
Before The Eclipse(HIATUS)


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Nobody’s POV.


‘’Stop touching that,’’ Moonkyu grimaced as he looked up from his book, his glasses sliding down his nose bridge. With two fingers, he rides them up again and crinkles his nose, raising a brow at JongIn, who was now inspecting his antique vase. ‘’Hyung, please.’’

‘’What? This is cool, who gave this to you?’’ He juggled the vase between his palms, making Moonkyu give him long, judging stares.

‘’My cousin,’’ He answered, ‘’It was her grandmother’s grandmother, so don’t touch it.’’ He gritted his teeth, making JongIn hold his arms up in defense after he put the vase back to where it was.

‘’Fine, there,’’ He rolled his eyes and sat next to him on his bed, trying to look over his shoulder, ‘’What are you reading?’’

‘’Literary arts.’’

‘’Boring,’’ JongIn huffed and stood up, leaning against the bedside table and humming, opening a drawer. Moonkyu immediately gasped as soon as JongIn laid his hand inside the drawers, so he smacked his backside,

‘’Yah! That’s my underwear drawer!’’

‘’Relax, I’m just looking for this,’’ JongIn scoffed and picked up the rock they’ve been hiding for the past 2 weeks or so, still shining brightly and red-colored, ‘’No big deal.’’

‘’Put that down!’’ He gasped and grabbed a hold of JongIn’s hands, hiding the rock under his own, ‘’The curtains are open...’’ He hid it behind his back and closed the curtains.

‘’Right,’’ JongIn scratched the back of his head, ‘’Sorry,’’

‘’Just don’t let it happen again, people are here always wanna be the center of attention, so they won’t hesitate to take this away from us if they see it,’’ He sat on the edge of the bed to polish it with his shirt, ‘’We can’t play around like we are, this could be serious. And if they find out, my dad would have to investigate the entire school to find out where this came from and why we have it, when really, there’s no particular answer to any of those questions.’’ JongIn sighed,

‘’But who is ‘they’?’’

‘’The entire student body, including the faculty.’’


‘’For now, let’s just please keep this a secret,’’ Moonkyu stood up and placed his hand inside the drawer, pressing a button deep in the back, lowering the space, becoming it hollow enough to hide the rock in the secret box inside the drawer. He closed the secret compartment and then the drawer, sighing, ‘’You haven’t been acting suspicious, have you?’’

‘’I still don’t understand how you did tha—wait what? Oh, of course not, I’m good at keeping secrets,’’ He smirked, ‘’Have you?’’

‘’I have…’’ Moonkyu looked down and began to fidget with his fingers. JongIn raised a brow,

‘’How so?’’

‘’Dad keeps asking me lots of questions about my behavior lately,’’ He moved around the room, not being able to look at JongIn straight in the eyes, ‘’Teachers have been telling him that I’ve changed and that I’m supposedly not paying attention. My dad somehow thinks this is related to you…I wasn’t supposed to tell you, but he kind of thinks I’m in love with you or something and if it happens again, then he’ll completely subtract you from my life, so…’’ JongIn stood back, blinking, trying so hard not to laugh, but inevitably, the feeling got the best of him so he collapsed on Moonkyu’s bed and started laughing out loud. Moonkyu on the other hand froze and gasped.

‘’Seriously?!’’ He kept laughing, making Moonkyu come up to him and hit him with a pillow repeatedly.

‘’Yah! Not funny! I’m serious!’’ He pouted and blushed. ‘’He really thinks that!’’

‘’B—But you’re—‘’

‘’I’m not!

‘’I know!’’ He kept laughing and rolled around the bed, trying to skip Moonkyu’s pillow against his face.

‘’Then why,’’ He hit him with the pillow, ‘’are you laughing?!’’ He whined and lay flat on the bed. JongIn patted his back,

‘’Because that’s impossible, and I apologize, but your dad has serious problems.’’

‘’I know…’’ Moonkyu mumbled against the mattress and groaned, ‘’He could’ve assumed that I had a body under my bed, or perhaps were hiding a supernatural rock in my drawer but no, he thinks I like you.’’ He whined as JongIn chuckled.

‘’At least he knows I’m worth liking!’’ Moonkyu lifted his face and glared at JongIn, who offered him a sheepish smile. Moonkyu smacked his arm, and the other shrieked, ‘’hey!’’

‘’Serves you right.’’

‘’Whatever, let’s just go to school.’’ Moonkyu sighed, stood up, threw his book inside his backpack and nodded.

‘’After you,’’ He said, and pushed JongIn towards the door, kneeing his when JongIn slid out a comment about his strength.


On their way to the classroom, they ran into the others, including Lay—who was behind Suho, tugging his shoulders because they were going to be late—and Luhan—who was too busy flirting to think about anything else but his boyfriend—They all greet Moonkyu, and D.O made sure to get Kai into his classroom early, dragging him by his ear as Moonkyu raised a brow.

‘’Ouch, ouch, ouch—‘’ Kai squealed, trying to pull his ear back, ‘’Can you please, hyung?’’ Kai stopped and pouted at the other, who was still holding his ear as his left eye visibly twitched in annoyance. He sighed, and let go of the ear, leaning against the water fountain.

‘’What?’’ He asked, leaning down to get a drink. Kai rolled his eyes.

‘’It’s not even 7:15, what’s the—‘’ He got silenced by D.O raising his palm at him while still drinking water. He sighed and waited for the ‘okay’. When D.O finally raised his view and wiped his lips, only then he spoke, ‘’what’s the rush?’’ D.O shrugged.

‘’I was thirs—‘’






‘’Watch your mouth!’’ D.O retorted, glancing up and down at Kai with a grimace stuck to his features. Kai rolled his eyes again.

