yixing…you need to find out yourself…’’ He said, like the responsible adult that took care of me then...’’ I can only tell you to let yourself be guided to the answer with someone you love…’’ 
‘’S—Someone I love?’’ I was confused at the answer, but he nodded, ‘’I—I don’t l—lo—‘’ 
‘’You will,’’ He smiled a bit and nodded again, ‘’Just wait,’’ I gulped and nodded, ‘’When you least expect it, you’ll find the answer.’’ I nodded and bit my lips, 
‘’Can you at least give me a solid answer? Why are you chasing me, Yifeng?’’
‘’I told you, I’m not allowed to tell you, it’s against my role as a free spirit, they’ll ban me from the human world, if I tell you, I won’t be able to see you until the afterlife,’’ He said as I sighed, ‘’I know everything about you; I’m a time-controller. Every single moment of your life, I’ve seen it, as well as mom’s.’’ 
‘’How come you’re telling me this then?’’ 
‘’You’re my brother, Yixing, you need your answers, too….’’ 
‘’It’s not fair,’’ I dropped my head, ‘’Can’t you answer a question that I’m specifically asking?’’ I sighed. 
‘’What do you wanna know? Something not too difficult…I’m not a fortune teller; I can just see the future. I can give you the reason as to why you found that rock. I can tell you if you’ll graduate, I can tell you if you’ll become fiercer and I can tell you how you can get rid of that rock, too.’’ I widened my eyes and look up, asking if it was true, to which he answered with, ‘’Go right ahead…’’ 
‘’No...I don’t wanna know any of those things, I wanna find out myself…’’ I sighed and tapped my chin, ‘‘Tell me one good event that’ll happen in my life.’’
‘’I can’t—‘’
‘’Indirectly. Give me an indirect answer to that. Make me guess it; make my head be full of questions and answers to the one you’re giving me right now. Do it.’’
‘’It’ll affect the future for you, everything will change in some way or another…’’ He warned,
‘’I don’t care, just do it, there’s enough of my life that I would love to erase, just tell me something that doesn’t make me regret asking you.’’ 
‘’Your guilt about my death will subside.’’ 
‘’That’s as far as I can go, but another thing I can tell you is that you’ll need yourself a partner, even I know that you’re not capable of doing things by yourself.’’ I nodded and sighed, ‘’Satisfied?’’ I nodded again,
‘’Yeah,’’ I looked away, and bit my bottom lip, ‘’C—Can you take me back now?’’ He smiled and nodded,
‘’Of course, come on,’’ He extended his hand, and I shyly took it. The transparency and the mist that I was witnessing now a source of warmth and authority and safety. I could feel his hands, dry and of a dead man’s. They felt just like dad’s when he had that fatal cardiac arrest, when we held his hands and begged him to wake up: Dry and lifeless, but that warmth and that grip not giving up nor disappearing. ‘’Close your eyes,’’ I did so and took a breath, and suddenly found myself falling, and the dark room disappeared, now light hitting my face like a ray of sun after being asleep for ages. I suddenly felt like I was falling…
I jolted awake, gasping, looking around and finding no one present, just me, my wide open book—still in a different page—and the saliva that I left pooling on the table. I my chapped lips and wiped the remaining drool from my cheek and bottom lip. I sighed and felt my head thump for the nth time this day. I stood up and grabbed my books and checked the time. I gasped. I had missed the whole 2 other periods of class. In some ways, I was glad. I didn’t feel like taking classes after all this exhaustion. I yawned and stretched, but in the back of my mind, my brain was still etched on the images of that dream. 
Someone I love?
My guilt will subside? 
I have a lot of questions. I don’t know how I was made such an open and fearless person in that dream. I’m guessing it wasn’t a dream…
More like…a sign. I think I shouldn’t be afraid of Yifeng’s spirit anymore. Knowing that he’s here for a good reason has made me much more positive and less scared of him and the library.  
Those questions though…and the answers. I should’ve picked knowing how I’ll get rid of that rock; it’s the main reason why I’m so paranoid and afraid of life now. But I didn’t have it, nor did Suho. Currently, we don’t know if Kai found it, but he bets Kai did. He must’ve hidden it because he’s scared, too. 
Whatever. All I know is that I need to tell Suho everything that happened in my dream. He’ll be confused, but he’s the only one that can help me. 
I took my backpack and pulled my phone out of my pocket as I exited the library, texting Suho:
‘I need to tell you something weird that happened today. I went to the library!~ :0’
‘Where do you wanna meet?~’
‘Lunch? I fell asleep 2 hours and I had this weird dream. I lost about 2 classes, so when you’re done packing things in your locker, meet me there if you want. Text me back later^^’
‘Sounds good^^’ 
I smiled and closed the lid to my phone, putting it in my back pocket and running off towards the lunch room, where the rest of the guys were. When I stepped into the cafeteria, I see Kris and Tao sitting together, XiuMin and Chen sitting together and trying to arm-wrestle each other. I rolled my eyes and decided that I won’t be sitting with Kris or Tao. Both of them were strangely attached and secretive these days. XiuMin and Chen weren’t a priority either, they were too interested in their game of arm-wrestling and they could eventually pop or dislocate their arms so I’m not healing them. Their problem. 
