
Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)


Thursday, November 15, 2012.

Nobody’s POV.

Kai kicked the door harshly in repugnance as he groaned, going back to crossing his legs. The door wouldn’t budge no matter how many times they kicked or punched it. It was excruciatingly hot inside the small closet, but XiuMin tried his best to ‘’air-condition’’ the room, though the heat inside it made it harder to do so. He felt incredibly tight despite the fact that the closet fit all of them together. Kyungsoo was confused out of his mind and stayed quiet for a while, trying to forget all that happened. Chen and XiuMin were muttering things about them under their breath, something like ‘’at least we’re not alone’’ or ‘’they’re not as bad as Kris said’’ and Kai couldn’t really give a . He was glad they were all alright but he was sure that he’s been better. There was literally nothing to do and he was beginning to have a small feeling of claustrophobia by the time the clock ticked and they were trapped there for more time. He wondered if the guys were looking for him or if they even worried. He also wondered if they were all okay, but having no signal meant having no answer. He sighed and leaned back against the wall, a hand on Kyungsoo’s knee to try and comfort him the best way he could. He’d always wanted to be somewhere dark and hot with Kyungsoo. This was what he got in return for sleepless nights and fantasizing in the dark and privacy of his own room. What was worse? He was hungry. And XiuMin only provided them with chunks of ice that Kai had trouble eating. He wasn’t fond of anything ice-cold. Kyungsoo just ate it because he was hungry and it would also quench his thirst and make him lose all probability of the ice melting on him if he didn’t eat it.

Kai had tried multiple times to transport in and out but without a proper satellite or space, there was nothing he could do. Even Kyungsoo tried to rip the door open with his massive strength but it’s like this one spot drains all powers. It wasn’t their fault the closet had to be so far away from civilization. If only they could make some sort of juncture or find some sort of vent, but since it was pitch-black, they could barely see the roof. Chen’s phone was the only light source available and he tried to light the room as much as possible but it was yet another fail. Kai didn’t know if YuHa glued the door shut or did something to it to make them completely weaken inside that damn closet. Whatever he did, it was obviously strong.

‘’Guys,’’ Kyungsoo spoke suddenly, his voice coming out soft and unsure, ‘’I think I have an idea.’’ Kai’s eyes shot right up and he tried to look at Kyungsoo. When Kyungsoo felt eyes on him, he took it as a cue to continue, ‘’we can try to make a latter to reach the roof.’’

‘’A latter,’’ XiuMin repeated, curiously, ‘’how are we going to do that?’’ he asked and Kai suddenly got the point.

‘’Just…however you can,’’ Kyungsoo made a gesture with his hands, ‘’I-I’ll try to help.’’ Kai nodded and stood up, dusting himself off and pulling Chen up.

‘’Climb on my back,’’ Kai said and tugged his arm forward so he was beside him. Chen just shrugged and climbed on his back slowly, ‘’XiuMin, your turn.’’ XiuMin stood up and looked around, trying to find and feel his way towards the two. Once he felt warm flesh, he quickly tugged on Chen’s arm to hoist himself up and successively climb on the younger’s back.

‘’Now what?’’ Chen, struggling to keep the latter in his back, asked. Kai groaned.

‘’N-Now K-Kyungsoo will be climbing,’’ Kai said, ‘’think you can climb up?’’ Kyungsoo nodded, though no one could see it.

‘’Y-Yes,’’ Once he’d realized this, he made his voice audible. He then stood up and tried to find XiuMin’s offering hand. He found it quickly because of the coldness in his palms and he took it while hoisting himself up with all his strength and successfully climbing on his back as well. Being the last piece to the latter, he slowly stood up and reached up, waiting to touch something on the surface. Xiumin held him in place whilst Kyungsoo reached higher, the pads of his fingers feeling something metallic and cold, ‘’It’s a vent!’’ he exclaimed.

‘’Really? Try and see if you find some sort of escape!’’ Kai commented, trying to look at Kyungsoo.

‘’I-I will,’’ Kyungsoo stuttered while being aware of the current situation he’s in. He doesn’t know how high up he is but it’s scaring him a little bit. Despite the little scare, he reached up and felt around the vent, trying to find a door or an opening of some sort. The thought itself was stupid, but he was feeling around to see if any air-vents were in there too so they could each one-by-one, slip inside it and escape. However, it was to no avail until he felt…wood. He furrowed his brows and found it to be a drawer. Curiously, he searched around it until he found the handles and opened them with a squeak.

‘’What’s that?’’ Chen asked, gasping.

‘’I think it’s a drawer.’’ Kyungsoo replied.

‘’So high?’’ Kai asked, taken aback.

‘’Yeah, I think there’s something in here,’’ Kyungsoo said, trying to look further into the drawer, ‘’I-I can’t reach the end of it.’’

‘’H-Hurry, Soo, I can’t hold on much longer,’’ Kai complained.

‘’Where’d the manly persona go?’’ Kai scoffed.

‘’Yah, I can’t function well in these places!’’ Kyungsoo chuckled as he reached further, hissing as he stumbled upon a cold object. He grasped it and felt something pierce his index finger. He shifted a bit and tried to feel it again, tilting forward a bit to try and grab it, making everyone tilt with him, ‘’K-Kyungsoo, ‘’ Kai uttered out as he shuffled a bit, trying to keep his  balance.

‘’W-Wait, I think I got something,’’ Kyungsoo interrupted, tilting just a bit farther before Kai loses his balance and tumbles down, landing on his while the other three boys gasp and yell as they are sent to the ground. Kyungsoo groans and rubs his head, ‘’Yah! I almost had it!’’ Kyungsoo complained.

‘’Hey, it wasn’t my fault! What did you even have?’’ Kai groaned and shut his eyes, rubbing his lower back.

‘’I don’t know what it was but I think I have blood on my fingers,’’ Kyungsoo hissed and Kai groaned as he moved closer to Kyungsoo, trying to find him.

‘’Yah, let me see,’’ he said as he took the latter’s hand in his, trying to look at the wound, ‘’what was it that you even touched?’’

‘’I don’t know, but it was pointy,’’ Kyungsoo whined, blowing on his finger as Kai sighed.

‘’You should be more careful, stupid,’’ he said, trying to comfort the other. Kyungsoo pouted and decided not to respond to that as he kept blowing on his finger to ease the pain and soothe it. On the other side of the room, XiuMin and Chen were trying to light up the room with Chen’s phone but it was already going dead. Kai managed to scoot over to his usual spot in the room and groaned, feeling his lower back pulse, ‘’are you guys okay?’’