‘’You know, for being my truthful best friend, you’re not doing that very well.’’ He crossed his arms, making D.O scoff at his statement, ‘’Just say it already.’’ He smirked, and approached D.O with a smirk. The other looked away and scurried off to his locker, ignoring him and turning his back to open the locker as soon as the school bell sounded. ‘’Kyungsoo-ah~’’ He tempted, gently placing his hand against his waist. D.O shuddered and answered, finally,

‘’I don’t know what you’re talking about.’’ JongIn nodded, looked around, and when he sees nobody crowding the halls, he spins Kyungsoo around and holds him tight against his locker, his hips holding him in place as soon as he attached his lips to his earlobe, lightly whispering,

‘’Stop lying to me,’’ Kyungsoo tried to push him away, whimpering, ‘’I gave you a chance, and now you can’t even look me in the eye.’’

‘’I—‘’ Kyungsoo was squirming his way out of the tight hold, but every time he did so, JongIn would have a way to hold him back where he wanted to. He wouldn’t even give him a chance to speak, not like Kyungsoo wanted to anyway.

‘’I already told you the truth,’’ He managed to sigh and continue, ‘’and you know what I’m talking about, I’m not repeating myself.’’ This statement made Kyungsoo’s legs wobble and shake, hearing JongIn, whose tone of voice would have been strong and menacing, turning into a voice of disbelief and hurt. He could only look down and nod, ‘’So why don’t you believe me?’’ Kyungsoo shrugged, and felt tears welling up in his eyes, and soon enough, they were falling but JongIn managed to tilt his head up, stare into his large, tear-stricken eyes, his own digging into them like he’d just struck gold. Kyungsoo couldn’t move when JongIn came closer and barely dared to move his lips when they touched Kyungsoo’s for a mere 3 seconds. Kyungsoo was the first to react, pushing him, but Kai wouldn’t move, but he gasped, pulling away first, pushing him away, his own strength finally coming out in a state of panic, and dashing away to class JongIn’s though, didn’t falter until he punched a locker, cursing at himself for giving into temptation, but as soon as a bruise colored his pale knuckles purple, he could only sigh and turn to the only person that could help him in this sort of situation.



Moonkyu’s POV.


As I ran a quarter mile through the field, head-phones plugged in my ears, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and decided to stop in my tracks for a quick breath, gripping on my knees and telling the other runners to go ahead of me while I drank some water. I sighed and covered my face with my other palm as I squinted my eyes due to the intensity of the rays. Suddenly, my phone began ringing in my pocket, and I reached out to find out that it was Kai calling. I thought his phone had gone ed up, but I took it anyways.


‘’Dude!’’ I furrowed my brows and removed the phone from my ear because of the sudden loudness.

‘’Wh—I thought your phone got dipped in alcohol!’’

‘’Luhan-hyung fixed it for me, okay, anyways, I need you right now!’’

‘’What happened?!’’

‘’I’ll tell you later, just meet me in the hallways near the water fountain.’’ I sighed and ran a hand through my hair,

‘’I need a permission slip first,’’ I sighed and looked down to see I was—obviously—wearing my gym uniform, ‘’and I need to change, I’m at gym right now.’’ I hear Kai groan.

‘’Ugh, fine, but hurry, I really need someone to talk to…’’ I nodded and said,

‘’Okay, okay, I’ll try to hurry up,’’ I said and hung up, merely jogging towards the bleachers inside the gym, where the teachers were. Panting, I tapped JR’s shoulder, and his head turned towards me.

‘’Oh, hey, Moonkyu,’’ He said, ‘’you done with that quarter mile?’’  I nodded

‘’Yeah, but I kind of need to go out for a few seconds, so I was kind of wondering if I could have a permi—‘’

‘’Permission slip?’’ I nodded, and he sighed, ‘’Alright, I trust your word, but no more than 30 minutes out.’’ He pointed his finger accusingly at me, and I could only smile and bow down in gratitude, taking the slip that he took from his pocket. I immediately ran towards the locker rooms to change, grabbing my bag with my uniform.


Once I reached the locker room, I looked through my bag and pulled out the uniform, throwing out my sweaty track pants and tank, leaving me completely exposed. I sighed, throwing on my dress shirt and pants, wondering why Kai needed me so much. Had something happened to him? Did he get in a fight? Detention? Suspended? Expulsed? Or worse…

Kyungsoo? I gulped and hoped it had nothing to do with those.


While I was buttoning up my shirt, I hear a bang on one of the lockers, making my head immediately shot up, looking around. I sighed, seeing as there was nobody here, but I felt like I was being watched, and I started buttoning my shirt faster. Whoever it was, didn’t like me. I just hoped it wasn’t the guy that used to bully me and his crew. I gulped, feeling my heart-beat rising, the room becoming smaller with every breath I take. After my shirt is buttoned, I take my bag and take a breath, walking towards where I heard that bang. I hid behind some lockers, and I felt the urge to jump out and attack, like any other raged lion, but I didn’t, because when I peeked around the corner, I gasped, seeing how the door to the staircase leading to the rooftop was open. I went over there, looking both sides to make sure nobody was there, and closed it with a lock. I sighed and turned around, noticing that a locker was oddly open, the lock was broken and the name tag of the owner of the locker was on the floor, just like the owner’s sneakers. I blinked, and ducked down to pick up the name tag—which was covered in dirt, as if someone had stepped on it repeatedly—and dusted it off as I looked at the sneakers and placed them back inside the locker, trying to get the dust off the tag. Strangely enough, the sneakers looked like the ones JongIn borrowed from Suho that one time we walked around the school. I shrugged and kept dusting off this nametag, leaning against the locker.

After I dusted it off, the name was clear as day, but I couldn’t believe who it was.


Kim JongIn.