I sighed and decided to sit with Sehun and Luhan, whose hands were literally stuck like glue. I walked over to them and sat on the other side of the table, raising a brow and smirking, ‘’Okay, what happened to your hands?’’ I chuckled and pointed at their joined hands. 
‘’Lau did it.’’ Luhan laughed and drank some of his soda. Sehun just nodded, ‘’He thought it was funny, so he literally glued our hands together.’’ 
‘’That’s mean.’’ I said and chuckled. Sehun pouted and nodded. 
‘’Anyways, you seem in a good mood…did those pills turn out alright?’’ Luhan asked his mouth full. I giggled and removed a piece of bread from my cheek that he spit on my face. He laughed and tried hard not to tug on Sehun’s hand so hard he might fall down.
‘’Well, no. Actually, I’m quitting them.’’
‘’You are?!’’ Both asked at the same time as I nodded.
‘’In time you’ll understand, for now, this is only between me and Suho.’’ I smiled as they both looked at each other and smiled mischievously. I blinked twice and was about to ask what was going on before Sehun stood up and dragged Luhan with him, whispering something into his ear. Luhan nodded and went over to the door, dragging Suho in. I laughed and saw what they were trying to do as they brought him over and sat him on my table, waving us off and leaving Suho with a confused face. I chuckled and felt myself blush in embarrassment as I hid my face.
‘’What happened to them?’’ He blinked and tilted his head.
‘’I don’t even kn—‘’
‘’No, no, I meant, their hands. They wouldn’t separate for—‘’
‘’They’re glued together. Literally. Lau did it.’’ I said, trying to hold back my laughter.
‘’Oh. Well, that’s…yeah.’’ He chuckled and cleared his throat. ‘’Okay, tell me.’’ 
‘’Aren’t you going to eat?’’ 
‘’Not hungry, just talk.’’ He smiled warmly at me as I began to tell him everything that went down.
‘’I think it’s a sign. You may be right…like a message or something.’’ He tapped his chin in thought. Right now, it was only us two in the lunch-room talking about this. Curious, he asked, ‘’So you think there’s a reason why he can’t tell you who the person that you love is?’’
‘’Nope.’’ He sighed, ‘’I’m also in between thinking that my ‘’helper’’ is actually the one he was talking about…I don’t know what it all means, but I want to know why he’s doing all this.’’ 
‘’You won’t know until you find that person…’’ He sighed and scratched the back of his head. ‘’You’ll need to analyze the people you’ve been with, your best friends, your enemies. Someone that could potentially end up being your supposed guide.’’  I sighed and nodded. Suddenly, I gasped in realization, widened my eyes and looked up at him, blinking. 
‘’What?’’ He asked, his brows furrowed. I kept my eyes on his, and suddenly the room turned smaller, the air turned un-breathable and I felt my heartbeat speed up. He widened his eyes in realization and blushed, making me crack a smile. He looked at my face and burst out laughing the same time I did. 
‘’There was no way that for a second you thought it was me!’’ He wiped a tear from his eyes, as I banged the table repeatedly. 
‘’Well, yeah, kind of!’’ I wheezed, trying to keep quiet at the same time as Suho covered his face and shook his head.
‘’Oh, my God! I can’t believe you!’’
‘’Sorry! I just thought, ‘well, he’s cute, you know? Maybe we could—‘’
‘’Stop it, oh my God!’’  He blushed and stood up from the table, grabbing his bag and flinging it over his shoulder. I laughed and followed him, but as he covered his ears, not even letting me finish the conversation, I started laughing again as he began to sing incoherencies just to cover up my voice, and I eventually cut myself off. I sighed, not in the mood to laugh, but just smile as well as he was doing right now. I grabbed onto his bag and followed him to the dorms, secretly glancing sideways and seeing as how Sehun and Luhan were looking at us and giggling. I rolled my eyes at them and kept following Suho, who could potentially—who knows—might actually be that person Yifeng was talking about. The problem was that I was just too scared to admit it then…but I like seeing him laugh, so I laughed, too…


Omfg, I'm so sorry for not updating T.T! School's been a lately :/ 
Anyways, any questions or ideas for the story^^ I'll gladly answer them and take the idea in consideration! :)
See you all next chapter, and feel free to comment and subscribe if you like it!^^
I love you all! \(^O^)/
Boring chapter though .__.
Honestly all the action happens around the second semester, but something happens along December,should I keep skipping months and weeks here? T.T
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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///