‘’Fine,’’ XiuMin replied, still rubbing his head.

‘’Great,’’ Chen commented with a grunt, rubbing his nape. Kai then leans his head against the wall and lets out a long sigh, extending his leg to give the door yet another kick. However, it does not budge after the nth time he’s tried to make it budge. The room stilled for a few minutes and it suddenly got hotter as a puff of hot air came from the ground.  Kai furrowed his brows, bewildered as he shifted his behind to the center of the room.

‘’Yah, you guys,’’ he started, speaking lower than usual, ‘’can you hear that?’’ he asked, referring to the sudden heavy breathing that came through. The guys stayed quiet for a few minutes and Kyungsoo was the first to answer.

‘’Who’s that?’’ Kyungsoo asked, looking around, ‘’XiuMin, is that you?’’

‘’No, is that you, Chen?’’ XiuMin asked, looking at his friend. Chen shook his head.

‘’No, Kai, is that—‘’

‘’No, it’s not me, listen,’’ they stood quiet again and began listening to the quiet huffing of breaths underneath them, ‘’that…’’

‘’What is that?’’ Kyungsoo asked, confused.

‘’Could be the air vents,’’ XiuMin said. Chen shook his head.

‘’It can’t be,’’ Chen said.

‘’Yeah, it’s pretty warm where I’m sitting right now,’’ Kai said, short, raggedy breaths following after. He his lips and sat completely frozen, trying to make of the sound that was coming under him. He shushed the others’ murmurs and began paying attention to the unsettling sound of huffs and his own slow breaths. A sudden rush of hot air blasted through him and he was launched momentarily from his spot on the floor. He jumped and backed away, bumping into Chen in the process, and set his back against the door, ‘’what the was that?’’ He panted, taking ahold of his chest and gripping it through the material of his shirt.

‘’Wait, where are you?’’ XiuMin asked, looking around.

‘’A-Against the door,’’ Kai answered, ‘’there is something under us, don’t even think of sitting where I was sitting!’’ Just then, they all hear a pounding- a thud. A sound. Kai panics and starts looking around to grab what he can. He manages to grab Kyungsoo’s arm and Kyungsoo is suddenly startled by his outburst.

‘’Y-Yah! What are you doing?’’

‘’H-Huh? Oh, sorry,’’ Kai answers almost instantly.

‘’What just happened?’’ Chen asked, obviously puzzled by what just happened. Carefully, without a response, he crawled up to the warmest place in the whole room and felt around before pulling his hand away, ‘’ow, what the—‘’

‘’Chen, why do you sound so distant?’’  XiuMin asked, looking around for his friend. Chen shushed him as soon as he spoke.

‘’Relax,’’ he said quietly as he heard the obvious gulp coming from XiuMin, ‘’I got it,’’ XiuMin then approached the spot again despite the complaints heading his way. He felt around slowly and quiet, ragged huffs were heard, taking Chen aback. He managed to grab onto something irony or metallic right next to the spot he was sitting at and lifted it, only to drop it back down because of its impressive weight. Soon after, a cloud of dust arose and Chen was waving it off with a hand in front of his face. The others heard his coughing and Kai immediately smacked the back of his head.

‘’Yah! What part of ‘’don’t’ even think about it’’ don’t you understand?!’’ Chen rubbed the back of his head and pouted as XiuMin soothed him by making small circular patterns on the center of his back.

‘’Are you okay?’’ He asked, a bit concerned. Chen nodded.

‘’I’m fine,’’ he said, ‘’just help me lift that thing up, I wanna find out what—‘’

‘’No!’’ XiuMin and Kai complained at the same time.

‘’You’re not doing that,’’ Kai said and pulled him out of that spot, ‘’it’s too dangerous,’’ Chen pouted.

‘’Come on, I’ll be fine. Besides, what’s the worst that could be down there?’’ Chen shrugged as Kai look at him incredulously.

‘’You could die,’’ Kai said, his eyebrow cocked upwards as Chen scoffed.

‘’Really, I’ll be fine. I’ll be back up if I see something unusual and I’ll let you guys know whatever happens.’’ He dismissed and Kai could only sigh, waving his hand at him so he could continue his investigation. Chen nodded in approval and crawled back to the spot, lifting up the heavy lid slowly, making a cloud of dust circle him as he coughed. Carefully, he looked down into the long, dark gap under his eyes and blinked. Without hesitation, he made his hands light up and he pointed his palms right into the hole, seeing there was nothing underneath. His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed some stairs and as soon as he turned and stepped on one, XiuMin grabbed his wrist.

‘’Dude, what the hell?’’ Chen blinked as XiuMin looked at him, saying absolutely nothing, ‘’we made an agreement, didn’t you hear?’’ He looked at Kai and asked for answers. Kai shrugged at Chen and XiuMin looked back at him.

‘’Let him go, Minseok. He knows what he’s doing,’’ Kai said and XiuMin let go of Chen’s wrist slowly, as if already regretting it the second he let go. Chen nodded at XiuMin as he retreated, climbing down the long stairs. Chen took a breath and looked down, the same nothingness he was faced with a while ago awaiting him.

He descended down the stairs until he looked down to see cement.  Looking back, he slowly made both feet touch the ground with no problem, taking a breath as he did so, hoping nothing would happen.  During the next five seconds, he stayed still and decided to look around, holding the handlebars. He saw nothing out of the aspect, nor did he feel it so he slowly let go and walked around curiously, his footsteps echoing as he walked. Suddenly, a hot gush of wind surrounded him and he quickly got into position, electricity running over the course of his arms as he looked around.  Soon after, he heard a huff. His head whipped to the right and his eyes met pitch black darkness before a low growl was emitted and he met big yellow eyes staring back at him. He jolted and gasped at the sight, backing away.

‘’Guys!’’ He yelled, but soon after regretted it as that only angered the creature even more. The mustard-colored eyed beast stepped closer, showing off a large, orange beak and Chen backed away even more as it opened its beak to let out a loud, high-pitched ‘’SQUAWK!’’