I gasped, and dropped the tag, getting my backpack and running out from the door because JongIn might be in trouble. I checked my watch as soon as I erupted through the door. I had 20 minutes left. I ran towards his locker and found him spinning around, pacing back and forth down the hall with his hands gripping his head. I called out to him, ‘’JongIn-Ah!’’ He stopped and turned around, approaching me. I dropped my bag and went over to him, worried.

‘’Are you okay?!’’ I asked, worried, looking at him up and down to see if anything had happened to him. Other than his bruised, yet pale knuckles, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He sniffled. He looked like he’d been crying, and he never cries. He just shook his head. ‘’Have you been crying?’’

‘’N—No…I just hit my fist really hard and my eyes started burning,’’ He shrugged, and I rolled my eyes. He sighed and nodded, and I took that as a confession. I sighed and dragged him down with me to the floor, leaning against the lockers.

‘’I’m so gonna need more than 15 minutes…’’ He nodded and began telling me what happened.


Nobody’s POV.


During lunch, there was no sign of Kai in the premises, which could only mean he was with Moonkyu again. Kyungsoo sighed, poking his food. He wouldn’t talk or eat or make any noise, and the others were starting to grow curious of his behavior. Baekhyun was on the other side of the table, eyeing the others, asking what he should do, mouthing his words. The others, especially Suho, told him to go out and wait for them in the halls, where they could have a talk, since Baekhyun was known to be one of Kyungsoo’s best friends. Baekhyun complied and stood up, tucking his shirt down. He sighed, and patted Kyungsoo’s back, and the other lazily turned his head to him, looking up with his large, round eyes. Baekhyun offered him a smile, and the other returned it, standing up using the hand Baekhyun had extended for him to take. On the other hand of the table, Suho smiled and waved them off as they went through the door, while Chanyeol could only pout. The two sat in a table outside, where multiple freshmen were eating lunch. Kyungsoo was the first to speak,

‘’I saw you guys,’’ He said, and Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows, ‘’and I appreciate that you want to help, but there’s really nothing you can do…’’ Baekhyun sighed and nodded.

‘’I just wanna know what’s going on, and if I can’t help, I’ll at least try my best to cheer you up,’’ Kyungsoo smiled and nodded.

‘’JongIn kissed me.’’ Baekhyun went wide-eyed, and Kyungsoo could only chuckle, ‘’He did, and I pushed him away…’’

‘’H—How did you take it? Were you angry? Did you cry?’’

‘’I didn’t want to cry, so I was more angry than anything else, but I didn’t bother on yelling or punching him, even though I wanted to, so I just ran…’’ He shrugged.

‘’You didn’t wanna hurt him.’’ Kyungsoo shook his head, ‘’What’ll you tell him when he apologizes or something?’’

‘’I don’t know yet…but I don’t wanna talk to him for awhile…’’ Baekhyun nodded.

‘’I understand…you don’t have to.’’ Kyungsoo nodded and Baekhyun smiled at him. Kyungsoo gladly returned the smile.

‘’Good,’’ He said, ‘’But thanks for trying to cheer me up, I missed talking to you.’’ Baekhyun nodded,

‘’I miss it, too, but with Chanyeol around—‘’

‘’How can you refuse that big, lanky puppy?’’ Kyungsoo chuckled.

‘’Exactly,’’ Baekhyun sighed.

‘’He even looked sad when you had to go!’’ Kyungsoo laughed, and Baekhyun laughed, but covered his laughs.

‘’Yah! Leave him alone! He’s just very—‘’


‘’Protective of me.’’ Kyungsoo nodded and raised a brow, ‘’We were close as kids, so you kinda get used to it…’’ Baekhyun coughed and blushed a light shade of pink, making Kyungsoo question the other’s feelings towards the one who was obviously oh, so in love with him.

‘’Ah, so you’ve gotten used to that, too?’’  He nodded and Kyungsoo smiled, ‘’So give him a chance, he’s just looking out for you after all, right?’’

‘’Yes, but I want him to start worrying about himself…he could seriously get hurt ‘protecting’ me.’’

‘’Then tell him.’’

‘’I already tried that, but he doesn’t stop…it’ll ruin him if something happened to me…’’ Baekhyun sighed and looked at his hands, that ultimately started glowing, which is a habit he had when he started thinking too hard. Kyungsoo sighed and took his hands,

‘’Yah, you’re not allowed to do that here…teachers could be around!’’ Baekhyun nodded and gave out his light. He sighed,

‘’Come on, we should go…’’ He stood up and again, offered his hand, which Kyungsoo took and stood up. The two started walking back to the cafeteria, but something took their attention, and it was the sound of people chanting, ‘’Fight! Fight! Fight!’’ Baekhyun was the first to run, leaving Kyungsoo to call his name over and over, but he had already gone.

Baekhyun’s POV

I ran so hard I almost slipped a couple of times, but that didn’t stop me from pushing people out of the way to make sure that whatever was going on had nothing to do with Chanyeol, because I knew Chanyeol was capable of getting into another fight. I finally found the mass of people near the Tree Of Life, and immediately approached it with all my speed, only to find Suho and Sehun yelling.

I pushed past the people and saw that there was no Chanyeol, so I started to panic. I grabbed Suho’s shoulder, startling him, and turned him around, obviously clueless.

‘’Where’s Chan—‘’ I was cut off by Suho pointing in front of him and Sehun yelling louder. Baekhyun’s heart almost dropped.

Chanyeol was fine, in fact, he was helping separate that fight between what looked to be like Tao and Kris of the Legendary, but I didn’t care. Sehun was yelling at Luhan, who was trying to tug on Tao’s shirt and was getting yelled at by Kris and almost pulled down because of Tao’s strength. The teachers didn’t care, as long as it’s not inside their classrooms or inside the school, they could do whatever they wanted out of school premises. I heaved a sigh of relief and felt someone’s hand in my shoulder. It was none other than Kyungsoo, worried about what was going on….until he saw what was going on.