‘’Chen! Get out of there!’’ Kai yelled and looked down at him as XiuMin looked to be panicking. Chen rapidly nodded and headed towards the stairs as the creature squawked again but was stopped immediately after it grabbed the back of his shirt and lifted him up by his collar. Chen was powerless the second that happened as he tried to shoot the beast with shockwaves of electricity but failed miserably as it shook him around, ‘’CHEN!’’ Kai yelled and Chen, despite his fails, tried to free himself from the bird’s grasp. He thought of something different and let the creature swing him around from side to side and waited for his cue as the rest yelled at him to do something else.

‘’I got it!’’ Chen said as the shakes got even faster but he looked at the stairs determinately, turning his face so he could shoot the bird right at its left eye. The bird squawked again and let him go, making him land right on the stairs and with no further thought, he climbed as fast as he could, where Kai’s hand was waiting for him at the top, urging him to keep moving. Once he reached the top, Kai pulled him up and slammed the lid down as hard as he could and sat on it before another loud squawk sounded and a thud was heard underneath said lid. D.O, Chen and XiuMin sat huddled up to each other, panting nervously while Kai held the lid down as more thuds came their way, as if the beast wanted to be let out. When the thuds stopped, Kai slowly got up after a few minutes to make sure it was officially over. He walked over to the other three and sat next to them.

‘’Chen…’’ Kai said lowly, making Chen gulp.


‘’What was that?’’ Kai said, trying to hold himself back from yelling at him and startling the others.

‘’I don’t know…’’ Chen said quietly, avoiding Kai’s glare.

‘’Don’t even think about trying to open up that thing again, got it?’’ Chen nodded, ‘’got it?!’’

‘’Got it!’’ Chen nodded rapidly as Kai nodded in approval.

‘’Good.’’ D.O widened his eyes at Kai’s unlikely behavior but didn’t say a word. He wouldn’t blame him. After all, he was beginning to grow very tired and hungry and Minseok was still giving him chunks of ice that were starting to give him an annoying toothache but he didn’t complain. At least it was something. He sighed and rested his head shyly on the wall for a few minutes and his head began to throb. He winced at the slight pain and cracked his neck a few times before Kai grabbed the side of his head and tugged it down, making his head rest in the small juncture of Kai’s warm neck. He smiled a bit and nuzzled his neck playfully, to which Kai chuckled to and he leaned his head against D.O’s. For once he thought it wouldn’t be so bad to be stuck in the closet with him. It could work, and he knew he was the only reason Kai was still sane.




Nobody’s POV.


After what happened, the principal canceled school for the next week and all students needed to stay in their dorms. Search parties were also sent to look for approximately six missing students, including XiuMin, Chen, Kai and D.O. As of right now, no further news was heard and Suho and his colleagues were beginning to grow more worrisome as time passed. Being part of the investigation, luckily they could go downstairs and begin searching whenever they want, and after searching for about three hours, there was nothing found. Baekhyun hadn’t talked to Chanyeol during the whole search, but the two exchanged looks every once in a while and occasionally, they would ask if they had found something, but that was it. It was hurtful for Baekhyun to have to stick to Suho while Chanyeol was with Sehun, but he understood that Chanyeol needed his space after his little breakthrough moment.

He heaved a long sigh as he laid face-down on his bed, his eyes training on the closet next to him and not on Chanyeol, who was looking out the window with his back turned to him. He hated not talking to him. It was eating him alive and it was his own fault. Chanyeol would have apologized by now if they had gotten into one of those best friend fights they had once in a while even though it wasn’t his fault. He always apologized first, but I guess that wasn’t the case today. Baekhyun gave a tiny pout and hugged his pillow, trying to decide whether to kill the awkward silence or just leave the tense atmosphere surrounding them.

He decided to pick the second choice, sitting up and turning so his feet touched the ground, stirring his hair with a sigh. He tilted his head a bit to see if Chanyeol reacted to the sudden creaking of the bed, but again, he ignored it. Baekhyun almost cried. This was too much. He sadly stood up and dragged his feet to the kitchen, where Suho offered him a glass of water because he ‘’didn’t look so good.’’  Baekhyun kindly refused and excused himself, putting his shoes on and walking out the door, ignoring Suho’s calls. Sehun just told Suho to let him go because—

‘’He probably needs some air,’’ Sehun explained and Suho nodded, sighing and sitting down next to the younger boy.

‘’Hyung,’’ suddenly, a voice erupted and it belonged to no less than Chanyeol, who peeked his head out the door, messy hair, droopy, sleepless eyes and his lips bruised from probably holding himself back from crying.

‘’Hey…’’ Suho spoke softly to him and told him to come closer, which he obliged, rubbing his eyes. As if on instinct, his hand connected to the taller man’s forehead as he sat down, ‘’have you eaten?’’ he asked gently and looked into his eyes, ‘’or slept?’’

‘’Did Baekhyun leave?’’ Chanyeol didn’t answer his questions and Suho was taken aback by his own curiosity. He nodded slowly and Chanyeol stood tall without another word, following in Baekhyun’s footsteps and putting his shoes on, opening the door and walking away.


He managed to catch up to Baekhyun quickly, but didn’t approach him instantly. He wanted to know where he was headed despite the urge to tug him back and have a decent chat with him. He laid low and made his footsteps the quietest they’ve ever been, following Baekhyun until he reached the stairs. Baekhyun stood there for a while, just looking at the hall in front of him and Chanyeol hid behind a wall, just looking at him instead. Baekhyun walked down those stairs slowly and Chanyeol made his move once he was down all ten of them. He followed Baekhyun until they reached the lockers, where he hid behind despite his tall stature. He gave an exasperated sigh and peeked to see Baekhyun turning a corner. He took this as an opportunity to keep moving, keeping his heavy breathing and his footsteps at a normal pace. The least he wanted was for Baekhyun to think he’d be a serial killer. Once Baekhyun turned to the right, he froze as he saw another figure peek from the other corner, following Baekhyun. He frowned, immediately recognizing that figure to be Tao.

Baekhyun’s POV.

I sighed and rubbed my hands together. I was sweating all over and I just needed a splash of cold water to stop me from sweating like a pig so I headed towards the bathroom, pushing the door open and slipping inside. Luckily, I was alone, so there was nobody there to interrupt me or tell me I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I turned the faucet on and let the water drip down before I cupped my hands and took a handful, shoving it in my face. Once I was done, I grabbed a tissue and dried up, sighing at the feeling of water trickling down my jaw. I sniffled and leaned against the sink, just staring at the cubicles in front of me. Suddenly, I heard the door creak and I froze, looking at it open wider.

‘’H-Hello?’’ Once the door took longer than it should have to open, I greeted in fluent mandarin. The door opened the slightest bit to reveal the person’s bodyline, which was thin and built at the same time.

‘’U-Uh,’’ I stood still in my position, turning my face away because I knew that voice. My lips joined in a straight line and I shut my eyes as I felt the door open and close and a body making its way to me, ‘’hello,’’ Tao said as his body was mere centimeters from mine. I turned my head to face him and he, instead, turned his own away.

‘’Hi…’’ I said, turning my attention to my feet.

‘’Mm,’’ he nodded and crossed his ankles, ‘’so I’ve been thinking…’’ he started, speaking softly.

‘’Yeah?’’ I looked up at him.

‘’I just want to apologize for…jeopardizing your relationship with, uh…’’ he trailed off and I blinked, basking in realization.

‘’Chanyeol? Oh, no, no, it’s okay,’’ I waved a hand dismissively, carelessly, ‘’it’s whatever…but I do want to apologize for the way he acted towards you. He’s usually not like that…’’ I bit my lips and scratched the back of my head.

‘’It’s fine as well…’’ Tao returned, shifting his eyes shyly towards the floor, his hands held behind his back, ‘’I just wanted to help,’’

‘’I-I know…’’ I sighed, feeling a tad guilty, ‘’so thank you. And again, I apolo—‘’

‘’Don’t apologize,’’ he cut me off, taking me aback, ‘’you’re not the one at fault. I understand. He thought I was a threat and so, I didn’t mean to set him off the way I did,’’ he shrugged.

‘’Oh, no,’’ I said, ‘’y-you’re not a threat. He just does that a lot because he cares about me…a lot,’’ I mumbled the last part and gulped hard.

‘’And I see that,’’ he nodded, sighing, ‘’so it’s better if we not see each other, right? I don’t want to get on his bad side if he, in fact, sees me as a threat,’’ I shook my head.

‘’T-That’s not necessary. I’ll make sure he understands that I need my own friends and that he’s not my own personal -kicker,’’ I chuckled awkwardly, ‘’you don’t need to distance myself from me…Chanyeol’s just…’’ I sighed, trying to find words, ‘’he’s not used to this…’’

‘’I noticed,’’ Tao chuckled, making me crack a bit of a smile as he continued, ‘’so I’ll try to make amends however I can.’’

‘’You don’t need to do that,’’ I explained, ‘’just stick with me. He’ll come along once he realizes the truth.’’

‘’Stick with you? You mean we can, like, hang out and stuff?’’ he blinked, his smile growing wider as I nodded.

‘’Yeah, sure,’’ I smiled back, ‘’he’ll be okay, just give him time. Meanwhile, you can hang with me whenever you want,’’ I shrugged and looked down after I saw a light colored blush growing on his cheeks.

‘’Really?’’ he asked, incredulous, ‘’that’s great…’’ I could already feel the smile on his face.

‘’Yeah,’’ I agreed and for a while, we stood quiet, comfortable yet awkward.

‘’So how’s Chanyeol going to react when he, you know…sees us?’’ I jolted at the sudden question and gulped, looking away and facing myself in a mirror. My cheeks were heating up already and so were the tips of my ears. I turned my face back and shrugged, trying to seem careless again.

‘’Don’t know…I haven’t talked to him about what he thought about the little ordeal that went down,’’ he nodded, ‘’I haven’t talked to him since actually…’’ I bit my lips and looked down, playing with my feet.

‘’Oh?’’ He tilted his head, ‘’why?’’ I avoided the question quickly, shaking my head and pretending I didn’t hear it.

‘’Jealous. He’ll be jealous,’’ I sighed.

‘’Oh…’’ he said quietly, ‘’should we not hang around him the—‘’

‘’No,’’ I cut him off, ‘’he needs to know you’re no threat.’’ I looked at him and he nodded.

‘’Okay…’’ he said, ‘’okay, I guess I can do that.’’ I nodded.

‘’Yeah…’’ I sighed again and my lips, biting them nervously, ‘’I can do that too…’’

‘’Mm,’’ he nodded and we stayed in silence for a little more before I decided to leave. It was getting a little awkward here.

‘’Oh, well, I need to go,’’ I said, heading towards the door as he looked at me, blinking confusedly, ‘’my hyungs are probably wondering where I am,’’ I nodded and pushed the door open while looking at him. I turned my head once I heard the squeaks of some sneakers and a loud thud coming from the lockers on the other side of the room but decided to ignore it.

‘’Okay then,’’ Tao smiled a bit, ‘’I’ll see you around,’’ I blinked and stepped out of the room.’

‘’Yeah…you too,’’ I said shakily and sighed, slipping out completely and shutting my eyes as I walked, feeling the tears burning in my sockets from holding them in too long. I sniffled and walked quickly towards the staircase, hoping I got home before the guys started looking for me.


Nobody’s POV.

As Baekhyun was climbing the stairs, under them was Chanyeol, hugging his knees. He sobbed and let out angry, frustrated breaths as his fists shook from all the pressure he put into that locker. His knuckles bruised a bit and his skin boiled as his cheeks trickled with fresh, hot tears. He sniffled and looked down at the ground, tears hitting the tiles.

‘’…’’ he mumbled and looked at his shaking hands, ‘’, , ,’’ he sobbed as he repeated over and over, his breath hitching every so often. He wasn’t one to spy or one to nose around on Baekhyun’s conversations but he couldn’t help but overhear and that was a bad choice. He wiped his tears harshly as he mumbled, ‘’stupid, stupid,’’ over and over again. The Baekhyun he knew wouldn’t have said all he said. Then again, he doesn’t know which Baekhyun he knew anymore. Chanyeol was so fed up with trying to please Baekhyun that he wasn’t thinking of himself and here he was now, heartbroken and beat up on this situation. And it’s not jealousy anymore; it’s frustration, anger, disillusion and disappointment and he hated himself for holding those feelings close to his heart and letting them out now. He was led on, fooled. He didn’t know what to think or who or what to believe anymore. He just wanted to give up on everything and let Baekhyun go and let him live a happy life with Tao.

But no.