‘’False alarm?’’ I nodded. I turned my head to Sehun, who was trying to tug on Luhan’s arm, but the other was yelling at him to let go, albeit a bit too loudly, and Sehun obliged, let him go and walked away, his face serious and muttering a few curse words, and after that happened, Luhan froze and gasped when he was dragged inside the fight.


Sehun’s POV.


Luhan was practically being dragged inside a fight he didn’t belong. He was separating them, but was only making them angrier, and he was getting pushed and shoved. And though they were one of Luhan’s fellow Legendary, I wasn’t going to let him get hurt because of that, but he wouldn’t move away no matter how loud I yelled or how much I tugged on his shirt.

‘’Lu! Stop!’’ I yelled, but that only made him more motivated. I kept shouting his name, and he always answered me in Chinese, and I didn’t understand a word he was saying, ‘’Luhan stop this right now, you’re going to get hurt!’’ I yelled, and ultimately, I didn’t know he was going to get this worked up.

‘’Stop telling me what to do, Sehun! Let me go!’’

‘’No! Didn’t you hear me!? You’re going to get dragged in there and get hurt!’’

‘’I don’t care! Do you even care about the safety of my friends?!’’

‘’Let them have their own fight, this one is not yours!’’ He groaned and kept pulling at Tao’s shirt. Were we having a fight over this?

‘’Stop! Stop!’’ I yelled and he kept ignoring my words, no matter how much I said them. My voice was beginning to grow hoarse and raspy, but I wouldn’t stop, he was practically being uncooperative with me right now. I rolled my eyes, and kept pulling, signaling Chanyeol to help me, but he couldn’t, he was too busy pulling Kris back. I cleared my throat and continued, ‘’Luhan!’’ He finally stood up and pushed me back, yelling,

‘’Don’t talk to me right now, are you ing careless?! Leave me alone!’’ I blinked twice and sighed, letting him go and walking away, not bothering to look back at him, cursing under my breath. I don’t know where I was headed, but it’s better than near that commotion.

 I sniffled and held back tears because I wasn’t going to cry because my ing boyfriend yelled at me for the first time…and insulted me in front of my own friends. And it’s not like I could blame him. I was just trying to help…but he wanted me to stop and I should’ve stopped. In another life, it could’ve been JongIn and Kyungsoo fighting, and me who yelled, because those are my friends, and friends really do come first…

It didn’t take me long to realize that I was on the hallways, and that I was right in front of Moonkyu and JongIn, who were talking about something, and JongIn’s hand was bandaged. I wanted to know what happened, so I approached them…I secretly hoped it wasn’t the reason why Kyungsoo was so down a while ago. I ran over to them and called JongIn’s name, and they automatically stopped walking and turned back to me, smiling. I smiled back, and tried to make it seem real, but by the look they had once they saw me up-close, it wasn’t working.

‘’Hey, Sehun, what happened?’’ JongIn asked, squeezing my shoulder. I sighed and shrugged, and was about to tell them, until I heard Luhan.

‘’Sehun!’’ .

‘’I’ll  tell you guys later,’’ I couldn’t even let them finish, and I just ran, or more like jogged fast down the hall and made a turn to the right. He was still calling my name, and I kept running, though my legs kinda hurt. I hissed, but kept running all over the place until I reached the library, and there was no way I could hide in there. Luhan told me he knew the place like the back of his hand.

‘’Stop! Stop running!’’ He said, and I had no choice but to stop. He jogged his way towards me and I could hear him pant. I looked away, and when he reached me, he turned my face to see him, and before I could judge his appearance, he had cupped my face and kissed me. I began to kiss back until I tasted something different. Metallic. A much more different taste than Luhan’s. It was blood. I pulled away and saw that his bottom lip had been cut.

‘’I’m sorry for yelling,’’ He said, and wiped his lip. I sighed, nodding,

‘’No, don’t worry, it’s not like you showed me a different side of you or something…’’ I mumbled and looked away. He sighed and wrapped his arms around my neck.

‘’It wasn’t my intention to come out at you like that…I get it, you were looking out for me, and now I face the consequences, see?’’ He pointed at his lips while pouting. I chuckled and pecked his lips, ‘’I really am sorry though…’’

"It's okay," I said, though I was a bit unsure. I forced a smile for him, and he smiled back, bringing his lips to my cheek. He grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as we walked to the infirmary to check that cut out, but he stepped a bit back when he saw where were going, and let my hand go. 

"Where are we going?" He asked, and I knew he knew. 

"The doctors'" I answered, and saw Luhan visibly gulp. He shook his head. 

"I don't like doctors..." I chuckled as soon as he dropped his head, "Let's just go to Lay~" He pouted and looked up at me with hopeful eyes. I could only nod and wrap my arms around his waist, walking backwards to where we were. Luhan brought his phone out and started texting Lay. 

"Aren't powers not allowed inside the school and dorms?" I asked, raising a brow. He nodded and smirked,

"Yeah, but who'll know?" I shrugged and followed Luhan to wherever he dragged me to, "He's in our dorm, come on~" He smiled and took me to the flight of stairs leading to the other building, where his dorm was. I've never gone to their dorm, but it's not like I'll walk into weapons or secret lairs..right? I blinked out of this thought and kept walking behind Luhan, who was humming to himself. I smiled and changed the speed of my paces, so I was standing next to him and hearing his hums. 

Once I reached the dorm, Luhan took out his huge keychain with his many keys, and took a small one with the letter A on it. I tilted my head and asked, "Hey, what's that A for?" He chuckled. 

"I live in building A, you live in building B, get it?" I nodded, and he inserted his key and turned the knob, but it wouldn't budge. He let go of the knob and the door flew open, revealing Lay with a huge knife. Well, there goes my imagination, building scenarios about why he had it. I quickly hid behind Luhan, and he just chuckled at my stupidity again. 