It wasn’t that easy. He knew when something was wrong and his feelings were pooling up so bad he could explode any second now. He had to hold himself from lashing out and exploding because the frustration was too much. Tao was onto something, he knew. His feelings could be true but he knew it wouldn’t last as long as he’d like and Baekhyun would be hurt in the end. Now Chanyeol would never hurt Baekhyun, but Tao, being manipulated and dragged along by Kris, would. He knew that. And maybe he thought deep down that Tao wasn’t a bad one either but he didn’t know what to think anymore.

He sniffled and coughed a bit, standing up and walking away, heading towards the main door leading outside. They said the Tree of Life radiated peace and good energy, so he walked there to try and find some peace of mind as the wind dried up all his tears and refreshed him the slightest bit. To his dismay, there was someone else under said Tree, and it was no other than Kris. He rolled his eyes and decided, ‘’ it,’’ and approached the Tree, sitting quietly under the shade opposite of Kris’ side. He observed the construction workers work on some blueprints nearby and he heard the drilling of a few tools but didn’t let that bother him. Instead, it cut him off his train of thoughts, which was good. He didn’t want to cry or stress or feel anymore, so he closed his eyes and rested his head on the Tree, letting the wind do its job, fanning him.

‘’Hey,’’ Chanyeol sighed and turned his head to face Kris, annoyed, ‘’hey, you’re that guy who gave me a nose bleed,’’ Chanyeol raised a brow and scoffed, rolling his eyes.

‘’Thanks?’’ He said as he hugged his knees.

‘’It wasn’t a compliment, ,’’ Kris groaned and Chanyeol felt more than a little insulted, ‘’you punched me, remember?’’ Chanyeol nodded slowly.

‘’Oh…’’ Kris nodded.

‘’You’re also that guy who’s always with this huge, annoying grin on his face, right?’’ Chanyeol sighed and nodded again.

‘’You could say that…’’ he responded as Kris hugged his knees as well, humming and nodding at the answer.

‘’Your friend is in a relationship with one of mine, hm?’’ Chanyeol nodded.


‘’Oh…’’ Kris cleared his throat and nodded, looking away from Chanyeol and focusing on the scene in front of him. Meanwhile, Chanyeol sighed and stretched his legs, resting his hands on his nape as he leaned against the Tree’s trunk, closing his eyes and trying to catch a quick sleep.

‘’So…’’ Kris mumbled, scratching his cheek and Chanyeol groaned and opened one eye, looking at him, ‘’so you…you know my friend Tao right?’’ Chanyeol automatically cringed at the mention of that name and blinked a couple of times, looking at the floor and nodding slowly when Kris expected an answer for longer than he asked.

‘’What about him?’’ He asked softly.

‘’Well…recently he’s been talking to one of your friends, right?’’ Chanyeol hid his face in his hands and shrugged.

‘’I don’t know…’’ He sighed.

‘’You don’t?’’

‘’Nope,’’ Chanyeol replied. Kris hummed.

‘’Oh,’’ he nodded, ‘’well you should. Tao usually doesn’t talk to anyone but us, so you better believe that if your friend tries to hurt my- our Tao, he’ll fight back,’’ Chanyeol looked at him, appalled almost as he raised a brow at the sudden statement.

‘’Baekhyun would never hurt anyone, so your Tao better be careful with my Baekhyun instead,’’ Chanyeol scoffed, feeling even more insulted.

‘’Alright, alright,’’ Kris sighed, ‘’just making sure this Baekhyun kid doesn’t have bad intentions with Tao,’’ Kris rolled his eyes as Chanyeol ignored that comment and turned his face away from Kris, looking at the trees in the distance calmly swaying. He puffed some air and pouted, memories of what had happened earlier flying through his mind and flooding his thoughts with Baekhyun’s careless words. That’s when he felt his heart shatter a little bit more. He then placed a palm on his chin and played with a twig he found on the floor. All the thoughts running through his mind were visibly making his skin turn a dark shade of red and the next thing you know, the twig is now a burnt up piece of wood. Kris then chuckled and brought him back from his train of thoughts.

‘’Nice,’’ he clapped, ‘’can you do that to your face?’’ Chanyeol glared at him and felt his own eyebrow twitch.

‘’No, but I can do that to yours,’’ he spat back as Kris scoffed and nodded.

‘’I’d like to see you try,’’ he said as Chanyeol decided to ignore him again, ‘’come on, tell me what you know.’’

‘’Tell you what I know about what?’’ Chanyeol sighed for the umpteenth time that day and buried his face in between his folded legs, already growing bored and tired of being here.

‘’About your Baekhyun and my Tao. I know they met today, okay? I followed him,’’ Chanyeol shrugged, staying quiet before Kris face-palmed, ‘’I’m here because of the same reason you’re here, we’re both…jealous s and I get that but—‘’

‘’What makes you think I’m jealous? You don’t even know me or Baekhyun, why should I even trust y—‘’

‘’I’ve seen the way you look at him,’’ Kris interrupted, taking Chanyeol aback and looking at him straight in the eyes, mouth completely agape, ‘’and I know you think you should be looking out for Tao but no, you better start looking out for me because I’m trying to help you out here and you’re not letting me!’’ Chanyeol jolted.

‘’I’m telling you, I don’t know!’’ Chanyeol exclaimed frustratingly, ‘’I don’t know why Baekhyun’s even talking to him, I don’t know why Tao hates me so much and I don’t—‘’

‘’Tao hates you?’’ Kris interrupted again and Chanyeol nodded.

‘’Yes, he does. He hates me.’’

‘’Good, so do I,’’ Kris said and Chanyeol raised his arms up, dropping them back down against his legs in annoyance, ‘’so I’m starting to think it’s because he’s jealous of you.’’

‘’Me?’’ Chanyeol scoffed, shifting his attention to the construction workers, ‘’oh, please.’’

‘’I’m serious. If there was ever a chance Tao actually liked Baekhyun, you’d be his first target,’’ Kris pointed out nonchalantly.

‘’I know,’’ Chanyeol said.

‘’So why are you so bitter? I won’t let Tao get anywhere close to Baekhyun,’’ Kris said.

‘’How can I even begin to trust you?’’

‘’You can’t,’’ Kris replied, ‘’I don’t trust you either, I’m just reviewing the facts and I’m trying to make a deal here,’’ Chanyeol shook his head.

‘’A deal? Then I’m out,’’ He answered, ‘’I don’t want to make any type of deals with you.’’

‘’Fine, fine,’’ Kris groaned and leaned back against the Tree, ‘’let’s just start reasoning here, okay? Maybe that ought to open your mind up a little bit.’’

‘’What do you mean? We have nothing to talk about anymore, I’m through talking.’’ Chanyeol brushed off Kris’ stare and looked at the burnt up twig.

‘’Are you?’’ Kris asked and Chanyeol tightened his fists, biting his lips. He really wanted to know what this is about but he didn’t want any trouble. He had a bad feeling about this so he ignored Kris, staying quiet for a few minutes until Kris decided to not talk to him anymore. Chanyeol saw him open up a box of cigarettes from the corner of his eye and grimaced as he lit it and took a long drag out of it, smoke clouding his vision and making him cough, ‘’want one?’’ Kris offered and Chanyeol shook his hand in dismiss as he coughed into his forearm, ‘’are you sure?’’ Chanyeol nodded.

‘’Why would I?’’ He said, coughing as more smoke clouded around him and the smell of tobacco hit his nostril.

‘’I heard this is actually good for those like you,’’ Kris said, taking yet another drag and exhaling.

‘’ ‘Those like you’, what’s that supposed to mean?’’ Chanyeol said, squeezing his nostrils.

‘’I mean those with the same ability as you, ,’’ Kris rolled his eyes again and picked up another cigarette from his box, ‘’it’ll make you feel good, I promise,’’ he offered as Chanyeol bit his lip and hesitated.


‘’Well, light it yourself, take a drag and find out,’’ Kris smirked and gave it to him, ‘’I’ve even seen Mrs. Ling smoking it up in the teachers’ lounge when she’s arguing with her husband over the phone,’’ he shrugged as Chanyeol looked at him.

‘’Does she?’’

‘’She does,’’ Kris nodded, ‘’says it calms her.’’ Chanyeol sighed and looked at the cigarette before holding it with his thumb and index finger, inspecting it thoroughly and making his decision. He shrugged and with a touch of his index to the tip of the cigarette, it lit up and he took a long drag.

‘’Holy ,’’ he coughed and covered his mouth as Kris laughed beside him.

‘’Relax,’’ Kris said, ‘’the shorter, the better.’’ Chanyeol nodded and took a small drag, sighing as the puff of smoke was released from his mouth. Leaning his head against the Tree again, he repeated these steps as Kris nodded in approval, ‘’good, you’re learning.’’

‘’Shh,’’ Chanyeol shushed, squinting his eyes as soon as a particular ray of light hit his face, ‘’it does help…’’ Kris chuckled as Chanyeol kept smoking.

‘’What did I tell you?’’ Chanyeol shrugged, ‘’right, I’ll just shut up.’’ Chanyeol nodded and kept smoking, all the while thinking of nothing else but Baekhyun. He sighed and released more smoke, finding himself drown completely into the feeling of not feeling anything at all when thoughts started flooding. He shouldn’t be thinking about him either but he found it okay since it wasn’t really going to do anything to him. He furrowed his brows in thought and looked at Kris.

‘’Hey, if your power isn’t fire, why are you—‘’

‘’I knew you would ask that,’’ Kris chuckled, ‘’I’m a class B Pyrokinesis student. In other words, I am like you, but wasn’t born like you.’’

‘’And what’s that supposed to mean?’’ Chanyeol tilted his head.

‘’It means I wasn’t born Pyrokinetic, I was made Pyrokinetic,’’ Kris explained as Chanyeol nodded in understanding, closing his eyes and thinking again while tapping the end of the cigarette, making ashes fall onto the grass. As he yawned, he opened his right eye and observed that the ashes had been absorbed. He blinked a few times and looked up at the Tree, biting his lips. Maybe this was one of the reasons the Tree was dying. He didn’t pay much thought to it but decided to stop smoking after a few more drags, taking in as much as he could in his lungs despite coughing it back out when he’d have enough. He gave himself an imaginary pat in the back as recovery and felt his hands heat up calmly. This happened often when he thought too much and he didn’t think much of it, just let it happen. His hands turned a light shade of orange as his mind was set at ease; however, his body was reacting differently. The light coloring continued until it got darker and climbed all the way up to his arms and reached down until it covered the tips of his toes. All of this happened while he took more of that smoke into his system. Kris didn’t notice though. He was much too engrossed in his own little moment of relaxation that he completely forgot he was even there.

Suddenly, a large splash of water brought them both back from their trance and a voice that yelled, ‘’Yah, Park Chanyeol!’’ made them turn their heads to the voice.

‘’Hyung…’’ Chanyeol muttered as he felt himself cool down a little. Suho immediately shook his head in disappointment and took the cigarette hanging from his lip.

‘’What were you doing? This could be bad for you!’’ Chanyeol jolted.

‘’I-It’s not, it makes me feel good,’’ Chanyeol defended, looking up at a furious Suho looking back down at him, hands on his hips before throwing the cigarette into a trashcan.

‘’We’ll talk about this at home,’’ he turned to Kris, who raised a brow as soon as Suho pointed an accusing finger at him, ‘’and you!  You stay away from my Chanyeol,’’ Chanyeol stuttered a few times as he was yanked off the grass with incredible force and dragged away elsewhere.


‘’No talking!’’ Suho responded, stopping dead in his tracks and looking up at Chanyeol as he panted. Suho then covered his nose, ‘’damn, Yeol! What were you thinking? You were practically on fire! Any more of that and you could’ve burnt down the Tree!’’ Chanyeol looked down and pouted.

‘’Sorry, hyung…I wasn’t thinking correctly…’’ he nodded as Suho sighed and patted his back.

‘’Let’s go home,’’ he said in a lower tone, dragging Chanyeol back towards the building. Chanyeol nodded as he was dragged and stopped as soon as he thought of something.

‘’Wait!’’ Suho stopped as Chanyeol yanked him back in front of him, and with a curious look, he paid attention, ‘’is Baekhyun there?’’ Suho blinked.

‘’At home? Y-Yeah, he is. Do you want to talk to h—‘’

‘’No!’’ Chanyeol responded a little too quickly, making Suho jump back, ‘’Sorry, no…it’s just that…’’ Chanyeol scratched the back of his head, ‘’can I sleep in your room today?’’

‘’What?’’ Suho blinked in confusion and shook his head, dismissing the comment, ‘’no, no, of course you can, I’ll just ask Sehun to sleep at yours today, hmm?’’ Chanyeol nodded.