"Oh, sorry, I was trying to open the lock, did I scare you?" Lay chuckled, and Luhan didn't look surprised. I stepped away from Luhan carefully and asked, bluntly, 

"With a huge kitchen knife?" 

"I forgot where I put my key, so This works part time, but I see Luhan had already opened the lock, so I just waited," Luhan walked inside and patted Lay's shoulder. Lay smiled at me and bowed 90°. I smiled back and walked inside, far, far away from that knife. 

"So you told me about a certain cut you got, right?" Lay asked, putting the knife down in the kitchen sink. Luhan nodded. "How'd you get it?" 

"Ah, Tao and Kris were fighting and--"

"I imagined so, you got dragged into the fight?" 

"Yeah," Luhan looked down shyly. 

"Doesn't surprise me." Luhan chuckled and Lay led us to their room, where I surprisingly see Suho sitting on the edge of a bed. I flinched, and he stood up. 

"S—Suho, what are you doing here?" 

"Hanging out with Lay, why?" He tilted his head and I looked at Luhan, who was busy being dabbed with something on his bottom lip. He looked at me from the corner of his eye and winked, smiling a bit after. I smiled back. I suddenly remembered that Suho was here. 

"O—Oh, nothing, I just found it a bit odd..." I said. 

"Oh, I see...well after the fight, Kris and Tao were not really all that hurt, just a couple of scratches and some burns on Kris' shoulders because of Chanyeol's mortal grip, so Lay--"

"I took them home, healed them a bit and when I got Luhan's text, I sent them to take a shower. They're showering right now," Lay said, taking care of that cut on Luhan's lip, concentrated like his life depended on it, "I also made them apologize to each other, but they wouldn't spill what the fight was about." 

"Oh," I said and glanced over at Suho, who smiled at me, "What about Suho? Did they say anything about you bringing him here?" 

"I warned them not to, plus I said it wasn't important and that they needed to be healed instantly, so they didn't pay much mind to it. They kept their mouths shut." I nodded and sat next to Suho on the bed that appeared to be Lay's, judging the stack of health books and some encyclopedias. Lay seemed really smart judging his book collection. He was always reading and hanging out in the library, but lately, he hasn't, I wonder if he's busy or something. 

"Have you been here before?" I asked Suho, who was now lying on the bed with his hands behind his head. He raised his head and answered, 

"Just once, have you?" I shook my head and he chuckled when he saw me look around, "I see." Luhan and Lay glanced back at us and gave Luhan the okay to go. He stood up and sat in his bed in front of me and smiled. His lip looked better now, and less irritated and damaged. Just a tiny scar invaded the rosy pout, glossy with some saliva. I had the sudden urge to kiss him, so I stood up and sat on his lap, making him grunt due to the weight and kissed his lips briefly. When I turned back, Suho had raised a brow and Lay joined him into staring at us. 

"What?" Luhan chuckled and removes some hair from his face, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer so I wouldn't fall off. 

"Control your hormones please~" Suho joked and Lay giggled at this. Luhan and I looked at each other, both thinking the same thing. We were about to comment something about their friendship, but were interrupted by Tao and Kris coming out of the bathroom. I confidently made myself comfortable on Luhan's lap and Lay was the first to speak. 

"When I told you guys to take a shower, I didn't mean together, but good, you guys look better now. Grab some icepacks, they're on the freezer." They nodded and walked away like it was only Luhan and Lay here. 

We could hear Tao and Kris all the way here, but they were speaking in Chinese, so only Luhan and Lay could hear. Luhan looked at me for a second, and back at Lay, and Lay turned his head to Suho and all of us looked at each other, but Suho and I didn't understand what was going on, and why we felt like we were being judged. 

Nobody's POV. 

Kris went to the kitchen, Tao following him over to the freezer. They agreed to showering together, because it had become a habit now, and they didn't mind as long as the other didn't talk or make a rude comment. Kris took out the icepacks and handed one to Tao, who placed it on his swollen cheek. Lay didn't heal them all completely because he wanted them to handle the consequences and learn to take care of themselves. They agreed without another word. They had noticed other people were inside their dorm, and it was none other than those Koreans they despised, or at least Kris did. Tao just obliged to Kris' wishes, and if Kris wanted them out, Tao will do whatever he could with all his might, because even if he didn't want to admit it, he wanted Kris' attention more than anybody's. 

"I don't understand why they're here, I told those two that nobody but us is allowed here." Tao nodded, "It just pisses me off, you saw me telling them this right?" Tao nodded again. Kris sighed and placed the icepack to his eye. 

"Duizhang, you do know that those are their friends right?" Tao mumbled under his breath. 

"I don't care, they could try to take our stuff or do something when we're not here, I thought I told them not to trust--"

"Well, that's their problem, not ours..." 

"I'm their leader, I'm not tolerating sob stories here, especially Luhan, he'll deserve it when it comes." 

"That Sehun guy actually looks more afraid of him than Luhan does," Tao rolled his eyes, "he's only what? 16?"

"Last time I checked he was 18, but all of that is just an act, I don't believe his little game." 

"Maybe he's just really scared of us because of you." 

"Good, I like that. Let them be scared of me." Kris laughed. 

"You know, not all of them are, that Chanyeol's pretty strong and I've heard he's waiting for you to do something so he could have official permission to beat your face in." 

"He wasn't saying that when he was holding my shoulders," Kris rolled his eyes, "But whatever, it's whatever, I'm not stooping so low yet." They stood in silence for awhile. 

"What if that was me?" Tao mumbled. 


"What if I bring home one of them? What would you do to me?"

"Well, what can I do?  Same treatment goes to you," Kris shrugged and Tao sighed. 