‘’Yeah…’’ he said and started walking again, ‘’yeah, that sounds good,’’ Chanyeol kept a low, quiet tone in his voice, making Suho a bit concerned at his actions. Suho furrowed his brows and kept walking nonetheless until he saw a familiar figure talking to the construction workers nearby. He tilted his head and approached him unconsciously, making Lay look back at him curiously but never wiping that smile off his face.

‘’Hey, guys,’’ Lay smiled, ‘’what brings you here?’’ Suho pulled off his best smile and elbowed Chanyeol to look up and do the same. Chanyeol did, trying not to seem the least bit upset.

‘’Oh, nothing. Just picking up one of my naughty kids,’’ Suho and Lay chuckled and Suho scratched his head, ‘’um, so what are you doing here?’’

‘’Oh, just helping out,’’ Lay nodded, looking back at the building, ‘’I’m supposed to be on watch out because if anybody else is pulled out of all that debris, they bring them to me and the school nurses so we can hopefully give them some treatment.’’

‘’But weren’t there about six missing people?’’ Chanyeol asked and Lay looked at him, shaking his head.

‘’There’s been an update. Approximately about ten are missing. They filed the reports at least a while ago, so we’re keeping an eye out for all that piled up debris. No one has been found yet unfortunately,’’ Lay sighed and shrugged, ‘’we’re trying our best, but all I can do is stand back and wait.’’

‘’Oh, I see,’’ Suho said, ‘’so, no more news has been out?’’

‘’Well, there have been a few updates, but they aren’t supposed to be officially out yet until they get their evidence,’’ Lay nodded, ‘’so there’s still a big mystery about this sudden disappearance, don’t you find it odd?’’ Suho nodded.

‘’I do,’’ he agreed, ‘’I mean, two of my friends completely vanished without a trace and they can’t be dead or under all that debris. Kyungsoo’s strong while Kai is quick and besides that, he could’ve teleported anywhere he’d like, so it is strange.’’

‘’Yeah, exactly,’’ Lay nodded, ‘’XiuMin would’ve guaranteed his friend’s life without thinking of his first, yet none of them have resurfaced, it’s scary.’’

‘’It really is, but I’m sure that if they’re alive, they’re together, don’t worry too much,’’ Suho advised, smiling warmly.

‘’Same goes to you. I know you must be going through a tough time,’’ Lay smiled back.

‘’Oh yeah,’’ Suho chuckled, ‘’two of my kids are missing and two others are fighting,’’ Chanyeol tilted his head.

‘’You and Sehun?’’ Chanyeol asked and Suho face-palmed, following Lay’s giggle.

‘’Nothing, Chanyeol. Let’s just get home before Baekhyun gets worried,’’ Chanyeol frowned.

‘’Why would he care?’’ Chanyeol released himself from Suho’s hold on his wrist and walked away, kicking a pebble on the way before setting it on fire. Lay chuckled.

‘’See what I tell you?’’ Suho blew air into his bangs and looked at Chanyeol from the corner of his eye.

‘’I see,’’ Lay sighed, smiling a bit, ‘’it’s okay. As long as you remaining four stay together, I’m sure you’ll find the other two and that fight won’t even matter anymore.’’

‘’I hope so,’’ Suho smiled bitterly, ‘’I really do. Sehun and I are probably the only ones trying to find them. Not that Chanyeol and Baekhyun don’t try, but I think they should fix whatever they have with each other before looking. They’re probably too focused on their problem that they can’t focus on the problem at hand.’’

‘’What’s going on with them anyways? I thought they were closer than close,’’ Lay shrugged.

‘’They are, but I don’t know what happened. I mean, Baekhyun’s dealing with his feelings for Chanyeol and Chanyeol’s so protective and so sensitive when it comes to Baekhyun. Can’t you see? He’s heartbroken,’’ Suho sighed and pouted, watching Chanyeol play with some rocks.

‘’Why can’t they just get together and be happy already?’’ Lay chuckled, looking at Chanyeol as well, ‘’it’s obvious.’’

‘’Yeah, it is, but you just need to be patient. Chanyeol’s very oblivious, too; he doesn’t notice that Baekhyun is actually starting to think of him differently.’’

‘’Good, that’s great. I’m glad he’s noticing this, finally.’’ Lay grinned as Suho smiled and nodded, ‘’Speaking of couples, Luhan seems really happy, do you think he and Sehun have gotten back together?’’

‘’Do I?’’ Suho laughed as Lay nodded, smiling, ‘’of course! Those two are definitely back together. It’s like a weight fell from my shoulder the second I saw them together, actually smiling at each other just like old times.’’

‘’Ah, I’m so happy for them,’’ Lay smiled again, ‘’it was about time. Luhan was already annoying me with his complaints,’’ he chuckled as Suho grinned.

‘’Yeah, I was kind of getting tired of not hearing Sehun talk about Luhan 24/7, it was weird for him not to.’’

‘’Took a toll on you, huh? Thank goodness they made up,’’ Lay nodded, smiling as Suho did the same.

‘’Yes, indeed,’’ Suho turned to Chanyeol, who was pouting as he burnt yet another pebble, ‘’well…I should go now. Chanyeol probably wants to take a nap and forget today.’’

‘’Alright, sure. No problem,’’ Lay smiled and waved at Chanyeol, who smiled back and gave him a small wave, ‘’he looks like he needs it.’’ Lay chuckled and Suho nodded.

‘’Yeah, so I’ll see you around? Maybe text you?’’ Suho tilted his head.

‘’Yeah, that sounds promising,’’ Lay smiled as Suho waved and smiled back before walking towards Chanyeol.

‘’Come on, big guy, you’ve had enough moping for the day, hmm?’’ Suho smiled warmly and extended a hand for Chanyeol to take, which he did. He hoisted himself up and kept walking towards the door by himself. Suho blinked a few times and sighed, following him.

Back at the dorm it was quiet. Suho would be cooking dinner and Chanyeol and Sehun would be playing cards while Baekhyun played with his phone on the kitchen counter No new updates have been released to the public yet, but Yixing managed to let them in on a little secret: No one has been found, but personal belongings have been recovered and one of them happened to belong to Kyungsoo. A new ray of hope washed upon the remaining four and some canines/ cadaver dogs were beginning a wide search now. Half of the school was anxious and craving more new leads, but so far, nothing yet. It would mean there would be a little more waiting time before the authorities concluded their search, since they have just begun officially. But Suho was happy to know they had at least recovered something. It didn’t really contain clues or evidence since, unfortunately, it was covered in too much debris and dust to actually prove that he was alive.

‘’Alright, who’s in the mood for sushi?’’ Suho asked and Sehun immediately raised his hand. Suho sighed as Baekhyun stood quiet and Chanyeol lowered his head. Suho suddenly got It, ‘’oh right…you guys don’t like sushi,’’ the other two stood quiet and Suho nodded, resting his palms against the counter as he thought of something to eat.

‘’How about rice?’’ Sehun barged in and suggested.

‘’I’m not in the mood to eat rice,’’ Chanyeol mumbled, poking his thigh as Baekhyun shook his head.

‘’Me either,’’ Baekhyun muttered afterwards, looking at his feet. Suho sighed and shook his head.

‘’Then what do you guys wanna eat?’’

‘’I don’t want to eat…’’ Baekhyun said, playing with his fingers.

‘’Baekhyun, what did you eat today? Same question goes to you, Chanyeol.’’ Suho looked at both of them with a glare and none of them responded. That was enough for Suho, so he shook his head in disapproval and nudged Baekhyun for him to do something about this, but Baekhyun only looked back at him, his eyes clouded with confusion.

‘’I-I…’’ Baekhyun muttered quietly and shook his head, looking at the floor. Suho then nodded and understood, preparing them both a sandwich.

‘’Chanyeol, pickles on yours?’’ Suho asked from the kitchen.

‘’No, thanks,’’ he answered and Suho nodded before he heard the ringing of a phone. Sehun stood up and smiled, walking towards the door and Suho smiled himself.

‘’Hello?’’ Sehun said as he answered and opened the door. On the other line, he heard a chuckle.

‘’Hi…’’ Sehun smiled even wider as he heard Luhan’s shy voice come out, ‘’u-um, I just…I wanted to check on you, so yeah….’’

‘’Check on me? Wh-Why—‘’

‘’Í heard from Yixing that nothing has resurfaced about the guys, so yeah…how are you?’’ Luhan sighed and Sehun leaned against the door, shrugging.

‘’I’m fine…how about you? You must be feeling the same, hmm?’’

‘’Fine, too…but I know how you feel, so there’s no need to hide it, Sehun.’’ Luhan said.

‘’I know…I just….I thought to myself that maybe if I don’t think about it or think it’s real and pretend they’re all okay, maybe I’ll—‘’

‘’Sehun,’’ Luhan stopped him dead in his tracks and Sehun sighed, slipping down the door and leaning his head against the wall, ‘’Sehun, they’re going to be fine…’’

‘’You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that in the past twenty-four hours,’’ Sehun said, his eyes already watering, ‘’Lu, I don’t know where my best friend is, how do you think I’m dealing with this situation? He could be dead in a ditch or somewhere under school grounds, suffocating and I wouldn’t even know, so stop telling me that Kai is going to be fine. I’m being real here, Luhan.’’

‘’No, Sehun, you’re being negative,’’ Luhan protested, ‘’and you’re exaggerating. Look, my friends are missing, too. It’s something I don’t like mentioning but I know it’s something they can overcome, and if XiuMin and Chen can do it, I’m damn sure Kai and D.O can, too.’’

‘’But Lu—‘

‘’No buts!’’ Luhan complained instantly and Sehun couldn’t help but crack a small smile because Luhan had that edge in his voice that made him do everything he wanted, ‘’be positive. Whatever the outcome, I know you can move past it.’’ And Sehun couldn’t really say no to that.

‘’I know, Lu,’’ Sehun sighed and nodded, ‘’can we please change the subject though?’’

‘’Yeah, sure,’’ The other assured and rolled his eyes, following a sigh, ‘’But I don’t think we’d have time for another subject anyways. Kris wants me to make dinner again and so, I got to go but I’ll talk to you real soon okay?’’

‘’Okay,’’ Sehun said, ‘’I’ll talk to you later,’’ he nodded and before Luhan could even say goodbye, he hung up and left Luhan confused on the other end of the line. Sehun made his way back inside the room with a groan as he rubbed his eyes. Suho looked at him in question and dried his wet hands to pat his shoulder.

‘’Didn’t have a nice chat with him, huh?’’

‘’Well, we barely talked, so you could say that.’’ Sehun shrugged and sat on the couch, Suho following and sitting next to him.

‘’You know, he can come over whenever he likes,’’ Suho nodded, ‘’it’ll give you both a chance to reconnect and talk more. Maybe once tomorrow’s investigation comes to an end, you can bring him over for dinner. What do you say?’’ Sehun smiled a bit and nodded.

‘’That’ll be great! I’ll surely talk to him at lunch or something. We really needed that extra push in our relationship; I feel like we’re on the rocks right now. Thanks, man,’’ Sehun smiled and gave Suho a pat on the shoulder before standing up, ‘’I’ll go take a shower, it’s been a rough day.’’ Suho nodded and gave the younger man a smile before sighing and turning to look at Chanyeol and Baekhyun, eating next to each other without saying a word.

‘’Tell me about it,’’ Suho stood up and patted both of their heads, ‘’oh and Chanyeol? I need to have a talk with you later. It’s concerning your little quality time with Kri—‘’

‘’Sure thing, hyung,’’ Chanyeol spoke through a mouthful as Baekhyun turned to look at him in disbelief. Baekhyun shook his head and scoffed before turning his attention back to his food. Suho on the other hand looked at Chanyeol, shrugging while Chanyeol gave him a look that told him he didn’t want Baekhyun to know about what was going on.  This of course, didn’t affect Suho. The sooner Baekhyun faces Chanyeol, the faster this whole thing will end and if Baekhyun needs to find out about this, so be it. Suho left the scene and walked away, leaving the other two by themselves. 


okay you guys. i'm ready. cmon. kill me. i'm ready. 


I'm sorry guys ;-; 

I already have the next tw chapters planned out so i hope i can update quickly since I'm currently on vacation~ T~T

I hope you guys liked this one though~ I feel horrible since it's not much~ ;A;

What do you think? T.T

I LOVE YOU GUYS. SAY 'OULF' IN THE COMMENTS IF YOU LOVE ME BACK. *ish expecting nothing* ;-; <333

Have some BaekYeol since they're /partially/ back~T.T


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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///