"Could you pass me the--" 

"Don't talk to me." Tao answered coldly, leaving Kris without the water he asked for, or tried to ask for. 

"Hey, I apologized, you could at least--"

"I apologized too, but your apology is not accepted anymore." Kris blinked a couple of times as Tao walked over to his room. 

"Hey, I didn't start this."

"Of course," Tao chuckled coldly, his back turned and sniffling after, "You ended it after all..." Kris sighed and tried to reach out for him, but the door was slammed in his face and all he could do was knock and hope for it to open again. 

"Tao, come on, don't be like this." He called out, but was answered, yet again, coldly. 

"Leave me alone!" 

"This is my room, too!" He pounded on the door, but nothing. He ran his hand through his wet hair and sighed, "Fine, I'm going back to class..." On the other side of the door, Tao was in a sea of blankets, one under the other, and even if he didn't feel cold, he just felt like crawling into a hole, and this was as closest as he'll get. 

Kris groaned and marched on over to Lay and Luhan's room. He cleared his throat and knocked on the wide open door, revealing all 4 laughing. Lay turned his head, 

"Oh, hey, where's Tao?" 

"He's still mad at me..." Kris mumbled, and felt genuinely bad for a few seconds. 

"Well, that's too bad, what are you gonna do?" Kris shrugged and sighed, 

"I don't think he's going back to class, but we should go..." Lay nodded and translated to the others that they should get going to class, and the two foreigners stood up and hid behind Lay and Luhan while passing by Kris. Kris sighed and followed them out. Luhan and Sehun left to their class together, and Suho was following behind them, leaving Lay and Kris alone. Lay sighed and pinched his nose-bridge. 

"You know, that was rude."

"What was rude?" Kris asked. 

"I heard everything you said about me, Luhan and our friends. That was rude," Lay crossed his arms and waited for something. Anything. 

"Tell me that you haven't worried about Luhan one bit and I'll drop everything and not care anymore." Lay blinked twice and sighed. 

"When I first saw Luhan talking to Sehun, I was, but trust me, he's a good kid now that I met him." 

"What about their leader?" 


"Yes, him," Kris answered, "You've been with him for awhile now, what's the deal?" 

"It's nothing, he's just helping me with something, but he's not a bad person, in fact, he's very sweet and caring..." Lay looked down and avoided Kris' gaze. The other chuckled and pushed his shoulders, starting to walk after they've locked the door. 

"You know, I really doubted you would be stupid enough to go the same pace as Luhan's, but I guess I was wrong." Lay gasped and quickly denied, 

"Hey! I—it's not like that!" He chuckled and Lay saw him roll his eyes.

‘’Sure,’’ He scoffed, ‘’you tell yourself that.’’ Lay groaned and kept pacing behind him, pink stained in his cheeks.

Once they were all downstairs, they heard the bell ring, and they all felt this huge sense of relief once that happened. Luhan dragged Sehun inside Lau’s classroom and Suho waved them off, heading to the Science room while Lay and Kris went to gym, as how Tao just stayed in his room, sulking.


JongIn returned to class and Moonkyu said goodbye to him after spending about half of his day with him. He sighed and sat down in his seat next to Kyungsoo. Both won’t dare to look at each other, but JongIn stole a few glances. He was sure Kyungsoo was mad. He could see the death grip he had on that pencil he was holding. He gulped, and turned his head back to the teacher, who was talking about an interesting fact on frogs that he really didn’t care about. He bit his lips and turned back to see Kyungsoo, who was yawning and covering his mouth. JongIn automatically yawned, too, and felt himself become suddenly drowsy. He figured it was going to be the slowest class ever.


Once class was over—thankfully—JongIn didn’t bother on going up to Kyungsoo because it was obvious that he was going to be either refused or slapped. That’s how pissed he looked, even though he supposedly talked to Baekhyun and lifted his spirits a bit, according Suho. He sighed and went to his locker, and it was the most awkward moment because Kyungsoo was no more than 5 inches away from him. He cursed the arrangements of the lockers. He tried removing the tension by saying at least something, but fate wasn’t on his side.

‘’So, hey, how about that—‘’ He was interrupted by the harsh sound of a locker slam. He was definitely mad. He shut his own locker and practically dragged his feet to Sehun, who was talking to some Chinese classmate, and threw himself onto his best friend, who groaned and patted his back, not really giving a or getting concerned, as he was talking to that Chinese guy. JongIn slapped the back of his head, and Sehun flinched and pushed him off, slapping his shoulder and continuing his conversation. JongIn was about to turn on his heels, but someone interrupted him with giggles.

‘’He’s talking about an assignment, I don’t think you should bother him,’’ Luhan said, smiling and patting his back. ‘’What’s wrong? You seem down.’’ JongIn shrugged and sighed,

‘’I made a mistake, I don’t know how to fix it…’’ Luhan was about to talk, but JongIn beat him to it, ‘’I know you wanna help, but you won’t understand unless I tell you everything, I just need—‘’

‘’Sehun. I get it, don’t worry about me, of course you’d go to him, you’re best friends.’’ Luhan smiled and JongIn scratched the back of his neck, nodding.

‘’Kinda,’’ He said and dropped his arms, ‘’I’ll talk to him later, I need to get my stuff from the locker rooms…Moonkyu said that someone may have attempted to break in and steal some stuff, so I’ll be going.’’ Luhan gasped, but nodded eagerly, and once he left, Luhan asked himself,

‘’That’s never happened, I hope he’s okay.’’

‘’What?’’ Sehun stopped talking with the other guy and looked at Luhan, who was still lost in a trance. ‘’Luhan.’’

‘’Oh, sorry,’’ Luhan chuckled out of his little world, ‘’JongIn wants to talk to you about something, he left quickly because he needed to pick up his stuff from the locker room.’’

‘’Umm, last time I checked, that was supposed to stay there.’’

‘’Someone tried to break in, Sehun, everything is scattered around the floor.’’ Sehun blinked a few times before registering it in his mind.

‘’Oh, , I need to go help!’’ Sehun tried to run, but Luhan had caught his arm and tugged him back,

‘’He said he’ll get back to you later,’’ Sehun nodded and sighed, ‘’By the way, way to be a ing good friend.’’ Sehun chuckled and brought Luhan up for a kiss as the other was walking away. The two separated awhile after and Luhan took the liberty to walk Sehun to his next class. Chanyeol was secretly glancing at them, how happy they looked and how jealous he felt for a split second, but as soon as Baekhyun tugged his hand, he couldn’t help but leave with him, taking in the soft texture of his best friend’s hand.


After the bell rang, once again, the boys met by their lockers, except JongIn. Suho refused to go back without him, seeing as how he was very distant ever since morning or in his own bubble since lunch. Kyungsoo plainly added that he was with Moonkyu as if the others wouldn’t look at him in question. Sehun told them about the attempted robbery, and they were equally as shocked as D.O, with his eyes as big as headlights. Kyungsoo swallowed back a lump of guilt, and asked,

‘’Should we check if he’s okay?’’ Sehun shook his head.

‘’He’s fine,’’ He said, ‘’Last time I saw him, he was going over there to claim his stuff, and Suho, your sneakers are there, too.’’ Suho nodded.

‘’Where is he now? We’ve been waiting for almost 15 minutes. He knows where to be, right?’’

‘’He’s supposed to, yeah.’’ Baekhyun commented.

‘’Fine,’’ Suho sighed, fingers tightening on the bridge of his nose, ‘’You guys go on ahead, I’ll look out for him.’’


‘’No ‘buts’ Kyungsoo, just go.’’ He nodded and avoided all sorts of eye-contact with the others, who were wondering if he had anything to do with the sudden disappearance. Little did they know that he was the first that wanted to be aware of his wellbeing.  The others did as told and walked towards their dorms, where Sehun took the keys and opened the lock. The rest quickly lay down and catch a breather. Today was a pretty hectic day, the decided. Sehun changed his clothes and took a short nap, as Kyungsoo and Baekhyun watched TV and Chanyeol just sat in the kitchen counter, too distracted in the grains of bread that a couple of ants were fighting over. He sighed and briefly turned his head to glance at Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. He wanted to join in on their fun, but he couldn’t. Not like he wanted to, but he was keeping space from him on purpose, because Baekhyun has been acting weird, and he wants him to understand that he doesn’t need to be with him all the time. He was pretty much taking a break. He kicked his legs and swung them a couple of times before heading to his shared room.

‘’Where you going?’’ Baekhyun suddenly asked, making Chanyeol turn slightly.

‘’Uh, headache, I need some rest…’’ He lied smoothly. Baekhyun shrugged and sighed,

‘’Need someone to accompany you? You’ll be pretty lonely for awhile,’’ He tempted, but Chanyeol shook his head.

‘’No, I’m good…’’

‘’I’ll wake you up when dinner’s ready,’’ Baekhyun smiled. Chanyeol did too and nodded before walking over to his room and throwing himself onto his bed with a thud and a few creaks from the bed. He mumbled something into his pillow about being stupid and flipped over, sighing.


While Suho was walking through the halls, he spotted the gym and decided to check in there first. He slowly opened the door and looked around. With no sign of people, or JongIn, he tip-toed inside and found the locker rooms. He pushed, and glanced around, seeing nothing. He closed the door carefully and tried to remember where JongIn’s locker was. He didn’t, so he scouted for his name throughout the many lockers. He reaches the far end of the room and finds the smashed and damaged locker, automatically tagging it as JongIn’s. He looks around but sees no one, so shrugs and walks towards the door, just before something grabbed his hand. He gasps and turns around, seeing nothing. For half a second, he freaks out, but shrugs it off as it being the wind. A cold one. He tugs on the door, but hears something unexpected. His name. He quickly turned around and drenched the floors with water as self defense, but absorbed it back in his body when he sees it’s no one again. He breathed in and out, and kept forming a ball of water behind his back. He slowly approached where the sound came from and turned,

‘’Who’s in here?’’ He asked, biting his lips after. A bang was heard, and he turned around again, ‘’who is it?!’’  He hears footsteps behind him, but small and faint. He could still make out that it wasn’t JongIn or Lay. He didn’t know this person. He starts breathing heavily, and his lips before he hears muttering, and footsteps approaching him again. He gasped and aimed the ball wherever he heard it from. He threw it as soon as he saw the person, but once it hit, he seemed perfectly fine. Suho blinked a few times, and realized right after his attempt that he had been in the same room as an entity. It looked young, about the age of Sehun, and looked innocent, his round eyes staring at his. He somehow felt calmer, and he absorbed the water back inside his body, waiting for something to happen. ‘’What do you want?’’ He didn’t let his guard down though. The ghost didn’t answer, but somehow felt what he wanted. The first thing that came to mind was the rock. He shook his head, ‘’I don’t have it…I’m sorry, I don’t know where it is…’’ The ghost only nodded and practically floated towards him. Suho wouldn’t flinch, but kept his eyes glued to him. The hairs on his arm and the back of his neck started to rise, and he felt himself awfully cold again. ‘’I really don’t have it, what do you want from me?’’ The ghost just pointed towards the door, and went ‘ah’. Suho realized his vocal chords couldn’t work properly. It also manifested himself in front of Suho, grabbing his wrist and dragged him outside of the lockers and outside the gym. It gasped and glued them to the wall when a teacher was near, making them completely invisible. The ghost positioned itself in front of the halls and pointed front, then left, then right and left again. Suho nodded, and the ghost smiled briefly before it vanished into thin air.

Suho sighed and followed the instructions of the ghost. He felt like he was on a treasure hunt, either that, or he’s being sent in circles. He hopes that during the whole ‘’hunt’’ JongIn would show up. He was rather curious about what he was going to find.



A/N: Ugh, again, I'm sorry for taking too long :'( 

Anyways, who do you think broke into Kai's locker?^^ 

I'll give you a hint~

It wasn't that ghost, nor the Legendary ;) 

Give me your best guesses!^^ 

Anything you guys might want me to add? :) 

And, oh, sorry about that fight with TaoRis, you'll find out later what it was about^^ 

I got requested for Kris to get what he deserved, but we're not done there, haha! xD 

Umm, so yeah, see you guys next update and if you can, please give me an opinion about this chapter/fic in general, that will be awesome and I'll instantly reply^^ 

Okay, that's all, love you all, bbye~~^^ 



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GUYS. I know I said I'd update quick and I'm almost done writing, but i have written a lot, the longest chapter so far orz i hope you guys like it once it's up~


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Chapter 27: Popping in again just to say I still love this story XD By far one of my favs even after 6 years of reading probably thousands of other stories and pairings!!!!! Even if this is the end I just want to thank you for this masterpiece and that I still have the ability to read what’s already been wrote ❤️❤️❤️
DyeDyeCoco510 #2
Chapter 27: I love this story!! Please start writing again. Your one of the best writer. Please start writing this story again! :)
P-p-please put me out of my misery T~T Send me a sign of life *kneels in begging position* It's just been a REALLY long time since you've updated or I've heard anything about the story.... I'm worried if your still writing it or not..... I'm okay if you just are taking a break or stuck, I just need a little reassurance that you still plan on continuing this story because I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
HybridLover7 #4
Chapter 27: Oh my... This story is a work of art T~T I have read tons of stories, and have several hundred subscriptions, but this story is by far my favorite!! It's so well written and the plot is just fantabulous! And the characters dynamics, you're just out for my heart author nim ;P

Baekyeol is my absolute favorite OTP of all time, and this story has me squealing over them. I love the whole unrequited love and Chanyeol's internal struggles. It's gonna make it so much more gratifying when they finally become a pair! Can't wait to see if Chanyeol's hormones get the best of him XD Kaisoo, so CUTE! Little Squishysoo in denial, and a touchy Kai, AAHHHHH!!! To die for :3 Taoris needs a smack down, especially on Kris's side. I wanted to KILL him with how he treated the poor Panda. Even though Baek is not meant for Tao, I hope they can still be friends. HunHan is a ball of ual frustration aren't they XD All lovey but there's that underlying tone of "I wanna jump you", makes they're relationship amusing. SuLay, just so innocently adorable! And XiuChen, gotta love 'em! I can see them acting the exact same towards each other dating, as they are as best friends :3 Which they should do, date, cause then I could die happy XD

Do I miss Moonkyu? Honestly, no XD It's not that he was a bad character or anything, I'm just hardcore Kaisoo, and he took up that time ^_^ *awkwardly chuckles. I don't hate him, and he's an interesting part of the story.... I just don't miss him :D

Oh my goodness, look at the length of this! XD But no amount of words can describe how much I LOVE THIS STORY! I will be patiently awaiting you return from hiatus, and highly anticipating the next chapter to one of the greatest stories EVER \^0^/ HWAITING!!!
Chapter 27: Also... As soon as you mentioned animals I was like...WOLF!!!

Hahahah... Wonder why!? Hhmmm...

Also... I Love You~

And Next time please update me on when you update this story!

Chapter 27: This was THE BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!

So Many Baekyeol Feels OMG... I really like how their relationship is developing. Poor Teollie, he's had to deal with so much Bullsh*t from Baekhyun!!! I Love them! And that Wolf Fight between them was amazing! And they kissed *melts into a pile of pink goo*

The HunHan couple... Loved how Luhan was petting Sehun and playing and cleaning Shuns Furr... Can he be any cuter? I love them!!!

Taoris... I Have massive feels for them and I like how Tao is sticking up for himself. I'm sorry Tao, Baekhyun belongs to puppy Yeol... Your place is with Kris!!! And Kris...FINALLY! I swear he must be the cutest sh*t when he's in love!!! I'm looking forward to them!

I Swear Kaisoo is just the cutest OTP in the History of Cute OTPs!!! I Love them! I like how they're not official but they love each other and you know the feeling's there! Kaisoo 4evar~

Can Sulay get any awkward er!? I mean for real... Those two are just too much!!! I would love it if they kept developing their feelings! I have high hopes for them!

Xiuchen are just the stupidest goofballs in history and I love them cause Xiumin is perfect! Nuff said! (Also can you please put more of them in the next chappie!? Neh!?)

Now for You Lovely Bianca~

I'll never get tired of telling you that I love this fanfic and I think you're just completely amazing!!!

I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like forever!

I Hope you're doing great in everything! Also in school ok!? Arrasso

anyway i'll read your story soon baobei. Usually i'm a silent reader lmao.
But i'll do anything for my love. <3
Chapter 27: Omg I have been reading your story non stop for the past couple days,I am incredibly hooked, this is such an amazing and well written story, your storyline with the powers is by far the best I have read.

OMFG MY FEELS FOR KAISOO! *does 3 backflips into a trashcan*

*sniffles* baekyeol *Breaks down screaming* so much love between those two thank you.

Seriously I lalalalove your story!!! Keep at it ^^
lightlessstarlight #9
Chapter 27: Hi :D
I'm soo sorry for beeing a silent reader until now >< Your story is really amazing! I just had to make myselfe an account and comment ^~^

I've read your fic for quite a while and I really love your plot and ideas *~* Please continue in this awsome way;

autor-nim fighting!!! ^O^///